Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

The Organ Grinder's Monkeys.

This girl saw her friends killed, you fucking asshole.

And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

She's got more balls at 17 than you could ever have in your entire, shit-hole lifetime.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

People like you are training them. I would change that.

Nobody is training them. They are having a natural reaction to a horrific event.

After the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA said they’d be OK with banning bump stocks. Nothing has been done.

Since Columbine there have been hundreds of school shootings. Children now have mass shooting drills. This school had the drills, armed guards in the halls and a report the shooter was in the building was called in before a single shot was fired. 32 people were shot and 17 have died.

Nothing has been done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Nothing has been done to ban guns which aren’t hunting weapons and have no purpose other than to kill other people. Large clip magazines are still available. You’ve done nothing to protect your citizens.

One guy has explosives in his shoes and people around the world have to take their shoes off to get through security at the airport.

You don’t even see the hypocrisy in this.

First of all you have no understanding of any firearms whatsoever, what is a large clip magazine? You sound like a fucking moron when you say that.
Bump stocks are a fucking joke, I could hardly even sell them before progressive shit stains like yourself started lighting their hair on fire after Vegas over bumps stocks. Now I can’t even keep them in stock. My personal opinion on bump stocks? they are a gimmick and are a fucking joke but thanks to you fucking piece of shit liberals they sell like hotcakes.

Second of all why a stupid bitch like yourself has no credibility to say what a hunting rifle is or is not. That’s why your type will always be ignored by the majority of the country because of your utter stupidity On the subject. You go with your fucking cowardly emotion on these issues instead of facts and commonsense. It makes you look like a loopy kunt.

You talk about protecting citizens? Why not use real criminal control? The vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders. Why not execute all violent criminals? People kill people, firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people. Criminals do not obey laws that is why they are called criminals. Fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves think the rest of the country is going to react positively to your fucked up emotions to make real life decisions? Fuck you and fuck that.

On top of that do you really expect fly over America to turn their lives upside down just because of a fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves Use emotion instead of common sense and facts on issues like firearm violence in this country? Rural areas Do not have a violent crime problem like urban areas do. But you motherfuckers insist on pushing your urban shit into rural America. Your values do not apply to rural America Because obviously they are fucked up, the violent crime in this country is produced in urban America, urban America is controlled by Progressives. Urban America has destroyed the traditional American family in their own neighborhoods, therefore crime is out of control, drugs are out of control, and political correctness/affirmative-action/socialism are at fault for the corruption of this country.

You bring up hypocrisy? the control freak that you are. You are throwing rocks in a glass house on that one for sure. Clean up your own shit before you tell anyone else to do the same you silly little fucker.
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She certainly has a right to voice her opinion and I give a lot of leeway because of what she has experienced however her anger is misguided.

Lots of responsibility to go around for this. The kid made choices and I doubt any amount of gun control was going to stop him.

We need to change our culture, we need to hold children responsible instead of placating them. We need parents to love their kids by not shielding them from responsibility. When a kid screws up and the parents are called, the parents don’t need to defend kids, they need to be held accountable.

We don’t need participation trophies, we don’t need to make excuses for behavior. If a kid is confused at the age of seven about their sexual identity, we need to get to the underlying reasons instead of giving into the kids.

Parents are the key, teachers can only do so much, society can only do so much. The police made some really dumb errors but can they watch a kid everyday?

Just a few thoughts.
Pathetic. Pathetic.
How is that pathetic? It is well thought out in my view.

Is it pathetic because he fails to demand for the confiscation of guns, from law abiding citizens?
I'm well aware of that.

takes a lot of people and states to get it repealed.


answer the question.

How do you, as the newly appointed president, get the ball rolling?
Someone else not this mental we have now. By admitting that we have a gun problem and not just blame it on mental illness. For a starter.
Someone else not this mental we have now.

what do you not understand about the statement, "you are the president"?

We arent' talking about Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

What will YOU do?
You missed my answer I guess. I said foe a started recognize its a gun issue and not just mental illness.

Show me a gun that went out by itself and killed a bunch of people. I've got several and none of them has left the house with out me.

Show me a bomb that exploded without a terrorist ? Why do we have to ban bombs? Why do we get searched and sexually harassed at airports and we can't carry whatever the heck we went ?

Now tell me, why most countries don't have mass shootings, and kids slaughtered in schools?
We have no criminal control in this country, and we have an open southern border were any number of criminals can walk right in… That’s just for starters
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
No one seems to ever be able to define "common sense", do they? But we can define criminals. They are people who don't obey "common sense" laws.

Exactly. They can pass all the "common sense gun laws" they want to but if a person has no common sense, they're going to do something stupid.

So why bother to have drunk driving laws if stupid drunks will ignore them?
The second amendment is an right, Drinking and driving is not. You silly little fucker
This girl saw her friends killed, you fucking asshole.

And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

She's got more balls at 17 than you could ever have in your entire, shit-hole lifetime.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

People like you are training them. I would change that.

Nobody is training them. They are having a natural reaction to a horrific event.

After the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA said they’d be OK with banning bump stocks. Nothing has been done.

Since Columbine there have been hundreds of school shootings. Children now have mass shooting drills. This school had the drills, armed guards in the halls and a report the shooter was in the building was called in before a single shot was fired. 32 people were shot and 17 have died.

Nothing has been done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Nothing has been done to ban guns which aren’t hunting weapons and have no purpose other than to kill other people. Large clip magazines are still available. You’ve done nothing to protect your citizens.

One guy has explosives in his shoes and people around the world have to take their shoes off to get through security at the airport.

You don’t even see the hypocrisy in this.

First of all you have no understanding of any firearms whatsoever, what is a large clip magazine? You sound like a fucking moron when you say that.
Bump stocks are a fucking joke, I could hardly even sell them before progressive shit stains like yourself started lighting their hair on fire after Vegas over bumps stocks. Now I can’t even keep them in stock. My personal opinion on bump stocks? they are a gimmick and are a fucking joke but thanks to you fucking piece of shit liberals they sell like hotcakes.

Second of all why a stupid bitch like yourself has no credibility to say what a hunting rifle is or is not. That’s why your type will always be ignored by the majority of the country because of your utter stupidity On the subject. You go with your fucking cowardly emotion on these issues instead of facts and commonsense. It makes you look like a loopy kunt.

You talk about protecting citizens? Why not use real criminal control? The vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders. Why not execute all violent criminals? People kill people, firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people. Criminals do not obey laws that is why they are called criminals. Fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves think the rest of the country is going to react positively to your fucked up emotions to make real life decisions? Fuck you and fuck that.

On top of that you really expect fly over America to turn their life upside down just because of a fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves Use emotion instead of common sense and facts on issues like firearm violence in this country? Rural areas Do not have a violent crime problem like urban areas do. But you motherfuckers insist on pushing your urban shit into rural America. Your values do not apply to rural America Because obviously they are fucked up, the violent crime in this country is produced in urban America, urban America is controlled by Progressives. Urban America has destroyed the traditional American family in their own neighborhoods, therefore crime is out of control, drugs are out of control, and political correctness/affirmative-action/socialism are at fault for the corruption of this country.

If you talk about hypocrisy, the control freak that you are. You were throwing rocks in a glass house on that one for sure. Clean up your own shit before you tell anyone else to do the same you silly little fucker.
Look at the prison sentence Larry Nassar got. Over 175 years for feeling up girls. Obviously he is a creep, but murderers and rapists don’t get anywhere near that length of time in prison. Some are back on the streets in less than ten years committing more crimes.
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
No one seems to ever be able to define "common sense", do they? But we can define criminals. They are people who don't obey "common sense" laws.

Exactly. They can pass all the "common sense gun laws" they want to but if a person has no common sense, they're going to do something stupid.

So why bother to have drunk driving laws if stupid drunks will ignore them?
The second amendment is an right, Drinking and driving is not. You silly little fucker

So crazy people, children, and convicted criminals buying and owning guns is just one of those inconveniences that the Constitution has saddled us with?
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
No one seems to ever be able to define "common sense", do they? But we can define criminals. They are people who don't obey "common sense" laws.

Exactly. They can pass all the "common sense gun laws" they want to but if a person has no common sense, they're going to do something stupid.

So why bother to have drunk driving laws if stupid drunks will ignore them?
The second amendment is an right, Drinking and driving is not. You silly little fucker

So crazy people, children, and convicted criminals buying and owning guns is just one of those inconveniences that the Constitution has saddled us with?
Crazy people cannot legally buy firearms, children under the age of 18 can Not buy firearms legally, felons cannot legally buy firearms... Good luck on getting rid of the Second Amendment… LOL
She certainly has a right to voice her opinion and I give a lot of leeway because of what she has experienced however her anger is misguided.

Lots of responsibility to go around for this. The kid made choices and I doubt any amount of gun control was going to stop him.

We need to change our culture, we need to hold children responsible instead of placating them. We need parents to love their kids by not shielding them from responsibility. When a kid screws up and the parents are called, the parents don’t need to defend kids, they need to be held accountable.

We don’t need participation trophies, we don’t need to make excuses for behavior. If a kid is confused at the age of seven about their sexual identity, we need to get to the underlying reasons instead of giving into the kids.

Parents are the key, teachers can only do so much, society can only do so much. The police made some really dumb errors but can they watch a kid everyday?

Just a few thoughts.
Pathetic. Pathetic.
How is that pathetic? It is well thought out in my view.

Is it pathetic because he fails to demand for the confiscation of guns, from law abiding citizens?
It's nothing but justification for the obsession with guns in this country, blaming everything and everyone other than the true problem: guns.
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
No one seems to ever be able to define "common sense", do they? But we can define criminals. They are people who don't obey "common sense" laws.

Exactly. They can pass all the "common sense gun laws" they want to but if a person has no common sense, they're going to do something stupid.

So why bother to have drunk driving laws if stupid drunks will ignore them?
The second amendment is an right, Drinking and driving is not. You silly little fucker

So crazy people, children, and convicted criminals buying and owning guns is just one of those inconveniences that the Constitution has saddled us with?
Now that post wins the Dumbest Post of the Day Award...and it is only 5:27am eastern. Dumb Deer wins AGAIN.

It also proves how ignorant Lefties are about gun laws. STFU about guns as you clearly know NOTHING!!!!!!!!
And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

People like you are training them. I would change that.

Nobody is training them. They are having a natural reaction to a horrific event.

After the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA said they’d be OK with banning bump stocks. Nothing has been done.

Since Columbine there have been hundreds of school shootings. Children now have mass shooting drills. This school had the drills, armed guards in the halls and a report the shooter was in the building was called in before a single shot was fired. 32 people were shot and 17 have died.

Nothing has been done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Nothing has been done to ban guns which aren’t hunting weapons and have no purpose other than to kill other people. Large clip magazines are still available. You’ve done nothing to protect your citizens.

One guy has explosives in his shoes and people around the world have to take their shoes off to get through security at the airport.

You don’t even see the hypocrisy in this.

First of all you have no understanding of any firearms whatsoever, what is a large clip magazine? You sound like a fucking moron when you say that.
Bump stocks are a fucking joke, I could hardly even sell them before progressive shit stains like yourself started lighting their hair on fire after Vegas over bumps stocks. Now I can’t even keep them in stock. My personal opinion on bump stocks? they are a gimmick and are a fucking joke but thanks to you fucking piece of shit liberals they sell like hotcakes.

Second of all why a stupid bitch like yourself has no credibility to say what a hunting rifle is or is not. That’s why your type will always be ignored by the majority of the country because of your utter stupidity On the subject. You go with your fucking cowardly emotion on these issues instead of facts and commonsense. It makes you look like a loopy kunt.

You talk about protecting citizens? Why not use real criminal control? The vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders. Why not execute all violent criminals? People kill people, firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people. Criminals do not obey laws that is why they are called criminals. Fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves think the rest of the country is going to react positively to your fucked up emotions to make real life decisions? Fuck you and fuck that.

On top of that you really expect fly over America to turn their life upside down just because of a fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves Use emotion instead of common sense and facts on issues like firearm violence in this country? Rural areas Do not have a violent crime problem like urban areas do. But you motherfuckers insist on pushing your urban shit into rural America. Your values do not apply to rural America Because obviously they are fucked up, the violent crime in this country is produced in urban America, urban America is controlled by Progressives. Urban America has destroyed the traditional American family in their own neighborhoods, therefore crime is out of control, drugs are out of control, and political correctness/affirmative-action/socialism are at fault for the corruption of this country.

If you talk about hypocrisy, the control freak that you are. You were throwing rocks in a glass house on that one for sure. Clean up your own shit before you tell anyone else to do the same you silly little fucker.
Look at the prison sentence Larry Nassar got. Over 175 years for feeling up girls. Obviously he is a creep, but murderers and rapists don’t get anywhere near that length of time in prison. Some are back on the streets in less than ten years committing more crimes.
What murderers are back on the street in less than ten years?
She certainly has a right to voice her opinion and I give a lot of leeway because of what she has experienced however her anger is misguided.

Lots of responsibility to go around for this. The kid made choices and I doubt any amount of gun control was going to stop him.

We need to change our culture, we need to hold children responsible instead of placating them. We need parents to love their kids by not shielding them from responsibility. When a kid screws up and the parents are called, the parents don’t need to defend kids, they need to be held accountable.

We don’t need participation trophies, we don’t need to make excuses for behavior. If a kid is confused at the age of seven about their sexual identity, we need to get to the underlying reasons instead of giving into the kids.

Parents are the key, teachers can only do so much, society can only do so much. The police made some really dumb errors but can they watch a kid everyday?

Just a few thoughts.
Pathetic. Pathetic.
How is that pathetic? It is well thought out in my view.

Is it pathetic because he fails to demand for the confiscation of guns, from law abiding citizens?
It's nothing but justification for the obsession with guns in this country, blaming everything and everyone other than the true problem: guns.
As I thought. Ugh!
Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

People like you are training them. I would change that.

Nobody is training them. They are having a natural reaction to a horrific event.

After the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA said they’d be OK with banning bump stocks. Nothing has been done.

Since Columbine there have been hundreds of school shootings. Children now have mass shooting drills. This school had the drills, armed guards in the halls and a report the shooter was in the building was called in before a single shot was fired. 32 people were shot and 17 have died.

Nothing has been done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Nothing has been done to ban guns which aren’t hunting weapons and have no purpose other than to kill other people. Large clip magazines are still available. You’ve done nothing to protect your citizens.

One guy has explosives in his shoes and people around the world have to take their shoes off to get through security at the airport.

You don’t even see the hypocrisy in this.

First of all you have no understanding of any firearms whatsoever, what is a large clip magazine? You sound like a fucking moron when you say that.
Bump stocks are a fucking joke, I could hardly even sell them before progressive shit stains like yourself started lighting their hair on fire after Vegas over bumps stocks. Now I can’t even keep them in stock. My personal opinion on bump stocks? they are a gimmick and are a fucking joke but thanks to you fucking piece of shit liberals they sell like hotcakes.

Second of all why a stupid bitch like yourself has no credibility to say what a hunting rifle is or is not. That’s why your type will always be ignored by the majority of the country because of your utter stupidity On the subject. You go with your fucking cowardly emotion on these issues instead of facts and commonsense. It makes you look like a loopy kunt.

You talk about protecting citizens? Why not use real criminal control? The vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders. Why not execute all violent criminals? People kill people, firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people. Criminals do not obey laws that is why they are called criminals. Fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves think the rest of the country is going to react positively to your fucked up emotions to make real life decisions? Fuck you and fuck that.

On top of that you really expect fly over America to turn their life upside down just because of a fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves Use emotion instead of common sense and facts on issues like firearm violence in this country? Rural areas Do not have a violent crime problem like urban areas do. But you motherfuckers insist on pushing your urban shit into rural America. Your values do not apply to rural America Because obviously they are fucked up, the violent crime in this country is produced in urban America, urban America is controlled by Progressives. Urban America has destroyed the traditional American family in their own neighborhoods, therefore crime is out of control, drugs are out of control, and political correctness/affirmative-action/socialism are at fault for the corruption of this country.

If you talk about hypocrisy, the control freak that you are. You were throwing rocks in a glass house on that one for sure. Clean up your own shit before you tell anyone else to do the same you silly little fucker.
Look at the prison sentence Larry Nassar got. Over 175 years for feeling up girls. Obviously he is a creep, but murderers and rapists don’t get anywhere near that length of time in prison. Some are back on the streets in less than ten years committing more crimes.
What murderers are back on the street in less than ten years?
Many. Some never get sentenced. Think OJ and the illegal who killed Kate.
what do you not understand about the statement, "you are the president"?

We arent' talking about Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

What will YOU do?
You missed my answer I guess. I said foe a started recognize its a gun issue and not just mental illness.

Show me a gun that went out by itself and killed a bunch of people. I've got several and none of them has left the house with out me.

Show me a bomb that exploded without a terrorist ? Why do we have to ban bombs? Why do we get searched and sexually harassed at airports and we can't carry whatever the heck we went ?

Now tell me, why most countries don't have mass shootings, and kids slaughtered in schools?

Flying is not a right, it is a privilege. There is nothing in the Constitution about the right to fly. There is no right to own a bomb, there is nothing in the Constitution that gives you a right to own a bomb.

Again, you go to work to try to change the law but 71% of all Americans do not want a ban on guns. So good luck with your battle.

Lots of other things we can do, like place the responsibility where it really lies, not on the guns but on the person that misuses a gun.
Bombs don't kill, people do according to your theory of guns.
It pisses the crap out of me that Americans think that they need guns. And massacres unfold before their eyes time and time again...what else is needed to be done so Americans can understand that guns are not needed?
Should we take Americans to other countries and showed how wonderful it's without guns?
Should the death toll reach a million a year?
What exactly?

I think you should take a camping trip out in the Rockies and go unarmed. Maybe have a gun behind glass you have to break "In case of Emergency".
Last edited:
People like you are training them. I would change that.

Nobody is training them. They are having a natural reaction to a horrific event.

After the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA said they’d be OK with banning bump stocks. Nothing has been done.

Since Columbine there have been hundreds of school shootings. Children now have mass shooting drills. This school had the drills, armed guards in the halls and a report the shooter was in the building was called in before a single shot was fired. 32 people were shot and 17 have died.

Nothing has been done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Nothing has been done to ban guns which aren’t hunting weapons and have no purpose other than to kill other people. Large clip magazines are still available. You’ve done nothing to protect your citizens.

One guy has explosives in his shoes and people around the world have to take their shoes off to get through security at the airport.

You don’t even see the hypocrisy in this.

First of all you have no understanding of any firearms whatsoever, what is a large clip magazine? You sound like a fucking moron when you say that.
Bump stocks are a fucking joke, I could hardly even sell them before progressive shit stains like yourself started lighting their hair on fire after Vegas over bumps stocks. Now I can’t even keep them in stock. My personal opinion on bump stocks? they are a gimmick and are a fucking joke but thanks to you fucking piece of shit liberals they sell like hotcakes.

Second of all why a stupid bitch like yourself has no credibility to say what a hunting rifle is or is not. That’s why your type will always be ignored by the majority of the country because of your utter stupidity On the subject. You go with your fucking cowardly emotion on these issues instead of facts and commonsense. It makes you look like a loopy kunt.

You talk about protecting citizens? Why not use real criminal control? The vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders. Why not execute all violent criminals? People kill people, firearms cannot, firearms have no control over people. Criminals do not obey laws that is why they are called criminals. Fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves think the rest of the country is going to react positively to your fucked up emotions to make real life decisions? Fuck you and fuck that.

On top of that you really expect fly over America to turn their life upside down just because of a fucking bleeding hearts like yourselves Use emotion instead of common sense and facts on issues like firearm violence in this country? Rural areas Do not have a violent crime problem like urban areas do. But you motherfuckers insist on pushing your urban shit into rural America. Your values do not apply to rural America Because obviously they are fucked up, the violent crime in this country is produced in urban America, urban America is controlled by Progressives. Urban America has destroyed the traditional American family in their own neighborhoods, therefore crime is out of control, drugs are out of control, and political correctness/affirmative-action/socialism are at fault for the corruption of this country.

If you talk about hypocrisy, the control freak that you are. You were throwing rocks in a glass house on that one for sure. Clean up your own shit before you tell anyone else to do the same you silly little fucker.
Look at the prison sentence Larry Nassar got. Over 175 years for feeling up girls. Obviously he is a creep, but murderers and rapists don’t get anywhere near that length of time in prison. Some are back on the streets in less than ten years committing more crimes.
What murderers are back on the street in less than ten years?
Many. Some never get sentenced. Think OJ and the illegal who killed Kate.
When it's someone you don't think is a killer, like Zimmerman, your line is he was found not guilty in a court of law, end of story. When it's someone you believe is a killer, they got off and walked the streets or were out too soon. Your reality changes according to how you choose to see things, not according to how they are. Again, what 'many' murderers are out on the street in less than 10 years, according to you? (especially illegals as that is what you seem to be claiming)

Don't make such a sweeping statement unless you can back it up with empirical evidence. Come on, let's go: where is your evidence?
The Organ Grinder's Monkeys.

This girl saw her friends killed, you fucking asshole.

And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

She's got more balls at 17 than you could ever have in your entire, shit-hole lifetime.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

People like you are training them. I would change that.

Nobody is training them. They are having a natural reaction to a horrific event.

After the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA said they’d be OK with banning bump stocks. Nothing has been done.

Since Columbine there have been hundreds of school shootings. Children now have mass shooting drills. This school had the drills, armed guards in the halls and a report the shooter was in the building was called in before a single shot was fired. 32 people were shot and 17 have died.

Nothing has been done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Nothing has been done to ban guns which aren’t hunting weapons and have no purpose other than to kill other people. Large clip magazines are still available. You’ve done nothing to protect your citizens.

One guy has explosives in his shoes and people around the world have to take their shoes off to get through security at the airport.

You don’t even see the hypocrisy in this.
------------------------------------------------------------- these Emotion driven kids oughta grow up and realize what they are advocating that they give away . And just a note of info to YOU but what you call 'high capacity' magazines are NORMAL Capacity magazines and 20 and 30 round mags are what the AR15 was designed for DLady.
and just the Title of this thread mentioning HERO Students , thats a pretty foolish use of the word 'hero' .
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
No one seems to ever be able to define "common sense", do they? But we can define criminals. They are people who don't obey "common sense" laws.

Exactly. They can pass all the "common sense gun laws" they want to but if a person has no common sense, they're going to do something stupid.

So why bother to have drunk driving laws if stupid drunks will ignore them?
The second amendment is an right, Drinking and driving is not. You silly little fucker

So crazy people, children, and convicted criminals buying and owning guns is just one of those inconveniences that the Constitution has saddled us with?
Oh my! A post from you full of lies. How regressively liberal.
Trump ended a program blocking mental patients from getting guns because Obama passed it


Trump Nixed Gun-Control Rule -
You chicken shit...tell the rest of the story.

What 'rest of the story'?
The part where Obama and his minions wanted to strip the Constitutional rights of seniors with no due process. No appeal process and no court involvement. It was another in a long line of crap EO's by Obama.

Let me guess, you pulled this shit for the Shapiro mouthpiece - and you hate Millenials. Right. :113:
I don't group people by age or skin color. I leave that to the bigots. I live in Kansas and the vast majority of young people my son's age, so called millennils, are either independent with conservative leanings or outright conservatives. So no, I don't have an issue with millennials. I do have an issue with the brainwashing and lack of diverse political thought in tax payer funded schools and colleges.
millenials are a pox for the most part [imo] but yeah , there are good ones i suppose JBond .

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