Trump Suddenly Loves 'Sleazy' FBI Agents, Insists He Always 'Has Their Backs'

It was specific. They know which papers are missing. These things are well documented.

Trump has admitted to taking them.
Then the warrant should have specifically named those papers! It doesn't. It allows them to take ANYTHING related to the entire Presidency of Trump plus ANYTHING in the general location of ANYTHING related to the entire Presidency of Trump! That is the epitome of a general warrant and was exactly what the Constitution prohibits!
Then the warrant should have specifically named those papers! It doesn't. It allows them to take ANYTHING related to the entire Presidency of Trump plus ANYTHING in the general location of ANYTHING related to the entire Presidency of Trump! That is the epitome of a general warrant and was exactly what the Constitution prohibits!

If you say so. It's another example of the idea of all Trump had to do was be a decent person and he couldn't do it.
Based on recommendations from internal sources.

Dispute that....

No that isn't what he bragged. Again I do not have to prove or dispute anything. Trump put no qualifications on his bragging.
If you say so. It's another example of the idea of all Trump had to do was be a decent person and he couldn't do it.
With all due respect, Pknopp...this has nothing to do with Trump! This is the DOJ and the Attorney General of the United States violating one of the most important rights granted to all Americans.
If you say so. It's another example of the idea of all Trump had to do was be a decent person and he couldn't do it.
What everyone should consider is that if the FBI can do that to an ex President of the United States...what are they going to do to an average American? That should concern everyone regardless of their political persuasion.
With all due respect, Pknopp...this has nothing to do with Trump! This is the DOJ and the Attorney General of the United States violating one of the most important rights granted to all Americans.

No one is above the law. No one's rights appear to have been violated here.

You may be able to argue it's hypocritical as they allowed so many others to skate but no one's rights have been violated.
violating one of the most important rights granted to all Americans.

'Most important right"?
Taking, keeping, and fibbing about government documents ....some of them marked 'Top Secret' an important right?

Who knew?
What everyone should consider is that if the FBI can do that to an ex President of the United States...what are they going to do to an average American? That should concern everyone regardless of their political persuasion.

You are arguing an ex-president is above the law. What do you expect would happen to me if I took classified information?
No that isn't what he bragged. Again I do not have to prove or dispute anything. Trump put no qualifications on his bragging.
Yet deep state operatives obviously infiltrated His based on previous recommendations, He hired who He thought was best.
No one is above the law. No one's rights appear to have been violated here.

You may be able to argue it's hypocritical as they allowed so many others to skate but no one's rights have been violated.
Ever hear of equal application of justice under the law?
Yet deep state operatives obviously infiltrated His based on previous recommendations, He hired who He thought was best.

And he was wrong and hence his brag was total b.s. This is what happens to braggarts.

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

Proverbs 12:22
'Most important right"?
Taking, keeping, and fibbing about government documents ....some of them marked 'Top Secret' an important right?

Who knew?
No...we're all guaranteed protection against illegal search and seizures by the Constitution! What is legal and what isn't is spelled out specifically in the document! It was something the Founding Fathers thought to be so important it was the fourth thing they put into the Constitution! That warrant violated the Constitutional rights of an American. That he happened to be Donald Trump is really immaterial.
Ever hear of equal application of justice under the law?

We have no such thing in this country.

For months people were protesting that. What did Trump do? He called them SOB's.

Are you saying no one should be prosecuted for taking classified information?
What Trump is claiming...and rightfully that the Biden Department of Justice violated the US Constitution's guarantee against unlawful search and seizure! Americans are protected against general warrants and have been since the Constitution was adopted! A warrant that allows the FBI to take ANYTHING connected with the entire Trump Presidency plus anything that is in the general locale as anything connected with the Trump Presidency is the epitome of a "general warrant"! To think that someone that was being pushed as a candidate for the Supreme Court would be behind this is quite honestly appalling. Merrick Garland should KNOW better!
Sadly for you...that's not what occurred
You are arguing an ex-president is above the law. What do you expect would happen to me if I took classified information?
I'm arguing that the warrant itself is a violation of the law.
Whether Trump was authorized to take classified materials as a President is a totally different discussion and one that SHOULD have been argued in a court of law.
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I'm arguing that the warrant itself is a violation of the law.
Whether Trump was authorized to take classified materials as a President is a totally different discussion and one that SHOULD have been argued in a court of law.

It was. The court agreed and granted the warrant.

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