Trump Stops Payment to WHO

In the middle of a world pandemic.



I agree. It is brilliant and to many years to late. WHO only showed up for China on this. They serve no purpose.
The WHO's 2018-2019 budget was about $6 billion, and the U.S. was by far the biggest donor of any country, contributing more than $400 million to the organization last year. Yet the US contribution is only 6% of the WHO budget which will be made up by the IMF. So what does Trump's actions accomplish,? It is not going change the WHO in anyway. However, it gives him something he badly needs, another scapegoat. If you will remember his first scapegoat was the democrats who created the coronavirus hoax. Then it was China where it started. That was when the coronavirus became the China virus. Then it was Obama, for not rebuilding the stock pile of masks. Next it was the states for not stockpiling emergency PPEs and ventilators. And now it's the WHO, the messenger of the virus bad news. However, it seems very unlikely that the American voters are going to buy this subterfuge because the buck will stop where it belongs with the president.
During the critical weeks of February when the epidemic was in its infancy, much could have been done, had their been a plan and adequate resources for dealing with a pandemic but nothing really was done. The administration lack of action resulted in skipping the critical containment phase of the epidemic almost entirely and moving on to mitigation. So the nation is now paying the price in lives and an economic disaster.
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This is incredibly short sighted on so many fronts.

For example, every time we withdraw our presence from world organizations, we give space to China to come in and exert it’s influence. We cut back on charitable funding or actions that internationally, China ups it, one of these days you are going to wonder how in the hell China got to be so powerful?
The Chi Coms can barely feed their own people, are you seriously suggesting they can fill the voids we leave, especially when they're going to have to fill new voids the more we cut them off?
In the middle of a world pandemic.



I agree. It is brilliant and to many years to late. WHO only showed up for China on this. They serve no purpose.
The WHO's 2018-2019 budget was about $6 billion, and the U.S. was by far the biggest donor of any country, contributing more than $400 million to the organization last year. Yet the US contribution is only 6% of the WHO budget which will be made up by the IMF. So what does Trump's actions accomplish,? It is not going change the WHO in anyway. However, it gives him something he badly needs, another scapegoat. If you will remember his first scapegoat was the democrats who created the coronavirus hoax. Then it was China where it started. That was when the coronavirus became the China virus. Then it was Obama, for not rebuilding the stock pile of masks. Next it was the states for not stockpiling emergency PPEs and ventilators. And now it's the WHO, the messenger of the virus bad news. However, it seems very unlikely that the American voters are going to buy this subterfuge because the buck will stop where it belongs with the president.
During the critical weeks of February when the epidemic was in its infancy, much could have been done, had their been a plan and adequate resources for dealing with a pandemic but nothing really was done. The administration lack of action resulted in skipping the critical containment phase of the epidemic almost entirely and moving on to mitigation. So the nation is now paying the price in lives and an economic disaster.
Trump never said the Democrats created coronavirus hoax. I challenge you to provide any evidence of that. WHO is run by China in the director Dr. Tedros from Ethopia which is basically run by china. Because China does not recognize Taiwan, Tedros ignored Taiwan's warning about the virus. No one on Trump's team urged him to shut down America in February. You are grossly misinformed and obviously suffering from a tinge of TDS.
"He lied and people died" -

Charges are in order for this criminal!

WHO knew.

The enemies you make by defunding? Try everyone. You are not hurting the Chinese at all by defunding you are giving the Chinese the opportunity to jump into a power vacuum.

And for the 3rd time. What do you access the WHO could have done differently? I've posed it to other people. You guys are asserting the WHO did something wrong so you should have no problem stating what they should have done.

China cannot jump into power vacuum, because they're already there. Question is, why China have so much power over WHO when they're providing less funding to WHO than US, Japan, or EU?
It has nothing to do with funding and everything to do with the fact that China is leading the world in Coronavirus research. Coronviruses which infected both humans and animals began in China in 2002. China has remained the heart of the research now for almost 20 years. Most of what we know about the virus comes from China. China has just approved two Coronavirus vaccines for human testing as relations between the US and China continue to deteriorate. The WHO is an important link between medical research in China and the US, a link that should not be broken regardless of Trump's problems with China.
This is incredibly short sighted on so many fronts.

For example, every time we withdraw our presence from world organizations, we give space to China to come in and exert it’s influence. We cut back on charitable funding or actions that internationally, China ups it, one of these days you are going to wonder how in the hell China got to be so powerful?
The Chi Coms can barely feed their own people, are you seriously suggesting they can fill the voids we leave, especially when they're going to have to fill new voids the more we cut them off?
You are about 25 years behind the times. China ranks first in worldwide farm output. At $25.2 billion, China is the world's 4th largest exporter of food. On this basis, China appears to be more than able to feed itself. The fact that it also is a large importer of food is do to the fact that China's increased wealth over the years has created a demand for food products from around the world.
The enemies you make by defunding? Try everyone. You are not hurting the Chinese at all by defunding you are giving the Chinese the opportunity to jump into a power vacuum.

And for the 3rd time. What do you access the WHO could have done differently? I've posed it to other people. You guys are asserting the WHO did something wrong so you should have no problem stating what they should have done.

China cannot jump into power vacuum, because they're already there. Question is, why China have so much power over WHO when they're providing less funding to WHO than US, Japan, or EU?
It has nothing to do with funding and everything to do with the fact that China is leading the world in Coronavirus research. Coronviruses which infected both humans and animals began in China in 2002. China has remained the heart of the research now for almost 20 years. Most of what we know about the virus comes from China. China has just approved two Coronavirus vaccines for human testing as relations between the US and China continue to deteriorate. The WHO is an important link between medical research in China and the US, a link that should not be broken regardless of Trump's problems with China.

WHO is not just about corona virus, but about all world health. Just because China is "leading" researcher in that field, doesn't give them control over WHO, and WHO rhetoric.
This is incredibly short sighted on so many fronts.

For example, every time we withdraw our presence from world organizations, we give space to China to come in and exert it’s influence. We cut back on charitable funding or actions that internationally, China ups it, one of these days you are going to wonder how in the hell China got to be so powerful?
We already have a pretty good handle on how China got so powerful. Do the names Charlie Yah Lin Trie, Liu Chaoying, Norman Hsu and Johnny Chung mean anything? They ought to. Or a company called Loral Space & Communications Ltd. and a young couple of miscreants in the White House who should have been shot before a firing squad for treason.

The enemies you make by defunding? Try everyone. You are not hurting the Chinese at all by defunding you are giving the Chinese the opportunity to jump into a power vacuum.

And for the 3rd time. What do you access the WHO could have done differently? I've posed it to other people. You guys are asserting the WHO did something wrong so you should have no problem stating what they should have done.

China cannot jump into power vacuum, because they're already there. Question is, why China have so much power over WHO when they're providing less funding to WHO than US, Japan, or EU?
It has nothing to do with funding and everything to do with the fact that China is leading the world in Coronavirus research. Coronviruses which infected both humans and animals began in China in 2002. China has remained the heart of the research now for almost 20 years. Most of what we know about the virus comes from China. China has just approved two Coronavirus vaccines for human testing as relations between the US and China continue to deteriorate. The WHO is an important link between medical research in China and the US, a link that should not be broken regardless of Trump's problems with China.

WHO is not just about corona virus, but about all world health. Just because China is "leading" researcher in that field, doesn't give them control over WHO, and WHO rhetoric.
My point is the WHO is a conduit between the US and China that we will need. Trump's tariffs wars with China and now his attempt to blame China for the pandemic is creating a break between the US and China at the worst possible time. Not only do with need research from China on the virus but we are going to need their Medical Equipment and Supplies manufacturing as America struggles with the virus. They can produce in huge qualities exactly what we need. If one of the two vaccines they have in human testing turns out to be successful, we're going need that too. This is no time for the blame game and trying to force China to change it's wicked ways.
The enemies you make by defunding? Try everyone. You are not hurting the Chinese at all by defunding you are giving the Chinese the opportunity to jump into a power vacuum.

And for the 3rd time. What do you access the WHO could have done differently? I've posed it to other people. You guys are asserting the WHO did something wrong so you should have no problem stating what they should have done.

China cannot jump into power vacuum, because they're already there. Question is, why China have so much power over WHO when they're providing less funding to WHO than US, Japan, or EU?
It has nothing to do with funding and everything to do with the fact that China is leading the world in Coronavirus research. Coronviruses which infected both humans and animals began in China in 2002. China has remained the heart of the research now for almost 20 years. Most of what we know about the virus comes from China. China has just approved two Coronavirus vaccines for human testing as relations between the US and China continue to deteriorate. The WHO is an important link between medical research in China and the US, a link that should not be broken regardless of Trump's problems with China.

WHO is not just about corona virus, but about all world health. Just because China is "leading" researcher in that field, doesn't give them control over WHO, and WHO rhetoric.
My point is the WHO is a conduit between the US and China that we will need. Trump's tariffs wars with China and now his attempt to blame China for the pandemic is creating a break between the US and China at the worst possible time. Not only do with need research from China on the virus but we are going to need their Medical Equipment and Supplies manufacturing as America struggles with the virus. They can produce in huge qualities exactly what we need. If one of the two vaccines they have in human testing turns out to be successful, we're going need that too. This is no time for the blame game and trying to force China to change it's wicked ways.
Flop, you keep MISSING THE POINT. The problem IN THE FIRST PLACE is that we need China so much for anything. Corrupt politicians and greedy capitalists put us in that stupid position and now we are paying for that dependence. Trump is getting us out of it. There are no good times to rip a bandage off your arm, but the longer you leave it on, the more it is going to hurt.
I don't see how anyone other than Trump humpers can consider this a good move during a global pandemic.
Then you don't know anything about the WHO, and how they caused this pandemic to go worldwide.

You don't need to do a post to tell us you're clueless.
I don't see how anyone other than Trump humpers can consider this a good move during a global pandemic.
Then you don't know anything about the WHO, and how they caused this pandemic to go worldwide.

You don't need to do a post to tell us you're clueless.

Another Trump humper who loves this.

Because Trump humpers love everything he does. Simple as that.

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