Trump slams Cummings: "a brutal bully, most dangerous district in the US, dangerous & filthy place!"

Every major city in America run by Democrats is either currently a shithole or on the way.

Outside of the Inner Harbor tourist attraction, Baltimore is a dump.

Like any major city, Baltimore has its good areas and bad areas
Much of it is still working class

The Question is.....Why would a President attack his own people?
People in Baltimore love their city, are proud of their city, have a unique heritage. Why would a President call their city rat infested and say people who live there are animals?

Because it's rat infested and many people there are animals.
Do you agree with a President attacking Americans who live in poor areas?

What if a President attacked Appalachia, Mississippi, Louisiana, West Texas and called them shitholes and compared the people to animals?

There is a difference between economically depressed regions and Democrat-caused shitholes.
Name some

Poor people in Baltimore live better than poor people in Mississippi
Haha fake news
Our President is a disgusting individual

If you have problems with another politician ......Deal with HIM
Don’t attack his district
Don’t call it rat infested with no evidence to support it
Don’t say no human would want to live in Baltimore

Whether they voted for you or not, these are AMERICAN citizens and you represent them just like you represent the guy in the MAGA hat

Every major city in America run by Democrats is either currently a shithole or on the way.

Outside of the Inner Harbor tourist attraction, Baltimore is a dump.

Like any major city, Baltimore has its good areas and bad areas
Much of it is still working class

The Question is.....Why would a President attack his own people?
People in Baltimore love their city, are proud of their city, have a unique heritage. Why would a President call their city rat infested and say people who live there are animals?

Because it's rat infested and many people there are animals.
Do you agree with a President attacking Americans who live in poor areas?

What if a President attacked Appalachia, Mississippi, Louisiana, West Texas and called them shitholes and compared the people to animals?
Did their Representatives pull the endless and vulgar hate crap on Trump like Cummings? For how long is this going to go on for? The truth is always blocked by the real Hitlers who have played the sympathy,empathy and sucker game like the best orchestra maestros. Only they have gotten sloppy because no one questions them. Until Trump! Give him a chance to help in his way. Because the other way has plateaued and the resources needed keep rising to keep it the same.
I have always seen Cummings to be respectful. Passionate but respectful

Can you post what Cummings said that vulgar or hateful?
can you show where he was a bully or brutal?
this is the full statement:

"Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA

As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place

Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!"

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter
Trump slams Cummings as a 'brutal bully,' claims Baltimore district 'far worse' than southern border

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Democrat districts are sooooo nice. Like the Maryland 7th. Represented by Mr Elija Cummins. A hellhole.

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Cummings is an asshole!

How does advocating for the well being of children make him an asshole?

What the ph uk does he do? No one asks these questions publicly because of fear of being destroyed by the real fascist powers. Believe it or not there are people interested in improving things. and there is no shot at any more improvement the way we are going.
Cummings needs to look at his filthy district. Cummings in another shame to the country. His vile racist remarks are a disgrace to the nation. He needs to be called out.

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