Trump: “Take the vaccine! I did.”

Despite neither always exhibiting deft mastery of the novel coronavirus from its first appearance, I deem the performance of the public health community, epidemiologists, virologists, etc., vastly superior to that of the politicians who differed with them.

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"Ultimately, we expect we will see community spread in this country.
It’s not so much a question of if this will happen anymore but rather
more a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people
in this country will have severe illness. We will maintain for as long as
practical a dual approach where we continue measures to contain this
disease but also employ strategies to minimize the impact on our communities.
At this time, there’s no vaccine to protect against this new virus

and no medications approved to treat it."
CDC's Dr Nancy Messonnier, February 25, 2020

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“You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country.
We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better.
They’re all getting better. … As far as what we’re doing with the new virus,
I think that we’re doing a great job!”

Trump, February 25, 2020

The CDC was totally and absolutely wrong, to the point of criminal negligence or fraud.
Depending on the lethality of an epidemic, you either do full quarantine with masks if very lethal, or you instead go with deliberate infection spread if not too lethal.
The CDC did neither.
They went with "flattening the curve" instead, which does not work, can never work, and instead stretches it out over the longest possible time period, thus ensuring the greatest possible death total.

Why the CDC goofed so badly, I do not know.
But these pathetic vaccines are being pushed so much, it is very suspicious.
Don't get me wrong.
I took the vaccine in May, but the vaccines are still awful as far as design, intent, and implementation.
They just have one synthetic spike protein, and that is all.
Trump finally said that after he got out of office. Because I know you got the vaccine secretly in his last days of office in January.

Just remembered the May vax was the 2nd Moderna, so the first may have been January, like you said.
You have a better memory than I do.
You are totally wrong about impeachment.
As a democratic republic, congress is supposed to support the will of the people above all else, and the impeachments were cynical attempts to manipulate the imperfections in the letter of the law, to totally violate the intent and ideal of law.
The single most corrupt and undemocratic events in history.
Trump was elected, so represented the people.
Attempting to simply nullify Trumps term in office with senseless impeachment trials was totally against the intent of the law and will of the people.
Everyone involved in Congress should be removed from office.
Worst crime of the century.
The vagueness of law for things like impeachment is an intent to rely on congressional integrity.
They showed a total lack of any integrity by congress.

Trump was right about everything he said on covid. It likely did come from the Wuhan lab, was not lethal enough for full quarantine, and would have been best handled by spreading it as quickly to the nonvulnerable, as possible. Should have been over last March.

I'm not wrong. You talk about "the will of the people".

The US isn't democratic and doesn't give a stuff about "the will of the people". People vote, but they don't have a real choice to begin with.

In Germany they vote FPTP and PR on the same day. The CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the vote, but 77% of the seats. Is that democratic? No.

And in the US you see two political parties winning seats. In a fair election, you'd have more than two parties.

The US constitution says "Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors", what is a "misdemeanor"? Could be anything.

"The single most corrupt and undemocratic events in history."

Really? You've gone through the whole of history, even if it's just US presidential history, and found that this is the most corrupt and undemocratic event?

Not a chance, there's been so much corruption, and so little democracy in US federal politics alone.

Trump wasn't right about what he said. He said whatever came into his head. He didn't wait on facts. There's a chance it came from the Wuhan lab, to then say it did was ridiculous.

It would not have been over by March had they let it spread.
I'm not wrong. You talk about "the will of the people".

The US isn't democratic and doesn't give a stuff about "the will of the people". People vote, but they don't have a real choice to begin with.

In Germany they vote FPTP and PR on the same day. The CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the vote, but 77% of the seats. Is that democratic? No.

And in the US you see two political parties winning seats. In a fair election, you'd have more than two parties.

The US constitution says "Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors", what is a "misdemeanor"? Could be anything.

"The single most corrupt and undemocratic events in history."

Really? You've gone through the whole of history, even if it's just US presidential history, and found that this is the most corrupt and undemocratic event?

Not a chance, there's been so much corruption, and so little democracy in US federal politics alone.

Trump wasn't right about what he said. He said whatever came into his head. He didn't wait on facts. There's a chance it came from the Wuhan lab, to then say it did was ridiculous.

It would not have been over by March had they let it spread.

The only thing close to being as bad as these vapid charges against Trump was when they impeached Andrew Johnson for not being brutal enough against the South.

I happen to greatly prefer the parliamentary system the Germans use.

I don't believe the Constitution mean just any old "Misdemeanors".
I believe the scale was indicated as to severe seriousness, and that they mean, "or other high, crimes and misdemeanors."
Clearly they did not mean just anything.
And the 2 impeachments were LESS than just anything.
They were totally NOTHING at all.
In fact, if Trump has not investigated the Bidens and firing of Shokin, THAT would have been impeachable.

And no, the Wuhan lab was pretty much famous for gain of function research on bat viruses, so there never really was any doubt at all.
Even Jon Stewart told us that.

And no I never said to "just let covid spread".
Its an age old tradition called variolation, where you deliberately infect volunteers most likely to survive. That way you know when to keep them away from the vulnerable. And that would have been guaranteed to have ended it is less than a month.
Probably even 2 weeks only.
Fauci was wrong when he said that would need 2.4 million deaths.
He got a lot of things wrong with this number, but the main one is that most of the deaths were over 70, and if you infect volunteers under 40, the death rate drops by a factor of 400. That means just 6,000 deaths to achieve herd immunity last March.
That would have saved 550,000 lives.
Clearly "flattening the curve" is crazy, prevents herd immunity, makes any epidemic last forever, and causes the maximum possible death total.
The only thing close to being as bad as these vapid charges against Trump was when they impeached Andrew Johnson for not being brutal enough against the South.

I happen to greatly prefer the parliamentary system the Germans use.

I don't believe the Constitution mean just any old "Misdemeanors".
I believe the scale was indicated as to severe seriousness, and that they mean, "or other high, crimes and misdemeanors."
Clearly they did not mean just anything.
And the 2 impeachments were LESS than just anything.
They were totally NOTHING at all.
In fact, if Trump has not investigated the Bidens and firing of Shokin, THAT would have been impeachable.

And no, the Wuhan lab was pretty much famous for gain of function research on bat viruses, so there never really was any doubt at all.
Even Jon Stewart told us that.

And no I never said to "just let covid spread".
Its an age old tradition called variolation, where you deliberately infect volunteers most likely to survive. That way you know when to keep them away from the vulnerable. And that would have been guaranteed to have ended it is less than a month.
Probably even 2 weeks only.
Fauci was wrong when he said that would need 2.4 million deaths.
He got a lot of things wrong with this number, but the main one is that most of the deaths were over 70, and if you infect volunteers under 40, the death rate drops by a factor of 400. That means just 6,000 deaths to achieve herd immunity last March.
That would have saved 550,000 lives.
Clearly "flattening the curve" is crazy, prevents herd immunity, makes any epidemic last forever, and causes the maximum possible death total.

Well, I'm not going to defend their actions. The problem is the whole of US politics is corrupt. To focus on one thing, while pretending it's only one thing, is as bad as what they're doing.

The constitution might not have meant something, but it certain says something. Impeachment is a political tool, always has been. Clinton was attacked for sleeping with some woman. Who cares? Oh, right, all of a sudden the Republicans became all about chastity and fidelity. And then they voted for Trump and all that went out the window.

I know what the Wuhan lab did, and I also know about what happened in Gansu in 2019, do you? I know about China and I know the signs that could point to the virus coming out of the lab.

The problem is we can only speculate because the CCP has closed up shop and will never let its own people find something out. If the US say it might have come from the Wuhan lab, China will say it might have come from Fork Derrick. If the US says it came out of a Chinese cow's ass, the Chinese will say it came out of a US cow's ass.

There is speculation and there is knowledge. We don't have the knowledge and the US govt doesn't have the knowledge either, which is a problem.

Your "solution" to the covid problem sounds like a medieval attitude of rubbing shit into wounds to cure the problem. It wouldn't have been over in two weeks at all. The best way of dealing with it would have been to stop people getting into the country, testing them, quarantining them for a month. Stopping the virus getting in.

But they didn't. And what happens PROVES your "solution" wouldn't have worked and wouldn't have been over in two weeks.
View attachment 530422
She's begging everyone to get the poison jabs...

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20 bucks seez that's a vanilla milkshake and 3 cheeseburger wrappers are in the trash bin
Another strong connection- 40% of all deaths are either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic. I don’t watch national news but my money says they don’t report that factor much.


Trump tried to close off traffic between China and the USA back in late 2019, early 2020.
The Dementocraps threw one of their famous toddler tantrums and refused to allow it!!!
The Dementocraps are the ones that brought this deadly disease inside the USA.
Trump tried to stop it, the Dems REFUSED!!!
The Big Lie has already been confirmed.

Are you trying to create ANOTHER big lie.
fuck trump, that POS. Con Man.
Well, I'm not going to defend their actions. The problem is the whole of US politics is corrupt. To focus on one thing, while pretending it's only one thing, is as bad as what they're doing.

The constitution might not have meant something, but it certain says something. Impeachment is a political tool, always has been. Clinton was attacked for sleeping with some woman. Who cares? Oh, right, all of a sudden the Republicans became all about chastity and fidelity. And then they voted for Trump and all that went out the window.

I know what the Wuhan lab did, and I also know about what happened in Gansu in 2019, do you? I know about China and I know the signs that could point to the virus coming out of the lab.

The problem is we can only speculate because the CCP has closed up shop and will never let its own people find something out. If the US say it might have come from the Wuhan lab, China will say it might have come from Fork Derrick. If the US says it came out of a Chinese cow's ass, the Chinese will say it came out of a US cow's ass.

There is speculation and there is knowledge. We don't have the knowledge and the US govt doesn't have the knowledge either, which is a problem.

Your "solution" to the covid problem sounds like a medieval attitude of rubbing shit into wounds to cure the problem. It wouldn't have been over in two weeks at all. The best way of dealing with it would have been to stop people getting into the country, testing them, quarantining them for a month. Stopping the virus getting in.

But they didn't. And what happens PROVES your "solution" wouldn't have worked and wouldn't have been over in two weeks.

I agree impeachment of Clinton was wrong.
But he committed a serious crime as a lawyer, lying by omission during sworn testimony.
Still it was not relevant to the country or presidency, so was an abuse of the law to try to impeach him.

The point is Trump actually said the right things about covid, Wuhan, masks, etc.

And while I agree full quarantine might have been better than variolation, once the time window for full quarantine was over, then deliberate infection of healthy volunteers was the right and quickest way.
And yes it would have been over in 2 weeks because we would have achieved 70% herd immunity before it has spread very far.
Again, Fauci said that would kill 2.4 million people, but he was using a lethality based on those over 70. Those under 40 have 400 times less risk of dying. So divide Fauci's 2.4 million by 400 and you only get 6.000 dead. And variolation is quick because you know when and who you have deliberately infected people, so know who and when to quarantine. So it stops the epidemic cold. 2 weeks most likely. Would have saved 550,000 lives.
Variolation is ancient, tried and true, and has been tested with animals more recently. Works very well. It is similar to the measles parties everyone used to do about 50 years ago.
I agree impeachment of Clinton was wrong.
But he committed a serious crime as a lawyer, lying by omission during sworn testimony.
Still it was not relevant to the country or presidency, so was an abuse of the law to try to impeach him.

The point is Trump actually said the right things about covid, Wuhan, masks, etc.

And while I agree full quarantine might have been better than variolation, once the time window for full quarantine was over, then deliberate infection of healthy volunteers was the right and quickest way.
And yes it would have been over in 2 weeks because we would have achieved 70% herd immunity before it has spread very far.
Again, Fauci said that would kill 2.4 million people, but he was using a lethality based on those over 70. Those under 40 have 400 times less risk of dying. So divide Fauci's 2.4 million by 400 and you only get 6.000 dead. And variolation is quick because you know when and who you have deliberately infected people, so know who and when to quarantine. So it stops the epidemic cold. 2 weeks most likely. Would have saved 550,000 lives.
Variolation is ancient, tried and true, and has been tested with animals more recently. Works very well. It is similar to the measles parties everyone used to do about 50 years ago.

No, I still disagree about Trump "saying the right things about covid".

Not only did he manage to discredit the theory that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan lab, but he also just made a lot of stuff up.

The problem with your theory is that even in places that are poor and put little effort into the coronavirus, they're still having problems. India, for example.

The problem with getting to herd immunity is the number of people who are going to have to die first. There's no way in hell your math stands up to anything. We've spoken of this before. This number is the number who had died in the US by the 3rd of April.

Herd immunity would have taken much, much longer to achieve. And then you have the variants that were appearing, and the fact that something like the flu mutates so much that by the time it comes around again, it's something different.

"The problem is that cold and flu viruses mutate so rapidly that sometimes they're unrecognizable to the antibodies created by the body in response to any particular vaccine."

So, you have to hope that the virus doesn't mutate quickly enough, you have to hope enough people get it, and you're going to get deaths. If 80% of the population gets it, then you're looking at millions of deaths in a short space of time, which not even the US can cope with.
Nothing wrong suggesting people take the vaccine. Everyone has their own health issues and decisions, Trump experienced the virus so he is in a position to speak from a place of concern.

Some are very committed to freedom, especially in regards to their health. To each their own. The vaccine isn't a lifelong defense anyways as we are learning. I hope all of those standing on their soapbox understand that more vaccines and booster shots are coming.

At what point will so many of these in ones body be more risky than the risk of the virus? That is my calculus at this point anyways. Unless we figure out the full details of this virus, which the "host" country may or may not have. They certainly aren't sharing any information if they do.

Not having the jab is your freedom. Spreading it to others should be illegal.
It all comes down to the same old shit.
I hate Chinese. I hate Biden and dems. They are infringing my rights.
Well die from it. Someone will miss them but it won't be me.
No, I still disagree about Trump "saying the right things about covid".

Not only did he manage to discredit the theory that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan lab, but he also just made a lot of stuff up.

The problem with your theory is that even in places that are poor and put little effort into the coronavirus, they're still having problems. India, for example.

The problem with getting to herd immunity is the number of people who are going to have to die first. There's no way in hell your math stands up to anything. We've spoken of this before. This number is the number who had died in the US by the 3rd of April.

Herd immunity would have taken much, much longer to achieve. And then you have the variants that were appearing, and the fact that something like the flu mutates so much that by the time it comes around again, it's something different.

"The problem is that cold and flu viruses mutate so rapidly that sometimes they're unrecognizable to the antibodies created by the body in response to any particular vaccine."

So, you have to hope that the virus doesn't mutate quickly enough, you have to hope enough people get it, and you're going to get deaths. If 80% of the population gets it, then you're looking at millions of deaths in a short space of time, which not even the US can cope with.

I don't see any room to question what Trump said about the Wuhan lab:
Former President Trump on Tuesday claimed vindication for his assertion that the coronavirus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, and defended using the term "Chinese virus," which has been criticized as racist and blamed in part for a spike in violence against Asian Americans.

How does India show any problems for my position that "flattening the curve" was the worst possible strategy?
India also followed the herd and "flattened the curve", so you would expect them to have the same problems.

There is no problem with herd immunity. Most of the people who die are over 70 or have some problem like diabetes.
You deliberately infect young/healthy people and you can easily reduce the death factor by over 500.
Start from scratch if you want.
For herd immunity you need 70%, but the asymptomatic and juveniles show that over 50% of the population already is inherently immune.
That means you only need to add 20%. That is 60 million who need to be infected. And with lethality of 1%, that is fewer than 600,000 dead.
But that lethality is for mostly elderly and compromised. If you only use young and healthy, then the death rate is 400 times lower for under 40 as opposed to over 70. Then you result with only 1500 dead.
And no, if this was done last March, there are no variants, as they had not come up yet.
Surely you can see how last March this would have been vastly easier to end, as it spread much wider and deeper with the 1.5 years were gave it.
The lethality of covid is actually extremely low. We just did not know about all the infected who were so unaffected they did not even know they were infected, the asymptomatic. So originally we had a lethality estimate that was much too high.

An no, flu does not mutate. Those are completely different illnesses we collectively call flu. It does not and can not change that quickly.
We just do not know which one will hit. It is not the same one changed, but a different one that never changed.
I don't see any room to question what Trump said about the Wuhan lab:
Former President Trump on Tuesday claimed vindication for his assertion that the coronavirus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, and defended using the term "Chinese virus," which has been criticized as racist and blamed in part for a spike in violence against Asian Americans.

How does India show any problems for my position that "flattening the curve" was the worst possible strategy?
India also followed the herd and "flattened the curve", so you would expect them to have the same problems.

There is no problem with herd immunity. Most of the people who die are over 70 or have some problem like diabetes.
You deliberately infect young/healthy people and you can easily reduce the death factor by over 500.
Start from scratch if you want.
For herd immunity you need 70%, but the asymptomatic and juveniles show that over 50% of the population already is inherently immune.
That means you only need to add 20%. That is 60 million who need to be infected. And with lethality of 1%, that is fewer than 600,000 dead.
But that lethality is for mostly elderly and compromised. If you only use young and healthy, then the death rate is 400 times lower for under 40 as opposed to over 70. Then you result with only 1500 dead.
And no, if this was done last March, there are no variants, as they had not come up yet.
Surely you can see how last March this would have been vastly easier to end, as it spread much wider and deeper with the 1.5 years were gave it.
The lethality of covid is actually extremely low. We just did not know about all the infected who were so unaffected they did not even know they were infected, the asymptomatic. So originally we had a lethality estimate that was much too high.

An no, flu does not mutate. Those are completely different illnesses we collectively call flu. It does not and can not change that quickly.
We just do not know which one will hit. It is not the same one changed, but a different one that never changed.

You don't see any room to question someone when they're clearly making things up?

Trump might be right about the origin of the virus spreading to humans. Or he might be wrong. It's neither here nor there, like monkeys and type writers, what the said was not not said because he knew it, it was said because he wanted to get reelected and knew attacking China could be an age old tactic of getting reelected.

India is country with very little resources, poor people can't just stay at home. They go out and work, if they catch the virus then they catch the virus. India is exactly what you said you wanted, people carrying on, getting the virus and hoping it'd spread really quickly. And India still has the virus and it's still causing problems.

Which blows your "solution" so far out of the water it's incredible.

No, no problem with herd immunity. The problem comes from people who are going to die. 2 million deaths in the space of a month? The US can't cope with that. No one can.

You can keep presenting your "math", but it's still nonsense no matter how many times you post it.

Of course the flu mutates, it's a virus. That's what viruses do. A virus that doesn't mutate is a dead virus.

I could post hundreds of articles like this.
You don't see any room to question someone when they're clearly making things up?

Trump might be right about the origin of the virus spreading to humans. Or he might be wrong. It's neither here nor there, like monkeys and type writers, what the said was not not said because he knew it, it was said because he wanted to get reelected and knew attacking China could be an age old tactic of getting reelected.

India is country with very little resources, poor people can't just stay at home. They go out and work, if they catch the virus then they catch the virus. India is exactly what you said you wanted, people carrying on, getting the virus and hoping it'd spread really quickly. And India still has the virus and it's still causing problems.

Which blows your "solution" so far out of the water it's incredible.

No, no problem with herd immunity. The problem comes from people who are going to die. 2 million deaths in the space of a month? The US can't cope with that. No one can.

You can keep presenting your "math", but it's still nonsense no matter how many times you post it.

Of course the flu mutates, it's a virus. That's what viruses do. A virus that doesn't mutate is a dead virus.

I could post hundreds of articles like this.

China was always known to have this bat coronavirus lab, and it was clear it started in Wuhan. It does not take a genius to put 2 and 2 together.

And NO, India did NOT do what I was suggesting. You do NOT AT ALL want people to just go out and mix. First of all that would take years to get enough people infected randomly, and since no one would know who or when they are infected, it would get transmitted to the vulnerable, and would have 400 times the death rate of my suggestion, which is VARIOLATION.

Medical Definition of variolation : the deliberate inoculation of an uninfected person with the virus (as by contact with pustular matter) that was widely practiced before the era of vaccination as prophylaxis against the severe form of a disease like smallpox

And NO, nothing mutates in less than tens of thousands of years. Not even viruses that only live 12 days.
A mutation is an accidental damage, like from radiation. It is essentially almost always resulting in a dead organism.
It takes tens of thousands of years before a random damage would actually survive and be beneficial.
What actually happens in mere years is either natural selection, where the variant was always there but comes to the forefront by being more successful; or 2 more more viruses accidentally inject their RNA into the same cell nucleus, and when they combine, you get a sort of hybrid.
Whenever anyone says a virus mutated, they are using the wrong term.
That is NOT what is happening.
Doctors say it, but they are ignorant.
Only people like physicist know about the math, radiation, chemistry, etc.

Post all the article claiming virus mutations all you want, they are all wrong and incredibly ignorant.
The size of a virus RNA is about 10KB, and imagine if that were a software program and a single bit got randomly flipped?
Likely the whole program would just no longer work at all.
Random changes just are almost always just fatal to the virus.
Apparently you are equating mutating with reproduction, and that is not at all the case.
Viruses normally produce perfect, exact, replicas only.
China was always known to have this bat coronavirus lab, and it was clear it started in Wuhan. It does not take a genius to put 2 and 2 together.

And NO, India did NOT do what I was suggesting. You do NOT AT ALL want people to just go out and mix. First of all that would take years to get enough people infected randomly, and since no one would know who or when they are infected, it would get transmitted to the vulnerable, and would have 400 times the death rate of my suggestion, which is VARIOLATION.

Medical Definition of variolation : the deliberate inoculation of an uninfected person with the virus (as by contact with pustular matter) that was widely practiced before the era of vaccination as prophylaxis against the severe form of a disease like smallpox

And NO, nothing mutates in less than tens of thousands of years. Not even viruses that only live 12 days.
A mutation is an accidental damage, like from radiation. It is essentially almost always resulting in a dead organism.
It takes tens of thousands of years before a random damage would actually survive and be beneficial.
What actually happens in mere years is either natural selection, where the variant was always there but comes to the forefront by being more successful; or 2 more more viruses accidentally inject their RNA into the same cell nucleus, and when they combine, you get a sort of hybrid.
Whenever anyone says a virus mutated, they are using the wrong term.
That is NOT what is happening.
Doctors say it, but they are ignorant.
Only people like physicist know about the math, radiation, chemistry, etc.

Post all the article claiming virus mutations all you want, they are all wrong and incredibly ignorant.
The size of a virus RNA is about 10KB, and imagine if that were a software program and a single bit got randomly flipped?
Likely the whole program would just no longer work at all.
Random changes just are almost always just fatal to the virus.
Apparently you are equating mutating with reproduction, and that is not at all the case.
Viruses normally produce perfect, exact, replicas only.

Just because you have a lab studying something, doesn't automatically mean there's a leak.

The problem with "it doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together" might be part of the problem. Governments are very good at manipulating people to "put 2 and 2 together".

Now, it's in the US's advantage to have people "put 2 and 2 together" that it's some big conspiracy.

The coronavirus has mutated many times. We know this. This is fact. I'm not going to Doctor Nick "science".

And as you've decided that anything I post is automatically wrong as it's totally inconvenient for your "argument", we're done.
Just because you have a lab studying something, doesn't automatically mean there's a leak.

The problem with "it doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together" might be part of the problem. Governments are very good at manipulating people to "put 2 and 2 together".

Now, it's in the US's advantage to have people "put 2 and 2 together" that it's some big conspiracy.

The coronavirus has mutated many times. We know this. This is fact. I'm not going to Doctor Nick "science".

And as you've decided that anything I post is automatically wrong as it's totally inconvenient for your "argument", we're done.

Sure just having a lab studying something does not mean a leak, but the coincidence would be astronomical.

Mutations NEVER happen in short time spans like hundreds or even thousands of years.
That is a common misconception that even doctors make, but it is totally and completely false.
I explained what really happens that make is seem or appear to be real time mutations.
Either the mutation actually happened on the hundred thousand year time frame and was actually always around in the background, or it was not a mutation at all but actually more of a hybrid mix.

Coronavirus has NOT mutated and anyone saying it has is either ignorant or deliberately trying to cause panic.

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