Trump Stops Payment to WHO

Everyone for giving the WHO 10 times the amount of money China gives to them after Chicomm Leader Xi and China have been exposed for knowing about their epidemic weeks before reporting it, who allowed it to become a global pandemic by refusing to halt international travel from the very epicenter of the outbreak, who the CDC said could have prevented 95% of what the world is going through if it had immediately sounded the alarm and acted - raise your hand....

And everyone who wants to keep giving the WHO 10 times the amount of money China gives to them after learning the WHO knew weeks earlier how bad the China virus outbreak was but continued to tell the world there was no threat, to keep their borders open, and to go on with their lives as usual - raise your hand...

Both China and the WHO sacrificed the safety of all global inhabitants in an attempt to hide the existence of and severity of a global pandemic.

Sorry, proven SOBs like that should not be rewarded with hundreds of billions of tax dollars.

The WHO is funded to help PREVENT events like this, not facilitate them.

If they choose to find out what happened, who was involved, and punish those who were responsible - fire them and clean up their act - then I am all for revisiting US support for the organization. Until then, F* 'em.

Todays deflection. Never mind. President Biden will restore funding in a few months.

A reporter kept telling Biden, 'WHO cares about the impact of this epidemic on American lives', to which Biden kept responding, 'I DO'.

Biden got so frustrated the 3rd time because she kept repeating, 'NO. WHO cares about the impact of the pandemic on American lives' he finally stood up, said, 'F* You - I do, damn it', and stormed off.

:p lol
You know what Trump and WHO have in common?
They both misinform, late to respond, cherry pick, and blame others for their incompetence.

As opposed to Dementia Joe who led the Democrat opposition to the travel ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for imposing it, later admitted it was the right thing to do, suggested the President take actions he already had taken, and has announced he is running for the US SENATE before having a spat with his teleprompter.

Criticized for Pandemic Response, Trump Tries Shifting Blame to the W.H.O.

WASHINGTON — For weeks, President Trump has faced relentless criticism for having overseen a slow and ineffective response to the coronavirus pandemic, failing to quickly embrace public health measures that could have prevented the disease from spreading.

Recent polls show that more Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump’s handling of the virus than approve.

So on Tuesday, the president tried to shift the blame elsewhere, ordering his administration to halt funding for the World Health Organization and claiming the organization made a series of devastating mistakes as it sought to battle the virus. He said his administration would conduct a review into whether the W.H.O. was responsible for “severely mismanaging and covering up” the spread.
The endless search for a scapegoat continues unabated.
Criticized for Pandemic Response, Trump Tries Shifting Blame to the W.H.O.

WASHINGTON — For weeks, President Trump has faced relentless criticism for having overseen a slow and ineffective response to the coronavirus pandemic, failing to quickly embrace public health measures that could have prevented the disease from spreading.

Recent polls show that more Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump’s handling of the virus than approve.

So on Tuesday, the president tried to shift the blame elsewhere, ordering his administration to halt funding for the World Health Organization and claiming the organization made a series of devastating mistakes as it sought to battle the virus. He said his administration would conduct a review into whether the W.H.O. was responsible for “severely mismanaging and covering up” the spread.
The endless search for a scapegoat continues unabated.

I see you are still avoiding all the evidence of how China and the WHO hid for weeks how serious the pandemic was - the CDC has stated that had China sounded the alarm when it occurred instead of hiding it 95% of all of this could have been avoided.

Keep the hate stoked high, lil' snowflake. Never surrender to facts, evidence, common sense.....


China’s rigid controls on information, bureaucratic hurdles and a reluctance to send bad news up the chain of command muffled early warnings. The punishment of eight doctors for “rumor-mongering,” broadcast on national television on Jan. 2, sent a chill through the city’s hospitals.

“Doctors in Wuhan were afraid,” said Dali Yang, a professor of Chinese politics at the University of Chicago. “It was truly intimidation of an entire profession.”

That treatment of the doctors in the early days is key, both to understanding the culture of fear that always and forever exists under communism, and understanding how this particular pandemic unfolded in one of the worst possible environments and at one of the worst possible times. Communism always creates a culture of fear and punishment. That's fundamental to keeping order within its totalitarian framework. That culture has existed for decades in China, and the punishment of the doctors in Wuhan reinforced it.

No one wanted to run bad news up the chain of command, out of legitimate fear that they too would be punished for it. The communists literally used mass media to humiliate their best defense against the pandemic. Add to that, Beijing allowed travel in and out of Wuhan during the critical Chinese New Year period, and you have the virus exploding outward and the whole world is now suffering for it.
And next he should call our debt with China paid in full for their mishandling of a deadly virus.....
And people willing to buy our debt will dry up. Your stupidity is impressive.
People?...what people dumbass? you think other nations won't seek retribution one way or the other? are a stone cold moron you know that?...and you are not a good are exactly what is wrong with our are a disrespectful traitorous assfuck...

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