Trump Stops Payment to WHO

The enemies you make by defunding? Try everyone. You are not hurting the Chinese at all by defunding you are giving the Chinese the opportunity to jump into a power vacuum.

And for the 3rd time. What do you access the WHO could have done differently? I've posed it to other people. You guys are asserting the WHO did something wrong so you should have no problem stating what they should have done.

China cannot jump into power vacuum, because they're already there. Question is, why China have so much power over WHO when they're providing less funding to WHO than US, Japan, or EU?
It has nothing to do with funding and everything to do with the fact that China is leading the world in Coronavirus research. Coronviruses which infected both humans and animals began in China in 2002. China has remained the heart of the research now for almost 20 years. Most of what we know about the virus comes from China. China has just approved two Coronavirus vaccines for human testing as relations between the US and China continue to deteriorate. The WHO is an important link between medical research in China and the US, a link that should not be broken regardless of Trump's problems with China.

WHO is not just about corona virus, but about all world health. Just because China is "leading" researcher in that field, doesn't give them control over WHO, and WHO rhetoric.
My point is the WHO is a conduit between the US and China that we will need. Trump's tariffs wars with China and now his attempt to blame China for the pandemic is creating a break between the US and China at the worst possible time. Not only do with need research from China on the virus but we are going to need their Medical Equipment and Supplies manufacturing as America struggles with the virus. They can produce in huge qualities exactly what we need. If one of the two vaccines they have in human testing turns out to be successful, we're going need that too. This is no time for the blame game and trying to force China to change it's wicked ways.
Flop, you keep MISSING THE POINT. The problem IN THE FIRST PLACE is that we need China so much for anything. Corrupt politicians and greedy capitalists put us in that stupid position and now we are paying for that dependence. Trump is getting us out of it. There are no good times to rip a bandage off your arm, but the longer you leave it on, the more it is going to hurt.

There is nothing that China produce that we cannot produce in US. It could take some time, 6 months to a year, max, but we can do it.

It doesn't necessarily have to be cheaper, because tariffs would increase price of Chinese product anyways. We have to end dependency on China on at least strategic production: medical equipment, drugs, communications, some manufacturing. And we have to protect our intellectual property, which they have no respect for.
I agree the US can produce whatever China produces and by putting tariffs on Chinese goods, American goods would look more attractive to American consumers. Problem solved, right. Well not quite. Since China and other countries also produce those goods at lower prices we would have to put tariffs on them also. China and the other countries would respond with tariffs on American exports. The end result is the consumer pays a lot more for goods. Jobs are gained in the protected industry and lost in the industries being taxed. The bottom line is tariffs don't do what you think they will do. They end up costing jobs and raising prices. Efficient low cost producers are penalized and inefficient producers are rewarded.

China already have tariffs on American products. Reason why Trump imposed tariffs on them is to level the playing field.

Will you stop repeating "result is the consumer pays a lot more for goods", since it didn't really happen (at least not in a way left is beating the drum) with all those tariffs Trump imposed. Those are only projections aimed to deter from imposing tariffs, and look it up yourself, Trump's tariffs did not cause increases in consumers prices.
The funny thing about the tariffs-never-works theory is that if this was true, they sure didn't work for a very long time! And during that awful time, America enjoyed high prosperity and wages! Where all of that seems to have slipped apart appears to been right around the time we STOPPED high tariffs.

View attachment 323880
Correlation is not the same as cause and effect.
And next he should call our debt with China paid in full for their mishandling of a deadly virus.....

Damn, I love that idea....

:p Woohoo.....
They must be forced to pay retribution...they have killed almost 30,000 Americans...I'm going to write the white house about this....

They must be forced to pay retribution...they have killed almost 30,000 Americans...I'm going to write the white house about this....

Those that voted for the asswipePINO should be made to pay. I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

WHO had one job - prevent worldwide pandemics. And they LIED to allow CV19 to go global.

But don’t worry. Your socialist utopias can pick up the slack from shithole capitalist Amerikkka.
No, the World Health Organization's only job is not to prevent a pandemic. That makes about as much sense as saying the United Nations only job is to prevent war. The WHO certainly has responsibilities in regard to a pandemic such as assessing member nations preparedness, providing guidance in epidemic planning, and providing data sharing between member states.

UH....The UN was created to prevent war......A PANdemic is a WORLD epidemic. They are the World Health Organization seems to me preventing a PANdemic would be job #1.

You are absolutely right!

WHO is paid to prevent a pandemic....not to spend $200 million a year on travel, or spending the money in 5 stars hotels or eating in expensive restaurants!

All that money they constantly spend is much more than they spend treating AIDS Malaria Tuberculosis !!!

GOD BLESS President Trump for stoping payment to those WHO scum hypocrites!
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.
The who was aware that the virus was jumping human to human on Dec 12th. As late as January 14 they were still saying there was no human to human transmission. Why did they not share the information from another government that exposed the human to human transmission and hid it?
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

WHO had one job - prevent worldwide pandemics. And they LIED to allow CV19 to go global.

But don’t worry. Your socialist utopias can pick up the slack from shithole capitalist Amerikkka.
No, the World Health Organization's only job is not to prevent a pandemic. That makes about as much sense as saying the United Nations only job is to prevent war. The WHO certainly has responsibilities in regard to a pandemic such as assessing member nations preparedness, providing guidance in epidemic planning, and providing data sharing between member states.
Care to share with the class a responsibility the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION has that takes priority over preventing a WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC?
Correlation is not the same as cause and effect.
Ha! That is EXACTLY what it means, you stupid fuck! When two things happen together that are correlated, it means there was a connection, associated. When two things happen at the same time uncorrelated, we call that a COINCIDENCE.
Flopper is correct that Correlation does not PROVE Causation. But it is generally considered a pretty good hint to look for causation here or around the correlation, in the real world.

But sometimes it is just coincidence, but not this time.

The WHO is corrupt and needs to be purged of its officers the Chicoms bought out to spread their propaganda.
Correlation is not the same as cause and effect.
Ha! That is EXACTLY what it means, you stupid fuck! When two things happen together that are correlated, it means there was a connection, associated. When two things happen at the same time uncorrelated, we call that a COINCIDENCE.
Flopper is correct that Correlation does not PROVE Causation. But it is generally considered a pretty good hint to look for causation here or around the correlation, in the real world.
Yes, but, Flopper DIDN'T SAY Correlation proved cause! And I didn't say it didn't. Like you alluded, close correlation suggests association---- that if not the cause of the other, that at least sharing a common cause, that the two are entangled somehow. Coincidence is chance similarity without any entanglement.
You are absolutely right!

WHO is paid to prevent a pandemic....not to spend $200 million a year on travel, or spending the money in 5 stars hotels or eating in expensive restaurants!

All that money they constantly spend is much more than they spend treating AIDS Malaria Tuberculosis !!!

GOD BLESS President Trump for stoping payment to those WHO scum hypocrites!
The World Health Organization is a UN appendage and they both live it up like Roman emperors on
all the billions of dollars given to them. They are socialist scam artists and have been for decades.
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.
The who was aware that the virus was jumping human to human on Dec 12th. As late as January 14 they were still saying there was no human to human transmission. Why did they not share the information from another government that exposed the human to human transmission and hid it?

Rut Roh :heehee:

Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.

Thank you - This business of some sort of collusion between WHO and China is complete BS designed by a reality TeeVee host to offload blame.
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.
WHO had one job....

Donald had/has one job too. Why is he shirking it? For the record, Donald does NOT have total authority. Donald CANNOT tell congress when to recess so he can ramrod his judges. And it is ILLEGAL to cut off congressionally appropriated payments to WHO by executive order without consensus from congress.

Get this ONE THING through your head - Your Orange Overlord is NOT King George.
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.
The who was aware that the virus was jumping human to human on Dec 12th. As late as January 14 they were still saying there was no human to human transmission. Why did they not share the information from another government that exposed the human to human transmission and hid it?

Rut Roh :heehee:


Notice the date, dunce. He said it when CDC, and media, and Democrats were still saying there is no danger for Americans.
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.
WHO had one job....

Donald had/has one job too. Why is he shirking it? For the record, Donald does NOT have total authority. Donald CANNOT tell congress when to recess so he can ramrod his judges. And it is ILLEGAL to cut off congressionally appropriated payments to WHO by executive order without consensus from congress.

Get this ONE THING through your head - Your Orange Overlord is NOT King George.

Boogeyman - "is a mythical creature used by adults to frighten children into good behavior."
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

WHO had one job - prevent worldwide pandemics. And they LIED to allow CV19 to go global.

But don’t worry. Your socialist utopias can pick up the slack from shithole capitalist Amerikkka.
No, the World Health Organization's only job is not to prevent a pandemic. That makes about as much sense as saying the United Nations only job is to prevent war. The WHO certainly has responsibilities in regard to a pandemic such as assessing member nations preparedness, providing guidance in epidemic planning, and providing data sharing between member states.

UH....The UN was created to prevent war......A PANdemic is a WORLD epidemic. They are the World Health Organization seems to me preventing a PANdemic would be job #1.

You are absolutely right!

WHO is paid to prevent a pandemic....not to spend $200 million a year on travel, or spending the money in 5 stars hotels or eating in expensive restaurants!

All that money they constantly spend is much more than they spend treating AIDS Malaria Tuberculosis !!!

GOD BLESS President Trump for stoping payment to those WHO scum hypocrites!
That is so wrong. First of all, the WHO is not paid to prevent a pandemic. In regard to epidemics they provide a clearing house for information released by member states, and research groups, analysis of the spread disease and recommendations. However, prevention, containment, and mitigation is the responsibility of the member states. Most of their work is managing healthcare programs in the poorest countries.
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

WHO had one job - prevent worldwide pandemics. And they LIED to allow CV19 to go global.

But don’t worry. Your socialist utopias can pick up the slack from shithole capitalist Amerikkka.
No, the World Health Organization's only job is not to prevent a pandemic. That makes about as much sense as saying the United Nations only job is to prevent war. The WHO certainly has responsibilities in regard to a pandemic such as assessing member nations preparedness, providing guidance in epidemic planning, and providing data sharing between member states.

UH....The UN was created to prevent war......A PANdemic is a WORLD epidemic. They are the World Health Organization seems to me preventing a PANdemic would be job #1.

You are absolutely right!

WHO is paid to prevent a pandemic....not to spend $200 million a year on travel, or spending the money in 5 stars hotels or eating in expensive restaurants!

All that money they constantly spend is much more than they spend treating AIDS Malaria Tuberculosis !!!

GOD BLESS President Trump for stoping payment to those WHO scum hypocrites!
That is so wrong. First of all, the WHO is not paid to prevent a pandemic. In regard to epidemics they provide a clearing house for information released by member states, and research groups, analysis of the spread disease and recommendations. However, prevention, containment, and mitigation is the responsibility of the member states. Most of their work is managing healthcare programs in the poorest countries.
The WHO ignored Taiwan's warnings because China does not recognize Taiwan as a State and the WHO director is China centric. The WHO let politics interfere with their 'clearing house.'
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.

Thank you - This business of some sort of collusion between WHO and China is complete BS designed by a reality TeeVee host to offload blame.
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

WHO made a few mistakes early on. Shit happens.
Donnie Dithered, Dawdled & Downplayed away the entire month of February.
Gotta have a scapegoat for his ineptitude! :rolleyes-41:

I'm not sure the WHO made any mistakes in regard to release of information on the cornovirus. If you look at their governing documents you'll see they are require to share with all members offical information releases received from all member governments. The criticism of the WHO for releasing exactly the same information provide by the Chinese government is a requirement in their governing documents. There job is not to judge the trustfulness nor the politics behind any member information release. They are not a watchdog. Much has been said about the fact that the organization has an office in China. This has led to a number of stories of the WHO being controlled by China. However the facts are that they have offices in 148 other countries including the US. The WHO certainly has a of lot problems but this is not one of them.
WHO had one job....

Donald had/has one job too. Why is he shirking it? For the record, Donald does NOT have total authority. Donald CANNOT tell congress when to recess so he can ramrod his judges. And it is ILLEGAL to cut off congressionally appropriated payments to WHO by executive order without consensus from congress.

Get this ONE THING through your head - Your Orange Overlord is NOT King George.
He doesn't cut them off, he just doesn't pay them. His threats to force the WHO to do what he wants is downright silly. The WHO will continue to bill the US until paid. The IMF will simply provide the missing funds as they have in the past. Although the US is the largest contributing country, the WHO gets a lot of private funding. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives the WHO more money every year than the United States.

All of this nonsense about the WHO is nothing but an effort to distract them from Trump's total lack of attention to the epidemic until containment was impossible and mitigation in the form a nationwide shutdown was the only alternative to curb the number new cases.
Correlation is not the same as cause and effect.
Ha! That is EXACTLY what it means, you stupid fuck! When two things happen together that are correlated, it means there was a connection, associated. When two things happen at the same time uncorrelated, we call that a COINCIDENCE.
You do realize that there's a correlation between smoking and building of interstate highways, satellite launches and the spread of HIV, and Trump's claims of false news and his news conferences.
Correlation is not the same as cause and effect.
Ha! That is EXACTLY what it means, you stupid fuck! When two things happen together that are correlated, it means there was a connection, associated. When two things happen at the same time uncorrelated, we call that a COINCIDENCE.
You do realize that there's a correlation between smoking and building of interstate highways, satellite launches and the spread of HIV, and Trump's claims of false news and his news conferences.

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