Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Federal agents definitely told Protesters to go into the capital I can prove that easily

And by 'prove', you mean just make the accusation again, backed by nothing?

I don't think 'prove' means what you think it means. Meanwhile, we have Epps himself explicitly contradicting your accusations.

Why would I ignore him and instead believe you?
And by 'prove', you mean just make the accusation again, backed by nothing?

I don't think 'prove' means what you think it means. Meanwhile, we have Epps himself explicitly contradicting your accusations.

Why would I ignore him and instead believe you?O

Lol because if he blows his cover it blows the fbi involvement in 1/6 . One guy had a GUN A EAR PIECE WAS ON CAPITAL PROPERTY and wasn’t arrested. Release all the video.. it clear fbi instigated 1/6 protest
Lol because if he blows his cover it blows the fbi involvement in 1/6 . One guy had a GUN A EAR PIECE WAS ON CAPITAL PROPERTY and wasn’t arrested. Release all the video.. it clear fbi instigated 1/6 protest just don't know what you're talking about. You don't know Epps or anyone involved. You weren't there, aren't in the FBI, or have any credible evidence to back your conspiracy. Remember, you're making this up as you go along.

Epps on the other hand was there. He's intimately familiar with what he did and why. He claims he was trying to talk Ryan Samsel (the other fella in the video) OUT of attacking police.

"Just two days after the attack, when Mr. Epps saw himself on a list of suspects from Jan. 6, he called an F.B.I. tip line and told investigators that he had tried to calm Mr. Samsel down when they spoke, according to three people who have heard a recording of the call. Mr. Epps went on to say that he explained to Mr. Samsel that the police outside the building were merely doing their jobs, the people said."

Why would I ignore him and instead believe you, making up a story about people you don't know nor have ever met? Especially when OTHER people who were there, including folks in the video......back Epps' account. And not yours.

“He came up to me and he said, ‘Dude’ — his entire words were, ‘Relax, the cops are doing their job,’” Mr. Samsel said.

Ryan Samsel himself, the dude seen talking to Epps and then attacking cops.....contradicts you, and affirms that Epps is being truthful. So how many people will I have to ignore before your conspiracy starts making sense?
Last edited: just don't know what you're talking about. You don't know Epps or anyone involved. You weren't there, aren't in the FBI, or have any credible evidence to back your conspiracy. Remember, you're making this up as you go along.

Epps on the other hand was there. He's intimately familiar with what he did and why.

Why would I ignore him and instead believe you, making up a story about people you don't know nor have ever met?
You don’t have to believe me, move on.. epps is fbi until fbi under oath says he wasn’t working for them that day.. got it? Good .. go squirrel off
You don’t have to believe me, move on..

Or, I can continue to punch huge holes in your made up story. Epps contradicts you. Ryan Samsel contradicts you.

Who then are you quoting?

Just you, citing you. And you don't know what you're talking about.

epps is fbi until fbi under oath says he wasn’t working for them that day.. got it? Good .. go squirrel off

Epps is FBI....says you, citing yourself. Backed by nothing. No one is obligated to disprove whatever hapless nonsense you can imagine.

I would have thought that Truthers and Flat Earthers would have taught you that by now.

You don't have evidence to back up your claims. Making your conspiracy doubly silly. As you ignore Epps and Samsel - two people who were THERE....without evidence. And believe an elaborate, made up conspiracy.....despite no credible evidence and explicit contradiction.

So much for 'proving' your claims.
They all knew he could do something, which is why they pleaded with him
So, did trump want to go so bad he b beat up the secret service ninja style, or he didn’t want to go?

So a mere ask for peace doesn’t matter correct?
Dumbass, that’s what you were just disputing.

Me: “Clearly Democrat mayors and city authorities were urging peace and trying to get things under control.”

Then you brought up the mayor Kenosha who I just showed was also urging peace.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

Once it started, it was beyond his control. He didn’t start it either.

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