Trump supporters: Stop bitching about Robert Mueller!

the vast majority of Trump supporters on this board are Russians whos job is to do nothing other than cast as much doubt as they can about anyone who goes after Trump ..
Yet, we made you flip your vote and cost Hillary her Inevitable election
come on frank....i was ready to vote hillary when for some unexplained reason.....i didnt....
Trump Supporters: Back in the 90's the Democrats cried foul when special counsel Ken Starr went after Bill and Hillary Clinton hammer and tong on their Whitewater real estate deal and came back with evidence Bill Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, which got Clinton Impeached. Fox News devoted hundreds of hours to covering this investigation,. Old Newt Gingrich pounded the pulpit about a "crisis of morality in the White House (while he was carrying on 3 extramarital affairs of his own) Special counsels have broad powers to investigate any wrongdoing they find during the course of their investigation. It may not be fair, and it may not be convenient, but those are the rules. I know you'd love to make this issue about Hillary Clinton, but assistant attorney general Rosenstein (a lifelong Republican appointed by Donald Trump) has determined there is insufficient evidence to appoint a special counsel to investigate her. So stop bitching about this Mueller investigation! You didn't have a problem with special counsels when it damaged Bill Clinton and got him impeached, and the same rules apply when Bob Mueller investigates Donald Trump, so stop sniveling and deal with it!

P.S. And have a nice day! :bye1:

Amen! There is no doubt that voters were consciously and subconsciously influenced by Russia's illegal and weaponized social media propaganda campaign to swing the election in Trump's favor with fake news and stolen DNC and Hillary emails. The presidency was stolen from Hillary. Comey was the icing on the cake for Trump. Go Mueller!

LMAO! The Hildebeast is utterly filthy and got MILLIONS in campaign contributions from foreign countries. She outspent Trump by a HUGE margin, the lamestream media even admitted that they tried to carry her over the finish line......and yet you blame Russian bots for the leftard loss? It wasn't the Rooskies that revealed the criminality of the DNC and caused Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign in shame. Russia certainly didn't fund Project Veritas.

Just when you leftards can't come across even dumber? You all lower the bar yet again. Save your whining for someone that is as ignorant as you are.

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