Trump Supporters: Does Donald J. Trump Ever Lie?

Does Donald Trump Ever Lie?

  • I support Trump and I think he almost never lies

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • I support Trump and I think he lies all the time

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • I support Trump and I think he lies about as much as any other politician

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • I don't support Trump and I think he almost never lies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't support Trump and I t hink he lies all the time

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • I don't support Trump and I think he lies about as much as any other politician

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Trump hasn't lied about anything but he has been wrong due to not fact checking as it pertains to his election. He hasn't lied to me as it pertains to what he promised to do. The TPP is DOA ....AS it should have been, he is going to make sure the wall is built....AS it should be. He is trying to keep out muslim refugees until they can be vetted....and personally I wouldn't bring them into this country until they have exhausted every opportunity to assimilate into a country that believes like they do. Barrypuppetcare is going to die a slow death AS it should be..........I have got no complaints.

It astounds me that leftards have embraced the muslims when their agenda totally contradicts what the leftard clown posse holds dear. Leftards totally ignore what is going on in Europe. Has Trump lied to me as to what he promised he would do or try to do? Not one bit.

The fact that the leftard clown posse are losing their minds after they crowed about how the Hildebeast was going to win and that anyone that said otherwise was just "stupid" oh I have enjoyed the leftard clown posse meltdown and it's only just begun.
I didn't ask that.

I asked if Trump ever lies period. Not that extremely narrow distinction you're attempting to throw into the mix as a monkey-wrench.
If so, how much, and why?

Also, how much does it bother you, if at all?

I voted for DJT

If he follows the Constitution I will support him

If he doesn't follow the Constitution I will adamantly dissent.

I do not support his Muslim ban nor the Mexican wall.

I have respectfully let him know when I respond to his tweets.


Was his Muslim ban constitutional?


I respectfully told him that he was wrong.

I understand that a percentage of his base is racist - no big deal.

That's what the courts are there for.

Trump hasn't lied about anything but he has been wrong due to not fact checking as it pertains to his election. He hasn't lied to me as it pertains to what he promised to do. The TPP is DOA ....AS it should have been, he is going to make sure the wall is built....AS it should be. He is trying to keep out muslim refugees until they can be vetted....and personally I wouldn't bring them into this country until they have exhausted every opportunity to assimilate into a country that believes like they do. Barrypuppetcare is going to die a slow death AS it should be..........I have got no complaints.

It astounds me that leftards have embraced the muslims when their agenda totally contradicts what the leftard clown posse holds dear. Leftards totally ignore what is going on in Europe. Has Trump lied to me as to what he promised he would do or try to do? Not one bit.

The fact that the leftard clown posse are losing their minds after they crowed about how the Hildebeast was going to win and that anyone that said otherwise was just "stupid" oh I have enjoyed the leftard clown posse meltdown and it's only just begun.
I didn't ask that.

I asked if Trump ever lies period. Not that extremely narrow distinction you're attempting to throw into the mix as a monkey-wrench.

Yes he does, but so do you. Are your lies ok?
I don't think Trump gives a shit what a bunch of libtardos think. As long as you're butthurt and what he does pisses off the Democrats I'm good.

And that's the alternative to an adult vision of what America should be.

Guess what snowflake, America rejected your vision of what America should be. Deal with it.
Trump hasn't lied about anything but he has been wrong due to not fact checking as it pertains to his election. He hasn't lied to me as it pertains to what he promised to do. The TPP is DOA ....AS it should have been, he is going to make sure the wall is built....AS it should be. He is trying to keep out muslim refugees until they can be vetted....and personally I wouldn't bring them into this country until they have exhausted every opportunity to assimilate into a country that believes like they do. Barrypuppetcare is going to die a slow death AS it should be..........I have got no complaints.

It astounds me that leftards have embraced the muslims when their agenda totally contradicts what the leftard clown posse holds dear. Leftards totally ignore what is going on in Europe. Has Trump lied to me as to what he promised he would do or try to do? Not one bit.

The fact that the leftard clown posse are losing their minds after they crowed about how the Hildebeast was going to win and that anyone that said otherwise was just "stupid" oh I have enjoyed the leftard clown posse meltdown and it's only just begun.
I didn't ask that.

I asked if Trump ever lies period. Not that extremely narrow distinction you're attempting to throw into the mix as a monkey-wrench.

He hasn't lied to me. Do you lie? If some fat chick asks you if those new jeans make her ass look big do you lie and say "Oh no, you look goooooood"? Enjoy the butthurt..........revel in it.....
Percentage of what? The percentage of his exaggerated stories that have had an impact on me either way? 0%.
I see what you did there. Cute that you feel obligated to very narrowly define Trump's lies.

No. I'm asking about how much you find he lies in general. What percentage of the time would you say that Trump lies when he's speaking?

Since I had to spell it out.
Like I said. He exaggerates his stories. Does that make the whole story a lie? No. He claims higher numbers of people at a rally and you guys go all apeshit. Who cares? Lord knows the media makes stories like that up all the time calling crowds of 13 dozens! A crowd of 60 hundreds, etc. A lie that has consequences? Now that would fall along the lines of a video causing four deaths in Libya, keeping your doctors, keeping your insurance, obiecare not adding a dime to the deficit and your savings will be 2500 a year. All of which were known to be lies before forcing these shit stories out on every network.

The benefit you get to enjoy over the next four years is you have a media that will make sure to point out anything Trump says that could possibly be negative for anyone. When over the last eight years we had to deal with a media defending or at least justifying anything obie did.
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I don't care if he lies or not we want to decimate the democrat party into a unconditional and destroy starting in 2018
All politicians lie and their die hard supporters always pretend like they don't.

Right, but it would be a false equivalency to say that other politicians lie as much as Donald Trump.
It would be false to say they don't because we don't know politicians who aren't in the spotlight of the Presidency don't get the same scrutiny they might lie as much if not more and we would never know.
It would be false to say they don't because we don't know politicians who aren't in the spotlight of the Presidency don't get the same scrutiny they might lie as much if not more and we would never know.

If a politician states an outright falsehood, it will show up in the press. There is no lack of coverage or scrutiny in America.
It would be false to say they don't because we don't know politicians who aren't in the spotlight of the Presidency don't get the same scrutiny they might lie as much if not more and we would never know.

If a politician states an outright falsehood, it will show up in the press. There is no lack of coverage or scrutiny in America.

No, it won't. It depends upon what is being talked about and who is trying to get shit on whom.
It would be false to say they don't because we don't know politicians who aren't in the spotlight of the Presidency don't get the same scrutiny they might lie as much if not more and we would never know.

If a politician states an outright falsehood, it will show up in the press. There is no lack of coverage or scrutiny in America.
Yes there is federal, State, and city politicians do not get the same level of coverage and scrutiny.
Yes there is federal, State, and city politicians do not get the same level of coverage and scrutiny.

I agree with state and city politicians. If a federal congressman says something blatantly false, it will get called out by the press consistently.
It will be just wonderful if the left attacks Trump so much that they just rip this whole country up from one end to the other.

Once again, liberals will flush the toilet that is conservatism, and progress will resume.

So being a fiscal conservative means that I'm fecal matter? LOL...and you on the left wonder why people don't listen to your nonsense anymore!
Yes there is federal, State, and city politicians do not get the same level of coverage and scrutiny.

I agree with state and city politicians. If a federal congressman says something blatantly false, it will get called out by the press consistently.
Depends on the federal congressman if they don't hold a high profile position or don't do a lot of press they won't get nearly as much attention as say someone who heads the armed services committe or does the Sunday shows every other week.
Depends on the federal congressman if they don't hold a high profile position or don't do a lot of press they won't get nearly as much attention as say someone who heads the armed services committe or does the Sunday shows every other week.

Everybody else will hardly ever speak in public, therefore will lie less. It's a rather moot point.
If so, how much, and why?

Also, how much does it bother you, if at all?

I'm not sure trump knows he lies, that's what makes them pathological. He seems to be deluded, and wishes that the press is out to get him, for example, or that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast.

How does that bother me? Terribly, he has the power of life or death; trump seems oblivious to the consequences of his actions (tweets) or words.
You mean "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", "Benghazi was caused by a youtube video", "I will have the most transparent administration in history", "the Obama administration will never employ lobbyist", "We will close Gitmo", "the Partiot Act is in need of major reform and as president I will work to do just that", "we will never spy illegally on Americans", "we will have a civilian security force as well funded as the military", "we will eliminate all income taxes for seniors making under $50,000" or "we have shovel ready jobs all across the country" sized lies...

... or "I campaigned in 57 states", "10,000 people died in a Kansas Tornado", "I see many fallen heroes in the crowd", or "you didn't build that" sized lies?

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