Trump Supporters - Don't his comments about women bother you?

Do Trump's comments about women bother you even if they don't change your mind?

  • I don't support Trump and nothing he said about women either way would change that

  • I still support Trump, but yes, they bother me

  • I support Trump, and no, they don't bother me

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Do you ask permission prior to?

Would Hillary care if he didn't?


Bill never asked. Bob Packwood didn't ask. That never bothered Hillary at all...
Excusing sexual assault? Ok, that fits the typical Drumpfster mold.
Can't wait to read the hitlery orgy island details...... like, I mean REALLY like, that kind of stuff, eh?
Your hitlery does...any you are voting for yes, you do....:lol:
Do you ask permission prior to?

Would Hillary care if he didn't?


Bill never asked. Bob Packwood didn't ask. That never bothered Hillary at all...
Excusing sexual assault? Ok, that fits the typical Drumpfster mold.
Can't wait to read the hitlery orgy island details...... like, I mean REALLY like, that kind of stuff, eh?
Your hitlery does...any you are voting for yes, you do....:lol:
"Your hitlery does".......and where is the evidence? Or, being a Alt-Right Drumpfster, do you even need facts and evidence?
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

His diarrheatic cocksocket pie hole is going to cost lives and treasure. Watch the overseas markets drop as his poll numbers climb.
Hillary would run her ample hairpie hole and call the Russians deplorables and start another cold war.
"her ample hairpie hole"....classic Alt-Right Drumpfster talk.
Just curious. What's classic about "diarrheatic cocksocket pie hole"?
More Alt-Right Drumpfster happy talk, eh?
Wow. You aren't even reading this stuff. All you've got is knee jerk. You really are a clown, aren't you?
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Would Hillary care if he didn't?


Bill never asked. Bob Packwood didn't ask. That never bothered Hillary at all...
Excusing sexual assault? Ok, that fits the typical Drumpfster mold.
Can't wait to read the hitlery orgy island details...... like, I mean REALLY like, that kind of stuff, eh?
Your hitlery does...any you are voting for yes, you do....:lol:
"Your hitlery does".......and where is the evidence? Or, being a Alt-Right Drumpfster, do you even need facts and evidence?
It's coming orgy island alt-left'er sicko......
Didn't read the OP, huh ...

Spin it any way you want...

When Hillary had the chance to "stand up for women" and stand up to sex predator Bob Packwood, Hillary retreated like a Tennessee Confederate General and dissed the women as "whiny..."
Can't wait to read the hitlery orgy island details...... like, I mean REALLY like, that kind of stuff, eh?
Your hitlery does...any you are voting for yes, you do....:lol:
"Your hitlery does".......and where is the evidence? Or, being a Alt-Right Drumpfster, do you even need facts and evidence?
It's coming orgy island alt-left'er sicko......
Are you getting excited?

I am, I think we have a basis of a great movie. An orgy ... with just lesbians. And one guy. They don't mind ...
If I thought the only diff between them was his stupid mouth, I'd vote for him.

As it is I can't hold my breath long enough to vote for either.
Trump's mouth won't impact me nearly as much as Hillary's sneaky slimy actions will. I don't want to live in Hemisphere 1 with a screaming tyrant at the helm. If I wanted to live like that, I'd move to N. Korea.

Really? Since Trump has promised to "bomb the shit out of them" you think ISIS isn't working on a plan for something here in this country? That won't impact you? Putin is playing him like a fiddle and that won't impact you? Black communities are going to be further disenfranchised with Trump in office, which could create civil unrest and public protests. That won't affect you? Where do you live? I'd like to move there.

Trump isn't in office. Putin is playing Obama like a fiddle. Hillary and Obama support ISIS. Putin and Assad vs Obama and ISIS. And you bet they are planning great things for us in this country. It is why Obama is flying them here at our expense. And why Hillary wants to speed that up by 550%. And you are worried about the word pussy? Are you kidding me??????

You are so simple-minded, it's painful. Trump will be the first POTUS to rule from his Twitter account, like all the other overgrown juveniles.

Here, dumbass:

The 282 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

While Obama flies thousands of radical Muslims to a neighborhood near you, because you can't see beyond tweeties. You are one of the stupids our gov. counts on. Like having to pass Obamacare if you want to read what is in Obamacare. That was a smooth move wasn't it.

So what about Clinton pay to play appeals the most to you, dumb-ass? < 2 words, dumb-ass.
I think its safe to say that any man that claims he has NEVER said anything derogatory, or that could be considered offense about women is a damn liar.
Actually, there is a good case to be made that decent people support Trump will the riff raff and scum of society support Hillary.
based on the quality and tone of their posts on this forum, I would say you are very much correct. They are not able to have a conversation without profanity.
If I thought the only diff between them was his stupid mouth, I'd vote for him.

As it is I can't hold my breath long enough to vote for either.
A lot of people sat down in their country's time of need the first time.....just get the hell out of our way....
It's pretty predictable....start a thread about Drumpf and his comments about women and all the Alt-Right Drumpfsters who thrive on misogyny come running.
He attracts the same kind of voter....Misogynist men and women with no self-esteem. (not saying that covers all his supporters....but he attracts those while Clinton does not)
Hate to ruin your holidays but during Thanksgiving dinner look around the table and every one of your male family members has said what Trump has or worse about women.
It's pretty predictable....start a thread about Drumpf and his comments about women and all the Alt-Right Drumpfsters who thrive on misogyny come running.

IN a two horse race, everything is relative.

Trump has a bad mouth. That's still MILES better than Hillary's repeated enabling of actual sex predators... and attacks on the female victims.

If Hillary's campaign thinks they will win in this issue, they had a song written for them by Judas Priest...
If I thought the only diff between them was his stupid mouth, I'd vote for him.

As it is I can't hold my breath long enough to vote for either.
A lot of people sat down in their country's time of need the first time.....just get the hell out of our way....

Or maybe, just maybe they don't see things as you do. Millions have stood up and made the ultimate sacrifice in this country's times of need.
Trump's mouth won't impact me nearly as much as Hillary's sneaky slimy actions will. I don't want to live in Hemisphere 1 with a screaming tyrant at the helm. If I wanted to live like that, I'd move to N. Korea.

Really? Since Trump has promised to "bomb the shit out of them" you think ISIS isn't working on a plan for something here in this country? That won't impact you? Putin is playing him like a fiddle and that won't impact you? Black communities are going to be further disenfranchised with Trump in office, which could create civil unrest and public protests. That won't affect you? Where do you live? I'd like to move there.

Trump isn't in office. Putin is playing Obama like a fiddle. Hillary and Obama support ISIS. Putin and Assad vs Obama and ISIS. And you bet they are planning great things for us in this country. It is why Obama is flying them here at our expense. And why Hillary wants to speed that up by 550%. And you are worried about the word pussy? Are you kidding me??????

You are so simple-minded, it's painful. Trump will be the first POTUS to rule from his Twitter account, like all the other overgrown juveniles.

Here, dumbass:

The 282 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List
You were too busy running your blowhole to realize how stupid that is when Hillary insulted many many millions by calling them deplorable and unredeemable .....all in one shot with a much larger audience.

If I thought the only diff between them was his stupid mouth, I'd vote for him.

As it is I can't hold my breath long enough to vote for either.
A lot of people sat down in their country's time of need the first time.....just get the hell out of our way....

Or maybe, just maybe they don't see things as you do. Millions have stood up and made the ultimate sacrifice in this country's times of need.
Your sitting down is duly noted.....
It's pretty predictable....start a thread about Drumpf and his comments about women and all the Alt-Right Drumpfsters who thrive on misogyny come running.

IN a two horse race, everything is relative.

Trump has a bad mouth. That's still MILES better than Hillary's repeated enabling of actual sex predators... and attacks on the female victims.

If Hillary's campaign thinks they will win in this issue, they had a song written for them by Judas Priest...
Drumpf IS a sexual predator. So....that means you pick a sexual predator over the spouse of one. Very telling.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I have grandson & a grand daughter. A President has always been looked upon as a icon of honor, respect and dignity, to all races, to all religions, and to both genders, until the Tea Party extreme and Reich wing Evangelicals invaded the Republican party in 2009/2010. They certainly are responsible for nominating man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, completely stuffed with misogyny, bigotry and ignorance. The most incompetent, unqualified DANGEROUS candidate in this nation's history, Donald Trump.

The real issue is most of us are raising girls & boys. Certainly we don't want our sons and grandson's growing up making comments like that about women, much less sexually assaulting them. We don't want our daughters and grand daughters, living an watching a President who continually degrades them with offensive sexist remarks that can scar them for the rest of their lives, with self esteem issues that instills in their brains that they're not worth much, making an entire gender (women) under achievers.

THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE WITH TRUMP. It's not just girls, it's boys too. It's hard enough to raise good kids in this country, that have good decent character--without installing a sexual vile foul mouthed predator in the Oval Office, that they'll be forced to listen too for the next 4 years.

Furthermore any woman that supports Trump today--has serious self-esteem issues of herself, as we have seen in some of these pictures coming out of Trump rallies. These women can be very cady and are jealous of Hillary Clinton. Because they don't deserve anything themselves, she doesn't either. Then you have the mid to elderly Evangelical woman that were raised in church that believe that if even her husband is a child serial killer, she is supposed to stand by him, no matter what, and underneath his thumb for the rest of her life. These women wouldn't vote for any woman, even if she was a Republican. These are the women who would vote for Trump.

But the GOOD news is--Trump has an unfavorable rating with the largest voting block in this country (women) at 73%, and half of Women in the Republican party won't cast a vote for him, and this was PRIOR to the audio tape coming out. So I imagine it's worse now.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

They were warned about Trump on many occasions and they ignored it all.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

So BURN THIS BARN DOWN TO THE GROUND by voting for Hillary Clinton.


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