Trump: Stronger Than Ever

Nutcase, the event was organized by a member of the Proud Boys. It was hosted by a bunch of known rightwing nuts.

Pretending like folks on the left infiltrated a Proud Boys rally to provoke them into being bigots is retarded, even for a Birther like you.
Proud Boys member who organized the event... You know, one of Trump's boys... "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by!"

dudmuck and I were talking about Charlottesville, Bozo.
You're Birther too?????

No, Birther, gramps. There is no evidence Obama was born in Africa. There is evidence he was born in Hawaii.
You're cracking me up, Birther gramps. Trump hired a team to find election fraud. He paid them $600,000 to find election fraud.

They couldn't find it but you think a nut like you can.
Another case of stupid Faun being refuted by the post he quoted, :badgrin:
Not one word of those leftist media sources shows/proves WHO the torch carriers were. Agent provocateurs ? ..of which there have been hundreds of thousands over the past 60 years...ho hum.....

publishing personal data is the quickest way to go out of business and into jail.

Howbout something more appropriate, such as video evidence
Well, some people need to be told twice, or 3, or 4, or 10, or 20 times. Ho hum.

The limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers were leftwing agent provacateurs, and Trump supporters egged on by leftwingers,

Egged on by bullhorn carrying leftists. Ex. Water Masterson, Peter Scattini, Crackhead Barney & friends.

BOMBSHELL: Leftists Infiltrated 1/6 Protests Disguised As Pro-Trump Reporters While Working With Democrat News Outlets - National File

Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone – Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies (VIDEO) - Survive the News

IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO) - Survive the News

It Wasn’t Just the FBI – The Capitol Police Also Had at Least 3 Operatives Planted Inside the Jan. 6 Trump Protests - Survive the News

It appears that some key players in the organization and execution of the January 6 terrorist “Insurrection” may have been Deep-State operatives working for the FBI or various other US intelligence agencies that day. Among these men were Stewart Rhodes, who founded the patriot group Oath Keepers, and Ray Epps, president of the Arizona chapter.

It became more and more evident, as the Revolver reporters began to dig deeper, that the “Insurrection” seemed to be a bought and paid-for FBI operation, contrived to frame Donald Trump and his supporters for the violence the FBI was orchestrating. All this while the FBI quietly left the linchpins of their J6 operation, Oath Keepers Epps and Rhodes, free and unindicted. The FBI even went so far as to remove Epps’s photograph from the FBI’s January 6th Most Wanted List after the Revolver News exposé was posted.

The FBI’s idea (its psyop) was to hijack the peaceful protest on January 6, 2021, and then to spark mayhem. Working with the corporate media, this would create the intentional misimpression that the protestors were all racist insurrectionists. The Feds’ primary goal is to demonize freedom-loving Americans nationwide; and their secondary goal is to instill fear in ordinary Americans that the same will happen to them if they speak or act, effectively silencing them. Cowed, they won’t act even as they witness leftists engage in the planned destruction of America and her institutions by those who have sworn to protect and serve it.


Holy fuck! Gramps, we were talking about the Charlottesville rally.

You're beyond senile, Birther gramps. :cuckoo:
Call it a cult if that somehow empowers your ego. But you're right that Trump is "alive and well in the GOP", and in America as well, unlike Biden whose disapproval continues to soar.
It is hard to understand people so willing to repeatedly just bend over and grab their ankles and take it in the behind from this orange cat-turd.....and then turn around and beg him for more.

Clueless SHEEPLE!

In essence, Trump paid $600K to be told that there was no fraud and he couldn’t claim that the election was rigged with any reputability.

But even as he received that information, witnesses have testified that they both informed him and were informed by him that the election was not rigged – which means that he knew and understood exactly how deceitful he was being in pushing the “rigged election” narrative.

During the month after the 2020 election concluded, Trump solicited and was given $207.5M from donors desperate to uphold democracy.

Trump’s leadership PAC alone brought in around $31 million from November 24 to December 31.

And remember – he knew it was a lie. He was happy to scam supporters as long as they were happy to pay

Maybe all the failures that Joe Biden has brought about have added to the popularity of Donald Trump. Or just as likely, all the cries of "Trump is finished" never had grain of truth to begin with. What IS finished is the careers of anti-Trumpers like Jeff Flake, Bob Corker et al who opposed Trump, and paid the price for it.

Stronger than ever, Trump's endorsed candidates have all won or moved into runoffs. That’s a 55-0 record.

Think of it like your team just won the SuperBowl by a score of 55-0. In the 2016 and 2020 elections, most Americans voted for Trump, and this will likely be the case in 2024 also.

Donald Trump only received 44% of the primary votes but won the nomination by getting 100% of the delegates with 15% of the vote.

Donald Trump lost the popular vote in the President election 2016, which had the lowest voter turn out in generations.

Donald Trump lost the House in 2018

Donald Trump lost the White House and the Senate in 2020

Donald Trump lost the Senate in 2022.

Donald Trump has never WON any election ever.
Be careful what you wish for, lefties.

Anyone who's "not Trump" is going to have the same policies without the baggage.

And they won't be elected either. Hate and violence against non-whites, gays, and stripping women of their right to self determination. Failure to address police violence against civilians. Economic failure at every turn while billionaires and big corporations pay no taxes at all.

Chaos and a complete inability to manage national resources in the best interests of the American people. This Congress is your last chance to prove Republicans fit to govern and they're blowing it completely.

1 in 5 teenage girls report being the victims of sexual violence in the past year. And what are Republicans doing??? Attacking drag queens and trannies. How is attacking homosexuals doing ANYTHING about the sexual violence your daughters are being subjected to?

And if these girls are raped, forget any abortions for them. Make them pay for the rest of their lives for this.
FALSE! Exactly the opposite happened. Protestors who were marching & protesting the removal of a Robert E LEE statue from a park (with a legal permit to march & protest) were attacked by leftist lunatics without any permit.)

As for so-called "white supremacists", nobody knows if there were any of them there at the time.
I disagree.
And they won't be elected either. Hate and violence against non-whites, gays, and stripping women of their right to self determination. Failure to address police violence against civilians. Economic failure at every turn while billionaires and big corporations pay no taxes at all.

Chaos and a complete inability to manage national resources in the best interests of the American people. This Congress is your last chance to prove Republicans fit to govern and they're blowing it completely.

1 in 5 teenage girls report being the victims of sexual violence in the past year. And what are Republicans doing??? Attacking drag queens and trannies. How is attacking homosexuals doing ANYTHING about the sexual violence your daughters are being subjected to?

And if these girls are raped, forget any abortions for them. Make them pay for the rest of their lives for this.
The Whataboutism is getting tiresome, to say the least

FALSE! Exactly the opposite happened. Protestors who were marching & protesting the removal of a Robert E LEE statue from a park (with a legal permit to march & protest) were attacked by leftist lunatics without any permit.)

As for so-called "white supremacists", nobody knows if there were any of them there at the time.

So the Tiki Torch march past the synagogue during Friday night services chanting the "Jews will not replace us" never happened??? 35 people weren't hospitalized??? Half the right wing groups there didn't disavow the whole "Unite the Right" movement as too extreme, the following week????

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
You can't blame people for wanting our history to remain intact. Why is the left obsessed with erasing our history?

Your history will forever be "intact" but it's nothing to be glorified or celebrated. If history doesn't make you uncomfortable, you will repeat it, which is something Americans are all to prone to doing. How many times will the USA re-segregate the country????

Each time laws are passed to give black people rights and freedoms, they're taken away by schemers like you. Jim Crow laws. The Filibuster. The Electoral College. Minority Rule to keep the landowners in charge.

That may have been necessary when you were a small coastal agrarian nation of 3 million people. Now that you're a large sprawling urban nation of manufacturers and corporations, this archaic minority rule is holding the nation back and keeping the working class in poverty.
Yeah, that's what republicans said in 2020 and he's still kicking. I would like to see someone else run but there are just not many well known charismatic democrats with the political skills needed to win. If someone does not immerge this summer, it will be too late.

I like Buttigieg but the fact that he's gay makes him a no go.

Which of his failures did you like the best?
publishing personal data is the quickest way to go out of business and into jail.

Howbout something more appropriate, such as video evidence

Video is NOT evidence of WHO they are regarding their politics, Even if you recognize them and know their names, they could still be agent provocateurs and you don't know it. Liberals posing as conservatives. Old news.

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