Trump Suddenly Loves 'Sleazy' FBI Agents, Insists He Always 'Has Their Backs'


I mean, the Reichstag Fire is the worst thing that ever happened and everyone that protested against your Reich should be executed for sedition and insurrection against the party...

Still no clue what you are rambling about.
They will certainly try to make it appear airtight, to dupe the dummies. It seems logical to me the hatred for Trump is so enormous by the establishment, they’re likely to do anything including illegal acts to prevent him from getting re-elected.

You might investigate some of the illegal acts we already know the FBI has committed.
Yep. Even dummies like Trump’s top shelf legal team. :auiqs.jpg:
Was he claiming it was Wray going through his wife’s underwear drawer?

Was he trying to expose the names of Wray and Garland in his zeal to release the warrant?

Was the attack on the Ohio FBI office by a Trump Humper supposed to “get” Wray?

Did Trump ever say anything about that attack?
Trump was claiming that the raid was politically motivated. Trump was pointing out that the judge who issued the warrant recused himself from another hearing because he was so biased against Trump yet didn't do so in THIS case and in fact issued a warrant for the FBI to be able to seize any documents generated during the entire Trump Presidency and any other documents nearby those documents even though they weren't generated during the time Trump was in office! Trump was pointing out that they brought the same FBI agent who led the attempt to goad some militia types into trying to kidnap Governor Whitmer in Michigan only to have the case thrown out on entrapment grounds, down from Washington DC to lead this raid.
Trump was claiming that the raid was politically motivated. Trump was pointing out that the judge who issued the warrant recused himself from another hearing because he was so biased against Trump yet didn't do so in THIS case and in fact issued a warrant for the FBI to be able to seize any documents generated during the entire Trump Presidency and any other documents nearby those documents even though they weren't generated during the time Trump was in office! Trump was pointing out that they brought the same FBI agent who led the attempt to goad some militia types into trying to kidnap Governor Whitmer in Michigan only to have the case thrown out on entrapment grounds, down from Washington DC to lead this raid.
Again...claiming that agents were planting evidence and going through his wife's underwear is NOT supporting the rank and file
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You can comment all you’d like. Just don’t expect me to spoon feed you the context of my posts.
It’s your job to read, understand and follow all the safety rules that come with your power equipment. :thup:
Or what.The Biden Administration will start a new Agency.
Do as We Instruct { We are mailing out to every Registered voter a
Biden Must Do List } or else.Have a certified G-Man { new classification}
of enforcement}make certain or else.Straight to some Biden run
Internment camp.Like the crap F.D.R. pulled on every Japanese-American
after Pearl Harbor.Franklin and his uber nosy parker buttinski other
half { Eleanor }.
The TDS here has reach the rabid phase.....I wonder if their hair is falling out?
I’m sure you must be so confused. Trump wanted you to hate the FBI and now he wants you to like some of them. That blind, cultist agreement to anything he says must be exhausting.
He claims agents are “furious at FBI leadership” for the “political weaponization against a president (me).”

Former President Donald Trump has pulled a dramatic about-face to hail “great” FBI agents in the wake of the search of his Mar-a-Lago home — and boasts that he has “always had their backs.”

He also claimed in a Truth Social post on Saturday that FBI agents “like,” even “love” him “a lot.”

Trump attacked the FBI as seditious, abusive, criminal and “sleazy” after agents hauled out about 20 boxes of White House material from his Florida home, including 11 sets of classified information. The Presidential Records Act states those records should have been turned over to the National Archives when Trump’s term ended.

In days that followed the search, Trump baselessly called it a “sneak attack” and a “raid,” a “siege,” and “corrupt.” He also claimed FBI agents “planted” evidence in his home.

Now, Trump claims agents are “furious at FBI leadership” for the “political weaponization against a president (me).”

Trump Suddenly Loves FBI Agents, Always ‘Has Their Back’

Trump has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at the FBI - hoping something will stick. Now he loves them. What do you think?
Trump is just parroting the bullshit that his asseater Jordan is running his yap about.
I’m sure you must be so confused. Trump wanted you to hate the FBI and now he wants you to like some of them. That blind, cultist agreement to anything he says must be exhausting.
They're just following the bouncing ball.
Look at your reaction score vs your post count. You're ridiculous and no one pays you any attention because you're blind, an irrational hater and you make no sense. We all think you're full of shit. Come on. 107k posts and only 17k reactions? No one takes you serious.

Too funny. Just too funny. Nimrod. You have no idea how the score works do you?
Trump is a businessman and in the real world, business is based on trust. There is very little trust in government: It's hard to find good people in the public sector who do what they say and say what they mean.

Trump was one of the few who actually did that.
Trump was a laughingstock in N.Y.C. A complete & total assclown.
Again...claiming that agents were planting evidence and going through his wife's underwear is NOT supporting the rank and file
What Trump is claiming...and rightfully that the Biden Department of Justice violated the US Constitution's guarantee against unlawful search and seizure! Americans are protected against general warrants and have been since the Constitution was adopted! A warrant that allows the FBI to take ANYTHING connected with the entire Trump Presidency plus anything that is in the general locale as anything connected with the Trump Presidency is the epitome of a "general warrant"! To think that someone that was being pushed as a candidate for the Supreme Court would be behind this is quite honestly appalling. Merrick Garland should KNOW better!
To put this in context...what the Biden DOJ has done is what the British Crown used to be able to do...namely raid someone's property with a general warrant LOOKING for something criminal! When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution they specifically addressed unlawful search and seizure by banning general warrants! The government doesn't have the right to search ANYONE'S property with a general warrant! Under the Constitution they must go to court and obtain a warrant looking for specific evidence of a specific crime.
To put this in context...what the Biden DOJ has done is what the British Crown used to be able to do...namely raid someone's property with a general warrant LOOKING for something criminal! When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution they specifically addressed unlawful search and seizure by banning general warrants! The government doesn't have the right to search ANYONE'S property with a general warrant! Under the Constitution they must go to court and obtain a warrant looking for specific evidence of a specific crime.

It was specific. They know which papers are missing. These things are well documented.

Trump has admitted to taking them.
.Have a certified G-Man { new classification}
of enforcement}make certain or else.Straight to some Biden run Internment camp

And just WTH is the above supposed to mean?
Why would a poster contribute such stuff to this site?
Can he explain in more detail just exactly he is trying to convey?
Is he serious or simply fantasizing his wish list?

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