Trump Tacitly Supports US White Nationalism With Willful Inaction and Vocal Vitriol


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
What a piece of shit POTUS!

"Two menaces have stalked America throughout its history. One is gun violence. The other is white supremacy. In El Paso, Texas, on Saturday they collided.

A 21-year-old gunman with a hatred of Hispanic immigrants killed 20 people in a shopping mall in the eighth deadliest mass shooting in American history. The suspect is believed to have posted online an anti-immigrant screed that praised the killing of 51 people in Christchurch mosques in New Zealand in March.

Less than 13 hours later, nine people were killed in Dayton, Ohio, in a second mass shooting.

The chilling reality of domestic terrorism – which now results in far more deaths than foreign terrorism – was acknowledged by political analysts, Democratic candidates for president and George P Bush, nephew of former president George W Bush.

But there was no televised appearance from President Donald Trump, who attempted to wash his hands of the hate crime in a few tweets. His acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, toured TV studios on Sunday expressing righteous indignation. “I blame the people who pull the trigger,” Mulvaney told NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd. “Goodness gracious, is someone really blaming the president? People are sick, until we address why people think this way.”

~~ Trump tweets as gun violence and white nationalist terrorism stalk America ~~

Good people on both sides my dying ass! Fascistic, Neo-Nazi, anti-Semetic White Nationalists may be considered "Good People" in Trumps warped narcissistic mind as he boasted about the Charlottesville tiki torch marchers, but in fact they are anti-American scum trying to establish an all white 4th Reich in a violent overthrow of the United States! Side with them, support them, give them aide and comfort at your own peril.
i think that TRUMP is a self declared American NATIONALIST 'TCrimes .
If trump is not a racist then why is he using whistles to get there vote. Here is the simple fact. Trump knows he can not get reelected without the racists and Russia supporting him.
I remember about 10 years Qaeda was looking for white domestic terrorists they could use to pull off attacks in the US.

I guess they found some.
What a piece of shit POTUS!

"Two menaces have stalked America throughout its history. One is gun violence. The other is white supremacy. In El Paso, Texas, on Saturday they collided.

A 21-year-old gunman with a hatred of Hispanic immigrants killed 20 people in a shopping mall in the eighth deadliest mass shooting in American history. The suspect is believed to have posted online an anti-immigrant screed that praised the killing of 51 people in Christchurch mosques in New Zealand in March.

Less than 13 hours later, nine people were killed in Dayton, Ohio, in a second mass shooting.

The chilling reality of domestic terrorism – which now results in far more deaths than foreign terrorism – was acknowledged by political analysts, Democratic candidates for president and George P Bush, nephew of former president George W Bush.

But there was no televised appearance from President Donald Trump, who attempted to wash his hands of the hate crime in a few tweets. His acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, toured TV studios on Sunday expressing righteous indignation. “I blame the people who pull the trigger,” Mulvaney told NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd. “Goodness gracious, is someone really blaming the president? People are sick, until we address why people think this way.”

~~ Trump tweets as gun violence and white nationalist terrorism stalk America ~~

Good people on both sides my dying ass! Fascistic, Neo-Nazi, anti-Semetic White Nationalists may be considered "Good People" in Trumps warped narcissistic mind as he boasted about the We're all gonna die!!Charlottesville tiki torch marchers, but in fact they are anti-American scum trying to establish an all white 4th Reich in a violent overthrow of the United States! Side with them, support them, give them aide and comfort at your own peril.

Damn right! It's all Trumps fault. We're all gonna die!!!
If trump is not a racist then why is he using whistles to get there vote. Here is the simple fact. Trump knows he can not get reelected without the racists and Russia supporting him.
Your math sucks worse than your logic. You think non racists would support someone catering to racists? So either all white people are in fact racist, or you are just a dumbass.
What a piece of shit POTUS!

"Two menaces have stalked America throughout its history. One is gun violence. The other is white supremacy. In El Paso, Texas, on Saturday they collided.

A 21-year-old gunman with a hatred of Hispanic immigrants killed 20 people in a shopping mall in the eighth deadliest mass shooting in American history. The suspect is believed to have posted online an anti-immigrant screed that praised the killing of 51 people in Christchurch mosques in New Zealand in March.

Less than 13 hours later, nine people were killed in Dayton, Ohio, in a second mass shooting.

The chilling reality of domestic terrorism – which now results in far more deaths than foreign terrorism – was acknowledged by political analysts, Democratic candidates for president and George P Bush, nephew of former president George W Bush.

But there was no televised appearance from President Donald Trump, who attempted to wash his hands of the hate crime in a few tweets. His acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, toured TV studios on Sunday expressing righteous indignation. “I blame the people who pull the trigger,” Mulvaney told NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd. “Goodness gracious, is someone really blaming the president? People are sick, until we address why people think this way.”

~~ Trump tweets as gun violence and white nationalist terrorism stalk America ~~

Good people on both sides my dying ass! Fascistic, Neo-Nazi, anti-Semetic White Nationalists may be considered "Good People" in Trumps warped narcissistic mind as he boasted about the Charlottesville tiki torch marchers, but in fact they are anti-American scum trying to establish an all white 4th Reich in a violent overthrow of the United States! Side with them, support them, give them aide and comfort at your own peril.
If Trump just got here, why blame him for our history? Oh, I get it-never mind. I see Charlottesville this way-people wanted to keep the statue and had a permit to protest. The counter protesters showed up illegally and started trouble. As could be predicted, a nut job drove his car into the crowd. There were good people on both sides-law abiding protesters and counter protesters who did not fight or vandalize. Who and what they are may be debated by each side, but at the end of the day, Trump was right.
Good people on both sides my dying ass! Fascistic, Neo-Nazi, anti-Semetic White Nationalists may be considered "Good People" in Trumps warped narcissistic mind as he boasted about the Charlottesville tiki torch marchers, but in fact they are anti-American scum trying to establish an all white 4th Reich in a violent overthrow of the United States! Side with them, support them, give them aide and comfort at your own peril.
Oh goody, another libeoridal asswipe repeating this lie today.

Almost all of the snowflakes / Trump-haters continue to attack the President for in-action yet none of them say what they want the President to do, except do what they want - disarm law-abiding citizens / eliminate the 2nd Amendment....
Good people on both sides my dying ass! Fascistic, Neo-Nazi, anti-Semetic White Nationalists may be considered "Good People" in Trumps warped narcissistic mind as he boasted about the Charlottesville tiki torch marchers, ....l.

You are a piece of shit hate mongering liar.

Trump: "...And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."
Almost all of the snowflakes / Trump-haters continue to attack the President for in-action yet none of them say what they want the President to do, except do what they want - disarm law-abiding citizens / eliminate the 2nd Amendment....
------------------------------ they want to make disarmed 'english wankers' and 'new zealanders' out of Americans is what the 'lib dems' want .
Good people on both sides my dying ass! Fascistic, Neo-Nazi, anti-Semetic White Nationalists may be considered "Good People" in Trumps warped narcissistic mind as he boasted about the Charlottesville tiki torch marchers, but in fact they are anti-American scum trying to establish an all white 4th Reich in a violent overthrow of the United States! Side with them, support them, give them aide and comfort at your own peril.
Oh goody, another libeoridal asswipe repeating this lie today.

preperation L.jpg
What a piece of shit POTUS!

"Two menaces have stalked America throughout its history. One is gun violence. The other is white supremacy. In El Paso, Texas, on Saturday they collided.

A 21-year-old gunman with a hatred of Hispanic immigrants killed 20 people in a shopping mall in the eighth deadliest mass shooting in American history. The suspect is believed to have posted online an anti-immigrant screed that praised the killing of 51 people in Christchurch mosques in New Zealand in March.

Less than 13 hours later, nine people were killed in Dayton, Ohio, in a second mass shooting.

The chilling reality of domestic terrorism – which now results in far more deaths than foreign terrorism – was acknowledged by political analysts, Democratic candidates for president and George P Bush, nephew of former president George W Bush.

But there was no televised appearance from President Donald Trump, who attempted to wash his hands of the hate crime in a few tweets. His acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, toured TV studios on Sunday expressing righteous indignation. “I blame the people who pull the trigger,” Mulvaney told NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd. “Goodness gracious, is someone really blaming the president? People are sick, until we address why people think this way.”

~~ Trump tweets as gun violence and white nationalist terrorism stalk America ~~

Good people on both sides my dying ass! Fascistic, Neo-Nazi, anti-Semetic White Nationalists may be considered "Good People" in Trumps warped narcissistic mind as he boasted about the Charlottesville tiki torch marchers, but in fact they are anti-American scum trying to establish an all white 4th Reich in a violent overthrow of the United States! Side with them, support them, give them aide and comfort at your own peril.
By telepathy, apparently...
Fuck off.
Clever retort...for a know nothing empty vessel like yourself.
Your vacuous brother above at least had the ability or help to write two big words!

YOU are the piece of shit you fucking liar.
OH, I get it! You're the rubber and I'm the glue?? Gosh I haven't heard that reference since 1951 on the playground in 2nd grade! Grow the fuck up, kid!

You are a piece of shit hate mongering liar.
Trump: "...And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."
Ain't that sweet? You got his Aug 15, 2017 third version attempting to clean up his political shit at Trump Tower given to a reporter instead of from his televised speech the original several days earlier on the 12th at the "Unite the Right" rally. And you have the nuts to call me a liar? You be one pathetic little slimy shit! Later Boi!

By telepathy, apparently...
Will you be sending me a decoder ring for that thang you posted????

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