Trump . . . so help me God!

How the great majority feel about today.

May God help us, and may our President listen to God.


Fakey, you God just left to vacation in Palm Springs.
Obama will be back. (evil laughter)

And he will still be the impotent little man he's always been.
My opinion is that Trump should not be president.

Neither should have Hillary.

So now we can listen to you alt right and far right flakes whine and cry as the "Remove Trump" movement picks up steam.
Jake try to control your emotions today. Why not do a little mind trick and think of 2009 when you were blowing kisses to your Messiah and doing him in your dreams???
And what about it? The below image is why those like gipper and brokeloser are scared shitless.
Obama also won more votes in both elections than Trump did in this one.

He won 365 (2008) and 332 (2012) electoral votes to Trump's 306.

Yep, and Trump was able to flip 5 States that went to the dear leader twice. The hildabitch and the dear leader couldn't hold them.
The news is true: 3 days ago Trump is at 40% and falling.
Fake News! Nice Try, Jakey.
You can't rebut the date is your problem, so now you are trolling.

Let's have your date or face the wrath of wroth.
Fake News Jakey. And your #s are from the likes of CNN, the org, btw, whose reporters were caught laughing at Hillary today.
You continue to troll and are being laughed at.
I liked the look on his face when he said he'll protect the Constitution.
Good. Embrace the butthurt, dimocraps.

No group of people in Human History deserves it more

That is right. No group of supporters deserve the president they got more than Donald Trump supporters.
Whats the matter Winston, is Democracy Forum broke?



I figured it wouldn't last. The leftists took the place over and ruined it, like they do with everything.

There is no God.

If there were there would have been this reallllly big lightning bolt, a tremendous thunderclap, and where a certain helicopter was there would be only a gentle snowfall that, upon hitting the ground, would have melted and rejoined the gutter.
1 in 5 Americans are dems, edge.

6 of 10 Americans despise and fear Trump, edge

Do the math, edge.

No one fears the snowflake alt right, such as you, edge.
If you and all snowflakes stop consuming fake news, you wouldn't be fearful

Eh, both candidates were horror shows, but deplorables have been shown to be quite the experienced liars themselves. So pot, meet kettle. Get over yourselves. News they don't like hearing is now "fake". A news 'source' (is Buzzfeed really a news source?) is outed for misreporting and orange morons are going to feel validated in parroting nonsense like this forever. Nothing has changed. Media has been run according to the wills of its corporate overlords since the invention of the printing press. CNN/MSNBC et. all tend to bias center-left. FOX/Breitbart et. all tends to bias center-right. This is not new information.

Thus, people that say shit like this I believe are the dumbest of the dumb and it's all I have to say about that. America truly is devolving as a society. No more critical thinking anymore because it hurts fee-fees. Idiocracy, here we come.

I'm not thrilled about America's choice, but it is what it is. Ultimately, I'll be fine. I didn't vote for the orange scumbag in office (nor the entitled bitch) because I love this country and I already knew all I cared to know about him. I already know he's a sexist douche bag (Howard Stern, circa 90s) opportunist. I already know he is a terrible business man (Trump Steaks, Trump Mortgage, Trump University). I already know he is an ugly, entitled, self absorbed man-baby (1980s, 1990s, 2000s) that is unqualified, uncouth and unprepared to be dog catcher, let alone run the country. I didn't need to read/watch 'fake news' to come to this conclusion. Orange is the bottom of the barrel turd that managed to float at the end of the day. He will most likely do a shit job, but that's the turd millions of morons voted for so drink up and rejoice. Congratulations deplorables! You did it! Now go fuck yourselves.

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