Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

He already told them to be peaceful.
And they knew that was part of the con, given the tenor of the rest of his speech and of every other speaker that day.

That's why they all said that Trump invited them to do it.

That's why everyone outside the cult sees through that.
And they knew that was part of the con, given the tenor of the rest of his speech and of every other speaker that day.

That's why they all said that Trump invited them to do it.

That's why everyone outside the cult sees through that.
Oh I get it. He had his fingers crossed when he said it. He did it with a wink and a nod.

Are you actually denying that he asked people to “Peacefully and patriotically” make their voice heard?
No. That was during his speech, before the riot broke out. During the riot, he chose to Tweet negative things about Mike Pence, which only threw gasoline on that fire according to people in the Trump administration.
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This is not a trial.
Dems don't want a trial.
Dems can't win in a trial.
They've lost several already.

Schiff has already given away their plan - 'We have more info for THIS FALL.'

The Committee's sole reason for existing is to do as much damage ' socially, reputation, propaganda, speculation, false accusation. WHATEVER they can do to STOP TRUMP from running in 2024.

Don't get me wrong, if Democrats can somehow manage to frame, con, orr weasel their way into getting one of their manufactured crimes to stick they will take it.
Yes videos were shown. Selectively edited videos.
Now you are just saying stupid shit to keep talking. You can't edit into existence the fact that the cultists were calling his tweets their orders, and stopped and went home because he ordered them to do so. And said, on video, that's why they were stopping.

But again, you wouldn't know either way. You didn't watch the hearings, so your opinions aren't worth squat.
Now you are just saying stupid shit to keep talking. You can't edit into existence the fact that the cultists were calling his tweets their orders, and stopped and went home because he ordered them to do so. And said, on video, that's why they were stopping.

But again, you wouldn't know either way. You didn't watch the hearings, so your opinions aren't worth squat.
You're actually trying to claim that committee didn't use selectively edited videos as evidence? The more you respond, the more I'm convinced you're just another stupid troll
You're actually trying to claim that committee didn't use selectively edited videos as evidence?
I didn't state or even imply that.

This is you creating low hanging fruit for yourself to pick, as you have hit a brick wall and have nothing more to say in defense of the indefensible.
'Supposedly' is a word that means 'Not Proven Fact'.

There is 'He DID invite a riot', 'He did NOT invite a riot', and 'He SUPPOSEDLY invited a riot'.
I meant to say incite a riot He did no such thing. The riot was incited by agitators on the Capitol grounds in that moment. Some of whom were not charged or mysteriously have just disappeared
I didn't state or even imply that.

This is you creating low hanging fruit for yourself to pick, as you have hit a brick wall and have nothing more to say in defense of the indefensible.
you're not even entertaining at this point .
I meant to say incite a riot He did no such thing. The riot was incited by agitators on the Capitol grounds in that moment. Some of whom were not charged or mysteriously have just disappeared

you're not even entertaining at this point .
Good, you should be feeling embarrassed, not entertained.
Now say something else stupid and wrong.
I meant to say incite a riot He did no such thing. The riot was incited by agitators on the Capitol grounds in that moment. Some of whom were not charged or mysteriously have just disappeared

you're not even entertaining at this point .
the rioters say Trump told them to


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