Trump Speech at CPAC: “They try to take you out with BS”

The only thing trump has going for him so far is that he is better than Bush. That of course isn't saying much, but it is something.
Actually history is recording achievements never before seen.
Might need a tissue lol
a 3% year end GDP ??? not on Trumps watch
3 is a joke.. wait until all trumps policies pager passed the new China deal! Wowzzz gdp with be 7%
People in the know forcast 2.5 and less
I'm glad most people are partisan clowns like you turds. Trump has a long list of failures and it is clear to the sane.
The only thing trump has going for him so far is that he is better than Bush. That of course isn't saying much, but it is something.
Actually history is recording achievements never before seen.
Might need a tissue lol
Yes like increasing deficits during a strong economy with low unemployment. Very impressive.
Well have the democrats sign the news North America trade deal.. revenue for all of trumps new policies take time to kick in.. manufacturing is booooooomimg .. private market boooooooooming... :) enjoy
Like more managed trade will make any difference. ha
Says a democrat lol hahahha
The only thing trump has going for him so far is that he is better than Bush. That of course isn't saying much, but it is something.
Better than Sotoro and Clinton too. Better than Carter, Nixon, LBJ, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Taft, McKinely, Cleveland, Aurthur, Hayes, Grant, Johnson...then its like trying to mix apples and oranges in pre Civil War era.
hahahaha You can't be that stupid.
Wilson, FDR, Truman, Ike, JFK, Reagan, Bush 1, are the only ones who have been better. (Nixon was awesome on Vietnam War)
LIke I already said, trump has been all failures. I can't even take you seriously.
He could stop a bus load of children from going over a cliff and you and other liberals would say, “ Trump stands on the way of education!” :aargh:
The only thing trump has going for him so far is that he is better than Bush. That of course isn't saying much, but it is something.
Actually history is recording achievements never before seen.
Might need a tissue lol
a 3% year end GDP ??? not on Trumps watch
3 is a joke.. wait until all trumps policies pager passed the new China deal! Wowzzz gdp with be 7%
If china is like nafta expect almost no change.
Relax and learn
The only thing trump has going for him so far is that he is better than Bush. That of course isn't saying much, but it is something.
Actually history is recording achievements never before seen.
Might need a tissue lol
a 3% year end GDP ??? not on Trumps watch
3 is a joke.. wait until all trumps policies pager passed the new China deal! Wowzzz gdp with be 7%
People in the know forcast 2.5 and less
We will see .. but with all the investment and manufacturing moving back into America.. but you know this.. stop your uneducated crying.. relax and enjoy success.. you attack trump like a temper tantrum 3 year old.. it’s embarrassing but entertaining ha
The only thing trump has going for him so far is that he is better than Bush. That of course isn't saying much, but it is something.
Actually history is recording achievements never before seen.
Might need a tissue lol
a 3% year end GDP ??? not on Trumps watch
3 is a joke.. wait until all trumps policies pager passed the new China deal! Wowzzz gdp with be 7%

It would seem 3% on a $20T number is more difficult than 3% on a ~$14T number the early 2010s' failed to achieve despite $1.25T borrowed dollars per.

Tax revenue is now up, despite tax deductions. But seems odd they keep borrowing more than the GDP rises. Geezuz? Congress got extra crazy since 2007. No wonder Socialism is being approved by newbies? They see how F'd up things got? What could be worse?
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Democrats takes the cake as the most BS of all

Educators now goes against clear science with abortion and instead they lie on science

An 18 yr old just out of 4 years of high school and science should be the most of any age against abortion

But no. Just the opposite which proves educators are crooked as can be
I'm glad most people are partisan clowns like you turds. Trump has a long list of failures and it is clear to the sane.
So angry!! If trump is so wrong why not let his policies go forward and you can vote him out.
Except for all the felony indictments and the criminals.

Oh, and don’t forget the guilty pleas. Oh yes the guilty pleas.
/——/ Who pleaded guilty of colluding with Russia to steal the election from Hildabeast? Who?
Your writing logic. Liberals don’t deal with logic. Just conspiracy theories. :ack-1:
Says the guy who think Obama is Kenyan. You don't spend much time in reality....
Let’s take a look at those financial aid files from Occidental College. :eusa_think: Hmmm.
All conspiracy theories. funny.
/----/ Funny that all accusations against democRATs are conspiracies and all charges against Republicans are rock solid. Funny how that works.
La La Land.jpg
For finding nothing there sure are a lot of people going to jail....
/——/ Nothing to do with Trump Russia collusion your stupid troll. Everything else were process crimes and you know it.
We will find out when the report is released. Trump does surround himself with criminals, and birds of a feather....
Then why doesn’t he release the fucking report? :dunno:
I'm sure he will. Why does trump hangout with so many criminals?
I don’t think he “hanged out” with them. What does Trump have to do with Manafort personal business deals, Cohen choosing to lie to Congress, and Flynn private dealings with Turkey? Trump never met with the Attorney General on a tarmac at LAX to discuss any of these matters. If he did, I’m sure they would’ve talked about their grandkids. :eusa_angel:
When all else fails bring up the Clinton's! Gym Shorts I Dont Wear A Jacket I'm A Regular Guy Like You Jordan tried that today on MTP. FAIL!!!!!
Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
Yes Trump is a clown, but Obama was even worse. Yet you have the nerve to criticize Trump, using an Obama avatar. Good LORD have you no shame?
Because of all those felonies from the Obama administration, right? Oh wait ..........

Your beloved messiah proved himself totally and completely owned by Wall Street and the 1%, when he bailed out those criminals as soon as he took office. Then he told the people who lost their homes and jobs, to fuck off. Then he started wars to appease the MIC.

If only you had media sources that told you the truth.
Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
Yes Trump is a clown, but Obama was even worse. Yet you have the nerve to criticize Trump, using an Obama avatar. Good LORD have you no shame?
Because of all those felonies from the Obama administration, right? Oh wait ..........

Your beloved messiah proved himself totally and completely owned by Wall Street and the 1%, when he bailed out those criminals as soon as he took office. Then he told the people who lost their homes and jobs, to fuck off. Then he started wars to appease the MIC.

If only you had media sources that told you the truth.
The only bailing out was bailing out America Trump is a true criminal Obama followed another inept
republican and passed down a viable America to the moron who thinks he did it by himself
Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
4 more years! 4 more years!
Can we take 4 more years of failure? How did healthcare go? Failure. Is Mexico paying for that wall? Failure. How are those tax cuts? Huge deficits. Failure. How are those North Korea negotiations going? Failure....

Don't forget he's only hiring the best. And they are going to jail...
Healthcare...successfully got rid of Obamacare tax.
Mexican border more secure and successfully maneuvers around the wacko buggy eyed Pelosi to build the wall.
Tax cuts are great. Successfully gets tax bill that people to keep more of their hard earned $$$$.
Huge deficits...are Democrats willing to sit down and negotiate away programs for dead beat lazy people like food stamps and public housing? Cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood baby murderers?
And the cost of healthcare continues to increase. Trump promised the greatest healthcare. Repeal and replace!
According to trump the Mexican border is a national emergency. You sound like its not. And mexico isn't paying for the wall.
Tax cuts for the rich lead to huge deficits. Remember when repubs claimed to be responsible?
Give the name of one baby murdered.

If trump is successful you sure have lowered the bar. Remember when ruling by executive order was bad? TRump stepped up to national emergency. He hasn't won a single negotiation. A failure.

US ends its reliance on foreign oil for the first time in 75 years
America turned into a net oil exporter last week, breaking almost 75 years of continued dependence on foreign oil and marking a pivotal -- even if likely brief -- moment toward what U.S. President Donald Trump has branded as "energy independence."
US ends its reliance on foreign oil for the first time in 75 years

Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
4 more years! 4 more years!
Can we take 4 more years of failure? How did healthcare go? Failure. Is Mexico paying for that wall? Failure. How are those tax cuts? Huge deficits. Failure. How are those North Korea negotiations going? Failure....

Don't forget he's only hiring the best. And they are going to jail...
Healthcare...successfully got rid of Obamacare tax.
Mexican border more secure and successfully maneuvers around the wacko buggy eyed Pelosi to build the wall.
Tax cuts are great. Successfully gets tax bill that people to keep more of their hard earned $$$$.
Huge deficits...are Democrats willing to sit down and negotiate away programs for dead beat lazy people like food stamps and public housing? Cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood baby murderers?
And the cost of healthcare continues to increase. Trump promised the greatest healthcare. Repeal and replace!
According to trump the Mexican border is a national emergency. You sound like its not. And mexico isn't paying for the wall.
Tax cuts for the rich lead to huge deficits. Remember when repubs claimed to be responsible?
Give the name of one baby murdered.

If trump is successful you sure have lowered the bar. Remember when ruling by executive order was bad? TRump stepped up to national emergency. He hasn't won a single negotiation. A failure.

US ends its reliance on foreign oil for the first time in 75 years
America turned into a net oil exporter last week, breaking almost 75 years of continued dependence on foreign oil and marking a pivotal -- even if likely brief -- moment toward what U.S. President Donald Trump has branded as "energy independence."
US ends its reliance on foreign oil for the first time in 75 years

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/——/ Drill Baby Drill. Gov Palin was right - Obozo was wrong,

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