Trump supporters, please read this thread, I beg you as a patriotic American who loves this country!

I have no problem understanding they pay most of the taxes BFD They also hide away far more than they pay If I pay 35% whatever ,,why shouldn't they ?

If you pay an effective rate of 35% with our progressive system you have a terrible accountant, but, I understand your point. Many very wealthy people shelter income or don’t pay income taxes, but capital gains taxes. Keep in mind, that most states also have property taxes as well so assuming they have property values that match their net worth, they pay quite a bit there as well. It is the Democrats that are trying to give them a break on that front.
Well, see there were are. More proof about the real reason we are essentially doomed.

Let me clarify and show just how conditioned we all are and have been. Me included.

Your wife being an example of making decisions based on emotions. That is the furthest reason to ever decide on such a critical office. But, we have made voting A RIGHT and that was not supposed to be that way. We weren't supposed to be a democracy and just by your example along with 99 percent of left wing voters, it is based on EMOTIONS. Let me be more specific. That decision making is pure ignorance and subject to easy manipulation by the professional liars better known as politicians who easily promise free free free along with the sun and the moon to get positions of power and if they can manipulate that then they believe they can acquire absolute power through the same manipulative tactics. So, instead of people making well informed decisions, they make decisions based optics and fantasies.

Trump is a blowhard. He is pompous and he should be more aware of the political realities. However, he also says things in a manner that is and should be refreshing to everyone that understands the tricks of the polished politicians. We should be quite well educated in it since that is ALL WE HAVE SEEN OUR ENTIRE LIVES.

Trump isn't a politician. Not a lawyer. He is businessman from Queens and speaks like a businessman from Queens. It's like yelling in someone's back swing on the golf course to many. It's a sound that grates certain people's ears. Including mine at times but I have trained myself to see past the facade of the American trained and well compromised career politician. Especially those of the left who are clearly marching to the orders of others that hate this country outside of this country.

So, you should have welcomed it and showed your wife these facts rather than just following her lead to jump off the cliff.

Yeah. I know this may come as a shock in today's little matriarchal world that the left has skilfully pushed on us as shown by the soft feminine men, but you need to actually act like a masculine man sometimes in the marriage.
I agree with you 100%! Most anti-Trump people are truly juvenile. Unsophisticated. And mostly uneducated.
I like many other Trump supporters have had bosses like Trump. A braggart. Says things that are NOT politically
correct. And like millions of us supporters LOVE America, our families and law enforcement and the military.
Trump like us are oriented towards goal accomplishments. Not being politically correct. But truly understanding that one size doesn't fit all, i.e. Federal Government isn't the total answer. Today we are finding out the Biden believes the same thing BUT LIED to get elected!
Biden said: There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.”

Biden now understands what Trump was saying when he said: "
“It’s going to be up to the states to use that capability,” Trump told reporters at a White House briefing.
“The states have local points where they can go and the governor can call the mayors and the mayors can call representatives and everything is perfect and that’s the way it should work and always should work,” Trump said.
Trump is a bad husband-----------but what the fuck does that have to with him being a GREAT PRESIDENT? He's a GREAT president---everything got better under him. I want a good president not a new husband. Feel sorry for the pathetic weak minded women out there who are looking for a surrogate husband in a president to stupid to think past their panties getting wet. Even worse knowing that these dingbats are the same ones who got the hots on for Gay Obama and pedo JOE.
Turtle did you wish her well too?
What if Trumps name comes up?
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'REMINDER: Here's what Trump said last year after Ghislaine Maxwell was charged with child sex trafficking: I just wish her well frankly. I've met her numerous times over the years. I wish her well.'
Trump lost my wife's vote during the 1st debate with Xiden.
You would think that Trump would understand what "acting Presidential" means.
Add Trump's fucked-up personality to J6 and he is done in 2024.
The only straw he has to grasp is that the democrats have no one to put up in 2024, so his challenge is winning the GOP nomination. Not gonna happen.
And Joe Biden acts Presdiential?

Half the time Joe Biden looks lost in space.

I will however admit that Trump’s often obnoxious personality cost him votes with women.
And Joe Biden acts Presdiential?

Half the time Joe Biden looks lost in space.

I will however admit that Trump’s often obnoxious personality cost him votes with women.

I believe that American women are more pragmatic than we think if asked the correct question.

QUESTION-----------> If not for President Trump being in office, how long before a vaccine would have appeared, and how many of our loved ones would have gotten seriously ill or died? The governments OWN projections were between 5 and 7 years.

And so, if they want to despise Trump, that is fine, but who/whom would we have lost to COVID had he not been in office? It is apparent, that the women we love deeply, would have lost thousands, if not 100s of thousands more people that THEY loved deeply, just in the USA. In the world, MILLIONS!
They are not trying to bury Trump because he has the easiest path to victory, they are trying to bury him because they know what he will do in retaliation to them if he is re-elected.

Our job is to insure whomever we nominate can win easily, and if the numbers say Trump, that is just a best case scenario.

After 2022, watch the numbers because we can NOT afford to lose! But, if Trump is the person and wins, it is going to be popcorn time for 4 years, lol.
Do we want a president who has personal vendettas against those who opposed him? I sure hope not,
because that is not how to bring our country together. It is Putin politics and is practiced by dictators.
And Joe Biden acts Presdiential?

Half the time Joe Biden looks lost in space.

I will however admit that Trump’s often obnoxious personality cost him votes with women.
Obnoxious?? Grabbing ladies crotches lying on taxes lying to banks ,a racist ,a putin ass kisser ,a bully and all you can say is obnoxious?
Do we want a president who has personal vendettas against those who opposed him? I sure hope not,
because that is not how to bring our country together. It is Putin politics and is practiced by dictators.
Personal vendettas? The POS is already getting candidates to run against anyone who believes we had a fair election
Please look at the numbers for Biden as far as how he is governing the country. They are in the tank! Also look at the numbers of Americans who believe Biden has lost his ability to be coherent. Do ANY of us actually believe that all or most of these numbers appeared in the last 9 months? People knew what was coming, and yet, they voted for this man to run the country. Why? More on that later in the thread!

Now, I would like all of you to THINK! For a minute, let us not argue about if the Democrats stole the election or not, let us just realize that no matter what actually happened, Joe Biden sits in the Whitehouse, and end that part of the debate with that.

What IF the Democrats had not done what they did to basically fix the primary swinging it to Biden, and Bernie Sanders WAS the Democrat nominee, he did what Biden did and basically hid, and then WON the Presidency in the same manner Biden did, cheat or not? Where would we all be?!?!?!?!?! In a whole lot worse shape, and each and every one of you knows this! If you think Biden is a disaster, just imagine Sanders in there.

So again, how many votes do you think the Democrats stole in these swing states, if they actually stole them, and I am not saying they did, or did not. For the sake of debate.......and again, I am not saying it happened...........let us say per state they stole 50,000. How about if I give you 75,000!

In each one of these states, there is a whole lot more than 75,000 independent voters. According to statistics, today the population is split almost evenly, 33% GOP, 33% Democrat, and 33% Independent. In fact, some polls suggest that Independents make up almost 40% of the vote.

Now back to the numbers in the 1st paragraph. The numbers show that people do not like Biden, and almost despise Harriss. They thought it would be bad, but probably not this bad. Still, all the negative numbers show that they probably already had this opinion of Biden/Harriss, but even with knowing this, many Independents still voted for them. How could this be?!?!?!?!?!

I will tell you why----------> Because you people who frequent this board are in the top 10% of knowledge in what is actually happening in politics in your country. Other people who are not as invested, have little or no idea and just go by what they hear on whichever station they listen to. They do NOT understand that the news, is no longer the news. Depending upon which station you listen to, it is propaganda. The REALITY is.............from people throwing so much POOP on Trump, Independents were more afraid of re-electing him, then electing someone who they had an inkling would be a disaster like Biden. They voted AGAINST Trump, not FOR Biden! And again, just imagine if the Dems hadn't fixed the primary for Biden, and it would have been Bernie! OMG!

The phony Leftist POOP still hangs on Trump, and Independents still think they smell it. We can NOT spray phony POOP with Fabreeze to make the imagined smell go away for them. The only way this can happen is Trump vindicate himself. He has another year. Can he do it? I do not know! But, if not, we MUST be prepared to slot in someone who can win, or else really be screwed. This is about the country, Not DJT at this point, remember that.

I know, most of you are really PISSED as the Left continues to do everything in its power to roadblock Trump from ever getting re-elected. So am I! They fear Trump more than anyone else in America, because if he gets back in without having to worry about re-election, he is going to go scorched earth on the Left, 3x what Reagan did, and Trump will screw them over, and over, and over again. After the 2 phony impeachments, why do you think they had to get him out of there, lol. Call Leftists rotten SOBs, but they are not rotten SOBs who are stupid.

In closing, let me say that in the end, if a Republican wins in 2024, Trump will go down as a patriot who came along at the exact time when needed. But, if Trump does not clear his name before next December, it will not be Trump who can do this for himself; it will have to be someone else. We can NOT allow another Democrat Leftist in the Whitehouse in 2024, because not only will the USA cease to exist as we know it, but Trump will NOT get the accolades he richly deserves. Always remember, the VICTORS write history; and even today, you have people on here STILL pushing RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, although it has been totally debunked. Give them another term, and Trump will be written as the Marquis Desaide of America in our history books.

Therefore, right after 2022 you MUST see if Trump has done enough to clear his name, and the ONLY poll you need to look at is.........what do Independents think, because that is the key to your decision if you want to retake the Whitehouse in 2024. And do NOT look at a poll Biden Versus Trump! Instead, look at a poll that says Trump against an un named Democrat. Do this, and you will be able to decide what to do.

Honestly do not care who you have to support if not Trump, just support SOMEONE, and we can hammer it out in the primaries.

Thnx for reading, and NEVER give up! Without people like you, the country would be far worse off than it is! While we can't educate the independents as they don't really listen, we CAN give them something/someone to vote FOR. Take that tact, and we are golden!
I'm sensing desperation

"clear his name"? LOL. Of what? (sarcasm)
I'm sensing desperation

"clear his name"? LOL. Of what? (sarcasm)
Housing numbers up,Hotel occupancy numbers up, S&P NAS DOW all at record highs ,Americans with more money in their pockets , businesses beating on top and bottom lines , and moronic republicans want to turn our gov't back to the repub destroyers??
Trump is a bad husband-----------but what the fuck does that have to with him being a GREAT PRESIDENT?
He is a self serving pathological liar with zero shame. DUH?

He cheated on all his wifes like he cheated and lied in business, his campaigns and presidency, which was concluded with biggest, most desperate lies of all that caused an attack on our Congress.

Deservingly, he is ranked by historians as one of the worst presidents this country has ever had.
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Obnoxious?? Grabbing ladies crotches lying on taxes lying to banks ,a racist ,a putin ass kisser ,a bully and all you can say is obnoxious?
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is noted.
Look at all the people Trump called bad names in his time as a political figure. The only people he never gleefully trashed were white supremacists and Putin. Everyone else got the sharp end of a tweet at one time or another. He never grew his base even a little bit. Not sure how you think he was supposed to win.
Oh, for fuck's sake GROW UP!

Please look at the numbers for Biden as far as how he is governing the country. They are in the tank! Also look at the numbers of Americans who believe Biden has lost his ability to be coherent. Do ANY of us actually believe that all or most of these numbers appeared in the last 9 months? People knew what was coming, and yet, they voted for this man to run the country. Why? More on that later in the thread!

Now, I would like all of you to THINK! For a minute, let us not argue about if the Democrats stole the election or not, let us just realize that no matter what actually happened, Joe Biden sits in the Whitehouse, and end that part of the debate with that.

What IF the Democrats had not done what they did to basically fix the primary swinging it to Biden, and Bernie Sanders WAS the Democrat nominee, he did what Biden did and basically hid, and then WON the Presidency in the same manner Biden did, cheat or not? Where would we all be?!?!?!?!?! In a whole lot worse shape, and each and every one of you knows this! If you think Biden is a disaster, just imagine Sanders in there.

So again, how many votes do you think the Democrats stole in these swing states, if they actually stole them, and I am not saying they did, or did not. For the sake of debate.......and again, I am not saying it happened...........let us say per state they stole 50,000. How about if I give you 75,000!

In each one of these states, there is a whole lot more than 75,000 independent voters. According to statistics, today the population is split almost evenly, 33% GOP, 33% Democrat, and 33% Independent. In fact, some polls suggest that Independents make up almost 40% of the vote.

Now back to the numbers in the 1st paragraph. The numbers show that people do not like Biden, and almost despise Harriss. They thought it would be bad, but probably not this bad. Still, all the negative numbers show that they probably already had this opinion of Biden/Harriss, but even with knowing this, many Independents still voted for them. How could this be?!?!?!?!?!

I will tell you why----------> Because you people who frequent this board are in the top 10% of knowledge in what is actually happening in politics in your country. Other people who are not as invested, have little or no idea and just go by what they hear on whichever station they listen to. They do NOT understand that the news, is no longer the news. Depending upon which station you listen to, it is propaganda. The REALITY is.............from people throwing so much POOP on Trump, Independents were more afraid of re-electing him, then electing someone who they had an inkling would be a disaster like Biden. They voted AGAINST Trump, not FOR Biden! And again, just imagine if the Dems hadn't fixed the primary for Biden, and it would have been Bernie! OMG!

The phony Leftist POOP still hangs on Trump, and Independents still think they smell it. We can NOT spray phony POOP with Fabreeze to make the imagined smell go away for them. The only way this can happen is Trump vindicate himself. He has another year. Can he do it? I do not know! But, if not, we MUST be prepared to slot in someone who can win, or else really be screwed. This is about the country, Not DJT at this point, remember that.

I know, most of you are really PISSED as the Left continues to do everything in its power to roadblock Trump from ever getting re-elected. So am I! They fear Trump more than anyone else in America, because if he gets back in without having to worry about re-election, he is going to go scorched earth on the Left, 3x what Reagan did, and Trump will screw them over, and over, and over again. After the 2 phony impeachments, why do you think they had to get him out of there, lol. Call Leftists rotten SOBs, but they are not rotten SOBs who are stupid.

In closing, let me say that in the end, if a Republican wins in 2024, Trump will go down as a patriot who came along at the exact time when needed. But, if Trump does not clear his name before next December, it will not be Trump who can do this for himself; it will have to be someone else. We can NOT allow another Democrat Leftist in the Whitehouse in 2024, because not only will the USA cease to exist as we know it, but Trump will NOT get the accolades he richly deserves. Always remember, the VICTORS write history; and even today, you have people on here STILL pushing RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, although it has been totally debunked. Give them another term, and Trump will be written as the Marquis Desaide of America in our history books.

Therefore, right after 2022 you MUST see if Trump has done enough to clear his name, and the ONLY poll you need to look at is.........what do Independents think, because that is the key to your decision if you want to retake the Whitehouse in 2024. And do NOT look at a poll Biden Versus Trump! Instead, look at a poll that says Trump against an un named Democrat. Do this, and you will be able to decide what to do.

Honestly do not care who you have to support if not Trump, just support SOMEONE, and we can hammer it out in the primaries.

Thnx for reading, and NEVER give up! Without people like you, the country would be far worse off than it is! While we can't educate the independents as they don't really listen, we CAN give them something/someone to vote FOR. Take that tact, and we are golden!
Biden is POTUS and he continues to own you people every day of the week. It is to laugh.
Biden is POTUS and he continues to own you people every day of the week. It is to laugh.
Biden doesn’t own anybody. The sad part is Xi Jinping owns Joe Biden.


Running Biden was probably the biggest political mistake made by either party in our modern times.


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