Trump Stops Payment to WHO

Criticized for Pandemic Response, Trump Tries Shifting Blame to the W.H.O.

WASHINGTON — For weeks, President Trump has faced relentless criticism for having overseen a slow and ineffective response to the coronavirus pandemic, failing to quickly embrace public health measures that could have prevented the disease from spreading.

Recent polls show that more Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump’s handling of the virus than approve.

So on Tuesday, the president tried to shift the blame elsewhere, ordering his administration to halt funding for the World Health Organization and claiming the organization made a series of devastating mistakes as it sought to battle the virus. He said his administration would conduct a review into whether the W.H.O. was responsible for “severely mismanaging and covering up” the spread.
The endless search for a scapegoat continues unabated.
He hasn't blamed the NFL yet. Their time must be coming.
Expressing your monstrous ignorance in this forum is free. You won't have to pay a fee for it.

Obviously, you don't have the foggiest idea why Trump defunded WHO. You're just another airhead Trump hater.

Yes, yes. You love Trump and everything Trump does is perfect. I am just a clueless commie cuck with TDS. Or something. I know.

You can just copy/paste that response from here on out and it will be just as useful. Thanks.

Interestingly, the only people I see rushing in to defend this move are Trump's boot lickers. I wonder what people without their head up Trump's ass think about this.
Democrats and snowflakes impress on people with their argument that they are the kind of people who would pay 10 times the going rate for a smoke detector that hid the detection of smoke in the middle of the night and only finally sounded the alarm when the fire was raging and no way for it to be hidden any longer, resulting in the death of several family members....and then would argue / attempt to justify paying 10 times the going rate to buy ANOTHER one of the same faulty smoke detectors to go in their new house.


It's getting pretty disgusting that these effing Democrats ALWAYS take sides with the effing communists against our country. That goes for the MSM too, effing pinkos that they are.

That seems to be your new fake claim.

No one "takes sides" with China (you confuse acknowledging realities with "taking sides").

However, quite a few people on both sides have substantial business interests there.

And next he should call our debt with China paid in full for their mishandling of a deadly virus.....
And people willing to buy our debt will dry up. Your stupidity is impressive.
People?...what people dumbass? you think other nations won't seek retribution one way or the other? are a stone cold moron you know that?...and you are not a good are exactly what is wrong with our are a disrespectful traitorous assfuck...
Your president puts us in desperate need of buyers of our debt and you would make it so none will want it. That is stupid.
In the middle of a world pandemic.


What's "brilliant" is to continue to pour millions into a corrupt useless NGO (over 80% of WHO's budget comes from countries like the US that voluntarily keep this venal serf to China in business....over five billion dollars a year for this agency that simply looked the other way when they knew better in order not to agitate China).

Excuse me but it really ticks me off when moronic leftists advocate the most incredibly stupid shit
just because opposing Trump is more important than anything else.

Do you not understand what the WHO did when Taiwan gave them a very early heads up on the Corona virus?
Why do leftists continue to insist they are "smart"? They are as smart as lemmings running headlong
over a cliff.
And next he should call our debt with China paid in full for their mishandling of a deadly virus.....
And people willing to buy our debt will dry up. Your stupidity is impressive.
People?...what people dumbass? you think other nations won't seek retribution one way or the other? are a stone cold moron you know that?...and you are not a good are exactly what is wrong with our are a disrespectful traitorous assfuck...
Your president puts us in desperate need of buyers of our debt and you would make it so none will want it. That is stupid.
Your president puts us in desperate need of buyers of our debt
Pelosi controls spending, Shitforbrains. You’re a perfect example of public schools failure to teach civics.
I know asking for an honest response to the following is pointless but I’m going to anyway. Would you still be upset over the freezing of funds to the WHO if anyone other than Trump had done it?
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

What happens when this virus ravages the southern hemisphere including Africa and South America next Fall? Another spike in US cases much like the 1918 pandemic, just in time for 2020's October Surprise.
it won;t happen those places have been sucking down the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine for years now and have built up a resistance to the virus
Great elimination of wasteful spending.

For you Leftards who are upset about it, have your fantasy socialist nation pickup the slack.

What happens when this virus ravages the southern hemisphere including Africa and South America next Fall? Another spike in US cases much like the 1918 pandemic, just in time for 2020's October Surprise.
it won;t happen those places have been sucking down the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine for years now and have built up a resistance to the virus
That shitforbrains doesn’t know it’s already there.
He hasn't blamed the NFL yet. Their time must be coming.
You using the NY Times to slander Trump when he takes a perfectly rational and just position on funding the
corrupt failed WHO is like the cherry on top of a big stupid cake!

Did Trump "blame" the World Health Organization for covering for China when Taiwan notified them
about the danger of the Wu Han virus?

Of did Trump correctly decide he wasn't going to support and reward a venal corrupt NGO that helps put the world in danger. Literally! Christ you are dumb!
He hasn't blamed the NFL yet. Their time must be coming.
You using the NY Times to slander Trump when he takes a perfectly rational and just position on funding the
corrupt failed WHO is like the cherry on top of a big stupid cake!

Did Trump "blame" the World Health Organization for covering for China when Taiwan notified them
about the danger of the Wu Han virus?

Of did Trump correctly decide he wasn't going to support and reward a venal corrupt NGO that helps put the world in danger. Literally! Christ you are dumb!
They are an easy target.
Look the money wont be missed. The rest of the world will pass the hat round and make up the difference
But the US is too big a country to sit this one out. It needs to be at the centre of world events giving leadership and support.
Once again trumps tantrums isolate the US from the rest of the world and we are all the poorer for it.
They are an easy target.
Look the money wont be missed. The rest of the world will pass the hat round and make up the difference
But the US is too big a country to sit this one out. It needs to be at the centre of world events giving leadership and support.
Once again trumps tantrums isolate the US from the rest of the world and we are all the poorer for it.
Trump threw a "tantrum" just because the World Health Organization knew about this coming global disaster and sat on their thumbs rather than offend or put the butchers in China on the spot?

Yeah, how horrible is Trump! What a jackass he is. How irresponsible can you be?

I contend the US IS at the center of things by taking action against the venal corrupt WHO and letting the world know who is responsible for all the misery and death we are all experiencing.

But of course you, and other lemmings like you, would rather hate Trump than look the facts
straight in the eye. And that's incredibly idiotic and shows a shocking lack of good sense.
And next he should call our debt with China paid in full for their mishandling of a deadly virus.....
And people willing to buy our debt will dry up. Your stupidity is impressive.
People?...what people dumbass? you think other nations won't seek retribution one way or the other? are a stone cold moron you know that?...and you are not a good are exactly what is wrong with our are a disrespectful traitorous assfuck...
Your president puts us in desperate need of buyers of our debt and you would make it so none will want it. That is stupid.
Your president puts us in desperate need of buyers of our debt
Pelosi controls spending, Shitforbrains. You’re a perfect example of public schools failure to teach civics.
The tax cuts weren’t hers, nor all the increased military spending. You can lie to yourself, but not to me.

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