Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

Yes, passionate.

and by blaming the NRA, Trump, the governor, the FBI, the gun, etc, instead of the shooter.

She's a perfect democratic candidate.

She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm not sure I know what you are complaining about. The kid in Florida was well trained to defend himself. In fact, he was trained by the NRA, and was probably the best shot in his class.He was trained to shoot targets the size of a coin. My best guess is that if the school were looking for a skilled marksman to protect the students, he would have been high on this list. Of course, the guy in Las Vegas was also highly trained. He had even worked out the trajectory of bullets with the wind velocity at the time of the shooting.

I'm complaining that no one was shooting back, dumb ass. Here's how you know that. It's what I said. What about that confused you?

You write like you skipped high school.

And yeah, I'd like him trading fire with skilled marksmen, not marksman. That would take all of his time rather than your plan where the shooter aims at unarmed person, fires, repeats

So, who would you select to be trained to shoot back? If you would encourage everyone to come armed and to shoot back, how do you know that you don't have a school full of mass murderer wannabes? In fact, I am sure that kids like the Columbine shooters would be delighted to be told to bring their firearms to school for a "show and tell" day...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before
You mean like Trump trying to blame this on the FBI.
The deep state never has their priorities straight… Fact

Tell us, genius, could the FBI have confiscated this guy's guns? Should they have been able to?

Could they have banned him from buying more guns? Should they have been able to?
Like a said criminal control not gun control.
The breakdown of the traditional American family, has been expedited by political Political correctness/affirmative-action and socialism. These mass shootings have been in the making for decades… karma Is a bitch

So gay marriage is to blame for some guy with a MAGA cap who hates gays shooting up a school?

lol, good one. One of your best!
Well it’s one of many things, single parents is another, ramped drugs is another, Teachers trying to teach life’s lessons to the kids instead of the parents, The collective replacing families, The nanny state, the Orwellian views of socialism, the list goes on.
Obviously this kid had no home life in the traditional sense… And he was probably angry about it consciously or subconsciously it does not matter. Karma is a bitch
His parents were dead. It's not like they abandoned him. He is insane. He spoke of killing people and sliced himself up then posted his mess on Snapchat. That got reported to the FBI.

Someone that knows him contacted the FBI with a detailed report that got thrown away.

Something is wrong with the FBI.
And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

People like you are training them. I would change that.

Nobody is training them. They are having a natural reaction to a horrific event.

After the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA said they’d be OK with banning bump stocks. Nothing has been done.

Since Columbine there have been hundreds of school shootings. Children now have mass shooting drills. This school had the drills, armed guards in the halls and a report the shooter was in the building was called in before a single shot was fired. 32 people were shot and 17 have died.

Nothing has been done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Nothing has been done to ban guns which aren’t hunting weapons and have no purpose other than to kill other people. Large clip magazines are still available. You’ve done nothing to protect your citizens.

One guy has explosives in his shoes and people around the world have to take their shoes off to get through security at the airport.

You don’t even see the hypocrisy in this.

They had one armed guard on a 45 acre campus, that's not enough.


How many should they have had? Ten? Twenty?

That can only be determined by a security review, obviously one wasn't enough.

Yes, passionate.

and by blaming the NRA, Trump, the governor, the FBI, the gun, etc, instead of the shooter.

She's a perfect democratic candidate.

She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

I wish the NRA would just stick with gun safety training.

I am sure that they are a worthwhile organization, so I am sending them a check for 100 thoughts and prayers.
She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm not sure I know what you are complaining about. The kid in Florida was well trained to defend himself. In fact, he was trained by the NRA, and was probably the best shot in his class.He was trained to shoot targets the size of a coin. My best guess is that if the school were looking for a skilled marksman to protect the students, he would have been high on this list. Of course, the guy in Las Vegas was also highly trained. He had even worked out the trajectory of bullets with the wind velocity at the time of the shooting.

I'm complaining that no one was shooting back, dumb ass. Here's how you know that. It's what I said. What about that confused you?

You write like you skipped high school.

And yeah, I'd like him trading fire with skilled marksmen, not marksman. That would take all of his time rather than your plan where the shooter aims at unarmed person, fires, repeats

So, who would you select to be trained to shoot back? If you would encourage everyone to come armed and to shoot back, how do you know that you don't have a school full of mass murderer wannabes? In fact, I am sure that kids like the Columbine shooters would be delighted to be told to bring their firearms to school for a "show and tell" day...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?
This girl need to run for office, as soon as she's age eligible. She's a fuckin' rock star!!!!!!!!!

Passionate, articulate, intelligent. She's the anti-Trump.

Yes, passionate.

and by blaming the NRA, Trump, the governor, the FBI, the gun, etc, instead of the shooter.

She's a perfect democratic candidate.

She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place

That's a goal, not a plan. And it's one we all share. I want that too. The difference is I don't make my saying that sound like an actual plan like you do.

HappyJoy's plan to end poverty. He doesn't want people to be poor

HappyJoy's plan to end discrimination. He is against discrimination

ather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

Gotcha, someone shooting unarmed isn't chaos, someone shooting back is. Thank the Lord you successfully ignored turning an innocent mass shooting into chaos in Florida.

And seriously, "the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other." Yeah, cops shooting teachers, teachers shooting cops, that's what would happen, dumb ass
She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

I wish the NRA would just stick with gun safety training.

I am sure that they are a worthwhile organization, so I am sending them a check for 100 thoughts and prayers.
Excellent idea...I will donate a check of 1000 thoughts & prayers to the NRA.i
I'm pro gun ownership but can't see why an ordinary citizen needs high capacity magazines. If it's because the citizenry needs them in case the government becomes tyrannical, then you certainly need more than an AR with a 30 round clip, especially considering the weapons and technology the military has today. I say that these mass shootings with high capacity military style weaponry will eventually lead to the complete disarmament of Americans.
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
No one seems to ever be able to define "common sense", do they? But we can define criminals. They are people who don't obey "common sense" laws.

Exactly. They can pass all the "common sense gun laws" they want to but if a person has no common sense, they're going to do something stupid.

So why bother to have drunk driving laws if stupid drunks will ignore them?

Laws are designed to punish people that break them, they don't stop stupid people from doing anything. Using the gun analogy you should demand that cars be banned.

Passionate, articulate, intelligent. She's the anti-Trump.

Yes, passionate.

and by blaming the NRA, Trump, the governor, the FBI, the gun, etc, instead of the shooter.

She's a perfect democratic candidate.

She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place

That's a goal, not a plan. And it's one we all share. I want that too. The difference is I don't make my saying that sound like an actual plan like you do


Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

Gotcha, someone shooting unarmed isn't chaos, someone shooting back is. Thank the Lord you successfully ignored turning an innocent mass shooting into chaos in Florida

"More guns" is not a plan.
I'm pro gun ownership but can't see why an ordinary citizen needs high capacity magazines. If it's because the citizenry needs them in case the government becomes tyrannical, then you certainly need more than an AR with a 30 round clip, especially considering the weapons and technology the military has today. I say that these mass shootings with high capacity military style weaponry will eventually lead to the complete disarmament of Americans.

An armed uprising is a right wing masturbatory fantasy, nothing more.
Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm not sure I know what you are complaining about. The kid in Florida was well trained to defend himself. In fact, he was trained by the NRA, and was probably the best shot in his class.He was trained to shoot targets the size of a coin. My best guess is that if the school were looking for a skilled marksman to protect the students, he would have been high on this list. Of course, the guy in Las Vegas was also highly trained. He had even worked out the trajectory of bullets with the wind velocity at the time of the shooting.

I'm complaining that no one was shooting back, dumb ass. Here's how you know that. It's what I said. What about that confused you?

You write like you skipped high school.

And yeah, I'd like him trading fire with skilled marksmen, not marksman. That would take all of his time rather than your plan where the shooter aims at unarmed person, fires, repeats

So, who would you select to be trained to shoot back? If you would encourage everyone to come armed and to shoot back, how do you know that you don't have a school full of mass murderer wannabes? In fact, I am sure that kids like the Columbine shooters would be delighted to be told to bring their firearms to school for a "show and tell" day...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?

That isn't what he said, you fucking dumbass.
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She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm not sure I know what you are complaining about. The kid in Florida was well trained to defend himself. In fact, he was trained by the NRA, and was probably the best shot in his class.He was trained to shoot targets the size of a coin. My best guess is that if the school were looking for a skilled marksman to protect the students, he would have been high on this list. Of course, the guy in Las Vegas was also highly trained. He had even worked out the trajectory of bullets with the wind velocity at the time of the shooting.

I'm complaining that no one was shooting back, dumb ass. Here's how you know that. It's what I said. What about that confused you?

You write like you skipped high school.

And yeah, I'd like him trading fire with skilled marksmen, not marksman. That would take all of his time rather than your plan where the shooter aims at unarmed person, fires, repeats

So, who would you select to be trained to shoot back? If you would encourage everyone to come armed and to shoot back, how do you know that you don't have a school full of mass murderer wannabes? In fact, I am sure that kids like the Columbine shooters would be delighted to be told to bring their firearms to school for a "show and tell" day...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

I got it now. If there had been a "good" guy in that Las Vegas concert with a gun, the "Bad guy" would have been too afraid to kill 51 people, including himself! So glad you explained it to me! But, I am still worried by one thing. If a "good guy" is allowed to carry a gun to school to deter the "bad guy", how do you know for sure that the "good guy" is not really a "bad guy"?
Passionate, articulate, intelligent. She's the anti-Trump.

Yes, passionate.

and by blaming the NRA, Trump, the governor, the FBI, the gun, etc, instead of the shooter.

She's a perfect democratic candidate.

She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

He didn't learn that from the NRA.

So just to be clear, NAACP members are "cultist?" AARP members are "cultists?" Or just people you disagree with are "cultists"?

Typical bigoted leftist
Ok, you're the president.

How do you get 300,000,000+ firearms turned in?

How do you get gangbangers and other criminal types to give up their firearms?

How do you get Congress to pass a bill making it mandatory to turn in their arms?

How do you get the repeal of the Second Amendment passed?
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president. But Americans as a whole need to change their mentality about gun ownership, vote out pro gun nuts, and walk towards sanity and a safer country.
One major terrorist attack and we spent billions of dollars to stop other attacks from happening, along of dozens of security measures and legislations, that even goes into violating some civil liberties that this country was founded on...thousands die each year from gun violence and we still can't do anything tangible to stop the blood bath.
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president.

I'm well aware of that.

takes a lot of people and states to get it repealed.


answer the question.

How do you, as the newly appointed president, get the ball rolling?
Someone else not this mental we have now. By admitting that we have a gun problem and not just blame it on mental illness. For a starter.
Actually we have a criminal problem, we need criminal control not gun control. The vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders. You silly motherfucker

Report again asshole can't say mother fucker on here .

Don't know where you got that misguided idea. You can say anything you want as long as there is thread related content in the post.

Yes, passionate.

and by blaming the NRA, Trump, the governor, the FBI, the gun, etc, instead of the shooter.

She's a perfect democratic candidate.

She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

I wish the NRA would just stick with gun safety training.

It's not like they're a leftist organization, in that case they should be allowed to advocate the interests of their constituency
I'm not sure I know what you are complaining about. The kid in Florida was well trained to defend himself. In fact, he was trained by the NRA, and was probably the best shot in his class.He was trained to shoot targets the size of a coin. My best guess is that if the school were looking for a skilled marksman to protect the students, he would have been high on this list. Of course, the guy in Las Vegas was also highly trained. He had even worked out the trajectory of bullets with the wind velocity at the time of the shooting.

I'm complaining that no one was shooting back, dumb ass. Here's how you know that. It's what I said. What about that confused you?

You write like you skipped high school.

And yeah, I'd like him trading fire with skilled marksmen, not marksman. That would take all of his time rather than your plan where the shooter aims at unarmed person, fires, repeats

So, who would you select to be trained to shoot back? If you would encourage everyone to come armed and to shoot back, how do you know that you don't have a school full of mass murderer wannabes? In fact, I am sure that kids like the Columbine shooters would be delighted to be told to bring their firearms to school for a "show and tell" day...

Gawd, inner city leftists are so ignorant.

I wouldn't select anyone to train and the stupid hyperbole of "encourage everyone to come armed." You're so mind numbingly simplistic that everyone or no one needs to be armed there is nothing in the middle. Then you call Republicans black and white. Sheesh.

I would simply allow the people who care enough to get trained and want to be able to protect themselves to do so. You don't need or want "everyone" to do it. I can't get over how stupid you are to say such a ridiculous thing. All you need is the shooter to not know who's armed. I bet this has been explained to you many times before

So, what you're really saying is that you only would allow some to use their 2nd amendment rights?

That isn't what he said, you fucking dumbass.

Really? But he doesn't need or want everyone to bring a gun, so in theory he wants to limit who/how many people are allowed to 'protect' themselves. I wonder what he's going to tell everyone else who wants to use their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves.
She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

I wish the NRA would just stick with gun safety training.

I am sure that they are a worthwhile organization, so I am sending them a check for 100 thoughts and prayers.

They would be happy with that if it was actually sincere. They're not a leftist group who would write back and ask for the check that was obviously intended to be in the envelope
I'm pro gun ownership but can't see why an ordinary citizen needs high capacity magazines. If it's because the citizenry needs them in case the government becomes tyrannical, then you certainly need more than an AR with a 30 round clip, especially considering the weapons and technology the military has today. I say that these mass shootings with high capacity military style weaponry will eventually lead to the complete disarmament of Americans.

Just ask a Korean grocery if he needed a high capacity magazing during the LA riots.
Yes, passionate.

and by blaming the NRA, Trump, the governor, the FBI, the gun, etc, instead of the shooter.

She's a perfect democratic candidate.

She rightfully blames them for inaction.

Your actions caused a shooter to be able to kill 17 people without anyone able to fight back.

YOU owe US the explanation, Zoonie. What's wrong with what you are doing?

I'm more concerned with the guy getting the gun in the first place. Rather than the chaos that would ensue if the gunman, cops and teachers are having a shoot out with each other.

In all fairness, we have to give NRA credit. My brother is an NRA cultist. He was out in the woods one day practicing his fast draw with a Colt 22 and shot himself in the leg. Who knows. Maybe if he had not been trained by the NRA he might have shot himself where it would have REALLY hurt. The good news is that, with him being laid up for a couple of months, several beavers down by the lake near his backyard got a reprieve for the Fall season.

He didn't learn that from the NRA.

So just to be clear, NAACP members are "cultist?" AARP members are "cultists?" Or just people you disagree with are "cultists"?

Typical bigoted leftist

You need to learn the definition of 'bigot', but we've established in another thread that you don't like to read.

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