Trump Suddenly Loves 'Sleazy' FBI Agents, Insists He Always 'Has Their Backs'

Those were just the one's off the top of my head.

If there were hundreds where every democrat voted no, how about posting some of that list.

Democrats delated Trump from having an administration until summer, it was pathetic. You can shuck, jive and dance all you want and that a couple got threw still won't change that, Porky
Check your facts.

And yet when it was Hillary, all you had to say was nothing. That is the issue, if you weren't such a party hack and a hypocrite there would be something to discuss. Your attacking Trump over and over for something you repeatedly don't give a shit when Hillary/the Democrats do it is just pathetic, wench
You can comment all you’d like. Just don’t expect me to spoon feed you the context of my posts.
It’s your job to read, understand and follow all the safety rules that come with your power equipment. :thup:

Spoon feeding had nothing to do with it, dear girl. You objected to me commenting. Shove your "spoon feeding" bull shit up your ass
Check your facts.
I did......

Two months before his Florida home was raided by the FBI, former President Donald Trump secretly received a grand jury subpoena for classified documents belonging to the National Archives, and voluntarily cooperated by turning over responsive evidence, surrendering security surveillance footage and allowing federal agents and a senior Justice Department lawyer to tour his private storage locker, according to a half dozen people familiar with the incident.

While the cooperation was mostly arranged by his lawyers, Trump personally surprised the DOJ National Security Division prosecutor and three FBI agents who came to his Mar-a-Lago compound on June 3, greeting them as they came to pick up a small number of documents compliant with the subpoena, the sources told Just the News, speaking only on condition of anonymity because the visit was covered by grand jury secrecy.

The subpoena requested any remaining documents Trump possessed with any classification markings, even if they involved photos of foreign leaders, correspondence or mementos from his presidency.

Secret Service agents were also present and facilitated the visit, officials said.

Trump signaled his full cooperation, telling the agents and prosecutor, "Look, whatever you need let us know," according to two eyewitnesses. The federal team was surprised by the president's invitation and asked for an immediate favor: to see the 6-foot-by-10-foot storage locker where his clothes, shoes, documents and mementos from his presidency were stored at the compound.

Given Trump's instruction, the president's lawyers complied and allowed the search by the FBI before the entourage left cordially. Five days later, DOJ officials sent a letter to Trump's lawyers asking them to secure the storage locker with more than the lock they had seen. The Secret Service installed a more robust security lock to comply.

Around the same time, the Trump Organization, which owns Mar-a-Lago, received a request for surveillance video footage covering the locker and volunteered the footage to federal authorities, sources disclosed.

The disclosure Wednesday to Just the News raised immediate new questions in legal and congressional circles about the necessity for the subsequent raid, including whether the judge who approved the warrant knew of the earlier cooperation.

Questions grow about Trump raid after revelation of grand jury subpoena, extensive cooperation
Trump's problem was He trusted too many in His admin....and almost everybody working for Him were career DC insiders.
Yes and he holds responsibility for this. Unfortunately his personality is so toxic, I suspect, that he had few people around him before he was president that he could trust and assign positions in his administration. So he allowed the swamp to take those positions, which greatly harmed his promises to drain the swamp.
Oh. I see now. You’re an expert.

The biggest reason we know surada isn't an expert is that she doesn't recognize another expert when she sees one. She just keeps repeating DNC talking points. Maybe what she said is true about her father and he is the expert, but she's clearly not.

A lot of people in the industry are upset that Joe ended our brief energy independence intentionally.

But then Surada, when we buy oil from places like Venezuela, Russia and the Middle East, that's better for the environment, right!?!?! We aren't on the same planet!!!! Psst, actually we are ...
There is a good bit of truth in this. This has long been an issue but the Patriot Act really sent it into overdrive. Sadly neither Obama nor Trump (and now Biden) did a thing to address that.

Exposing government corruption should never be condemned.
Yet you want those who do thrown in the gulag and claim it's "sedition."
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It might. If you think our courts are bastions of fairness and justice, I’ve got a bridge for sale.
I think with the scrutiny that is and will continue to be given to this case, it would need to be airtight.

The tell will be how much sway Trump’s legal filings have over how this proceeds.
Trump's reputation goes back 40 years. He doesn't listen and he doesn't pay his legal bills. It's the same with US banks. They won't touch him either. In Art of the Deal Trump says if you can borrow enough money then you control the bank.

Bullshit Hezbollah Hannah.

40 Years ago Trump was a leftist democrat and your filthy party LOVED him.
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Did your last brain cell die from that hit of fentanyl?
I thought the reference would be obvious.

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