Trump Stops Payment to WHO

WHO does not have enforcement powers. They never have. It isn’t their mission. They can only go by what countries are willing to give.

Our primary role is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations system.

Our main areas of work are health systems; health through the life-course; noncommunicable and communicable diseases; preparedness, surveillance and response; and corporate services.

INO, they should serve the whole world, right?

Then, why did they pander to China?
In the middle of a world pandemic.



In the middle of a world pandemic made astronomically worse because of their own actions.

Yes, defund them until they replace their leadership with competent people who aren't in the pocket of the Chinese government.
All right kiddos...let’s move beyond prancing sentient houseplants and back to the topic: Trump defunding WHO.
In the middle of a world pandemic.


Hilarious. WHO with their ChiCom masters created the pandemic.

When Taiwan warn about the China and virus, they ignored them, because they, under China's pressure, don't recognize Taiwan as independent country.

By the way, isn't it surprising that head of world's health organisation is not a medical doctor? Beside, head of WHO is from Ethiopia. What medical advancements are coming from Ethiopia that they deserve to lead World Health Organisation?
Why do you presume that Ethiopia has no advanced medicine?

I have yet to find a medicine, medical equipment, medical innovation, or cure that comes from Ethiopia.

How about you, any luck?
In the middle of a world pandemic.



In the middle of a world pandemic made astronomically worse because of their own actions.

Yes, defund them until they replace their leadership with competent people who aren't in the pocket of the Chinese government.
How specifically did they make it worse given the information they had at the time?
In the middle of a world pandemic.



Our first responsibility is to OUR OWN.
Really, so the WHO started issuing warnings in January. Warning that circulated in the administration since then. So how do you suggest "our own" will be made aware in a timely way whenever there's a new virus somewhere in the world? You do know that the WHO is the only organization that is equipped to do so?

"the WHO started issuing warnings in January"

Oh... you mean when they said there was nothing to worry about?

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But Trump took action anyways...

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...and all the media bobble-heads labeled him a racist.

Don't remember that? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
What you remember seems to be a little bit distorted. Coronavirus not a global health crisis, WHO says; China reports 8 more deaths, restricts 18M people This article clearly states it is a snapshot and not a declaration that Covid-19 isn't serious. The wording in the article,
Tedros, who made the final decision, said WHO is "following the outbreak every minute of every day" and could decide to declare a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC.

Such declarations can result in more resources made available to combat outbreaks but also can spur restrictions on trade and travel.

"This should not be taken as a sign that WHO does not think the situation is serious or that we’re not taking it seriously," Tedros said.

That's the problem with all you guys. All you have is talking points but absolutely no intellectual honesty.

Could've, would've, should've, but didn't. In fact, the WHO didn't declare the coronavirus to be a pandemic until MARCH ELEVENTH.

View attachment 323591

The WHO is a worthless organization that only serves as a mouthpiece for commies. Only when the virus had already spread like wildfire did they actually admit there was a serious problem. Spare me your bullshit virtue signaling. You can't rewrite history.
Dated January 30th. Who is trying to rewrite history again? The who declared a public health emergency on January 30th.

Right after CDC beat them to punch. The question is, would they do it if CDC hasn't?
In the middle of a world pandemic.


Hilarious. WHO with their ChiCom masters created the pandemic.

When Taiwan warn about the China and virus, they ignored them, because they, under China's pressure, don't recognize Taiwan as independent country.

By the way, isn't it surprising that head of world's health organisation is not a medical doctor? Beside, head of WHO is from Ethiopia. What medical advancements are coming from Ethiopia that they deserve to lead World Health Organisation?
Why do you presume that Ethiopia has no advanced medicine?

I have yet to find a medicine, medical equipment, medical innovation, or cure that comes from Ethiopia.

How about you, any luck?

I had no idea that was a requirement for advanced or good quality medicine. In fact, I don’t think it is.
In the middle of a world pandemic.



Our first responsibility is to OUR OWN.
Really, so the WHO started issuing warnings in January. Warning that circulated in the administration since then. So how do you suggest "our own" will be made aware in a timely way whenever there's a new virus somewhere in the world? You do know that the WHO is the only organization that is equipped to do so?

"the WHO started issuing warnings in January"

Oh... you mean when they said there was nothing to worry about?

View attachment 323585

But Trump took action anyways...

View attachment 323586

View attachment 323587

...and all the media bobble-heads labeled him a racist.

Don't remember that? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
What you remember seems to be a little bit distorted. Coronavirus not a global health crisis, WHO says; China reports 8 more deaths, restricts 18M people This article clearly states it is a snapshot and not a declaration that Covid-19 isn't serious. The wording in the article,
Tedros, who made the final decision, said WHO is "following the outbreak every minute of every day" and could decide to declare a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC.

Such declarations can result in more resources made available to combat outbreaks but also can spur restrictions on trade and travel.

"This should not be taken as a sign that WHO does not think the situation is serious or that we’re not taking it seriously," Tedros said.

That's the problem with all you guys. All you have is talking points but absolutely no intellectual honesty.

Could've, would've, should've, but didn't. In fact, the WHO didn't declare the coronavirus to be a pandemic until MARCH ELEVENTH.

View attachment 323591

The WHO is a worthless organization that only serves as a mouthpiece for commies. Only when the virus had already spread like wildfire did they actually admit there was a serious problem. Spare me your bullshit virtue signaling. You can't rewrite history.
Dated January 30th. Who is trying to rewrite history again? The who declared a public health emergency on January 30th.

A public health emergency is not a global pandemic you dumb shit. A flooded river can be deemed a "public health emergency".

What does declaring something a pandemic do? It releases no extra funds or changes the actions. It's a simple statement that disease is widespread. Declaring a global public health emergency does. Again if you want to blame the WHO for anything it would be good you had a definition of that something.

Keep moving those goalposts and carrying water for Chicom mouthpieces.
The WHO was informed of human to human transmission in mid December but claimed in mid January that there wasn't... WHY DID THEY LIE? Who were they protecting?

If they were informed in December, and waited, than it looks even worse for them. Were they waiting for more results from China? Why they were waiting for China at all?

One thing for sure is, China have some kind of control over them, since they were clearly ignoring warnings from Taiwan, and refusing to act on it.
In the middle of a world pandemic.



In the middle of a world pandemic made astronomically worse because of their own actions.

Yes, defund them until they replace their leadership with competent people who aren't in the pocket of the Chinese government.
How specifically did they make it worse given the information they had at the time?
The W.H.O. refused to recognize Taiwan's warning because China does not recognize Taiwan's government. The W.H.O. director is Dr. Tedros and is China-centric.

"Back in January, when the pandemic now consuming the world was still gathering force, a Berkeley research scientist named Xiao Qiang was monitoring China’s official statements about a new coronavirus then spreading through Wuhan and noticed something disturbing. Statements made by the World Health Organization, the international body that advises the world on handling health crises, often echoed China’s messages. "

It's also informative that Tedros is from Ethopia which has been greatly bolstered by China

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In the middle of a world pandemic.



In the middle of a world pandemic made astronomically worse because of their own actions.

Yes, defund them until they replace their leadership with competent people who aren't in the pocket of the Chinese government.
How specifically did they make it worse given the information they had at the time?

The corruption of the Chinese government is not a secret. Tedros Adhanom was China's pick to lead the WHO and he has been carrying their water since he was installed. He's repeatedly rebuffed Taiwan's entry into the WHO at China's request. He also ignored Taiwan's warning back in December that China was not being forthcoming with their information. They had an obligation to send scientists there to validate what was really going on. That is the job of the WHO. Instead they have functioned more as a political organization going back a good 20 years now for whoever butters their bread. It's corruption throughout the organization and it should probably be completely dismantled and rebuilt with something new, not under the umbrella of the UN.
In the middle of a world pandemic.



In the middle of a world pandemic made astronomically worse because of their own actions.

Yes, defund them until they replace their leadership with competent people who aren't in the pocket of the Chinese government.
How specifically did they make it worse given the information they had at the time?
They said masks don’t help and not to wear them. Bad judgment. I heard today that 3mil in China have the virus. They still say it’s 80k...eeesh
They were informed by the Taiwanese that China had a novel virus outbreak. They had to rely on the Chinese to give the information. So they didn't lie at all the Chinese did.

WHO refuses to talk about Taiwan completely, and reason for that is China's policy.

Check this out...

The enemies you make by defunding? Try everyone. You are not hurting the Chinese at all by defunding you are giving the Chinese the opportunity to jump into a power vacuum.

And for the 3rd time. What do you access the WHO could have done differently? I've posed it to other people. You guys are asserting the WHO did something wrong so you should have no problem stating what they should have done.

China cannot jump into power vacuum, because they're already there. Question is, why China have so much power over WHO when they're providing less funding to WHO than US, Japan, or EU?
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The enemies you make by defunding? Try everyone. You are not hurting the Chinese at all by defunding you are giving the Chinese the opportunity to jump into a power vacuum.

And for the 3rd time. What do you access the WHO could have done differently? I've posed it to other people. You guys are asserting the WHO did something wrong so you should have no problem stating what they should have done.

China cannot jump into power vacuum, because they're already there. Question is, why China have so much power over WHO when they're not providing to less funding to WHO than US, Japan, or EU?
The WHO director, Dr. Tedros, is a China Stooge.
In the middle of a world pandemic.


Hilarious. WHO with their ChiCom masters created the pandemic.

When Taiwan warn about the China and virus, they ignored them, because they, under China's pressure, don't recognize Taiwan as independent country.

By the way, isn't it surprising that head of world's health organisation is not a medical doctor? Beside, head of WHO is from Ethiopia. What medical advancements are coming from Ethiopia that they deserve to lead World Health Organisation?
Why do you presume that Ethiopia has no advanced medicine?

I have yet to find a medicine, medical equipment, medical innovation, or cure that comes from Ethiopia.

How about you, any luck?

I had no idea that was a requirement for advanced or good quality medicine. In fact, I don’t think it is.

You see, you keep twisting my words, again.

I asked "What medical advancements are coming from Ethiopia", and you changed it to look like I said "Ethiopia doesn't have advanced medicine".

Those are not the same things, shitstain. I don't know if they have advances medicine, did they bought it, got it as donation, stole it thru piracy, whatever... No medical advancement came from there.

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