Trump Supporters - Don't his comments about women bother you?

Do Trump's comments about women bother you even if they don't change your mind?

  • I don't support Trump and nothing he said about women either way would change that

  • I still support Trump, but yes, they bother me

  • I support Trump, and no, they don't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

Your slanted poll is hilarious! You left out some stuff:

Here Are All of the Accusations Women Have Made Against Donald Trump
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I have grandson & a grand daughter. A President has always been looked upon as a icon of honor, respect and dignity, to all races, to all religions, and to both genders, until the Tea Party extreme and Reich wing Evangelicals invaded the Republican party in 2009/2010. They certainly are responsible for nominating man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, completely stuffed with misogyny, bigotry and ignorance. The most incompetent, unqualified DANGEROUS candidate in this nation's history, Donald Trump.

The real issue is most of us are raising girls & boys. Certainly we don't want our sons and grandson's growing up making comments like that about women, much less sexually assaulting them. We don't want our daughters and grand daughters, living an watching a President who continually degrades them with offensive sexist remarks that can scar them for the rest of their lives, with self esteem issues that instills in their brains that they're not worth much, making an entire gender (women) under achievers.

THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE WITH TRUMP. It's not just girls, it's boys too. It's hard enough to raise good kids in this country, that have good decent character--without installing a sexual vile foul mouthed predator in the Oval Office, that they'll be forced to listen too for the next 4 years.

Furthermore any woman that supports Trump today--has serious self-esteem issues of herself, or women can be very cady and are jealous of Hillary Clinton. Because they don't deserve anything, she doesn't either. These are the women who would vote for Trump.

But the GOOD news is--Trump has an unfavorable rating with the largest voting block in this country (women) at 73%, and half of Women in the Republican party won't cast a vote for him, and this was PRIOR to the audio tape coming out. So I imagine it's worse now.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

They were warned about Trump on many occasions and they ignored it all.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

So BURN THIS BARN DOWN TO THE GROUND by voting for Hillary Clinton.


Actually, you wou;d find many women attending the many churches of this nation who will not vote for Hillary. Many of them are old school Democrats who simply will not vote for her because of her stance on late term abortion and her pledge to repeal the Hyde Act.
Interesting. You base that on..............what exactly?

The fact that there are many Christian women. I know some women in my own church who are Democrats who are not voting for Hillary.
He attracts the same kind of voter....Misogynist men and women with no self-esteem. (not saying that covers all his supporters....but he attracts those while Clinton does not)
Hate to ruin your holidays but during Thanksgiving dinner look around the table and every one of your male family members has said what Trump has or worse about women.
Absolutely incorrect with MY family.....cannot vouch for families where the males haven't been raised to be gentlemen.
Wrong. It's every single one of them. Has nothing to do with being a gent. Nobody would want to be recorded saying it but they've all done it. Picture your precious grandpa in his younger days describing how he would break some broad down like a shotgun and make her squeal for more. It happened.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person
If Rap and Porn was outlawed in this country, then maybe Trump's comments would disqualify him....but they obviously aren't.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

Well I dont believe hes anti women, mayne anti ugly women. The problem is men AND women speak like this. We rate each other on looks, sorry feminists, looks are important. But he has strong record of hiring and paying women well and giving them positions of power, so i will get upset about talking about womens looks when hollywood, new york, modeling, lingerie, makeup.and other industries no longer try to promote that...good luck!!!!!
To the OP: As a woman, and not just a woman, but a woman who's played ball with the big boys in corporate for a couple decades. No, I am not at all offended. I mean this kind of talk is almost 'expected' of us, perhaps a bit less these days, it's slowly phasing out, but its still there. When you're negotiating with another company owner over large piles of cash there's a different dialog. I call women chicky-poos all the time, never had a one of them complain about it because when it's said, in person, they know it's not meant demeaning - its like calling someone dear or darlin' I used to raz the guys by calling them "sweetcheeks" (two pronged attack that one; as a poke at sexism, but also sets them at ease - This is part of my "alpha wolf" psychology theory. Alpha wolves are constantly at war with each other ya know (part of why exec's make so much, it's a damn stressful job,) and just like wolves growl at each other, so do executives. There's a heavy handed method of speaking that conveys a) you're not going to take any shit and b) we can be friends, for now at least.)

As far as saying mean shit to someone he doesn't like, really, at that point, all bets are off. Obviously that's not how you talk to /everyone/ It's rather silly for ya'll to play /that/ game, but it's too be expected as Libs are... shallow individuals.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

Are you referring to when he claimed that being rich and famous led to women LETTING him kiss and groping them?

As I already knew that women were attracted to wealth, power and fame, no, it does not bother me.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person
He's a Cult of Personality candidate.

Nothing matters.

What do YOU think of the recent WTO Airbus ruling that has completely validated Trump's position on Trade and made complete fools out of his detractors on that issue from both the right and the left?
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person
If Rap and Porn was outlawed in this country, then maybe Trump's comments would disqualify him....but they obviously aren't.

No, they are covered under the 1st Amendment, but possible pedophilia is not.
I'm surprised to see that Tucker Carlton, editor of the DC, actually published this.
Jeffrey Epstein is a registered sex offender. The young woman accusing Trump of rape claims that Jeffrey Epstein raped her the same night Trump did.

The Friendship Between Trump And A Billionaire Pedophile That Nobody Wants To Talk About
The Friendship Between Trump And A Billionaire Pedophile That Nobody Wants To Talk About
Its as though Wayne Lapierre's wife came out and gave a speech about too many mass shootings in our society...
Good to know that you are also an idiot who is incapable of looking up what "disability" that reporter has.

I almost thought there was a Democrat on here with an ounce of intelligence.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person
He's a Cult of Personality candidate. Nothing matters.
What do YOU think of the recent WTO Airbus ruling that has completely validated Trump's position on Trade and made complete fools out of his detractors on that issue from both the right and the left?
"Completely validated", "complete fools".


It adds to his ammo a bit, yet you'll watch the markets tank if he were to win.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person
He's a Cult of Personality candidate. Nothing matters.
What do YOU think of the recent WTO Airbus ruling that has completely validated Trump's position on Trade and made complete fools out of his detractors on that issue from both the right and the left?
"Completely validated", "complete fools".


It adds to his ammo a bit, yet you'll watch the markets tank if he were to win.

The EU has been and continues and refuses to stop funneling billions to Airbus with the STATED INTENT of taking jobs from Boeing, and in the past other, NOW DEFUNCT US manufacturers, in order to get those jobs for their citizens.

They don't seem to believe they can compete with US manufacturers, unless they cheat.

The current trade agreement(s) we have with Europe do not have any teeth. The EU is just going to keep appealing until the US government agrees to a settlement.

A settlement that won't bring back those jobs. or redress the grievances of thousands and thousands of directly affected America workers.

From this ONE example.

The Markets might very well tank. Because the multinationals have adjusted to the current playing field where the only way to make money is to fuck the American worker in one fashion or another.

We need to change those rules if we ever want to see rising incomes and lifestyles, or even LIFESPANS for the Middle Class.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I have grandson & a grand daughter. A President has always been looked upon as a icon of honor, respect and dignity, to all races, to all religions, and to both genders, until the Tea Party extreme and Reich wing Evangelicals invaded the Republican party in 2009/2010. They certainly are responsible for nominating man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, completely stuffed with misogyny, bigotry and ignorance. The most incompetent, unqualified DANGEROUS candidate in this nation's history, Donald Trump.

The real issue is most of us are raising girls & boys. Certainly we don't want our sons and grandson's growing up making comments like that about women, much less sexually assaulting them. We don't want our daughters and grand daughters, living an watching a President who continually degrades them with offensive sexist remarks that can scar them for the rest of their lives, with self esteem issues that instills in their brains that they're not worth much, making an entire gender (women) under achievers.

THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE WITH TRUMP. It's not just girls, it's boys too. It's hard enough to raise good kids in this country, that have good decent character--without installing a sexual vile foul mouthed predator in the Oval Office, that they'll be forced to listen too for the next 4 years.

Furthermore any woman that supports Trump today--has serious self-esteem issues of herself, or women can be very cady and are jealous of Hillary Clinton. Because they don't deserve anything, she doesn't either. These are the women who would vote for Trump.

But the GOOD news is--Trump has an unfavorable rating with the largest voting block in this country (women) at 73%, and half of Women in the Republican party won't cast a vote for him, and this was PRIOR to the audio tape coming out. So I imagine it's worse now.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

They were warned about Trump on many occasions and they ignored it all.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

So BURN THIS BARN DOWN TO THE GROUND by voting for Hillary Clinton.


Actually, you wou;d find many women attending the many churches of this nation who will not vote for Hillary. Many of them are old school Democrats who simply will not vote for her because of her stance on late term abortion and her pledge to repeal the Hyde Act.
Interesting. You base that on..............what exactly?

The fact that there are many Christian women. I know some women in my own church who are Democrats who are not voting for Hillary.

You just said why--they're in your church and have been raised to believe to stand by their men, even if they're child serial killers. That's what I just explained--it's these women that would never vote for any woman, and they're probably elderly Democrat women.

The reason Republican's put up a raining men platform this year, was not so much their fear of Hillary Clinton. They all know her and have worked with her in the past. Many of them have praised her on work she has completed, and actually like her when they're not having to campaign against her. It's not that they're afraid of her, it's that they're scared shitless of the 1st woman POTUS.

All these Reich wing political dog & pony shows (Bengazi/emails) would have never gone that far if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton. Misogyny is deeply routed within the Republican Party, and yes some males within the Democrat party. There are people in this country that would vote for TRUMP, with full knowledge that he is the most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS, emotionally unstable candidate ever to seek elected office, simply because they can't stand the thought of the 1st woman President of the United States.

Misogyny--(Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification.[1][2] Misogyny can occasionally be found within sacred texts of religions and mythologies, and various influential Western philosophers and thinkers have been described as misogynistic.[1][3]
Misogyny - Wikipedia

Here is a great article on this:
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | Huffington Post
Last edited:
No it doesn't bother me kat. Every woman alive has run into men who think they are gods gift to women and women should bow down before them. Add in being rich and the men actually have women who want to do that.

But here is the thing about what do I tell my daughters. My wife and I did not raise our daughters(we have three) to be whiny handwringing helpless maidens. Just like the men in this country the women need to grow a pair. So I say, if you ever get unwanted advances at any time, but especially in a public place you ask him politely to stop, then you slap him, then you start shouting, then you kick him in the balls, and then you gouge his eyes out.. most men will get the message AND respect you even more. It is all in the woman's hands, she controls the situation, and she calls the shots. It was reality 1000 years ago and it will be reality 1000 years from now. None of our girls are wilting wall flowers and I have full confidence they can handle themselves, and if not they can always call daddy.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I would have liked to seen another option on your survey. For many of us, voting for the orange clown is not done in support of him, but rather as a rejection of the most vile and despicable person to ever be a major party nominee. The orange clown is a horrible canidate, the pantsuit bulldyke makes him look like Abe Lincoln.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

I have grandson & a grand daughter. A President has always been looked upon as a icon of honor, respect and dignity, to all races, to all religions, and to both genders, until the Tea Party extreme and Reich wing Evangelicals invaded the Republican party in 2009/2010. They certainly are responsible for nominating man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, completely stuffed with misogyny, bigotry and ignorance. The most incompetent, unqualified DANGEROUS candidate in this nation's history, Donald Trump.

The real issue is most of us are raising girls & boys. Certainly we don't want our sons and grandson's growing up making comments like that about women, much less sexually assaulting them. We don't want our daughters and grand daughters, living an watching a President who continually degrades them with offensive sexist remarks that can scar them for the rest of their lives, with self esteem issues that instills in their brains that they're not worth much, making an entire gender (women) under achievers.

THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE WITH TRUMP. It's not just girls, it's boys too. It's hard enough to raise good kids in this country, that have good decent character--without installing a sexual vile foul mouthed predator in the Oval Office, that they'll be forced to listen too for the next 4 years.

Furthermore any woman that supports Trump today--has serious self-esteem issues of herself, or women can be very cady and are jealous of Hillary Clinton. Because they don't deserve anything, she doesn't either. These are the women who would vote for Trump.

But the GOOD news is--Trump has an unfavorable rating with the largest voting block in this country (women) at 73%, and half of Women in the Republican party won't cast a vote for him, and this was PRIOR to the audio tape coming out. So I imagine it's worse now.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

They were warned about Trump on many occasions and they ignored it all.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

So BURN THIS BARN DOWN TO THE GROUND by voting for Hillary Clinton.


Actually, you wou;d find many women attending the many churches of this nation who will not vote for Hillary. Many of them are old school Democrats who simply will not vote for her because of her stance on late term abortion and her pledge to repeal the Hyde Act.
Interesting. You base that on..............what exactly?

The fact that there are many Christian women. I know some women in my own church who are Democrats who are not voting for Hillary.

You just said why--they're in your church and have been raised to believe to stand by their men, even if they're child serial killers. That's what I just explained--it's these women that would never vote for any woman, and they're probably elderly Democrat women.

The reason Republican's put up a raining men platform this year, was not so much their fear of Hillary Clinton. They all know her and have worked with her in the past. Many of them have praised her on work she has completed, and actually like her when they're not having to campaign against her. It's not that they're afraid of her, it's that they're scared shitless of the 1st woman POTUS.

All these Reich wing political dog & pony shows (Bengazi/emails) would have never gone that far if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton. Misogyny is deeply routed within the Republican Party, and yes some males within the Democrat party. There are people in this country that would vote for TRUMP, with full knowledge that he is the most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS, emotionally unstable candidate ever to seek elected office, simply because they can't stand he thought of the 1st woman President of the United States.

Misogyny--(Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification.[1][2] Misogyny can occasionally be found within sacred texts of religions and mythologies, and various influential Western philosophers and thinkers have been described as misogynistic.[1][3]
Misogyny - Wikipedia

Here is a great article on this:
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | Huffington Post

Yes, these ladies have been raised up in the church. Many, many women have. You are wrong though that they are all middle aged. We actually have several younger women in our church as well as many teens. It's not a one size fits all as you would like to claim. Christians come in all sizes, shapes, and colors.

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