Trump Supporter Shouts Profanities And Interrupts HAMILTON In Chicago

What goes around comes around.

You liberals liked what O'Scammer did with Executive Orders? Then you gotta love what President Trump will do with his pen and phone. 'Cause if you don't you might discover his IRS (he inherited that along with the pen and the phone) has developed a fascination with your tax records.

Did I remember to say "What goes around comes around"?

Of course I did.....but you weren't listening.
Yeah... The IRS may not be sure the Hamilton show accounted for all the receipts. Might need an audit just to make sure.
You can only say something so removed from reality because you have internalized the idea that you have the right to expect to dish it out but not have to worry about taking it.

Whatever you want to think hon, no worries.

YOur denial is noted.

Your dismissal is seen as the rude dodge it is.

Being a smug asshole to people is one of the reasons for the high voter turn out that gave US President Trump.

SO you just keep being you.

Thanks for the permission hon, plan on it.

Don't call me hon.

You are a smug asshole and I don't appreciate the pretense of civility.

Nite hon.


Nite, nite, asshole.
Just for the record I don't agree with interrupting such events in private venues. It's wrong of leftist plants at Trump rallies to interrupt them, that's an infringement on people's right to peacefully assemble. It's wrong for NFL players to protest during game time, they are paid professionals and should act like it while they are on the field, protest on your own personal time, people aren't paying to see you protest.

However, these actors went out of their way to make a political statement during their show, they are now free game. Any objections by lefties just shows what hypocrites they are.
I wouldn't be surprised if a bomb threat is called in every performance. They'll have to react to each threat and evacuate the audience.
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Hamilton has decided to make a political statement about Mr. Trump on stage. They are fair game now.

And that's different now just how exactly? What an exceptional society we have. No wonder we have to export this shit with violence and chicanery.

I go to a play to watch a play. Some moron decides to make a protest out of it and I'll beat the shit out of them. That way both of us get something we didn't plan on.
Like I read.....Hamilton's cast deserves whatever comes their way, after their disgusting behavior at the end of their performance the other night, when Vice President Pence was there.

If Hamilton's cast behave like scum don't be surprised that people react like scum to them.

C'est la vie.;)

OK, let's see how that goes then.
You just did.
Hamilton has decided to make a political statement about Mr. Trump on stage. They are fair game now.

And that's different now just how exactly? What an exceptional society we have. No wonder we have to export this shit with violence and chicanery.

I go to a play to watch a play. Some moron decides to make a protest out of it and I'll beat the shit out of them. That way both of us get something we didn't plan on.
You would have beat the shit out of the cast then?
Hamilton has decided to make a political statement about Mr. Trump on stage. They are fair game now.

And that's different now just how exactly? What an exceptional society we have. No wonder we have to export this shit with violence and chicanery.

I go to a play to watch a play. Some moron decides to make a protest out of it and I'll beat the shit out of them. That way both of us get something we didn't plan on.
You would have beat the shit out of the cast then?

Naw, usually going after the lead asshole fixes it.
What you're actually championing is more the the same old shit, but ok, whatever.

You can only say something so removed from reality because you have internalized the idea that you have the right to expect to dish it out but not have to worry about taking it.

Whatever you want to think hon, no worries.

YOur denial is noted.

Your dismissal is seen as the rude dodge it is.

Being a smug asshole to people is one of the reasons for the high voter turn out that gave US President Trump.

SO you just keep being you.

Thanks for the permission hon, plan on it.

Don't call me hon.

You are a smug asshole and I don't appreciate the pretense of civility.

And you get on me for calling people names? EVERY thread I go to with you in it, if someone disagrees with you, you call them names.

This play performed by apparantly callous and stupid actors should be disrupted until they apoligize to Vice-President elect Pence...he is a good man...did not deserve to be singled out and criticized in public.

Pence is anything BUT a "good man".
And the depolorables strike again! They're on a rampage...

Now, BroadwayWorld has learned that a Trump supporter interrupted the Saturday evening performance of Hamilton in Chicago. An audience member seated in the balcony allegedly shouted "We won! You Lost! Get over it! F*ck you!" during the number "Dear Theodosia."

One Twitter user who attended the show alleges that the audience member also shouted profanities and had an altercation with security before being removed from the auditorium.

One Facebook user wrote "At the end, the performers were crying... so was I. They didn't break characters once. They still sang their hearts out."

We'll continue to follow this story as more information becomes available.

Scum. :mad-61:

Trump Supporter Shouts Profanities And Interrupts HAMILTON In Chicago
Oh, suddenly political statements at an entertainment event isn't acceptable to the left. What happened to freedom of speech and the right to protest?

Absolutely agree.

Now tell that to trump, pence and the RWNJ traitors who wanted these people punished for exercising that right.

You do remember when trump said he would end free speech, right? And that he would jail people who were exercising their right and duty to protest. Remember?

And then there are his childish twitting. Gawd, what an embarrassing hot mess he is.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you RWNJs don't like the sources. So post your own that disprove these.
Trump Says Freedom of the Press Must Go Because He's 'Not Like Other People'
Donald Trump vows to ruin protesters’ lives by pressing charges: ‘Their lives are gonna be ruined’
Oh, suddenly political statements at an entertainment event isn't acceptable to the left. What happened to freedom of speech and the right to protest?

Absolutely agree.

Now tell that to trump, pence and the RWNJ traitors who wanted these people punished for exercising that right.

You do remember when trump said he would end free speech, right? And that he would jail people who were exercising their right and duty to protest. Remember?

And then there are his childish twitting. Gawd, what an embarrassing hot mess he is.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you RWNJs don't like the sources. So post your own that disprove these.
Trump Says Freedom of the Press Must Go Because He's 'Not Like Other People'
Donald Trump vows to ruin protesters’ lives by pressing charges: ‘Their lives are gonna be ruined’

Something must be done about a totally biased outrageous media...they spin,deceive and outright lie to the public....this must be stopped. The media needs to be wed to the truth and being little more than propaganda tools of the leftwing nutcases..........we should not allow this fact a free country is in danger when its media is so biased and propagandistic.

You mean like Alex Jones, Britebart, fox, etc?

No, of course you don't.

NO, something must NOT be done about totally biased outrageous media". If you want media controlled, move to NKorea. If you want to live in the US, accept freedom of speech.
Oh, suddenly political statements at an entertainment event isn't acceptable to the left. What happened to freedom of speech and the right to protest?

Absolutely agree.

Now tell that to trump, pence and the RWNJ traitors who wanted these people punished for exercising that right.

You do remember when trump said he would end free speech, right? And that he would jail people who were exercising their right and duty to protest. Remember?

And then there are his childish twitting. Gawd, what an embarrassing hot mess he is.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you RWNJs don't like the sources. So post your own that disprove these.
Trump Says Freedom of the Press Must Go Because He's 'Not Like Other People'
Donald Trump vows to ruin protesters’ lives by pressing charges: ‘Their lives are gonna be ruined’
Oh, suddenly political statements at an entertainment event isn't acceptable to the left. What happened to freedom of speech and the right to protest?

Absolutely agree.

Now tell that to trump, pence and the RWNJ traitors who wanted these people punished for exercising that right.

You do remember when trump said he would end free speech, right? And that he would jail people who were exercising their right and duty to protest. Remember?

And then there are his childish twitting. Gawd, what an embarrassing hot mess he is.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you RWNJs don't like the sources. So post your own that disprove these.
Trump Says Freedom of the Press Must Go Because He's 'Not Like Other People'
Donald Trump vows to ruin protesters’ lives by pressing charges: ‘Their lives are gonna be ruined’

Something must be done about a totally biased outrageous media...they spin,deceive and outright lie to the public....this must be stopped. The media needs to be wed to the truth and being little more than propaganda tools of the leftwing nutcases..........we should not allow this fact a free country is in danger when its media is so biased and propagandistic.

You mean like Alex Jones, Britebart, fox, etc?

No, of course you don't.

NO, something must NOT be done about totally biased outrageous media". If you want media controlled, move to NKorea. If you want to live in the US, accept freedom of speech.
All media is biased, if these media outlets who claim to be unbiased but are really left wing biased would just admit it....People would respect them more. Infowars, and Breitbart don't hide that they are publications with right wing bent.
Hamilton has decided to make a political statement about Mr. Trump on stage. They are fair game now.

And that's different now just how exactly? What an exceptional society we have. No wonder we have to export this shit with violence and chicanery.

I go to a play to watch a play. Some moron decides to make a protest out of it and I'll beat the shit out of them. That way both of us get something we didn't plan on.

Ok, great, enjoy yourself.

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