Trump Stops Payment to WHO

Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.

Thank you - This business of some sort of collusion between WHO and China is complete BS designed by a reality TeeVee host to offload blame.
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.
WHO had one job....

Donald had/has one job too. Why is he shirking it? For the record, Donald does NOT have total authority. Donald CANNOT tell congress when to recess so he can ramrod his judges. And it is ILLEGAL to cut off congressionally appropriated payments to WHO by executive order without consensus from congress.

Get this ONE THING through your head - Your Orange Overlord is NOT King George.
He doesn't cut them off, he just doesn't pay them. His threats to force the WHO to do what he wants is downright silly. The WHO will continue to bill the US until paid. The IMF will simply provide the missing funds as they have in the past. Although the US is the largest contributing country, the WHO gets a lot of private funding. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives the WHO more money every year than the United States.

All of this nonsense about the WHO is nothing but an effort to distract them from Trump's total lack of attention to the epidemic until containment was impossible and mitigation in the form a nationwide shutdown was the only alternative to curb the number new cases.

Well then, let Bill and Melinda Gates fund WHO let THEM waste their money.
Trump handling of epidemic is classic Abbott and Costello. He fires his Pandemic Response Team nearly two years before coronavirus. He attempts to cut CDC funding, discourages the international epidemic tracking by the CDC, ignores the DHS report in 2019 highlighting the US unpreparedness for a pandemic, and once the virus was loose in the country, claimed it's just the flu. A couple of weeks latter he declares a national emergency (to fight the flu?). Then he agrees with shutting down the economy when there are 9,000 new cases a day. When the new cases a day reaches 33,000, he says it's time open up the economy. And when the media complains of his poor handling of the epidemic, he blames China, the media, the democrats, Obama, and the WHO. Yep, true Abbott and Costello.
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Trump handling of epidemic is classic Abbott and Costello. He fires his Pandemic Response Team nearly two years before coronavirus. He attempts to cut CDC funding, discourages the international epidemic tracking by the CDC, ignores the DHS report in 2019 highlighting the US unpreparedness for a pandemic, and once the virus was loose in the country, claimed it's just the flu. A couple of weeks latter he declares a national emergency (to fight the flu?). Then he agrees with shutting down the economy when there are 9,000 new cases a day. When the new cases a day reaches 33,000, he says it's time open up the economy. Yep, true Abbott and Costello.
None of that is true.
Trump handling of epidemic is classic Abbott and Costello. He fires his Pandemic Response Team nearly two years before coronavirus. He attempts to cut CDC funding, discourages the international epidemic tracking by the CDC, ignores the DHS report in 2019 highlighting the US unpreparedness for a pandemic, and once the virus was loose in the country, claimed it's just the flu. A couple of weeks latter he declares a national emergency (to fight the flu?). Then he agrees with shutting down the economy when there are 9,000 new cases a day. When the new cases a day reaches 33,000, he says it's time open up the economy. Yep, true Abbott and Costello.
All a lie. Even the Swiss know you are full of crap

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