Trump Stops Payment to WHO

And they will. Along with influence.

Is that a good thing?
Influence at the WHO? Seems like the Chinese already have the ear of the top people there and are
getting their way right now. Let them pay for it then.

Trump has long been trying to cut funding to WHO and other international organizations.

What people don’t realize is along with funding comes a great deal of influence, including with WHO.

What are going to do when TrumpAmerica suddenly decides they don’t like something and the international community says “so what”?
So you admit you want to buy friends?

I am not a nation.
But you obviously think buying friends is the way to go!
Buying friends is preferable to shooting enemies in my book. Even the Romans understood that concept.
That's why Rome fell and was looted by those who shot enemies.

Those who beat their swords into plows will end up plowing for those who kept their swords.
Rome fell when they stopped buying friends. Quite litterally. Vandals - Wikipedia
We pay far more than any other country to WHO.
WHO should have been non partisan, and they weren't during a huge moment when
the world needed them the most. As TRump always said..."YOUR FIRED".
Did you read that email? It was in your link. It was nothing more than a warning a seemingly novel virus was being reported. So what actions you believe the WHO can take on the basis of that e-mail considering they are dependant on the information that the host countries give (in this case China).
Same question.
We pay far more than any other country to WHO.
WHO should have been non partisan, and they weren't during a huge moment when
the world needed them the most. As TRump always said..."YOUR FIRED".
Did you read that email? It was in your link. It was nothing more than a warning a seemingly novel virus was being reported. So what actions you believe the WHO can take on the basis of that e-mail considering they are dependant on the information that the host countries give (in this case China).
Same question. The link I referred too was the e-mail from Taiwan.
There were red flags with the way the government was handling the news, and WHO dismissed Taiwan.
What specifically can the WHO do? They have an e-mail from Taiwan but no way to verify it. So what is your suggestion?
What good is WHO if they can't verify? China shuts down all communication from the media and Dr.s
(nothing to see here folks, just move along)
But you liberals wanted Trump to do more earlier than WHO.
And they will. Along with influence.

Is that a good thing?
Influence at the WHO? Seems like the Chinese already have the ear of the top people there and are
getting their way right now. Let them pay for it then.

Trump has long been trying to cut funding to WHO and other international organizations.

What people don’t realize is along with funding comes a great deal of influence, including with WHO.

What are going to do when TrumpAmerica suddenly decides they don’t like something and the international community says “so what”?
So you admit you want to buy friends?

I am not a nation.
But you obviously think buying friends is the way to go!

And you are obviously a retard for interpreting that way, but I don’t hold that against you.

Are you a former flower child who thinks the world is all sunshine and honey? That nations all strive to do what’s best for the world?

If so, you are in for a rude awakening.
So maybe ewe can explain why withholding the money is a bad thing?

Not until you can spell properly.
if ewe don’t know what a ewe is look it up.
What I find interesting is that the liberals are giving WHO a pass for not verifying in a timely manner,
but, hold Trumps feet to the fire for not doing something much earlier. Where's does the grace begin and end people?

I think you asked a very good question but let's turn it around a bit.

What I find interesting if "The Party of Rump"ers are giving Rump a pass for his Hoax and not doing what he should have done for 3 friggin months and he still is trying to find ways to beak the isolation but no one is really listening to him these days but you want to burn WHO to the ground for the same thing.

How about let's put the Who's feet to the fire and fire Rump.
This is incredibly short sighted on so many fronts.

For example, every time we withdraw our presence from world organizations, we give space to China to come in and exert it’s influence. We cut back on charitable funding or actions that internationally, China ups it, one of these days you are going to wonder how in the hell China got to be so powerful?

Fine. Let THEM go broke.

America just hasn't been getting a return on our considerable investment in the WHO.

President Trump's actions here remind me of the Tremendous Speech to the UN by the late, great Foreign Relations Chair, Jesse A. Helms. Sen. Helms laid it on the line 20 years ago, and I was really impressed when I saw it, and thought that Helms should have entered the Presidential race that year after hearing it. He explained the viewpoint of Americans precisely.

The responsibility of the United States to honor its legitimate agreements

Trump suspending it's funding to the WHO reminds you of a speech that had this as one of its 3 points? The same guy who reneged on the Paris accord and the Iran treaty? I think you misunderstood an important part of what Helms was trying to say.

Neither the Paris Accord nor the Iran Deal were ratified by the United States Senate as required by the Constitution of America. They were private diplomatic arrangements by B. Hussein O which in no way bound his successors.
In the middle of a world pandemic.


Hilarious. WHO with their ChiCom masters created the pandemic.

When Taiwan warn about the China and virus, they ignored them, because they, under China's pressure, don't recognize Taiwan as independent country.

By the way, isn't it surprising that head of world's health organisation is not a medical doctor? Beside, head of WHO is from Ethiopia. What medical advancements are coming from Ethiopia that they deserve to lead World Health Organisation?
So let me ask the question this way. See if ewe libtards can answer. If paying WHO money could prevent a pandemic why are we having a pandemic now? Did we miss a payment?
In the middle of a world pandemic.



Our first responsibility is to OUR OWN.
Really, so the WHO started issuing warnings in January. Warning that circulated in the administration since then. So how do you suggest "our own" will be made aware in a timely way whenever there's a new virus somewhere in the world? You do know that the WHO is the only organization that is equipped to do so?

"the WHO started issuing warnings in January"

Oh... you mean when they said there was nothing to worry about?

View attachment 323585

But Trump took action anyways...

View attachment 323586

View attachment 323587

...and all the media bobble-heads labeled him a racist.

Don't remember that? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
What you remember seems to be a little bit distorted. Coronavirus not a global health crisis, WHO says; China reports 8 more deaths, restricts 18M people This article clearly states it is a snapshot and not a declaration that Covid-19 isn't serious. The wording in the article,
Tedros, who made the final decision, said WHO is "following the outbreak every minute of every day" and could decide to declare a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC.

Such declarations can result in more resources made available to combat outbreaks but also can spur restrictions on trade and travel.

"This should not be taken as a sign that WHO does not think the situation is serious or that we’re not taking it seriously," Tedros said.

That's the problem with all you guys. All you have is talking points but absolutely no intellectual honesty.

Could've, would've, should've, but didn't. In fact, the WHO didn't declare the coronavirus to be a pandemic until MARCH ELEVENTH.


The WHO is a worthless organization that only serves as a mouthpiece for commies. Only when the virus had already spread like wildfire did they actually admit there was a serious problem. Spare me your bullshit virtue signaling. You can't rewrite history.
And they will. Along with influence.

Is that a good thing?
Influence at the WHO? Seems like the Chinese already have the ear of the top people there and are
getting their way right now. Let them pay for it then.

Trump has long been trying to cut funding to WHO and other international organizations.

What people don’t realize is along with funding comes a great deal of influence, including with WHO.

What are going to do when TrumpAmerica suddenly decides they don’t like something and the international community says “so what”?
So you admit you want to buy friends?

I am not a nation.
But you obviously think buying friends is the way to go!
Buying friends is preferable to shooting enemies in my book. Even the Romans understood that concept.
That's why Rome fell and was looted by those who shot enemies.

Those who beat their swords into plows will end up plowing for those who kept their swords.
Rome fell when they stopped buying friends. Quite litterally. Vandals - Wikipedia

Rome fell when it lost control of its borders. In the 5th Century and certainly before that as well, the Roman Empire was the place to be in the ancient world. They had indoor plumbing and running water, their wealth and sophistication were tops in antiquity. The Vandals crossed the border with impunity to seek the Roman Dream. But instead of becoming Romans, they spread their ideology of vandalism throughout Rome, sacking the city in 410. Subsequently, the city and empire fell completely later that century.
WHO does not have enforcement powers. They never have. It isn’t their mission. They can only go by what countries are willing to give.

Our primary role is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations system.

Our main areas of work are health systems; health through the life-course; noncommunicable and communicable diseases; preparedness, surveillance and response; and corporate services.
In the middle of a world pandemic.



Our first responsibility is to OUR OWN.
Really, so the WHO started issuing warnings in January. Warning that circulated in the administration since then. So how do you suggest "our own" will be made aware in a timely way whenever there's a new virus somewhere in the world? You do know that the WHO is the only organization that is equipped to do so?

"the WHO started issuing warnings in January"

Oh... you mean when they said there was nothing to worry about?

View attachment 323585

But Trump took action anyways...

View attachment 323586

View attachment 323587

...and all the media bobble-heads labeled him a racist.

Don't remember that? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
What you remember seems to be a little bit distorted. Coronavirus not a global health crisis, WHO says; China reports 8 more deaths, restricts 18M people This article clearly states it is a snapshot and not a declaration that Covid-19 isn't serious. The wording in the article,
Tedros, who made the final decision, said WHO is "following the outbreak every minute of every day" and could decide to declare a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC.

Such declarations can result in more resources made available to combat outbreaks but also can spur restrictions on trade and travel.

"This should not be taken as a sign that WHO does not think the situation is serious or that we’re not taking it seriously," Tedros said.

That's the problem with all you guys. All you have is talking points but absolutely no intellectual honesty.

Could've, would've, should've, but didn't. In fact, the WHO didn't declare the coronavirus to be a pandemic until MARCH ELEVENTH.

View attachment 323591

The WHO is a worthless organization that only serves as a mouthpiece for commies. Only when the virus had already spread like wildfire did they actually admit there was a serious problem. Spare me your bullshit virtue signaling. You can't rewrite history.
So when exactly do you declare something to be a pandemic?
What I find interesting is that the liberals are giving WHO a pass for not verifying in a timely manner,
but, hold Trumps feet to the fire for not doing something much earlier. Where's does the grace begin and end people?

I think you asked a very good question but let's turn it around a bit.

What I find interesting if "The Party of Rump"ers are giving Rump a pass for his Hoax and not doing what he should have done for 3 friggin months and he still is trying to find ways to beak the isolation but no one is really listening to him these days but you want to burn WHO to the ground for the same thing.

How about let's put the Who's feet to the fire and fire Rump.
I don't think Trump would use a cookie cutter size fits all.
Different states have different results with this pandemic. Not sure any Gov want to wait until there are no more cases.
At some point you have to get started again, or get rid of the US and start your brand new country a brand new economy
from the ground up. I'm sorry you give some of these state government officials a full pass for creating an even worse outbreak
in their communities.
We pay far more than any other country to WHO.
WHO should have been non partisan, and they weren't during a huge moment when
the world needed them the most. As TRump always said..."YOUR FIRED".
Did you read that email? It was in your link. It was nothing more than a warning a seemingly novel virus was being reported. So what actions you believe the WHO can take on the basis of that e-mail considering they are dependant on the information that the host countries give (in this case China).
Same question.
We pay far more than any other country to WHO.
WHO should have been non partisan, and they weren't during a huge moment when
the world needed them the most. As TRump always said..."YOUR FIRED".
Did you read that email? It was in your link. It was nothing more than a warning a seemingly novel virus was being reported. So what actions you believe the WHO can take on the basis of that e-mail considering they are dependant on the information that the host countries give (in this case China).
Same question. The link I referred too was the e-mail from Taiwan.
There were red flags with the way the government was handling the news, and WHO dismissed Taiwan.
What specifically can the WHO do? They have an e-mail from Taiwan but no way to verify it. So what is your suggestion?
What good is WHO if they can't verify? China shuts down all communication from the media and Dr.s
(nothing to see here folks, just move along)
But you liberals wanted Trump to do more earlier than WHO.
What good is the WHO? About us WHO | Mission statement WHO | Mission Vision, mission and strategic objectives There are many more. So again my question. You assert that the WHO did something wrong. So please give me your evaluation of what they should have done on the available information.
In the middle of a world pandemic.


Hilarious. WHO with their ChiCom masters created the pandemic.

When Taiwan warn about the China and virus, they ignored them, because they, under China's pressure, don't recognize Taiwan as independent country.

By the way, isn't it surprising that head of world's health organisation is not a medical doctor? Beside, head of WHO is from Ethiopia. What medical advancements are coming from Ethiopia that they deserve to lead World Health Organisation?
Why do you presume that Ethiopia has no advanced medicine?
We pay far more than any other country to WHO.
WHO should have been non partisan, and they weren't during a huge moment when
the world needed them the most. As TRump always said..."YOUR FIRED".
Did you read that email? It was in your link. It was nothing more than a warning a seemingly novel virus was being reported. So what actions you believe the WHO can take on the basis of that e-mail considering they are dependant on the information that the host countries give (in this case China).
Same question.
We pay far more than any other country to WHO.
WHO should have been non partisan, and they weren't during a huge moment when
the world needed them the most. As TRump always said..."YOUR FIRED".
Did you read that email? It was in your link. It was nothing more than a warning a seemingly novel virus was being reported. So what actions you believe the WHO can take on the basis of that e-mail considering they are dependant on the information that the host countries give (in this case China).
Same question. The link I referred too was the e-mail from Taiwan.
There were red flags with the way the government was handling the news, and WHO dismissed Taiwan.
What specifically can the WHO do? They have an e-mail from Taiwan but no way to verify it. So what is your suggestion?
What good is WHO if they can't verify? China shuts down all communication from the media and Dr.s
(nothing to see here folks, just move along)
But you liberals wanted Trump to do more earlier than WHO.
What good is the WHO? About us WHO | Mission statement WHO | Mission Vision, mission and strategic objectives There are many more. So again my question. You assert that the WHO did something wrong. So please give me your evaluation of what they should have done on the available information.
Stop, WHO dropped the ball and waited too long to be effective of curbing this pandemic. If that's the case then we don't need them.
And you deflected from my prior post. You evaluate all you want, but WHO failed the world and a lot of people died.
We pay far more than any other country to WHO.
WHO should have been non partisan, and they weren't during a huge moment when
the world needed them the most. As TRump always said..."YOUR FIRED".
Did you read that email? It was in your link. It was nothing more than a warning a seemingly novel virus was being reported. So what actions you believe the WHO can take on the basis of that e-mail considering they are dependant on the information that the host countries give (in this case China).
Same question.
We pay far more than any other country to WHO.
WHO should have been non partisan, and they weren't during a huge moment when
the world needed them the most. As TRump always said..."YOUR FIRED".
Did you read that email? It was in your link. It was nothing more than a warning a seemingly novel virus was being reported. So what actions you believe the WHO can take on the basis of that e-mail considering they are dependant on the information that the host countries give (in this case China).
Same question. The link I referred too was the e-mail from Taiwan.
There were red flags with the way the government was handling the news, and WHO dismissed Taiwan.
What specifically can the WHO do? They have an e-mail from Taiwan but no way to verify it. So what is your suggestion?
What good is WHO if they can't verify? China shuts down all communication from the media and Dr.s
(nothing to see here folks, just move along)
But you liberals wanted Trump to do more earlier than WHO.
What good is the WHO? About us WHO | Mission statement WHO | Mission Vision, mission and strategic objectives There are many more. So again my question. You assert that the WHO did something wrong. So please give me your evaluation of what they should have done on the available information.

Whether WHO did anything technically "wrong" or not is sort of irrelevant IMHO. The question in my view is whether the people of America are getting a return on our tremendous investment in the organization. If we aren't, then its time for our President to be a good steward of our money, and just tell them that we are no longer going to be able to support them and they should seek other means of funding. Nothing personal, just good stewardship.
What I find interesting is that the liberals are giving WHO a pass for not verifying in a timely manner,
but, hold Trumps feet to the fire for not doing something much earlier. Where's does the grace begin and end people?

I think you asked a very good question but let's turn it around a bit.

What I find interesting if "The Party of Rump"ers are giving Rump a pass for his Hoax and not doing what he should have done for 3 friggin months and he still is trying to find ways to beak the isolation but no one is really listening to him these days but you want to burn WHO to the ground for the same thing.

How about let's put the Who's feet to the fire and fire Rump.
Keep Trump and fire you.
In the middle of a world pandemic.


Hilarious. WHO with their ChiCom masters created the pandemic.

When Taiwan warn about the China and virus, they ignored them, because they, under China's pressure, don't recognize Taiwan as independent country.

By the way, isn't it surprising that head of world's health organisation is not a medical doctor? Beside, head of WHO is from Ethiopia. What medical advancements are coming from Ethiopia that they deserve to lead World Health Organisation?
Why do you presume that Ethiopia has no advanced medicine?
Do tell us the latest medical advances coming from Ethiopia! Wave a scorpion over a chicken?

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