Trump Stops Payment to WHO

And next he should call our debt with China paid in full for their mishandling of a deadly virus.....
And people willing to buy our debt will dry up. Your stupidity is impressive.
People?...what people dumbass? you think other nations won't seek retribution one way or the other? are a stone cold moron you know that?...and you are not a good are exactly what is wrong with our are a disrespectful traitorous assfuck...
Your president puts us in desperate need of buyers of our debt and you would make it so none will want it. That is stupid.
Your president puts us in desperate need of buyers of our debt
Pelosi controls spending, Shitforbrains. You’re a perfect example of public schools failure to teach civics.
The tax cuts weren’t hers, nor all the increased military spending. You can lie to yourself, but not to me.
Oh, you’re whining about the hottest economy we’ve seen in generations again.
Todays deflection. Never mind. President Biden will restore funding in a few months.

A reporter kept telling Biden, 'WHO cares about the impact of this epidemic on American lives', to which Biden kept responding, 'I DO'.

Biden got so frustrated the 3rd time because she kept repeating, 'NO. WHO cares about the impact of the pandemic on American lives' he finally stood up, said, 'F* You - I do, damn it', and stormed off.

:p lol
Who's on first?
Occasionally there is an outbreak of sanity even in Britain's biased,left-leaning press.

Here's their headline:

The WHO is long overdue a kick up the backside and this is the right time to do it

In an ideal world, other big donors such as the UK would threaten to withhold funding until they are given an assurance that the Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, will resign and the agency will undergo a root and branch review. The WHO should promise to drop its obsessions with political correctness and the nanny state and return to its core mission of tackling infectious disease without fear or favour.

When Trump says he is halting funding ‘whilst a review is conducted to assess the WHO’s role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus’, we should take him seriously and literally. An enquiry is much needed, and the threat of losing fifteen per cent of his funding should give Dr Tedros an incentive to co-operate.
The US is not even 'stopping' the funding of the WHO - it is cutting the amount of the funding.

...To which the WHO responded by saying, 'We regret they have decided to do that'.

:p No just lost hundreds of millions of dollars. o ask the Chinese if they will make up the difference by increasing their kickbacks, er, donations.

Your president puts us in desperate need of buyers of our debt and you would make it so none will want it. That is stupid
So I see you are not a are a china man aren't you?...well it was the last president that racked up 18 trillion in debt....Trump is trying to fix it and was until corona happened....
Did Trump tell you that?

Lupus and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

"Lupus and Your Risk of COVID-19

"Your immune system is your body's main defense against germs and illnesses.

"When you have lupus, you're more prone to infections because your immune system works differently than most people's.

"It becomes overactive and attacks your body itself.

"Lupus affects many parts of your body. And people with lupus may have other health problems. Some can make it harder to fight an infection like COVID-19, including..."
The US is not even 'stopping' the funding of the WHO - it is cutting the amount of the funding.
During the worst pandemic in the last hundred years.

Too much winning?
"During the worst pandemic in the last hundred years."
It's precisely, to a very large degree, because of the WHO that we are smack dab in the middle of a global pandemic! If they had done their job there is a chance we would not be in this hellish environment right now.
Hell...they (WHO) help spread the disease and further it!

And you are worried that cutting back a small portion of the $5.135 billion dollars the WHO budgets for themselves every year is going to make things worse? Is that a serious concern?

That's the dumbest and most foolish thing I've ever heard. Hence my contention that leftists are
by and large the most stupid and least self aware people in the a long shot!
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The enemies you make by defunding? Try everyone. You are not hurting the Chinese at all by defunding you are giving the Chinese the opportunity to jump into a power vacuum.

And for the 3rd time. What do you access the WHO could have done differently? I've posed it to other people. You guys are asserting the WHO did something wrong so you should have no problem stating what they should have done.

China cannot jump into power vacuum, because they're already there. Question is, why China have so much power over WHO when they're providing less funding to WHO than US, Japan, or EU?
It has nothing to do with funding and everything to do with the fact that China is leading the world in Coronavirus research. Coronviruses which infected both humans and animals began in China in 2002. China has remained the heart of the research now for almost 20 years. Most of what we know about the virus comes from China. China has just approved two Coronavirus vaccines for human testing as relations between the US and China continue to deteriorate. The WHO is an important link between medical research in China and the US, a link that should not be broken regardless of Trump's problems with China.

Why do you asshats insist on carrying water for an authoritarian communist regime?

There is literally nothing they are doing that we cannot do ourselves. Fuck China.
It seems to me that the US took weeks longer to develop working tests, weeks that have cost lives. Do you know what I find interesting? This idea that the US doesn't need the international community. The German developed and by the WHO distributed test worked. The one developed by the CDC didn't.

That malaria drug that Trump is touting. The first scientist that discovered that it had a possible positive effect on viruses like this was a Belgian in 2005.

The thing is medical discoveries are made across the world, not just the US and the WHO plays an important role in the coordination and distribution of those medical advances. Trump just told them to go fuck themselves. What exactly is in place to fill that void?

You are missing the point, so I'll say it again: There is nothing China (or anyone) is doing that we cannot do ourselves. We are not Somalia. We are the wealthiest and most advanced nation in recorded history. I don't give a shit who "does it first". The USSR beat us to space. It didn't stop us from doing it bigger and better than they did.

Our reliance on the "international community" is a massive part of the reason we're in such a fucking mess to begin with. Need proof? Just look at the medical supply shortage. Our economy & infrastructure, and most especially the critical components of it such as health care, needs to be self reliant.

Let's assume this virus was 100x worse than it is and people were dying in droves. And then someone like China magically derives a cure or vaccine. Do you think they're going to give it to us before tending to their own? Do you think ANYONE would??
The WHO said that the there was no evidence of the Chinavirus being transmitted by humans.

Why in the hell should we give those morons one cent?
I think the media and the dems were trying to spread this would their actions and words be any different if they were?....

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