Trump Supporter: "How come everyone who goes to college is a Biden supporter?"

Easy Lakookta. All the professors are America hating commies, exactly the same as your Reich leader.
Are you stupid or somethin Forrest??
Meh, lots of right-leaners go to college, the difference is that they make something of themselves that does not include being a leftist asshole.....There's really no money in it unless they enter politics.
there are plenty of young conservative college students .. they remain silent on their views because of the justified fear of backlash from leftwing nazi professors ,staff, and gender confused students .. leftists are nazis .
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tghere are plenty of young conservative college students .. they remain silent on their views because of the justified fear of backlash from leftwing nazi professors ,staff, and gender confused students .. leftists are nazis .
Why tell lies you cannot substantiate?

No College graduates in Congress or the Senate? As Governors or Mayors, Democrats, Republicans or Independent.

This is such a nonsense thread based on what ONE Trump supporter says. Says. Says. Says is the word.

Which causes too many MAGA/QANON to just attack the Left, the left, the left. It has to be the left !!!!!!!!

Non thinking is just way too easy for too many MAGA and other Trump supporters.

Your attacks are worthless and meaningless.

All of a sudden all who graduate from any college are Democrats and Independents?

What a make believe world some of you live in !!!!!!

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