Trump Slowly Giving the UN the Boot

Faster please.
File this under ‘Trump hates Jews’

The United States and Israel officially quit the U.N.’s educational, scientific and cultural agency at the stroke of midnight, the culmination of a process triggered more than a year ago amid concerns that the organization fosters anti-Israel bias.

The withdrawal is mainly procedural yet serves a new blow to UNESCO, co-founded by the U.S. after World War II to foster peace.

The Trump administration filed its notice to withdraw in October 2017 and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu followed suit.

The Paris-based organization has been denounced by its critics as a crucible for anti-Israel bias: blasted for criticizing Israel’s occupation of east Jerusalem, naming ancient Jewish sites as Palestinian heritage sites and granting full membership to Palestine in 2011.

Israeli U.N. envoy Danny Danon said Tuesday that his country “will not be a member of an organization whose goal is to deliberately act against us, and that has become a tool manipulated by Israel’s enemies.”

US, Israel exit UN cultural agency, claiming bias
Don't worry, we will correct this when we have a grown-up in the White House again.
Yes, Democrats are notoriously anti Semitic.
Bullshit. The right loves the White Nazi Nationalists.
that would be the left likes the nazis--as I've proven many times on USMB
You have never proven anything. You &Trump loved that Nazi march in NC.
The UN has kept Armageddon from occurring more than a few times in the last 70 years.. Only fools would want to see it go away or for the US to walk away from it.

The UN did that? When?
Look at the role the UN played in the Cuban missile crisis, for starters.
Tell us what the UN did in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

And I’ll tell you what JFK did.

As well as what the UN did to let tens of thousands of Rwandans to be hacked to death with machetes.

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