Trump still thinks Central Park 5 are guilty

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You are arguing that 5 convicted rapist by 2 multi cultured jury’s said were guilty, 5 men that freely admitted they did it, deserve 40 million all because trump said they should die lol YOU ARE INSANE LOL
You're completely deranged, troll. Again, I said nothing about Impeached Trump.
So? That's because Impeached Trump is impeached.
So you did say it lol .. ok sir you have a good day! May the sun shine for you lol

You're completely deranged troll: cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
According to them they did it, they told many people.. is being a democrat now considered insane?
And according to them, they didn't do it. Then the real rapist was identified and it was not them or someone with them.

It was always known that other rapists got away. That one was found, in no way clears the ones that were caught, confessed and were already convicted.

That people like you, managed to spin that into an excuse to release them, and smear America, is you people being anti-American scum of the Earth.
Idiot, that was a line from the prosecution to convict innocent teens because they knew the only physical evidence they had didn't come from any of the Central Park Five.
You didn’t need it they told everyone they did it

What I think that a lot of people don't realize about April 19,1989 is that this gal wasn't the only victim in that night of chaos. She was the most severely injured individual that evening, but there were a number of other victims who were assaulted and robbed by a rowdy gang of youths that evening.

And there were a number of other perpetrators besides the 5 charged.

Exactly who did what, we'll never know for sure. But the fact that one guy confessed doesn't mean shit. There were a whole lot of others involved, and these people confessed.

Maybe some of them confessed to this, because it was a cover for one of the other crimes committed that evening?

The CP5 sued the city and state of New York in 2002. Little Mike Bloomberg held off for a dozen years, figuring the city could win the case. The Fake Italian , Warren Wilhelm, settled right away as soon as he seized power as mayor. The State of New York under Fredo followed after Trump declared his Presidential candidacy and they figured they could blame him.

The policies of "DeBlasio" of glorifying the activities of the Central Park Wilding Mob are coming back to bite the city in the ass.

The people want the peace of Giuliani's reign, or even a return of Little Mikey Bloomberg, the modern day Raymond Cocteau.
The Morning Briefing: Bill de Blasio's New York Is Rapidly Becoming a Dangerous Hellhole
You're completely deranged, troll. Again, I said nothing about Impeached Trump.
So? That's because Impeached Trump is impeached.
So you did say it lol .. ok sir you have a good day! May the sun shine for you lol

You're completely deranged troll: :cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....
So? That's because Impeached Trump is impeached.
So you did say it lol .. ok sir you have a good day! May the sun shine for you lol

You're completely deranged troll: :cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....

The CP Wilding Gang committed a lot of crimes against a lot of innocents that day.

Once Mr. Reyes agreed to take the rap for the rapery with the story that he was the one-and-only rapist and it was a one-man crime spree, the details and location of this particular rape were public knowledge.
So? That's because Impeached Trump is impeached.
So you did say it lol .. ok sir you have a good day! May the sun shine for you lol

You're completely deranged troll: :cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....
There is no more debate.. they did it.. you approve of the 40 million, you are deranged .. enjoy your life karma sucks
So? That's because Impeached Trump is impeached.
So you did say it lol .. ok sir you have a good day! May the sun shine for you lol

You're completely deranged troll: :cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....

The CP Wilding Gang committed a lot of crimes against a lot of innocents that day.

Once Mr. Reyes agreed to take the rap for the rapery with the story that he was the one-and-only rapist and it was a one-man crime spree, the details and location of this particular rape were public knowledge.
Yet the boys you think committed the crime couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, where blood was found. And we know for certain Reyes was there assaulting Meili; yet none of the boys said he was there. One did say there was a tall black guy but Reyes was not tall. Every other one of them identified only each other as being there.
So? That's because Impeached Trump is impeached.
So you did say it lol .. ok sir you have a good day! May the sun shine for you lol

You're completely deranged troll: :cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....
There is no more debate.. they did it.. you approve of the 40 million, you are deranged .. enjoy your life karma sucks

You said I gave them 49 million. Glad to see you admit you're deranged and that you can't address what I said about Matias because you have no argument left. :mm:
And according to them, they didn't do it. Then the real rapist was identified and it was not them or someone with them.

We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.
Combination of trump derangement syndrome, white guilt derangement syndrome.. help is on the way
Your trolling reveals you've exhausted your argument.
You think 5 rapist should have gotten 41 million all because trump said the opposite lol and I’m the troll? Lol
They actually got $45 million
Too bad Trump didn’t have to pay it
So you did say it lol .. ok sir you have a good day! May the sun shine for you lol

You're completely deranged troll: :cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....

The CP Wilding Gang committed a lot of crimes against a lot of innocents that day.

Once Mr. Reyes agreed to take the rap for the rapery with the story that he was the one-and-only rapist and it was a one-man crime spree, the details and location of this particular rape were public knowledge.
Yet the boys you think committed the crime couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, where blood was found. And we know for certain Reyes was there assaulting Meili; yet none of the boys said he was there. One did say there was a tall black guy but Reyes was not tall. Every other one of them identified only each other as being there.
Some did take the police to the exact spot,, smh ,, so disgusting.. why celebrate this ..
So you did say it lol .. ok sir you have a good day! May the sun shine for you lol

You're completely deranged troll: :cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....
There is no more debate.. they did it.. you approve of the 40 million, you are deranged .. enjoy your life karma sucks

You said I gave them 49 million. Glad to see you admit you're deranged and that you can't address what I said about Matias because you have no argument left. :mm:
Matias was part of the 30, not sure what you are saying .. dna was primitive in 89,, they only collected from the idiot that came in her or on her. Not sure what your point is,, this isn’t debatable. I’m just here to read insanity
We always knew that we didn't get them all. That we found the rapist that got to leave behind dna, does not clear the rest.

That you and other liberals pretend it does, makes you rape supporters and insanely vile people.
There was zero physical evidence any of those boys were there. It's not plausible the were beating and raping a woman covered in blood and didn't get any of her blood on them. Most of them thought the attack occurred somewhere else in the park. The ground indicated one person dragged her. Their confessions differed from each other on virtually every aspect of the rape -- which one initiated the attack and knocked her down; which one ripped her clothes off; what clothes were taken off; which ones held her down; which ones raped her; what she was hit with. And much of their confessions didn't match the crime scene. Some said her legs were cut with a knife, they weren't; none said she was cut in the face, she was; none said Reyes was there, he was; none said she was gagged, she was; none said she was hit in the back of the head, she was and Reyes said that's where he struck her; none knew the spot where she was initially attacked, Reyes did. The condition Meili was found was consistent with other attacks by Reyes. I caught one of them changing his account in the middle of his confession upon being led by the detective. Wise gave a second video confession to change portions of his initial video confession. There were other boys purportedly involved who were not charged with raping her because they refused to confess. The ones who did confess were sleep deprived.
Combination of trump derangement syndrome, white guilt derangement syndrome.. help is on the way
Your trolling reveals you've exhausted your argument.
You think 5 rapist should have gotten 41 million all because trump said the opposite lol and I’m the troll? Lol
They actually got $45 million
Too bad Trump didn’t have to pay it

As the major taxpayer in the City of New York, he actually sort of did

You're completely deranged troll: :cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....

The CP Wilding Gang committed a lot of crimes against a lot of innocents that day.

Once Mr. Reyes agreed to take the rap for the rapery with the story that he was the one-and-only rapist and it was a one-man crime spree, the details and location of this particular rape were public knowledge.
Yet the boys you think committed the crime couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, where blood was found. And we know for certain Reyes was there assaulting Meili; yet none of the boys said he was there. One did say there was a tall black guy but Reyes was not tall. Every other one of them identified only each other as being there.
Some did take the police to the exact spot,, smh ,, so disgusting.. why celebrate this ..
You said you had no more argument, troll. Were you lying when you said that or are you lying now? And none knew the exact spot where blood was found.
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....

The CP Wilding Gang committed a lot of crimes against a lot of innocents that day.

Once Mr. Reyes agreed to take the rap for the rapery with the story that he was the one-and-only rapist and it was a one-man crime spree, the details and location of this particular rape were public knowledge.
Yet the boys you think committed the crime couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, where blood was found. And we know for certain Reyes was there assaulting Meili; yet none of the boys said he was there. One did say there was a tall black guy but Reyes was not tall. Every other one of them identified only each other as being there.
Some did take the police to the exact spot,, smh ,, so disgusting.. why celebrate this ..
You said you had no more argument, troll. Were you lying when you said that or are you lying now? And none knew the exact spot where blood was found.
Wow there was more blood then I thought it was dark lol
I just felt on her tittys lol
Cops lied huh ? Lol
You said the park is big , they took them to where it happened but not the blood stain lol
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....

The CP Wilding Gang committed a lot of crimes against a lot of innocents that day.

Once Mr. Reyes agreed to take the rap for the rapery with the story that he was the one-and-only rapist and it was a one-man crime spree, the details and location of this particular rape were public knowledge.
Yet the boys you think committed the crime couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, where blood was found. And we know for certain Reyes was there assaulting Meili; yet none of the boys said he was there. One did say there was a tall black guy but Reyes was not tall. Every other one of them identified only each other as being there.
Some did take the police to the exact spot,, smh ,, so disgusting.. why celebrate this ..
You said you had no more argument, troll. Were you lying when you said that or are you lying now? And none knew the exact spot where blood was found.
Wow there was more blood then I thought it was dark lol
I just felt on her tittys lol
Cops lied huh ? Lol
You said the park is big , they took them to where it happened but not the blood stain lol
You didn't answer, troll... were you lying when you said you had no more argument or are you lying now saying there is?

Yet Reyes was able to do what none of the CP5 could do -- identify where Meili was first attacked.

You're completely deranged troll: :cuckoo:

I never denied saying "impeached."
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....
There is no more debate.. they did it.. you approve of the 40 million, you are deranged .. enjoy your life karma sucks

You said I gave them 49 million. Glad to see you admit you're deranged and that you can't address what I said about Matias because you have no argument left. :mm:
Matias was part of the 30, not sure what you are saying .. dna was primitive in 89,, they only collected from the idiot that came in her or on her. Not sure what your point is,, this isn’t debatable. I’m just here to read insanity
Actually, it is debatable as you're a lying troll. They compared the DNA found at the crime scene with the CP5 and it didn't match any of them.
The CP Wilding Gang committed a lot of crimes against a lot of innocents that day.

Once Mr. Reyes agreed to take the rap for the rapery with the story that he was the one-and-only rapist and it was a one-man crime spree, the details and location of this particular rape were public knowledge.
Yet the boys you think committed the crime couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, where blood was found. And we know for certain Reyes was there assaulting Meili; yet none of the boys said he was there. One did say there was a tall black guy but Reyes was not tall. Every other one of them identified only each other as being there.
Some did take the police to the exact spot,, smh ,, so disgusting.. why celebrate this ..
You said you had no more argument, troll. Were you lying when you said that or are you lying now? And none knew the exact spot where blood was found.
Wow there was more blood then I thought it was dark lol
I just felt on her tittys lol
Cops lied huh ? Lol
You said the park is big , they took them to where it happened but not the blood stain lol
You didn't answer, troll... were you lying when you said you had no more argument or are you lying now saying there is?

Yet Reyes was able to do what none of the CP5 could do -- identify where Meili was first attacked.

The CP Wilding Gang committed a multiple number of assaults, rapes and robberies against many victims, not just Ms. Meili, during the evening in question.

In the chaotic situation right after, who did what where, was confusion.

By the time the CP5 met up with Señor Reyes, long after the crime, all of this was well known and public knowledge.
Yet the boys you think committed the crime couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, where blood was found. And we know for certain Reyes was there assaulting Meili; yet none of the boys said he was there. One did say there was a tall black guy but Reyes was not tall. Every other one of them identified only each other as being there.
Some did take the police to the exact spot,, smh ,, so disgusting.. why celebrate this ..
You said you had no more argument, troll. Were you lying when you said that or are you lying now? And none knew the exact spot where blood was found.
Wow there was more blood then I thought it was dark lol
I just felt on her tittys lol
Cops lied huh ? Lol
You said the park is big , they took them to where it happened but not the blood stain lol
You didn't answer, troll... were you lying when you said you had no more argument or are you lying now saying there is?

Yet Reyes was able to do what none of the CP5 could do -- identify where Meili was first attacked.

The CP Wilding Gang committed a multiple number of assaults, rapes and robberies against many victims, not just Ms. Meili, during the evening in question.

In the chaotic situation right after, who did what where, was confusion.

By the time the CP5 met up with Señor Reyes, long after the crime, all of this was well known and public knowledge.
The CP5 did not meet up with Reyes, one did. And Wise couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, so how could he convey that to Reyes? And why didn't Wise say Reyes was there when Wise "confessed" he was? And why did no two of the CP5 identify the same rapists?
The CP Wilding Gang committed a lot of crimes against a lot of innocents that day.

Once Mr. Reyes agreed to take the rap for the rapery with the story that he was the one-and-only rapist and it was a one-man crime spree, the details and location of this particular rape were public knowledge.
Yet the boys you think committed the crime couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, where blood was found. And we know for certain Reyes was there assaulting Meili; yet none of the boys said he was there. One did say there was a tall black guy but Reyes was not tall. Every other one of them identified only each other as being there.
Some did take the police to the exact spot,, smh ,, so disgusting.. why celebrate this ..
You said you had no more argument, troll. Were you lying when you said that or are you lying now? And none knew the exact spot where blood was found.
Wow there was more blood then I thought it was dark lol
I just felt on her tittys lol
Cops lied huh ? Lol
You said the park is big , they took them to where it happened but not the blood stain lol
You didn't answer, troll... were you lying when you said you had no more argument or are you lying now saying there is?

Yet Reyes was able to do what none of the CP5 could do -- identify where Meili was first attacked.
Lol after all the evidence was released in 2001? Lol after being locked up with wise? Seriously.. INSANE
Ok ok settle down.. it’s gonna be ok
I'm settled, troll. You're just too deranged to know.

G'head, tell me again how those teens initially jumped Meili when the only one who knew the exact location of the initial attack on the path, where blood was found, was Matias Reyes....
There is no more debate.. they did it.. you approve of the 40 million, you are deranged .. enjoy your life karma sucks

You said I gave them 49 million. Glad to see you admit you're deranged and that you can't address what I said about Matias because you have no argument left. :mm:
Matias was part of the 30, not sure what you are saying .. dna was primitive in 89,, they only collected from the idiot that came in her or on her. Not sure what your point is,, this isn’t debatable. I’m just here to read insanity
Actually, it is debatable as you're a lying troll. They compared the DNA found at the crime scene with the CP5 and it didn't match any of them.
How does one leave dna do you know the science?
Some did take the police to the exact spot,, smh ,, so disgusting.. why celebrate this ..
You said you had no more argument, troll. Were you lying when you said that or are you lying now? And none knew the exact spot where blood was found.
Wow there was more blood then I thought it was dark lol
I just felt on her tittys lol
Cops lied huh ? Lol
You said the park is big , they took them to where it happened but not the blood stain lol
You didn't answer, troll... were you lying when you said you had no more argument or are you lying now saying there is?

Yet Reyes was able to do what none of the CP5 could do -- identify where Meili was first attacked.

The CP Wilding Gang committed a multiple number of assaults, rapes and robberies against many victims, not just Ms. Meili, during the evening in question.

In the chaotic situation right after, who did what where, was confusion.

By the time the CP5 met up with Señor Reyes, long after the crime, all of this was well known and public knowledge.
The CP5 did not meet up with Reyes, one did. And Wise couldn't identify the location of the initial attack, so how could he convey that to Reyes? And why didn't Wise say Reyes was there when Wise "confessed" he was? And why did no two of the CP5 identify the same rapists?
What did wise say about the blood? Yes let the insanity rain lol
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