Trump Suddenly Loves 'Sleazy' FBI Agents, Insists He Always 'Has Their Backs'

I'm sure he has their backs now, alright....with an 8" blade. Paybacks are a bitch.
Jesus you're an idiot. You don't know the first thing about Saudi Arabia or the oil business.

Oh, excuse me, Stinky. I forgot that we're supposed to leave all conversations about the Saudis and the oil business to you anti-Semitic, Jew-hating Palestinian-sympathizers.

My bad. I'll try to remember that next time. :04:
It's an eight hour flight. Asshat is a good description of Bolton. So why do you think Trump hired him and gushed his praises?
Trump probably liked that Bolton was aggressively consumed with his
thoughts about Nation Building or warring.Even though Trump
was no fan of either.Trump just wanted a big mouth who was cocky
in love with is own opinions.That is why Trump kept using the
moniker " Mad Dog " with Mattis.Trump liked the way is came off.
Like ... Don't dare mess around with the " Mad Dog ".
Until the " Mad Dog " started fudgin' around with his Boss
{ Trumps } handling of war.Trump was the exact opposite of Bush 43.
Who advertised himself as The War President.Which naturally went over
Big Time after 911.
Trump wanted in and out of War.Been done with it.Trump is not one
to sit around like a Humpty Dumpty pol like his arch nemesis from
the Big Apple Jerold Naddler.Who was known to hang out on his Yacht
somewhere in the vicintiy.Doing pushups ... Right.
Next to a bottle or two of Romanee-Conti and New Yorks finest
slice pizza { try 4 slices } and unfinished box of 12 Krispy Creme donuts especially
made kosher along with a Pickle.Gotta have a kosher pickle.
Trump is a liar.

That FBI agents are ‘“furious at FBI leadership” for the “political weaponization against a president (me)”’ is yet another Trump lie.
I get it.Like most sane americans by now.
Because The Liars say so.All it takes.Is for a Lying Biden Adm.
The Liars at CNN and MSNBC and of course the craven gutless
lying Journalist at The Washington Post { Home to Leaking
classified info } and Lying Journalist at the New Times who
get to Keep their Pulitzers for repeated lies during the Mueller
Special Witch hunt.
Talk about cushy jobs.
So you think it's a private chat room, not a message board where anyone can comment. The stupid just never stops oozing from your posts ...
You can comment all you’d like. Just don’t expect me to spoon feed you the context of my posts.
It’s your job to read, understand and follow all the safety rules that come with your power equipment. :thup:
If you can’t see where we’re headed, you’re blind. This push by the establishment and supported by the left to use the FBI for political means, will and has had detrimental effects on liberty for all Americans.
Well, except for that little catch that says there must actually be evidence of a crime of course. :dunno:
I was born and raised in Detroit, but I would never claim I can run an auto manufacturing company.

My father was head of oil operations . The community was tiny.. engineers, chemists, cartographers, geologists, drillers and pipefitters.
You made it sound like none of the democrats voted for any of trumps cabinet or judges.

Wanna walk that back?

Again, it was summer before Trump had an administration. You found 2 out of hundreds, that was my point, Chippy.

I don't give a shit how Cheney voted, and neither would you if we were discussing a Democrat who turned on your boy Joey Brain Damaged

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