Trump: “Take the vaccine! I did.”

Who cares.
It is not inaccurate to observe that these are the worst vaccines in the history of vaccines.
Everyone should be very unhappy with these rushed and badly designed vaccines, even if now there really is not much of an alternative left, and likely everyone probably should vax.

The problem here is that I doubt anyone who is saying "don't take the vaccine" has a history of vaccines at their disposal, or any knowledge of them at all.

Secondly this is part of their pscyhe, they want to feel like they're intelligent, like they have power over their lives. So they all shout loudly about how the vaccine is this, that and the other, don't take the vaccine. They BELIEVE because they've been trained in believing from the day they were born.

It's what they are.

So "who cares."? Well, a lot of people actually, these people care, they want their leaders to be with them, to say they're intelligent, they're good people, they're right, always RIGHT. An Trump didn't.

He's called them stupid on quite a few occasions and they're able to pretend he didn't. Can they now?
Good for Trump. Let’s see more of this!


Still going with a no

My personal pronoun is control group ....but somedasys it's placebo

Ya need a control group anyway since your life expectancy is now only 3 to 5 years...ive selflessly volunteered to be in control group and have donated my vaxxx to any 3rd world savage who needs one ...
d kdkf,,r,lr,d,ftttt.jpeg

She's begging everyone to get the poison jabs...


20 bucks seez that's a vanilla milkshake and 3 cheeseburger wrappers are in the trash bin
The problem here is that I doubt anyone who is saying "don't take the vaccine" has a history of vaccines at their disposal, or any knowledge of them at all.

Secondly this is part of their pscyhe, they want to feel like they're intelligent, like they have power over their lives. So they all shout loudly about how the vaccine is this, that and the other, don't take the vaccine. They BELIEVE because they've been trained in believing from the day they were born.

It's what they are.

So "who cares."? Well, a lot of people actually, these people care, they want their leaders to be with them, to say they're intelligent, they're good people, they're right, always RIGHT. An Trump didn't.

He's called them stupid on quite a few occasions and they're able to pretend he didn't. Can they now?

I disagree.
While most of those wary of these mRNA vaccines don't know enough to be able to argue their case well, they have correctly noticed that these vaccines have generated a great deal of medical controversy.
So they are not the ones filled with false hubris, making things up.
It is those who push these terrible vaccines, who are the idiots, true believers, fanatics, ignorant, violent, abusive, etc.
While the vaccine at this point is about the only thing left, no one should be happy with the vaccines.
And still you will read pro vax fanatics, ignorantly claiming ridiculous things, like that these vaccines killed no one, they can't kill anyone, they have been tested for 20 years, and all sorts of incredibly ignorant stuff.

Think back about why coronaviruses have spike proteins? It is because our exosomes use a spike protein to stick into an ACE2 receptor, to be let into a cell. So then coronaviruses are mimicking our own exosomes. So then if we train our immune system to attack anything with a spike protein, it could very easily backfire, and cause our immune system to attack our own exosomes. And if that happens, we die. If everyone is vaccinated, then humans could become extinct.
(Since there is no way evolution can explain how coronaviruses were able to mimic exosome spikes, there is a theory that coronaviruses stated out as exosomes originally, and went rogue, just like cancer cells.)

I do not like Trump, but the anti-Trump people are much more disappointing.
Trump was vain, irritating, ignorant, etc., but started no war, and was correct on more than most presidents.
Both impeachment hearings were just incredibly stupid.
They made Trump not only look good in comparison, but gave him martyr points.
I used to be a dem, but the dems totally screwed up.
From now on I only vote socialist or Green Party.
I disagree.
While most of those wary of these mRNA vaccines don't know enough to be able to argue their case well, they have correctly noticed that these vaccines have generated a great deal of medical controversy.
So they are not the ones filled with false hubris, making things up.
It is those who push these terrible vaccines, who are the idiots, true believers, fanatics, ignorant, violent, abusive, etc.
While the vaccine at this point is about the only thing left, no one should be happy with the vaccines.
And still you will read pro vax fanatics, ignorantly claiming ridiculous things, like that these vaccines killed no one, they can't kill anyone, they have been tested for 20 years, and all sorts of incredibly ignorant stuff.

Think back about why coronaviruses have spike proteins? It is because our exosomes use a spike protein to stick into an ACE2 receptor, to be let into a cell. So then coronaviruses are mimicking our own exosomes. So then if we train our immune system to attack anything with a spike protein, it could very easily backfire, and cause our immune system to attack our own exosomes. And if that happens, we die. If everyone is vaccinated, then humans could become extinct.
(Since there is no way evolution can explain how coronaviruses were able to mimic exosome spikes, there is a theory that coronaviruses stated out as exosomes originally, and went rogue, just like cancer cells.)

I do not like Trump, but the anti-Trump people are much more disappointing.
Trump was vain, irritating, ignorant, etc., but started no war, and was correct on more than most presidents.
Both impeachment hearings were just incredibly stupid.
They made Trump not only look good in comparison, but gave him martyr points.
I used to be a dem, but the dems totally screwed up.
From now on I only vote socialist or Green Party.

They've generated a bit of controversy.

In other words, people want to stir these people up for their own gain. They make controversy, then people are shocked and they feel the need to be shocked.

Who do you think is stirring this up? The Chinese and the Russians are the first that come to mind.

It's so easy to get these people excited, and the Chinese and Russians know it. And do it.

Well, Trump had two impeachments against him and he lost the election. How much of an impact did they have? Who knows. But the Democrats did what they did and they then got the president kicked out.
They've generated a bit of controversy.

In other words, people want to stir these people up for their own gain. They make controversy, then people are shocked and they feel the need to be shocked.

Who do you think is stirring this up? The Chinese and the Russians are the first that come to mind.

It's so easy to get these people excited, and the Chinese and Russians know it. And do it.

Well, Trump had two impeachments against him and he lost the election. How much of an impact did they have? Who knows. But the Democrats did what they did and they then got the president kicked out.

Trump certainly did not help his own image with the petty tweets, like "cofeffei".
But trying to impeach an elected president for nothing, is sort of treason.
The Chinese did not like Trump, so maybe.
Sometimes I think it was all scripted an rehearsed on both sides, meaning they are actually all on the same team really.
Yes, irresponsible. We can compare the dates of that single event and Trump's monthlong hoax tour, if you want. But I think you know the difference.

Not only that but Trump was holding super spreader events right up to the election and still downplaying the virus even after he himself almost died from it. It is really embarrassing trump supporters to bring up Nancy Pelosi telling ppl to come to chinatown in February when not much was even known about the virus.
I dislike Trump, so hate to say he was right, but he was right to say the panic over covid was over blown and very harmful.
We could have and should have ended covid quickly, in the first 2 weeks.
There are many ways to do that, like full quarantine, or the opposite where you achieve herd immunity by deliberate variolation of those unlikely to die.
But "flattening the curve" for 1.5 years was the worse possible strategy and killed over 550,000 people unnecessarily.
Trump finally said that after he got out of office. Because I know you got the vaccine secretly in his last days of office in January.
When we all become Zombies all of you that were pro-vaccines will blame Trump!

Anyhoo, the fact is it is still a personal choice with severe consequences but still a personal choice and if some idiot does not want to take it, well that is their choice…
The problem here is that I doubt anyone who is saying "don't take the vaccine" has a history of vaccines at their disposal, or any knowledge of them at all.

Secondly this is part of their pscyhe, they want to feel like they're intelligent, like they have power over their lives. So they all shout loudly about how the vaccine is this, that and the other, don't take the vaccine. They BELIEVE because they've been trained in believing from the day they were born.

It's what they are.

So "who cares."? Well, a lot of people actually, these people care, they want their leaders to be with them, to say they're intelligent, they're good people, they're right, always RIGHT. An Trump didn't.

He's called them stupid on quite a few occasions and they're able to pretend he didn't. Can they now?

I'm a supporter of Trump's and I don't really care that he said this. My only comment in this thread so far, was to commend Toro for his completely fair and unmitigated support for Trump's comments.

We can test your theory about Trump supporters by watching Trump supporters on this site, and seeing how many of them some sort of existential crisis because Trump said something.

I've seen none so far. Oh, and me and my buddies got together last night. Good portion of them are Trump supporters. It is worth noting that this issue did not come up. So.....

Do you have any example of people on this site or in your RL, of Trump supporters being upset by this?
Trump certainly did not help his own image with the petty tweets, like "cofeffei".
But trying to impeach an elected president for nothing, is sort of treason.
The Chinese did not like Trump, so maybe.
Sometimes I think it was all scripted an rehearsed on both sides, meaning they are actually all on the same team really.

Depends who's watching. For a lot of people saying stupid things would have made Trump like them. It'd have made him not a politician, the very thing he's presenting himself as.

Is it treason? No, it's in the Constitution. There's no rules of impeachment other than House impeaches and the Senate convicts or not. It's a political tool, always has been. You don't need to have committed a crime or done anything wrong to be impeached.

The Chinese didn't like Trump, they don't like Biden either.

Trump made things easy for the Chinese. The Wuhan as the source of the coronavirus wasn't taken seriously because Trump said it was so. Now Biden's saying it could be, people are taking it seriously.
Depends who's watching. For a lot of people saying stupid things would have made Trump like them. It'd have made him not a politician, the very thing he's presenting himself as.

Is it treason? No, it's in the Constitution. There's no rules of impeachment other than House impeaches and the Senate convicts or not. It's a political tool, always has been. You don't need to have committed a crime or done anything wrong to be impeached.

The Chinese didn't like Trump, they don't like Biden either.

Trump made things easy for the Chinese. The Wuhan as the source of the coronavirus wasn't taken seriously because Trump said it was so. Now Biden's saying it could be, people are taking it seriously.

1. Using a serious process like Impeachment, with all the division and strife it caused, based on NOTHING, is harmful enough to the nation, that "treasonous" is a fair comment. It might not TECHINICALLY be legally actionable, as a TREASON CHARGE, but it is certainly the type of think an enemy of this nation would do.

2. Trump rightfully pointed to the likely source of the Virus. That you people knee jerked to defend the Red Chinese because of your partisan hate, is on you, not on Trump. That's the chinese liking YOU.
While I agree I would never take advice from either, the problem is US health officials totally screwed up.
There are lots of possible epidemic strategies, but "flattening the curve" has got to be the single worst, dumbest, most costly, and most deadly.
A butterfly expert could have done a much better job than our CDC "experts".
Despite neither always exhibiting deft mastery of the novel coronavirus from its first appearance, I deem the performance of the public health community, epidemiologists, virologists, etc., vastly superior to that of the politicians who differed with them.

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 8.25.06 AM.png

"Ultimately, we expect we will see community spread in this country.
It’s not so much a question of if this will happen anymore but rather
more a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people
in this country will have severe illness. We will maintain for as long as
practical a dual approach where we continue measures to contain this
disease but also employ strategies to minimize the impact on our communities.
At this time, there’s no vaccine to protect against this new virus

and no medications approved to treat it."
CDC's Dr Nancy Messonnier, February 25, 2020

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 8.27.37 AM.png

“You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country.
We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better.
They’re all getting better. … As far as what we’re doing with the new virus,
I think that we’re doing a great job!”

Trump, February 25, 2020

Nothing wrong suggesting people take the vaccine. Everyone has their own health issues and decisions, Trump experienced the virus so he is in a position to speak from a place of concern.

Some are very committed to freedom, especially in regards to their health. To each their own. The vaccine isn't a lifelong defense anyways as we are learning. I hope all of those standing on their soapbox understand that more vaccines and booster shots are coming.

At what point will so many of these in ones body be more risky than the risk of the virus? That is my calculus at this point anyways. Unless we figure out the full details of this virus, which the "host" country may or may not have. They certainly aren't sharing any information if they do.
And you booed him.
Not only that but Trump was holding super spreader events right up to the election and still downplaying the virus even after he himself almost died from it. It is really embarrassing trump supporters to bring up Nancy Pelosi telling ppl to come to chinatown in February when not much was even known about the virus.

Trump did not "almost died from it".
Very rarely is covid ever significant.

As soon as he tested positive, they dumped him full of antibodies, so it was never possible for him o have even felt anything.
Trump finally said that after he got out of office. Because I know you got the vaccine secretly in his last days of office in January.

Trump always promoted the vaccine.
I always was dismissive, but felt obligated around May or so, not January.
To the lefties, No, he did not make it a request.

To the Right wingers, he was only suggesting. A strong suggestion is not a command.

For those who have a short memory, he was the biggest endorser when he gave the green light for them to be made...
The same vaccine that both our President and Vice President said they didn't want.... until they took credit for it.
Depends who's watching. For a lot of people saying stupid things would have made Trump like them. It'd have made him not a politician, the very thing he's presenting himself as.

Is it treason? No, it's in the Constitution. There's no rules of impeachment other than House impeaches and the Senate convicts or not. It's a political tool, always has been. You don't need to have committed a crime or done anything wrong to be impeached.

The Chinese didn't like Trump, they don't like Biden either.

Trump made things easy for the Chinese. The Wuhan as the source of the coronavirus wasn't taken seriously because Trump said it was so. Now Biden's saying it could be, people are taking it seriously.

You are totally wrong about impeachment.
As a democratic republic, congress is supposed to support the will of the people above all else, and the impeachments were cynical attempts to manipulate the imperfections in the letter of the law, to totally violate the intent and ideal of law.
The single most corrupt and undemocratic events in history.
Trump was elected, so represented the people.
Attempting to simply nullify Trumps term in office with senseless impeachment trials was totally against the intent of the law and will of the people.
Everyone involved in Congress should be removed from office.
Worst crime of the century.
The vagueness of law for things like impeachment is an intent to rely on congressional integrity.
They showed a total lack of any integrity by congress.

Trump was right about everything he said on covid. It likely did come from the Wuhan lab, was not lethal enough for full quarantine, and would have been best handled by spreading it as quickly to the nonvulnerable, as possible. Should have been over last March.

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