Trump Speech at CPAC: “They try to take you out with BS”



why trump won.jpg
Obama2020, do you think Micheal Obama has a chance in a debate with President Trump? :p
Anyone with half a brain could beat Dotard in a debate. He's a fucking imbecile.
He’s the President of the United States of America. Keep on thinking he’s an “imbecile.” He beat the DNC in 2016...what’s that make them?

Actually Clinton beat herself not Trump. Both Clinton and Trump was hated. 2016 was a Freudian exercise of who do you hate the least. That will not be the case in 2020. 2016 is irrelevant.
Trump won because he won traditional Democratic voters ignored by a party that has swung to the extreme left. That was a brilliant strategic move.
Gotta love him! Americans do not love him. That is why voters gave the House to

It looked like Trump had just gotten out of the bar.

Probably meeting with working class, patriotic Americans. We love him. :beer:

A majority of voters do not agree. That is why voters gave the Democrats the House. They wanted a check on Trump. Only fascist Americans are meeting with Trump. Trump is a idiot and his performance was idiotic.

California did steal plenty of seats with vote harvesting. Had six uncles who fought against fascist in WW2. Three of them wounded in action. Just because people believe in states rights, support a strong America, oppose baby murder, and promote traditional family values makes them super patriots. You on the other hand are an anti-American socialist snowflake that whines about “social justice” and believes that the free-market produces “victims.” :206:
This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!
/——-/ Funny that all it took to defeat Hildabeast, the smartest woman in the world, was a brain dead man-child.
That tells you a lot... even Dumbo Trump wasn’t expecting a win. He was actually praying to lose with all these fantastic Russian deals in the pipeline. His brand was going to soar like an eagle
Sure. That’s what Cohen said when testifying for the Democratic House...before he goes to prison in a few months for previously lying to Congress. Not credible. :asshole:

Trump is not credible. He is a bigger liar. He employed Cohen.
Cohen just exonerated Trump and collusion. Cohen took actions on his own which is why he is going to prison.
Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
4 more years! 4 more years!
Can we take 4 more years of failure? How did healthcare go? Failure. Is Mexico paying for that wall? Failure. How are those tax cuts? Huge deficits. Failure. How are those North Korea negotiations going? Failure....

Don't forget he's only hiring the best. And they are going to jail...
Healthcare...successfully got rid of Obamacare tax.
Mexican border more secure and successfully maneuvers around the wacko buggy eyed Pelosi to build the wall.
Tax cuts are great. Successfully gets tax bill that people to keep more of their hard earned $$$$.
Huge deficits...are Democrats willing to sit down and negotiate away programs for dead beat lazy people like food stamps and public housing? Cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood baby murderers?

Healthcare premiums have skyrocketed thanks to Republicans.
More tax cuts for the rich.
Huge deficits partially due to tax cuts.
Healthcare premiums skyrocketed under Obamacare. “Tax cuts for the rich” :206:
This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!
/——-/ Funny that all it took to defeat Hildabeast, the smartest woman in the world, was a brain dead man-child.
That tells you a lot... even Dumbo Trump wasn’t expecting a win. He was actually praying to lose with all these fantastic Russian deals in the pipeline. His brand was going to soar like an eagle
Sure. That’s what Cohen said when testifying for the Democratic House...before he goes to prison in a few months for previously lying to Congress. Not credible. :asshole:

Trump is not credible. He is a bigger liar. He employed Cohen.
Cohen just exonerated Trump and collusion. Cohen took actions on his own which is why he is going to prison.
The more Democrats do dumb stuff like bringing a guy who lied to Congress back to Congress to lie some more is beneath the pale, even for Democrat operatives. When will they ever learn?
/——/ You are a bizarre person. You spin everything Trump does as failure.
It really doesn't require spin. So far he's been a failure. He was handed a strong economy. Everything else he has messed up.
Handed a strong economy :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If he wasn't handed a strong economy than what we have now isn't strong.
Not what stats an economist say...
The Trump Economic Boom Is Real — Just Ask The Global Economy | Investor's Business Daily

Investor's Business Daily is a strong Trump supporter so that is hardly surprising. They are hardly unbiased.
Link? Evidence? Oh, that’s right. You are a socialist so any pro-business publication is evil. :dev2:
/——-/ Funny that all it took to defeat Hildabeast, the smartest woman in the world, was a brain dead man-child.
That tells you a lot... even Dumbo Trump wasn’t expecting a win. He was actually praying to lose with all these fantastic Russian deals in the pipeline. His brand was going to soar like an eagle
Sure. That’s what Cohen said when testifying for the Democratic House...before he goes to prison in a few months for previously lying to Congress. Not credible. :asshole:

Trump is not credible. He is a bigger liar. He employed Cohen.
Cohen just exonerated Trump and collusion. Cohen took actions on his own which is why he is going to prison.
The more Democrats do dumb stuff like bringing a guy who lied to Congress back to Congress to lie some more is beneath the pale, even for Democrat operatives. When will they ever learn?
Democrats are liars. Look what they did to Kavanaugh.
/——/ Nothing to do with Trump Russia collusion your stupid troll. Everything else were process crimes and you know it.
We will find out when the report is released. Trump does surround himself with criminals, and birds of a feather....
/——/ democRATs already setting expectations for a nothing burger report if it’s ever released.
I don't think they know more than us what is in the report. But we'll see, hopefully no collusion. But that doesn't change the Russians worked hard to get trump elected.... And trump hangs out with lots of criminals.
Russians wanted Trump over “reset button” Hillary? That’s insanely stupid premise. :cuckoo:

The trouble is that it is true. The Russians were upset when Republicans lost the House.
Link. Evidence. Russia loves the Democratic Party because they, like the Russians are anti-American, plus Democrats are weak. :crying:
The only thing trump has going for him so far is that he is better than Bush. That of course isn't saying much, but it is something.
Better than Sotoro and Clinton too. Better than Carter, Nixon, LBJ, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Taft, McKinely, Cleveland, Aurthur, Hayes, Grant, Johnson...then its like trying to mix apples and oranges in pre Civil War era.
/—-/ in some regards, better than Reagan,

Trump is a pimple of the face of President Reagan. He defeated the Soviet Union and got 2 major tax bills passed without resorting to tricks like reconciliation to pass things.
I doubt Reagan would have agreed with Barry Sotoro or Clinton’s.
What's BS ?? his insurance frauds his banking frauds his financial frauds ??
/——-/ What frauds? Mueller had two years with unlimited resources and came up empty,
Except for all the felony indictments and the criminals.

Oh, and don’t forget the guilty pleas. Oh yes the guilty pleas.
/——/ Who pleaded guilty of colluding with Russia to steal the election from Hildabeast? Who?
Your writing logic. Liberals don’t deal with logic. Just conspiracy theories. :ack-1:

That is your side of the street. Trump supporters have a endless supply of conspiracy theories.
Really? You spew your shit and fail to post any evidence or links. Just another example of your boring and useless diatribe. :blahblah:
Mexico will pay for the wall lol

They will. In reduction of billions of dollars in supporting their citizens and better negotiated trade deals.

What did the Community Organizer do to enhance your standard of living and quality of life? Check the economy, markets and gas prices lately?
Like nafta? That was just more managed trade. No real improvement. Trumps negotiations are a joke. How's North Korea?
Better to make no deal than to make a bad one. Barry Sotoro would have caved in. He would have sent Horse Face Kerry to Pyongyang along with 1960’s folk singers to shed tears and kiss ass.
/—-/ Are you kidding? Obozo would never had gotten Kim to the negotiation table in the first place. He had 8 years. Kim would still be firing rockets if Hildabeast had won.

Most Presidents have refused to give the leaders of North Korea legitimacy by meeting with them on a equal basis. Trump has given Un the legitimacy. That is why Un has been firing missiles.
North Korea’s nukes aren’t Trump’s fault, former Clinton advisor says
Clinton Approves a Plan to Give Aid to North Koreans
Clinton gave them the billions needed to fire those missiles.
This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!
How much they payin' you to lie your ass off?
The only thing trump has going for him so far is that he is better than Bush. That of course isn't saying much, but it is something.
Actually history is recording achievements never before seen.
Might need a tissue lol
a 3% year end GDP ??? not on Trumps watch
3 is a joke.. wait until all trumps policies pager passed the new China deal! Wowzzz gdp with be 7%
People in the know forcast 2.5 and less
Must be a crystal ball. It doesn't take a genius to know that President Donald Trump brings good paying jobs to America, and he's making it easier to keep good businesses here and not over there anymore. Of course, that's a death knell to DNC party poopers.
Mexico will pay for the wall lol

They will. In reduction of billions of dollars in supporting their citizens and better negotiated trade deals.

What did the Community Organizer do to enhance your standard of living and quality of life? Check the economy, markets and gas prices lately?
Like nafta? That was just more managed trade. No real improvement. Trumps negotiations are a joke. How's North Korea?
Better to make no deal than to make a bad one. Barry Sotoro would have caved in. He would have sent Horse Face Kerry to Pyongyang along with 1960’s folk singers to shed tears and kiss ass.
/—-/ Are you kidding? Obozo would never had gotten Kim to the negotiation table in the first place. He had 8 years. Kim would still be firing rockets if Hildabeast had won.

Most Presidents have refused to give the leaders of North Korea legitimacy by meeting with them on a equal basis. Trump has given Un the legitimacy. That is why Un has been firing missiles.
You should read this. Constructive engagement of a leader who has nuclear warheads and is seeking a delivery system to reach West Coast cities in the United States is appropriate.
I'm glad most people are partisan clowns like you turds. Trump has a long list of failures and it is clear to the sane.
There is an indication when bad luck bites the Demmies back, they start speaking in scatological terms. I guess the Brain dead are getting stinky.
They will. In reduction of billions of dollars in supporting their citizens and better negotiated trade deals.

What did the Community Organizer do to enhance your standard of living and quality of life? Check the economy, markets and gas prices lately?
Like nafta? That was just more managed trade. No real improvement. Trumps negotiations are a joke. How's North Korea?
Better to make no deal than to make a bad one. Barry Sotoro would have caved in. He would have sent Horse Face Kerry to Pyongyang along with 1960’s folk singers to shed tears and kiss ass.
/—-/ Are you kidding? Obozo would never had gotten Kim to the negotiation table in the first place. He had 8 years. Kim would still be firing rockets if Hildabeast had won.

Most Presidents have refused to give the leaders of North Korea legitimacy by meeting with them on a equal basis. Trump has given Un the legitimacy. That is why Un has been firing missiles.
You should read this. Constructive engagement of a leader who has nuclear warheads and is seeking a delivery system to reach West Coast cities in the United States is appropriate.
Thanks, Bush92. From your link, the article is clear:

Patience or Lethargy?
U. S. Policy toward
North Korea under
The Obama Administration


Since the Obama Administration adopted a “strategic patience” policy toward North Korea, no noticeable progress has been in US-North Korean relations. By closely examining the policy goals, and strategies of the Obama administration, this paper seeks to discover what is missing from US policy toward North Korea. This paper argues that the success of the Obama administration in achieving the denuclearization of North Korea is dependent upon an appropriate understanding of Pyongyang’s security concerns and a careful analysis of North Korean nuclear policy. It suggests that President Obama should radically change his North Korean policy. More specifically, he should abandon the current policy of strategic patience policy and instead adopt a “constructive patience” policy in order to achieve the denuclearization of North Korea and the security of the East Asian region. Spring, 2012
The advice was good, but it didn't sink in for one reason or another to President Obama's reluctance to act. :(
Any more of that, and we'd be worried about the West Coast getting nuked out. I'm glad President Trump is there to act in a manner that brings peace to the region and stop this ridiculous 63-year-old war that's been going on.

My conclusion is that having a community organizer as President almost got SF nuked due to lack of response by a sitting president. I'm hoping President Trump's intervention is very constructive and eliminates the problem. I think he's just right for getting the North Koreans the idea that they will prosper if they quit spending on expensive nuclear proliferation. I hope the North Koreans appreciate that their people can stop starving and start earning a living again if they just chill for a couple of years until they get used to eating, watching movies, and learning to have fun instead of making war noises. With money, they can build tennis parks and swimming pools, and things that other nations have. I think their young new president would a lot rather see his people having fun and having good things come their way instead of being hungry and mad at other countries all the time. Having prosperity is something the Europeans and North Americans have.

I hope it all works out for everybody's good. Doesn't hurt to pray, so I think I'll hit the sack because it's later than late here, and it's vespers time.

Go, President Trump! Keep up the good work. America needs some relief from all the Korean worries we've had, and you've given both North and South Korea the keys to peace. If only they can keep it.
This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!

Well for a brain dead man child he's doing damned well.

Only a moron wouldn't think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy dummies.
Democrats think Trump should just pay off Kim like Obama did in the past with both North Korea and Iran. Instead Trump is being tough, going against what the Russians want and making progress .

Democrats want America to fail.

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