Trump Supporters Are the Absolute Worse

If the serial sex offender strangled a puppy on live TV, Predfan would come out the next day saying he didn't mean it.
Yes...he is that deranged.

Imagine defending this:

5 Nonsensical Claims From Donald Trump's Latest Interview | The Huffington Post

Jesus Christ just when I thought your links could not go any lower you had to post from the tampon squad huff post.

So they didn't accurately list trump's five stupid comments?
You're in over your head..

Why in the hell would I want to read anything political from the tampon squad huffpost that would be like trying to fix my truck by reading Vogue.

From the sound of your posts it's obvious you read very little.

You can hear posts on the internet?
View attachment 118210
The Deplorables are the dimmest bulbs and the worst people in the world.
Hands down.

And yet somehow they managed to defeat you. Hmmm..........
still on your victory parade I see as Trump's presidency continues to crumble.
Not very smart of you.

You have four more years to go, snowflake. Maybe next time you guys will get your shit together.
Most people doubt it will be 4 years. More likely he'll get impeached, step down or the 25th amendment will be invoked.
So funny you wear your tinfoil hat using the word, snowflake.

Remind us again who again owns the house and Senate Mr. Low informed voter?
If the serial sex offender strangled a puppy on live TV, Predfan would come out the next day saying he didn't mean it.
Yes...he is that deranged.

Imagine defending this:

5 Nonsensical Claims From Donald Trump's Latest Interview | The Huffington Post

Jesus Christ just when I thought your links could not go any lower you had to post from the tampon squad huff post.

So they didn't accurately list trump's five stupid comments?
You're in over your head..

Why in the hell would I want to read anything political from the tampon squad huffpost that would be like trying to fix my truck by reading Vogue.

From the sound of your posts it's obvious you read very little.

I read more about politics news and currant events in one day then you probably read in 6 months....


I might pretty sure he can't read to well.
View attachment 118210
The Deplorables are the dimmest bulbs and the worst people in the world.
Hands down.

And yet somehow they managed to defeat you. Hmmm..........
still on your victory parade I see as Trump's presidency continues to crumble.
Not very smart of you.

You have four more years to go, snowflake. Maybe next time you guys will get your shit together.
Most people doubt it will be 4 years. More likely he'll get impeached, step down or the 25th amendment will be invoked.
So funny you wear your tinfoil hat using the word, snowflake.

Remind us again the fear mongering by the left that Palin was a heartbeat away from being POTUS? By the way you do know John is still alive right?

I could understand if Trump supporters were so frustrated at the political status quo that they put him in office to shake things up then yelled angrily "There, look what you made us do!".

But, they should stop defending him now...they've made their point.
Anybody who reads today's Time interview with him should be appalled.

Look at it this way the liberals will never stop by lowering the bar, hell the ultra liberal Ruth got like 98 senators to confirm her the conservative Scalia got around the same... Read what the democrats are saying about Neil they are hesitant to confirm him not because he will uphold the constitution but because they don't like his political beliefs...
Oh yes, he died a year ago didn't he?
How did Obama get on replacing him?

Comprehending the point of a post is not your strong suite is it sport?

Was that a bit hard to

You accuse the liberals of playing politics with Gorsuch...what did the Republicans do with Garland?
I could understand if Trump supporters were so frustrated at the political status quo that they put him in office to shake things up then yelled angrily "There, look what you made us do!".

But, they should stop defending him now...they've made their point.
Anybody who reads today's Time interview with him should be appalled.

Look at it this way the liberals will never stop by lowering the bar, hell the ultra liberal Ruth got like 98 senators to confirm her the conservative Scalia got around the same... Read what the democrats are saying about Neil they are hesitant to confirm him not because he will uphold the constitution but because they don't like his political beliefs...
Oh yes, he died a year ago didn't he?
How did Obama get on replacing him?

You do realize that the GOP has all the Congress right?
I could understand if Trump supporters were so frustrated at the political status quo that they put him in office to shake things up then yelled angrily "There, look what you made us do!".

But, they should stop defending him now...they've made their point.
Anybody who reads today's Time interview with him should be appalled.

Look at it this way the liberals will never stop by lowering the bar, hell the ultra liberal Ruth got like 98 senators to confirm her the conservative Scalia got around the same... Read what the democrats are saying about Neil they are hesitant to confirm him not because he will uphold the constitution but because they don't like his political beliefs...
Oh yes, he died a year ago didn't he?
How did Obama get on replacing him?

Comprehending the point of a post is not your strong suite is it sport?

Was that a bit hard to

You accuse the liberals of playing politics with Gorsuch...what did the Republicans do with Garland?

It wasn't about garland it was all about Obama....I so hope they use the nuclear option in spite now.

I could understand if Trump supporters were so frustrated at the political status quo that they put him in office to shake things up then yelled angrily "There, look what you made us do!".

But, they should stop defending him now...they've made their point.
Anybody who reads today's Time interview with him should be appalled.

Look at it this way the liberals will never stop by lowering the bar, hell the ultra liberal Ruth got like 98 senators to confirm her the conservative Scalia got around the same... Read what the democrats are saying about Neil they are hesitant to confirm him not because he will uphold the constitution but because they don't like his political beliefs...
Oh yes, he died a year ago didn't he?
How did Obama get on replacing him?

You do realize that the GOP has all the Congress right?
Good there somewhere...possibly...
IMG_0294.JPG Some things you'll never see a deplorable do.
- request a special prosecutor for the Russian Trump criminal investigation.
They don't want the truth.
- admit they were lied to by their fuhrer
especially after they cheered
when he said
except Obama twice and HW Bush
- Crime is at a 47 year high
Nooooo one year in 2013 it went up but the other 46 years crime went down.
- I will drain the swamp
Then he goes on to put 5 billionaires, many with Russian ties in key positions STOCKING THE SWAMP
. We're going to have clean air and water
Then wants to cut the enforcement part of the EPA down to bare bones.
- He said he’d divest himself from his financial empire, to avoid any conflicts of interest.
You idiots bought it.
He is still heavily involved in his businesses, manipulates the stock market on a daily basis, and has more conflicts of interest than can be counted.
- he said he's the law and order president
As he continues to violate the Emolument clause in the Constitution
- He said he’d surround himself with all the best and smartest people.
You bought it.
He nominated theocratic loon Mike Pence for Vice President. A white supremacist named Steve Bannon is his most trusted confidant. Dr. Ben Carson, the world’s greatest idiot savant brain surgeon, is in charge of HUD. Russian quisling Rex Tillerson is Secretary of State
- said he'd release his taxes
Everyone knows he never will. Too many Russian connections
-He called CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times “fake news” and said they were his enemy.
He now gets all his information from Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and InfoWars

DEPLORABLES care about the pussy grabber more than their country.
Yes they are the absolute worse people.
But a few are catching on.. like this guy:
I could understand if Trump supporters were so frustrated at the political status quo that they put him in office to shake things up then yelled angrily "There, look what you made us do!".

But, they should stop defending him now...they've made their point.
Anybody who reads today's Time interview with him should be appalled.
The New York Times is more appalling than Trump can ever be....

Ukrainian Genocide: NY Times Still Covering Up
I could understand if Trump supporters were so frustrated at the political status quo that they put him in office to shake things up then yelled angrily "There, look what you made us do!".

But, they should stop defending him now...they've made their point.
Anybody who reads today's Time interview with him should be appalled.
The New York Times is more appalling than Trump can ever be....

Ukrainian Genocide: NY Times Still Covering Up
And then this idiot uses a far right blog no one has heard of dated 2008.
Why do you humiliate yourself like that?

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