Trump Supporters - Don't his comments about women bother you?

Do Trump's comments about women bother you even if they don't change your mind?

  • I don't support Trump and nothing he said about women either way would change that

  • I still support Trump, but yes, they bother me

  • I support Trump, and no, they don't bother me

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He attracts the same kind of voter....Misogynist men and women with no self-esteem. (not saying that covers all his supporters....but he attracts those while Clinton does not)
What kind of attacks on women do you consider misogynist? What about silencing rape accusers? Does that count?
You mean like sending rape accusers death threats on social media?
Absolutely. He's a playboy type with a dirty mouth. At the end of the day he's not a danger to women. Seriously, what harm do you suspect Stumps would have as POUS to women in general? Considering the alternative, I'll take the womanizer with a dirty mouth.
What bothers me is the treatment of women by Hillary and Bill.
Oddly, RW Drumpfsters have treated the women accusing Drumpf of things the EXACT.SAME.WAY that they complain that H. Clinton did.
Pretending won't help you Tuesday.
Absolutely.....won't be needing that help. You WILL be here, right? I mean, for the party and all....
If your whore wins, which she will not, I will offer my condolences to the country and the go stock up even more.
There is much about Trump I do not like, and I didn't vote for him in the primaries.

However, I have no problem voting for him now simply because it's either him or her.

So you are going to vote for a misogynist, racist, Nazi with impulse control problems, no experience and whose own party has serious reservations about him, because you hate Hillary so much you can't see straight.

Is this what you are telling me?

You know, it used to be when a party crapped the bed and nominated someone who shouldn't be president, people overlooked partisanship and even the flaws of the person running and did what was best for the country.

When the GOP nominated Goldwater in 1964, and it was clear he was nuts, people voted for LBJ, even knowing he had his flaws.

When the Democrats nominated Commie McGovern, Americans supported Nixon, not because Nixon was such a stand up guy, but because the alternative was unacceptable.

Trump is an unacceptable alternative. Period.

He lacks the experience, intellect, experience and temperment to be president. His unsuitability will cost lives.

Well, apparently there are a whole lot of us. I mean almost all of law enforcement and the military support Trump and not Hillary. Even the Secret Service hate her.
"Even the Secret Service hate her" gained this
He attracts the same kind of voter....Misogynist men and women with no self-esteem. (not saying that covers all his supporters....but he attracts those while Clinton does not)
What kind of attacks on women do you consider misogynist? What about silencing rape accusers? Does that count?
You mean like sending rape accusers death threats on social media?
You should stop doing that. Who did you rape? Huma?
He attracts the same kind of voter....Misogynist men and women with no self-esteem. (not saying that covers all his supporters....but he attracts those while Clinton does not)
What kind of attacks on women do you consider misogynist? What about silencing rape accusers? Does that count?
You mean like sending rape accusers death threats on social media?
no, but publically calling them trash perhaps?
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person
He's a Cult of Personality candidate.

Nothing matters.
...yawn. Your incessant need to put people down and minimize what they stand for because you are too gutless to take a position is boring as hell.

OP: He has made some harsh remarks and mountains have been made of molehills. He seems to treat women pretty well and many have done very well because of him. He is old school and not PC but the right doesn't get bent out of shape over words like the left does.

Watch a rally, any one of them. There are many women there in support so obviously they weren't bothered.
There is much about Trump I do not like, and I didn't vote for him in the primaries.

However, I have no problem voting for him now simply because it's either him or her.

So you are going to vote for a misogynist, racist, Nazi with impulse control problems, no experience and whose own party has serious reservations about him, because you hate Hillary so much you can't see straight.

Is this what you are telling me?

You know, it used to be when a party crapped the bed and nominated someone who shouldn't be president, people overlooked partisanship and even the flaws of the person running and did what was best for the country.

When the GOP nominated Goldwater in 1964, and it was clear he was nuts, people voted for LBJ, even knowing he had his flaws.

When the Democrats nominated Commie McGovern, Americans supported Nixon, not because Nixon was such a stand up guy, but because the alternative was unacceptable.

Trump is an unacceptable alternative. Period.

He lacks the experience, intellect, experience and temperment to be president. His unsuitability will cost lives.

Well, apparently there are a whole lot of us. I mean almost all of law enforcement and the military support Trump and not Hillary. Even the Secret Service hate her.
"Even the Secret Service hate her" gained this
Even the secret service hate her. It's a fact. Scum like you pretend to play like you don't know what has been written, but you know. It's just part of your game to pretend. Desperation...fear...lies....4 days.
There is much about Trump I do not like, and I didn't vote for him in the primaries.

However, I have no problem voting for him now simply because it's either him or her.

So you are going to vote for a misogynist, racist, Nazi with impulse control problems, no experience and whose own party has serious reservations about him, because you hate Hillary so much you can't see straight.

Is this what you are telling me?

You know, it used to be when a party crapped the bed and nominated someone who shouldn't be president, people overlooked partisanship and even the flaws of the person running and did what was best for the country.

When the GOP nominated Goldwater in 1964, and it was clear he was nuts, people voted for LBJ, even knowing he had his flaws.

When the Democrats nominated Commie McGovern, Americans supported Nixon, not because Nixon was such a stand up guy, but because the alternative was unacceptable.

Trump is an unacceptable alternative. Period.

He lacks the experience, intellect, experience and temperment to be president. His unsuitability will cost lives.

Well, apparently there are a whole lot of us. I mean almost all of law enforcement and the military support Trump and not Hillary. Even the Secret Service hate her.
"Even the Secret Service hate her" gained this

From internet posts from Secret Service Agents themselved. She is abusive to them.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person
He's a Cult of Personality candidate.

Nothing matters.
...yawn. Your incessant need to put people down and minimize what they stand for because you are too gutless to take a position is boring as hell.

OP: He has made some harsh remarks and mountains have been made of molehills. He seems to treat women pretty well and many have done very well because of him. He is old school and not PC but the right doesn't get bent out of shape over words like the left does.

Watch a rally, any one of them. There are many women there in support so obviously they weren't bothered.
Do his comments about women bother me? No. What bothers me is the declaration that because he has a potty mouth, is blunt, his delivery is a bit rough around the edges, makes him a bad man. See, I'm one of the lucky ones. I haven't caught the disease that is PC.
Depends on what you are talking about. Locker room banter or things he said about Rosie? Who gives a fuck.

Actually, as someone else stated.....If Trump didn't have his millions, he'd probably be married to someone like Rosie. LOL
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

Absolutely they disgust me. But the shrilary will not think twice about letting you die for her personal gain. Sooooo, in the balance beam of the election, nasty words vs documented failure to protect her Ambassador, and his staff, and her selling the US interests out in the uranium deal, and going all the way back to when bill was POTUS and they sold the Chinese the entire production line for the ALCM for less than a quarter of what the employee's were willing to pay for it.

The clintonistas have a long history of selling out the People of the USA.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person
He's a Cult of Personality candidate.

Nothing matters.
...yawn. Your incessant need to put people down and minimize what they stand for because you are too gutless to take a position is boring as hell.

OP: He has made some harsh remarks and mountains have been made of molehills. He seems to treat women pretty well and many have done very well because of him. He is old school and not PC but the right doesn't get bent out of shape over words like the left does.

Watch a rally, any one of them. There are many women there in support so obviously they weren't bothered.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

His diarrheatic cocksocket pie hole is going to cost lives and treasure. Watch the overseas markets drop as his poll numbers climb.
Trump's mouth won't impact me nearly as much as Hillary's sneaky slimy actions will. I don't want to live in Hemisphere 1 with a screaming tyrant at the helm. If I wanted to live like that, I'd move to N. Korea.
Absolutely. He's a playboy type with a dirty mouth. At the end of the day he's not a danger to women. Seriously, what harm do you suspect Stumps would have as POUS to women in general? Considering the alternative, I'll take the womanizer with a dirty mouth.
What bothers me is the treatment of women by Hillary and Bill.
Oddly, RW Drumpfsters have treated the women accusing Drumpf of things the EXACT.SAME.WAY that they complain that H. Clinton did.
Pretending won't help you Tuesday.
Absolutely.....won't be needing that help. You WILL be here, right? I mean, for the party and all....
If your whore wins, which she will not, I will offer my condolences to the country and the go stock up even more.
"your whore".....classic Alt-Right Drumpfster talk.
First what I am not saying

- I am not saying he's guilty of every leftist hyperbolic accusation
- I am not saying it makes him worse than Hillary
- I am not saying it disqualifies him from being President
- I am not saying he'd say exactly today what he has said in the past

But doesn't it bother you even if you still support him that he would say such outlandishly misogynistic things on such a repeated basis? If I supported his policies, I'd still have voted for him. I voted for Gary Johnson yesterday, but it was because of Trump's anti-capitalism, it had nothing to do with this either way. We're electing a President, not a priest and Hillary's a corrupt, lying politician. But what he has said about women is in my view extremely offensive, and I see no real reason to believe he's a fundamentally different person

His diarrheatic cocksocket pie hole is going to cost lives and treasure. Watch the overseas markets drop as his poll numbers climb.
Hillary would run her ample hairpie hole and call the Russians deplorables and start another cold war.
This is just hilarious and why Hillary will lose.

Oh, that bad mouthed Trump....

Hillary must be a pillar of virtue on this issue, just ask Kathleen Willey, Brodderick, Flowers, Paula Jones etc...

and then this jewel that puts Hillary's true face on how she really felt when she could've helped to stop a sex predator who was not only not her "husband," but from the rival party...

Hillary Clinton and the “Whiny Women”

"In 1993, Hillary Clinton derided a group of women who made claims of sexual harassment against Republican senator Bob Packwood, according to Blair. “HC tired of all those whiney women, and she needs him on health care,” wrote Blair of her conversation with Hillary Clinton, who was heading up her husband’s ultimately unsuccessful effort to reshape the U.S. health care system."
Trump's mouth won't impact me nearly as much as Hillary's sneaky slimy actions will. I don't want to live in Hemisphere 1 with a screaming tyrant at the helm. If I wanted to live like that, I'd move to N. Korea.

Really? Since Trump has promised to "bomb the shit out of them" you think ISIS isn't working on a plan for something here in this country? That won't impact you? Putin is playing him like a fiddle and that won't impact you? Black communities are going to be further disenfranchised with Trump in office, which could create civil unrest and public protests. That won't affect you? Where do you live? I'd like to move there.

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