Trump sprang three traps on Pelosi and Schumer yesterday

You get more OUT THERE with each post, you sure you're not AOC's dumber father?
In that case you got some splain’n to do

Outside of a wall, what is a win for Trump?
He has painted himself into a corner and neither Pelosi or Schumer will come to his rescue
You mean YOUR SECURITY AND ALL OF AMERICAS isnt worth shutting down the govt to show you CommieRATS dont give a shit@
I am not afraid of Mexicans
Neither was Kate Steinle....

Wasn’t convicted was he?

Not hardly!!
Trump needs an exit strategy where he somehow wins

He will shut down government and he will not get his wall

Lose / lose
You get more OUT THERE with each post, you sure you're not AOC's dumber father?
In that case you got some splain’n to do

Outside of a wall, what is a win for Trump?
He has painted himself into a corner and neither Pelosi or Schumer will come to his rescue

1: If there is a "gubermint" shut down? I won't give so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig about it.

#2 If the "gubermint" shuts down, it's because of the promise he made to the American people.

#3 If the leftards allow a shut down, they are doing it for illegals since they are their next voting bloc.

63 percent of all illegals get some type of "gubermint" subsidy....of course leftards have claimed for many years that illegals can't qualify for benefits....but then again? When have leftards ever told the truth and admitted any kind of error? None that I can recall.

I always ask leftards that if they want illegals to come over here, why not put your FRNs where your mouth is....back it with action and subsidize them by bring them into your home and sponsor them?

What do I always??? very, very quiet.............. listen closely......hear that? It's the sound of crickets.

Seems that leftard generosity ends at the federal withholding rate. They are extremely charitable with other people's FRNs...their own? Ehhhh, not so much.
Trump's bold, he wants to get things done .. he gets credit for that no matter what..

On the other hand, Democrats come off as corks in the asshole of progress and national security .. as usual...

Trump has lost before he even starts
Falling on his sword for a wall he will never see

The only fly in the soup is.....the majority of Americans want a wall, and the majority of Americans deserve a wall!!!
Actually 60 percent oppose the wall
Isnt that the BULLSHIT NPR poll...?...LOLOLOL!
Every poll

Only Fox viewers want a wall to protect them from scary Mexicans

It's time to play, my unreliable poll is bigger than your unreliable poll!
This is going to be fun to watch.

The “refugee” caravan has been exposed to be economic migrants looking for jobs (and welfare benefits in the Us ) not refugees fleeing violence. Many are violent criminals, drug traffickers, terrorists and gang members

In fact, they themselves became violent and tried to force entry into the US on camera when they were told told they would have to go through the proper refugee screening channels to be allowed into the United States

Now these so called refugees are demanding $50,000 payments from America to go back home.

I can't wait for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to shut the government down over these illegal aliens

American Thinker ^ | 12/12/2018

President Trump clearly shocked House speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer yesterday with his televising of the Oval Office sit-down over his demand for $5 billion in funding for border security, including funding of critical mileage for his border wall. Knowing well that Pelosi had already vowed publicly that "transparency and openness" would characterize the Democrat-run House starting next month, her plaintive request to speak in private scored points for Trump and revealed her hypocrisy before any substance at all was considered.

The remarkable body language during the meeting tells the story of Trump's dominance.

That was merely the first of three traps Trump had prepared for the Democrats' congressional leadership.

Trump's second trap is his bold declaration of ownership of any "government shutdown." Democrats have convinced themselves that what is called a "shutdown," but really means furloughing non-essential federal workers, is a tragedy, a scar on the nation's psyche. The fact that federal workers are now a major and solid constituency for Democrats skews their perception of the public's concern. Aside from canceling sleigh rides in national parks and other such photo drama, the fact is that life goes on well for nearly all Americans during the furlough. They learn that there are a lot of non-essential government workers.

After multiple shutdowns, including the last one that bore the label "Schumer Shutdown" and was quickly conceded by the Democrats, the public is no longer afraid of non-essential services (roughly 25% of the government) being temporarily suspended.

Chuck Schumer took the bait on the second trap, and after the Oval Office meeting, he employed triumphantly the term "Trump Shutdown" as if he had won a victory through Trump's surrender.

The third trap is maneuvering the Senate Democrats into standing for open borders, or at least ineffective border security. The current House of Representatives will pass the funding. It is the Senate, where a 60-vote filibuster could be employed, that would be the obstacle.

Never forget that Trump was the most successful producer of reality television in the history of the medium. He understands drama and a story arc. Chuck Schumer leading a Senate filibuster right before Christmas to stymie border protection is exactly the story Trump wants the nation's TV-viewers to absorb!!!!
Your ignorant DOPer is showing well..

Trump needs an exit strategy where he somehow wins

He will shut down government and he will not get his wall

Lose / lose

Trump's bold, he wants to get things done .. he gets credit for that no matter what..

On the other hand, Democrats come off as corks in the asshole of progress and national security .. as usual...

Trump has lost before he even starts
Falling on his sword for a wall he will never see

Alas, your judgement is highly suspect .. old nemesis and friend .. (?)

The, "Wall" represents border security, I'm thinking, "Thinking" Americans want border security solutions.
Trump's bold, he wants to get things done .. he gets credit for that no matter what..

On the other hand, Democrats come off as corks in the asshole of progress and national security .. as usual...

Trump has lost before he even starts
Falling on his sword for a wall he will never see

The only fly in the soup is.....the majority of Americans want a wall, and the majority of Americans deserve a wall!!!
Actually 60 percent oppose the wall
Isnt that the BULLSHIT NPR poll...?...LOLOLOL!
Every poll

Only Fox viewers want a wall to protect them from scary Mexicans
Lying again.
.this gets tiring...
GOP Voters Want 'The Wall'; GOP Congress Doesn't - Rasmussen Reports®
Rasmussen Reports › september_2018

Sep 27, 2018 · A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey ... think the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to .
Trump is saying give me what I want and you can get what you want. Otherwise, TURN OUT THE LIGHTS....THE PARTY'S OVER......

It's driving liberals NUTS that he's actually doing what he said he would do when he was campaigning. That's blowing their minds, they don't know how to handle that.

He said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. That should be blowing your mind.
Trump is saying give me what I want and you can get what you want. Otherwise, TURN OUT THE LIGHTS....THE PARTY'S OVER......

It's driving liberals NUTS that he's actually doing what he said he would do when he was campaigning. That's blowing their minds, they don't know how to handle that.

He said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. That should be blowing your mind.
He has 6 more years of service to fix the meantime the mulatto said less than 2% yearly GDP was the new comments on that bullshit?
This is going to be fun to watch.

The “refugee” caravan has been exposed to be economic migrants looking for jobs (and welfare benefits in the Us ) not refugees fleeing violence. Many are violent criminals, drug traffickers, terrorists and gang members

In fact, they themselves became violent and tried to force entry into the US on camera when they were told told they would have to go through the proper refugee screening channels to be allowed into the United States

Now these so called refugees are demanding $50,000 payments from America to go back home.

I can't wait for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to shut the government down over these illegal aliens

American Thinker ^ | 12/12/2018

President Trump clearly shocked House speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer yesterday with his televising of the Oval Office sit-down over his demand for $5 billion in funding for border security, including funding of critical mileage for his border wall. Knowing well that Pelosi had already vowed publicly that "transparency and openness" would characterize the Democrat-run House starting next month, her plaintive request to speak in private scored points for Trump and revealed her hypocrisy before any substance at all was considered.

The remarkable body language during the meeting tells the story of Trump's dominance.

That was merely the first of three traps Trump had prepared for the Democrats' congressional leadership.

Trump's second trap is his bold declaration of ownership of any "government shutdown." Democrats have convinced themselves that what is called a "shutdown," but really means furloughing non-essential federal workers, is a tragedy, a scar on the nation's psyche. The fact that federal workers are now a major and solid constituency for Democrats skews their perception of the public's concern. Aside from canceling sleigh rides in national parks and other such photo drama, the fact is that life goes on well for nearly all Americans during the furlough. They learn that there are a lot of non-essential government workers.

After multiple shutdowns, including the last one that bore the label "Schumer Shutdown" and was quickly conceded by the Democrats, the public is no longer afraid of non-essential services (roughly 25% of the government) being temporarily suspended.

Chuck Schumer took the bait on the second trap, and after the Oval Office meeting, he employed triumphantly the term "Trump Shutdown" as if he had won a victory through Trump's surrender.

The third trap is maneuvering the Senate Democrats into standing for open borders, or at least ineffective border security. The current House of Representatives will pass the funding. It is the Senate, where a 60-vote filibuster could be employed, that would be the obstacle.

Never forget that Trump was the most successful producer of reality television in the history of the medium. He understands drama and a story arc. Chuck Schumer leading a Senate filibuster right before Christmas to stymie border protection is exactly the story Trump wants the nation's TV-viewers to absorb!!!!
Your ignorant DOPer is showing well..

View attachment 234354
This is going to be fun to watch.

The “refugee” caravan has been exposed to be economic migrants looking for jobs (and welfare benefits in the Us ) not refugees fleeing violence. Many are violent criminals, drug traffickers, terrorists and gang members


Guess not.

Uh google works even for people like you.

I didn't make the claim, Dumbass.

When I do ---- I back it up.

Doesn't matter dipshit. You can still look it up. He doesn't work for you. I've seen claims on here and rather than say "linkie?" like a libtard, I go look myself. If I can't find anything I will THEN ask for a link backing up their info.

I'm just not a lazy dumbass like you. Typical fucking liberal, wanting everyone else to do your work for you.
Last edited:
Trump needs an exit strategy where he somehow wins

He will shut down government and he will not get his wall

Lose / lose
You get more OUT THERE with each post, you sure you're not AOC's dumber father?
In that case you got some splain’n to do

Outside of a wall, what is a win for Trump?
He has painted himself into a corner and neither Pelosi or Schumer will come to his rescue
You mean YOUR SECURITY AND ALL OF AMERICAS isnt worth shutting down the govt to show you CommieRATS dont give a shit@
I am not afraid of Mexicans
come to east LA....or parts of San might have a change of heart....
Trump needs an exit strategy where he somehow wins

He will shut down government and he will not get his wall

Lose / lose
You get more OUT THERE with each post, you sure you're not AOC's dumber father?
In that case you got some splain’n to do

Outside of a wall, what is a win for Trump?
He has painted himself into a corner and neither Pelosi or Schumer will come to his rescue
You mean YOUR SECURITY AND ALL OF AMERICAS isnt worth shutting down the govt to show you CommieRATS dont give a shit@
I am not afraid of Mexicans
come to east LA....or parts of San might have a change of heart....
He has no brain, what makes you think he has a heart?
You get more OUT THERE with each post, you sure you're not AOC's dumber father?
In that case you got some splain’n to do

Outside of a wall, what is a win for Trump?
He has painted himself into a corner and neither Pelosi or Schumer will come to his rescue
You mean YOUR SECURITY AND ALL OF AMERICAS isnt worth shutting down the govt to show you CommieRATS dont give a shit@
I am not afraid of Mexicans
come to east LA....or parts of San might have a change of heart....
He has no brain, what makes you think he has a heart?
i have known the guy much longer than there is that.....
In that case you got some splain’n to do

Outside of a wall, what is a win for Trump?
He has painted himself into a corner and neither Pelosi or Schumer will come to his rescue
You mean YOUR SECURITY AND ALL OF AMERICAS isnt worth shutting down the govt to show you CommieRATS dont give a shit@
I am not afraid of Mexicans
come to east LA....or parts of San might have a change of heart....
He has no brain, what makes you think he has a heart?
i have known the guy much longer than there is that.....
Ever have lunch with him?
You mean YOUR SECURITY AND ALL OF AMERICAS isnt worth shutting down the govt to show you CommieRATS dont give a shit@
I am not afraid of Mexicans
come to east LA....or parts of San might have a change of heart....
He has no brain, what makes you think he has a heart?
i have known the guy much longer than there is that.....
Ever have lunch with him?
if i say yes are you going to get jealous?....
I am not afraid of Mexicans
come to east LA....or parts of San might have a change of heart....
He has no brain, what makes you think he has a heart?
i have known the guy much longer than there is that.....
Ever have lunch with him?
if i say yes are you going to get jealous?....
Just ask questions about his sanity!
This is going to be fun to watch.

The “refugee” caravan has been exposed to be economic migrants looking for jobs (and welfare benefits in the Us ) not refugees fleeing violence. Many are violent criminals, drug traffickers, terrorists and gang members


Guess not.

Uh google works even for people like you.

I didn't make the claim, Dumbass.

When I do ---- I back it up.

Doesn't matter dipshit. You can still look it up. He doesn't work for you. I've seen claims on here and rather than say "linkie?" like a libtard, I go look myself. If I can't find anything I will THEN ask for a link backing up their info.

I'm just not a lazy dumbass like you. Typical fucking liberal, wanting everyone else to do your work for you.

Once AGAIN Stupid --- it AIN'T OUR JOB. It's fucking *HIS* job. *HE* made the claim, *HE*, and NO ONE ELSE, bears the burden of proof.

That's the way the fucking world works, asswipe. Always has been, always will be. Now kiss my ass.
I like when the President praised our military, law enforcement, and ICE specifically. Pelosi and Chucky’s skin must had been crawling.
Why hasn't the orange bastard go visit the troops as yet Spruce?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Trump needs an exit strategy where he somehow wins

He will shut down government and he will not get his wall

Lose / lose

Trump's bold, he wants to get things done .. he gets credit for that no matter what..

On the other hand, Democrats come off as corks in the asshole of progress and national security .. as usual...

Trump has lost before he even starts
Falling on his sword for a wall he will never see

The only fly in the soup is.....the majority of Americans want a wall, and the majority of Americans deserve a wall!!!
LoL @ this dumb dumb who thinks that most Republicans equals most Americans.


Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Trump needs an exit strategy where he somehow wins

He will shut down government and he will not get his wall

Lose / lose
You get more OUT THERE with each post, you sure you're not AOC's dumber father?
In that case you got some splain’n to do

Outside of a wall, what is a win for Trump?
He has painted himself into a corner and neither Pelosi or Schumer will come to his rescue

1: If there is a "gubermint" shut down? I won't give so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig about it.

#2 If the "gubermint" shuts down, it's because of the promise he made to the American people.

#3 If the leftards allow a shut down, they are doing it for illegals since they are their next voting bloc.

63 percent of all illegals get some type of "gubermint" subsidy....of course leftards have claimed for many years that illegals can't qualify for benefits....but then again? When have leftards ever told the truth and admitted any kind of error? None that I can recall.

I always ask leftards that if they want illegals to come over here, why not put your FRNs where your mouth is....back it with action and subsidize them by bring them into your home and sponsor them?

What do I always??? very, very quiet.............. listen closely......hear that? It's the sound of crickets.

Seems that leftard generosity ends at the federal withholding rate. They are extremely charitable with other people's FRNs...their own? Ehhhh, not so much.
Nobody will care
That card has been played too many times

Sorry wall for you

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