Trump Supporters: Stop the Blame Game!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump Supporters: I know you are not happy with the problems Donald Trump is having to deal with as he tries to move his agenda forward, but blaming the Mainstream Media and the Liberals won't work this time around. 95% of Trump's problems are of his own making. Consider all the things Donald Trump has done in the last 12 months:

* Has refused to listen to his own lawyers who are trying to defending him from legal proceedings

* Has publicly attacked an American war hero, John McCain, calling him a "loser", because he was captured and became a POW in the Viet Nam war.

* Has saved his ugliest language and most savage verbal attacks for women who criticize him such as FOX's Megyn Kelly and MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski

* Promising to pay the legal fees for anyone who "knocks the hell" out of protesters

* Consistently tweets half truths and lies, giving ammunition to prosecutors and the media

* Arrogantly refuses to release his tax returns, saying "it's nobody's business, ignoring pleas from lawmakers (many in his own party) that releasing those returns would help his own credibility.

* Proudly walks on stage at his convention with 5 of his children by 3 different women (what would the Trump supporters say if Obama had done this in 2008?!)

* Has contradicted and insulted members of his own staff, kept them fighting among themselves, and undermined their credibility.

* Proudly backs both House and Senate Healthcare bills despite their dismal approval ratings

* Barr's all American's from the oval office, while he freely gives away top secret information to the Russians.

Take a look at this list Trump Supporters. Did the mainstream media do any of these things? Did the Liberals do any of these things? NO! This was all Donald Trump's doing, and no one else. I know those dirty old Liberals and the "Lamestream" media are your favorite villains, but it's time to put on your big boy and big girl pants and deal with the facts that the Liberals have been out of power for over 6 months and the media is not responsible for anything on the list above.

With power comes scrutiny, judicial review, and criticism, so stop blaming others for Trump's problems and deal with it! :bye1:
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Trump Supporters: Stop the Blame Game!

Why? What else do they have?
This thread is 100% projection crap. How you leftards think that you're going to get rational, logical thinking people to believe this SHIT, you have got to be fucking insane, or retarded, or an insane retard.

You people have TRULY reached the point of ABSURDITY.
Bull shit. It is 100% the fault of the left and the media. Saying otherwise is completely dishonest and typical left wing lies.

I see you need some help with your reading comprehension.
As a Trump supporter..................

I BLAME President TRUMP.............for................

appointing a conservative minded Justice to the Supreme Court.............

For helping our Veterans with more vouchers, a new law to make it easier to fire incompetent employees there........BTW....he's fired about 546 the last I heard..

For ending the TPP..............

For cutting more regulations than any other president in decades.......he started a 2 cuts for every 1 regulation added program..........but has cut 16 regulations for every new one so far.............

For easing the ROE's to our men and women serving in combat overseas..........

For completion of the Keystone Pipeline.............

For getting us out of the Paris Accord...............

For Enforcing ICE laws in this country...........

For putting travel bans on nationals from countries that may have radicals with them.............didn't get all he wanted......but he won in the Supreme Court none the less...............

DAMN TRUMP......................


Trump Supporters: Stop the Blame Game!

Not possible. That would require something conservatives have not had for decades ~ Personal Responsibility, Honor, Integrity & Family Values. Those are what conservatives preach ~ for others, not themselves.

The biggest joke? trump claiming to be the Law & Order president and draining the swamp.

Trump Supporters: Stop the Blame Game!

Not possible. that would require something conservatives have not had for decades ~ Personal Responsibility, Honor, Integrity & Family Values. those are what conservatives preach ~ for others, not themselves.
Trump Supporters: I know you are not happy with the problems Donald Trump is having to deal with as he tries to move his agenda forward, but blaming the Mainstream Media and the Liberals won't work this time around. 95% of Trump's problems are of his own making. Consider all the things Donald Trump has done in the last 12 months:

* Has refused to listen to his own lawyers who are trying to defending him from legal proceedings

* Has publicly attacked an American war hero, John McCain, calling him a "loser", because he was captured and became a POW in the Viet Nam war.

* Has saved his ugliest language and most savage verbal attacks for women who criticize him such as FOX's Megyn Kelly and MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski

* Promising to pay the legal fees for anyone who "knocks the hell" out of protesters

* Consistently tweets half truths and lies, giving ammunition to prosecutors and the media

* Arrogantly refuses to release his tax returns, saying "it's nobody's business, ignoring pleas from lawmakers (many in his own party) that releasing those returns would help his own credibility.

* Proudly walks on stage at his convention with 5 of his children by 3 different women (what would the Trump supporters say if Obama had done this in 2008?!)

* Has contradicted and insulted members of his own staff, kept them fighting among themselves, and undermined their credibility.

* Proudly backs both House and Senate Healthcare bills despite their dismal approval ratings

* Barr's all American's from the oval office, while he freely gives away top secret information to the Russians.

Take a look at this list Trump Supporters. Did the mainstream media do any of these things? Did the Liberals do any of these things? NO! This was all Donald Trump's doing, and no one else. I know those dirty old Liberals and the "Lamestream" media are your favorite villains, but it's time to put on your big boy and big girl pants and deal with the facts that the Liberals have been out of power for over 6 months and the media is not responsible for anything on the list above.

With power comes scrutiny, judicial review, and criticism, so stop blaming others for Trump's problems and deal with it! :bye1:

Do you have ANY ability to distinguish form (words) from substance (actions)?
Seems the those attacking Trump don't really want to know how bad he sucks.................

They seemed to have left the thread...........:itsok:

Intermission music...........:mm:
Bull shit. It is 100% the fault of the left and the media. Saying otherwise is completely dishonest and typical left wing lies.

I see you need some help with your reading comprehension.

No I don't. I read you lies and irrelevant garbage and went strait to the point you tried and failed to make.

It's a lie, you are a liar, it's 100% the fault of the left.

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