Trump Supporters: what is the number one reason you support Trump?

Why do you support Trump?

  • I agree with his policies. Please specify in a post which ones

  • Whatever he'll do, he tells it like it is

  • I just want a Republican to win and he's the most electible

  • I won't support him unless he's the candidate, but then I will vote for him in the election

  • I'll vote for Hillary over Trump

  • I'll vote third party if it's Hillary v. Trump

Results are only viewable after voting.
This election is going to be decided by the non-voters. So you better start asking yourself why your party is turning off so many people. Their opinion DOES matter. A lot.


The "Republican" insults me again calling me a Republican! That's too funny, no wonder I keep making fun of your stupidity, it's because you are stupid
I have no idea what party you are, but you sound a lot like the pseudo-conservative rubes around here.

Nevertheless, my point stands. The opinions of non-voters matter, because they are the ones who are going to determine who will be our next President.

I don't belong to any party, including the Libertarian party even though I support their ideas the most. But that you don't know what party you think I am is the lie that you tell,obviously you think I'm a Republican if you read your post. Which you consider an insult while you say you are one
I think both parties have alienated the middle more than ever. They have both polarized to the extremes. In the process, the GOP has lost the votes of old school conservative Republicans like me, and the Democratic party has also lost large swaths of voters.

Elections are now determined by how much each party has managed to piss of their own voters.

You blew off the opinions of these voters, and that is a fantastically stupid thing to do, considering the impact we have on elections when we choose to stay home. Or, in my case, leave the top part of the ballot blank.

Whichever party wises up first will sweep the board. The way the GOP has been trending for over a decade, I don't think it will be them.
All the "middle " candidates are laying in the gutter...way down the road. We didn't blow off their supporters opinions...they just didn't have enuf supporters.
They weren't batshit crazy enough for the tards who have hijacked both parties.
Granted I don't read every post of every thread, but I hear from Trump supporters very little reason from a policy perspective why you support Trump. I get being sick of establishment Republicans, our PC culture and those things, but to me it still comes down to policy. That's why I'd most likely be to support Cruz even though he said bone headed things. Actually, Cruz wins polls based on policy hands down.
I have issues with Ted Cruz.

He lies too much for my tastes. I think he should change the oil in his hair. I also don't like politicians that make me feel like I'm in church. And somebody needs to tell him blue jeans aren't cool with a blazer anymore. That is a fashion foopah.

I tried to thank or agree with you, but you said he "lies" too much. I agree with him more than other Republicans, but I'm put off by some of his comments like about "carpet bombing"

But that he "lies" was why I couldn't give you credit. What are you talking about?
Telling everyone Trump wrote 4 checks to Hillary without saying the amounts. How did he know how many checks Trump personally wrote to Hillary? I looked it up and it appears the total Trump gave to Hillary only comes to $700.00. He did give Harry Reid over $9000. But of all of the Democrats listed, none got over $10,000.

He accused Chris Wallace of repeating Trump talking points on Sunday morning last week, and Chris Wallace laid into him. Cruz turned redfaced and tried to change the subject.

His campaign told Ben Carson voters in Iowa that Ben Carson dropped out. Then yesterday he was telling voters in Idaho that Marco Rubio dropped out.

Yesterday he suggested that a Brokered Convention would be great idea, because he was losing his ass in Michigan.

These are specific instances.......there are plenty more.
  • Thanks
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The "Republican" insults me again calling me a Republican! That's too funny, no wonder I keep making fun of your stupidity, it's because you are stupid
I have no idea what party you are, but you sound a lot like the pseudo-conservative rubes around here.

Nevertheless, my point stands. The opinions of non-voters matter, because they are the ones who are going to determine who will be our next President.

I don't belong to any party, including the Libertarian party even though I support their ideas the most. But that you don't know what party you think I am is the lie that you tell,obviously you think I'm a Republican if you read your post. Which you consider an insult while you say you are one
I think both parties have alienated the middle more than ever. They have both polarized to the extremes. In the process, the GOP has lost the votes of old school conservative Republicans like me, and the Democratic party has also lost large swaths of voters.

Elections are now determined by how much each party has managed to piss of their own voters.

You blew off the opinions of these voters, and that is a fantastically stupid thing to do, considering the impact we have on elections when we choose to stay home. Or, in my case, leave the top part of the ballot blank.

Whichever party wises up first will sweep the board. The way the GOP has been trending for over a decade, I don't think it will be them.
All the "middle " candidates are laying in the gutter...way down the road. We didn't blow off their supporters opinions...they just didn't have enuf supporters.
They weren't batshit crazy enough for the tards who have hijacked both parties.

Agreed. You need to crawl back into the hole you came out of and go fuck yourself
Granted I don't read every post of every thread, but I hear from Trump supporters very little reason from a policy perspective why you support Trump. I get being sick of establishment Republicans, our PC culture and those things, but to me it still comes down to policy. That's why I'd most likely be to support Cruz even though he said bone headed things. Actually, Cruz wins polls based on policy hands down.
I have issues with Ted Cruz.

He lies too much for my tastes. I think he should change the oil in his hair. I also don't like politicians that make me feel like I'm in church. And somebody needs to tell him blue jeans aren't cool with a blazer anymore. That is a fashion foopah.

I tried to thank or agree with you, but you said he "lies" too much. I agree with him more than other Republicans, but I'm put off by some of his comments like about "carpet bombing"

But that he "lies" was why I couldn't give you credit. What are you talking about?
Telling everyone Trump wrote 4 checks to Hillary without saying the amounts. How did he know how many checks Trump personally wrote to Hillary? I looked it up and it appears the total Trump gave to Hillary only comes to $700.00. He did give Harry Reid over $9000. But of all of the Democrats listed, none got over $10,000.

He accused Chris Wallace of repeating Trump talking points on Sunday morning last week, and Chris Wallace laid into him. Cruz turned redfaced and tried to change the subject.

His campaign told Ben Carson voters in Iowa that Ben Carson dropped out. Then yesterday he was telling voters in Idaho that Marco Rubio dropped out.

Yesterday he suggested that a Brokered Convention would be great idea, because he was losing his ass in Michigan.

These are specific instances.......there are plenty more.

thank you, sir, for answering the question I actually asked. Doesn't make me a trump supporter, I think he pulls this crap all the time. but I know you as honorable and think it's great data for assessing Cruz
What makes us the number one economy? What do we excel at?

What we excelled at was kicking the ass of foreign competition. Unfortunately people who are at heart good people like you, decided to believe lying piece of shit politicians like Donald Trump who told you that if you turn over the power of guns to them, they will use that ubiquitous power of guns to make better choices than the rest of us will over our own lives and our own money.

You're a good guy, Harley. I believe that. But is your name bitch? Or are you a free man? If your name is bitch, then go ahead and support a despot like Donald Trump who believes he knows how to run our own lives better than we do
If trump is a politician who do you have in mind that is not a politician?

The less the better. For example, RWR talked about his personal values while spending eight years not inflicting them on others
Granted I don't read every post of every thread, but I hear from Trump supporters very little reason from a policy perspective why you support Trump. I get being sick of establishment Republicans, our PC culture and those things, but to me it still comes down to policy. That's why I'd most likely be to support Cruz even though he said bone headed things. Actually, Cruz wins polls based on policy hands down.
I have issues with Ted Cruz.

He lies too much for my tastes. I think he should change the oil in his hair. I also don't like politicians that make me feel like I'm in church. And somebody needs to tell him blue jeans aren't cool with a blazer anymore. That is a fashion foopah.

I tried to thank or agree with you, but you said he "lies" too much. I agree with him more than other Republicans, but I'm put off by some of his comments like about "carpet bombing"

But that he "lies" was why I couldn't give you credit. What are you talking about?
Telling everyone Trump wrote 4 checks to Hillary without saying the amounts. How did he know how many checks Trump personally wrote to Hillary? I looked it up and it appears the total Trump gave to Hillary only comes to $700.00. He did give Harry Reid over $9000. But of all of the Democrats listed, none got over $10,000.

He accused Chris Wallace of repeating Trump talking points on Sunday morning last week, and Chris Wallace laid into him. Cruz turned redfaced and tried to change the subject.

His campaign told Ben Carson voters in Iowa that Ben Carson dropped out. Then yesterday he was telling voters in Idaho that Marco Rubio dropped out.

Yesterday he suggested that a Brokered Convention would be great idea, because he was losing his ass in Michigan.

These are specific instances.......there are plenty more.

thank you, sir, for answering the question I actually asked. Doesn't make me a trump supporter, I think he pulls this crap all the time. but I know you as honorable and think it's great data for assessing Cruz
Yes Trump is prone to exaggeration. That's just the way he talks. Yes, he's blunt. I'd rather have that then some two-faced, smile in your face backstabber.
No daylight between Clinton and Trump.

On every political issue for which Trump is on record, he took the far left position.

The huckster is taking you rubes for a ride. He's the pied piper, leading you naive fools to the Democratic cave. You are paying the price for the breaking of every promise the GOP ever made.

Alright. If Trump is on the left, WHY did he not run on the Democratic ticket? WHY is he running with the GOP if he is a closet Democrat?
Granted I don't read every post of every thread, but I hear from Trump supporters very little reason from a policy perspective why you support Trump. I get being sick of establishment Republicans, our PC culture and those things, but to me it still comes down to policy. That's why I'd most likely be to support Cruz even though he said bone headed things. Actually, Cruz wins polls based on policy hands down.
I have issues with Ted Cruz.

He lies too much for my tastes. I think he should change the oil in his hair. I also don't like politicians that make me feel like I'm in church. And somebody needs to tell him blue jeans aren't cool with a blazer anymore. That is a fashion foopah.

I tried to thank or agree with you, but you said he "lies" too much. I agree with him more than other Republicans, but I'm put off by some of his comments like about "carpet bombing"

But that he "lies" was why I couldn't give you credit. What are you talking about?
Telling everyone Trump wrote 4 checks to Hillary without saying the amounts. How did he know how many checks Trump personally wrote to Hillary? I looked it up and it appears the total Trump gave to Hillary only comes to $700.00. He did give Harry Reid over $9000. But of all of the Democrats listed, none got over $10,000.

He accused Chris Wallace of repeating Trump talking points on Sunday morning last week, and Chris Wallace laid into him. Cruz turned redfaced and tried to change the subject.

His campaign told Ben Carson voters in Iowa that Ben Carson dropped out. Then yesterday he was telling voters in Idaho that Marco Rubio dropped out.

Yesterday he suggested that a Brokered Convention would be great idea, because he was losing his ass in Michigan.

These are specific instances.......there are plenty more.

thank you, sir, for answering the question I actually asked. Doesn't make me a trump supporter, I think he pulls this crap all the time. but I know you as honorable and think it's great data for assessing Cruz
Yes Trump is prone to exaggeration. That's just the way he talks. Yes, he's blunt. I'd rather have that then some two-faced, smile in your face backstabber.

fair enough. as for me, I care about policy. and trump has given me zero. loves government, loves the power he would wield
No daylight between Clinton and Trump.

On every political issue for which Trump is on record, he took the far left position.

The huckster is taking you rubes for a ride. He's the pied piper, leading you naive fools to the Democratic cave. You are paying the price for the breaking of every promise the GOP ever made.

Alright. If Trump is on the left, WHY did he not run on the Democratic ticket? WHY is he running with the GOP if he is a closet Democrat?

Why didn't HW, Dole, McCain, W or Romney run on the Democratic ticket if that's the standard?
No daylight between Clinton and Trump.

On every political issue for which Trump is on record, he took the far left position.

The huckster is taking you rubes for a ride. He's the pied piper, leading you naive fools to the Democratic cave. You are paying the price for the breaking of every promise the GOP ever made.

Alright. If Trump is on the left, WHY did he not run on the Democratic ticket? WHY is he running with the GOP if he is a closet Democrat?
Two reasons. First, he knew he could not beat his friend Hillary for the Democratic nomination.

Second, he saw the rubes on the Right keep voting for hucksters who invariably break their promises about small government, less regulation, and so on. He realized they are gullible enough to vote for anyone who puts an R after their name over and over again, even if he was a far left Democrat until five minutes ago.
No daylight between Clinton and Trump.

On every political issue for which Trump is on record, he took the far left position.

The huckster is taking you rubes for a ride. He's the pied piper, leading you naive fools to the Democratic cave. You are paying the price for the breaking of every promise the GOP ever made.

Alright. If Trump is on the left, WHY did he not run on the Democratic ticket? WHY is he running with the GOP if he is a closet Democrat?
Two reasons. First, he knew he could not beat his friend Hillary for the Democratic nomination.

Second, he saw the rubes on the Right keep voting for hucksters who invariably break their promises about small government, less regulation, and so on. He realized they are gullible enough to vote for anyone who puts an R after their name over and over again, even if he was a far left Democrat until five minutes ago.

Can't agree. I DO agree on the pied piper image --- it's perfect. But Rump has never been either "far left" or "far right". He's whatever serves the interests of Numero Uno at that time and place.

Since Rump has no real policies or politics ---- indeed his rhetoric is entirely made up of emotional blusterfluff --- he could theoretically have taken either side and carried the same amount of ideological irrelevance. He chose (a) this year because it's a vacuum for candidacy, in that there is no incumbent running, no VP running, no prominent pol with a high profile aside from Hillary (who herself has been dormant for a while), all of which means an open field for anyone who can make a media splash. Therefore anyone who does run gets to be a big fish in a small pond.

And he chose (b) the Republican Party because with a sitting Democrat that he's already spent a few years taking an opposing position to (the birfer malarkey) -- he can position himself to be the "protest against the status quo" brand. IOW had John McCain won and got re-elected, he'd arguably be running now as a Democrat.

Inasmuch as Rump has no politics (and whatever does get lip service, gets contradicted the next day) which party's apple cart he was going to upset is like everything else he does, a decision based on what's convenient at that time and place for his self-interest --- not on any kind of ideology.

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