Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

No one seems to ever be able to define "common sense", do they? But we can define criminals. They are people who don't obey "common sense" laws.

Exactly. They can pass all the "common sense gun laws" they want to but if a person has no common sense, they're going to do something stupid.

So why bother to have drunk driving laws if stupid drunks will ignore them?
The second amendment is an right, Drinking and driving is not. You silly little fucker

So crazy people, children, and convicted criminals buying and owning guns is just one of those inconveniences that the Constitution has saddled us with?
Oh my! A post from you full of lies. How regressively liberal.

If you oppose background checks then you support those people being able to buy guns.
Exactly. They can pass all the "common sense gun laws" they want to but if a person has no common sense, they're going to do something stupid.

So why bother to have drunk driving laws if stupid drunks will ignore them?
The second amendment is an right, Drinking and driving is not. You silly little fucker

So crazy people, children, and convicted criminals buying and owning guns is just one of those inconveniences that the Constitution has saddled us with?
Oh my! A post from you full of lies. How regressively liberal.

If you oppose background checks then you support those people being able to buy guns.
Listen liar, back ground checks are already performed.
yep , as far as i am aware there are background checks on all legal gun sales . Carbineer [once again] doesn't know what he is talking about Mike .
So why bother to have drunk driving laws if stupid drunks will ignore them?
The second amendment is an right, Drinking and driving is not. You silly little fucker

So crazy people, children, and convicted criminals buying and owning guns is just one of those inconveniences that the Constitution has saddled us with?
Oh my! A post from you full of lies. How regressively liberal.

If you oppose background checks then you support those people being able to buy guns.
Listen liar, back ground checks are already performed.

Florida laws have limited barriers to gun ownership - The Boston Globe

Go down to about paragraph 6 to see how stupid you are.
do you refer to Private Party sales , if so they are legal and thats not how 'kruz' got his ar15 . Any gun that leaves a gun store in a legal sale for a new gun has a background check Carbineer .
The second amendment is an right, Drinking and driving is not. You silly little fucker

So crazy people, children, and convicted criminals buying and owning guns is just one of those inconveniences that the Constitution has saddled us with?
Oh my! A post from you full of lies. How regressively liberal.

If you oppose background checks then you support those people being able to buy guns.
Listen liar, back ground checks are already performed.

Florida laws have limited barriers to gun ownership - The Boston Globe

Go down to about paragraph 6 to see how stupid you are.
Sorry fascist, fascist media sites lie more than you do.
You know...there seems to be a pattern here. Trump gets slammed for just about everything he does and even things he doesn't.
He did repeal the idea not to have mental health problems owning firearms...
--------------------------------------------- where did that happen ?? Do you refer to 'mrobama' banning social security recipients that need help with their finances and the Trump overturning that ban Moonglow .
You know...there seems to be a pattern here. Trump gets slammed for just about everything he does and even things he doesn't.
He did repeal the idea not to have mental health problems owning firearms...
--------------------------------------------- where did that happen ?? Do you refer to 'mrobama' banning social security recipients that need help with their finances and the Trump overturning that ban Moonglow .
I am sure that is a wish..
The Organ Grinder's Monkeys.

This girl saw her friends killed, you fucking asshole.

And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

She's got more balls at 17 than you could ever have in your entire, shit-hole lifetime.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

People like you are training them. I would change that.

Nobody is training them. They are having a natural reaction to a horrific event.

Nope. They are being trained in how to think and how to feel. Consider what happens when a student wears an NRA or MAGA Tshirt to school. Consider schools that ban the American flag. Consider the Democrats screaming gun control before the bodies were even cold.

After the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA said they’d be OK with banning bump stocks. Nothing has been done.

Being OK with something does not mean obligated to actively support it. Such a ban is useless. There is a "bump stock" built into every pair of pants in the world that uses a belt. Gonna ban pants?

Since Columbine there have been hundreds of school shootings. Children now have mass shooting drills. This school had the drills, armed guards in the halls and a report the shooter was in the building was called in before a single shot was fired. 32 people were shot and 17 have died.

The FBI and local police essentially sat on their hands even after a major, detailed warning and 36 visits to the house because of Cruz's violent and bizarre behavior..

Nothing has been done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

Bring back asylums and involuntary commitment. If mistakes are made, make them in favor of the community, not the nutcase.

You’ve done nothing to protect your citizens.

Indeed. You have done nothing. You people who scream gun control the loudest also scream the loudest for the rights of criminals and the civil liberties of madmen.

That is why I carry a gun.

One guy has explosives in his shoes and people around the world have to take their shoes off to get through security at the airport.

Caused by Trump and lack of gun control. Gotcha.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

Your request to define what I am allowed to say is rejected.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, not sane gun owners.
Just listen.

Think. Marco...Donny...

You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

Anyone who woild take the opinion of children seriously is a FOOL. They are in school to be taught how to think, not to tell their Elders/Betters what is how to think.
"we know that in the world that surrounds us, there are terrorists and home invaders and drug cartels and carjackers and knockout gamers and rapists, haters, campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, road-rage killers, and killers who scheme and destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids, or viscious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse the society that sustains us all.

i ask you: do you trust the federal government to protect you? we are on our own.

almost everywhere you look, something has gone wrong. you feel in your heart, you know it in your gut. the core values we value, the things we care the most about are changing, eroding.

it's why more and more americans are buying more and more firearms and more and more ammunition...not to cause trouble, but because we know America is already in trouble" - President Trump in 2016
--- Trump signs bill reversing Obama rule to ban gun purchases by mentally ill --- think that 'mrobama' was looking to ban so called 'mental defectives' of their RIGHTS . Whats a mental defective Moonglow .
Look in the mirror..
------------------------------------- so NO serious answer eh ??Thing is that 'mrobama' overstepped his bounds with his ban and President Trump fixed thing back to normal . Yep , the disappearing 'obama' legacy and i like it Moonglow !!
--- Trump signs bill reversing Obama rule to ban gun purchases by mentally ill --- think that 'mrobama' was looking to ban so called 'mental defectives' of their RIGHTS . Whats a mental defective Moonglow .
Look in the mirror..
Look in the mirror..

I did that once...

took me 3 days to tear myself away
I took down the mirrors, just had to clean them anyway..
--- Trump signs bill reversing Obama rule to ban gun purchases by mentally ill --- think that 'mrobama' was looking to ban so called 'mental defectives' of their RIGHTS . Whats a mental defective Moonglow .
Look in the mirror..
------------------------------------- so NO serious answer eh ??Thing is that 'mrobama' overstepped his bounds with his ban and President Trump fixed thing back to normal . Yep , the disappearing 'obama' legacy and i like it Moonglow !!
It is a very serious answer...
The Psychocrats did the same thing when Bush was the president, they blamed him for everything, even hurricanes

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