Trump Takes CoronaVirus Test -- Awaiting Results

What does this miracle testing accomplish?
That you should isolate your contact with others. Something folks should do with any virus.

All the media driven hysteria has done is created a panic rush on the stores as folks hoard products believing a quarantine is coming. All crowding into stores despite the advice to avoid crowds. The media has fueled any spread of this with hyperactive coverage while this panic was non existing during Swine Flu and H1N1.
The media is also silent about the start of this virus and the responsibility of the Chinese since Jan.
This thing is worldwide and no government on the planet will stop it. Best we can do is protect the elderly and immune compromised the best we can until a vaccine is developed.
Testing people without symptoms wastes resources.
If people aren't tested how are we suppose to know if they've been exposed & can infect others? Hmmmm?
Coronavirus updates: Trump emergency, NY death, Harris Teeter, Apple

"President Donald Trump has been tested for the coronavirus and is awaiting results, he said Saturday at a press briefing, a day after he declared the coronavirus pandemic to be a national emergency --- The president has had multiple direct and indirect contact with people who have tested positive for the pandemic virus"

I am pretty confident the president didn't contract the virus (NOR WOULD WE BE TOLD IF HE DID) but the fact he got tested pretty much puts to rest the weeks and weeks of trying to downplay the seriousness or the potential risks of those to the exposure of contracting this virus -- after repeatedly saying he doesn't need to be tested, today we find out he has been tested...Which makes sense, seeing as though at least 3 people who met with Trump at Mara-Lago tested positive -- including the prime minister of Brazil, who initially tried to lie and claim he tested negative and that it was all "Fake News"

...but the bottom line, no matter how you spin it is can't call something a hoax or the coverage of it as being a hoax if the main guy claiming it is himself getting tested for it....does that mean that it is something that will kill millions, no -- but to demonize people for having concern about it solves what? Did demonizing people for having concerns about it stop Trump from having to get tested himself? Nope...
Drumpfs bitch ass was more worried about numbers than people actually catching the virus. You better believe he has already been tested. This is just for show now that the Brazilian guys have tested positive for it.
Have some respect for your president already. I'll tell ya one thing, and that is that for everyone using severe vile language to constantly attack this president in an undermining treasonous way, and doing so without justification of it, certainly shouldn't be forgotten about at the polls that's for sure.

All Trump did was win an election against an unelectable candidate in which the Democrats nominated to represent them (the same as they are doing once again), and actually to his surprise he won. But the Democrats being so invested into changing this nation completely against the majority of the nation's will, basically lost it when Trump got elected in which they figured would derail their long viewed agenda.

The next time the Democrats want to change this nation against the majority will, then hopefully they will have learned their lesson on the character of the American people in which they underestimated badly in 2016.

If anything happens to Trump, then Pence should bring the full force of the federal government investigative services into focus on the possibility that Trump might have been intentionally yet indirectly "attacked" by way of an alledged biological warfare weapon used, and it being used in a way that would make it appear that no targeting was apparent in the possibility of an attack by way of such a method used, otherwise if it was the case.

Everything should be on the table if our nation was attacked indirectly by way of a biological warfare weapon being loosed for that reason in the world.
Yea, ok. The evil doers unleashed a biological weapon on the whole planet just to nail Trump. Got it. I have a question for you. How long have you been hearing voices in your fucking head?
What does this miracle testing accomplish?
That you should isolate your contact with others. Something folks should do with any virus.

All the media driven hysteria has done is created a panic rush on the stores as folks hoard products believing a quarantine is coming. All crowding into stores despite the advice to avoid crowds. The media has fueled any spread of this with hyperactive coverage while this panic was non existing during Swine Flu and H1N1.
The media is also silent about the start of this virus and the responsibility of the Chinese since Jan.
This thing is worldwide and no government on the planet will stop it. Best we can do is protect the elderly and immune compromised the best we can until a vaccine is developed.
Testing people without symptoms wastes resources.
If people aren't tested how are we suppose to know if they've been exposed & can infect others? Hmmmm?
Coronavirus updates: Trump emergency, NY death, Harris Teeter, Apple

"President Donald Trump has been tested for the coronavirus and is awaiting results, he said Saturday at a press briefing, a day after he declared the coronavirus pandemic to be a national emergency --- The president has had multiple direct and indirect contact with people who have tested positive for the pandemic virus"

I am pretty confident the president didn't contract the virus (NOR WOULD WE BE TOLD IF HE DID) but the fact he got tested pretty much puts to rest the weeks and weeks of trying to downplay the seriousness or the potential risks of those to the exposure of contracting this virus -- after repeatedly saying he doesn't need to be tested, today we find out he has been tested...Which makes sense, seeing as though at least 3 people who met with Trump at Mara-Lago tested positive -- including the prime minister of Brazil, who initially tried to lie and claim he tested negative and that it was all "Fake News"

...but the bottom line, no matter how you spin it is can't call something a hoax or the coverage of it as being a hoax if the main guy claiming it is himself getting tested for it....does that mean that it is something that will kill millions, no -- but to demonize people for having concern about it solves what? Did demonizing people for having concerns about it stop Trump from having to get tested himself? Nope...
Drumpfs bitch ass was more worried about numbers than people actually catching the virus. You better believe he has already been tested. This is just for show now that the Brazilian guys have tested positive for it.
Have some respect for your president already. I'll tell ya one thing, and that is that for everyone using severe vile language to constantly attack this president in an undermining treasonous way, and doing so without justification of it, certainly shouldn't be forgotten about at the polls that's for sure.

All Trump did was win an election against an unelectable candidate in which the Democrats nominated to represent them (the same as they are doing once again), and actually to his surprise he won. But the Democrats being so invested into changing this nation completely against the majority of the nation's will, basically lost it when Trump got elected in which they figured would derail their long viewed agenda.

The next time the Democrats want to change this nation against the majority will, then hopefully they will have learned their lesson on the character of the American people in which they underestimated badly in 2016.

If anything happens to Trump, then Pence should bring the full force of the federal government investigative services into focus on the possibility that Trump might have been intentionally yet indirectly "attacked" by way of an alledged biological warfare weapon used, and it being used in a way that would make it appear that no targeting was apparent in the possibility of an attack by way of such a method used, otherwise if it was the case.

Everything should be on the table if our nation was attacked indirectly by way of a biological warfare weapon being loosed for that reason in the world.
Yea, ok. The evil doers unleashed a biological weapon on the whole planet just to nail Trump. Got it. I have a question for you. How long have you been hearing voices in your fucking head?
Ever since the leftist let me out of their space ship.
Drumpfs bitch ass was more worried about numbers than people actually catching the virus. You better believe he has already been tested. This is just for show now that the Brazilian guys have tested positive for it.
I think all you worthless leftist traitors are just for show. How does that taste?
How does what taste? You mean this fried chicken I am eating? Taste great as usual. :rolleyes:
That's racist.
Saying fried chicken is racist is like saying unseasoned macaroni and cheese topped with potato chips is racist.:rolleyes:
How do you know white people eat that, you, you, you, you racist you. LOL
I've dated a lot of white girls. Either their parents were trying to drive me away or thats normal for yall to eat. :rolleyes:
If people aren't tested how are we suppose to know if they've been exposed & can infect others? Hmmmm?
we don't have 340 million tests and would be impractical to perform on every citizen..
The exposure already happened during the panic.
Save the tests for those who have symptoms.
So if you get tested does that throw an immunity shield around you?
No dummy. It just lets you know to stop touching people and to stay away from people that you could kill.
So that's only if you test positive at the time of the test. So are you getting tested every day.

Actually thats ignorantly false. The time before you get tested means you are trying not to infect people. You obviously suspect something. If you do test positive you continue doing that. After you stop being contagious you should then be smart enough to continue methods of not spreading the disease. So youre talking anywhere from 2-3 weeks at the least.
Lol. Got to love having fun with kids. IF YOU TEST positive, but if you test negative the very next hour, day or week you could test positive. The test does not guarantee anything but that you have it or not at the exact time it is preformed. You may have had the virus for some time before the test was administered. So it is more then possible you could have infected at least someone else or a number of others.
But most of those dying from the virus appear to be old and or immune compromised. So I don't think you have much to worry about.
No dipshit. If I get tested that means I have a concern. Regardless of if it comes back negative or not, I am going to practice safe habits from the moment I even think I have it.
I think all you worthless leftist traitors are just for show. How does that taste?
How does what taste? You mean this fried chicken I am eating? Taste great as usual. :rolleyes:
That's racist.
Saying fried chicken is racist is like saying unseasoned macaroni and cheese topped with potato chips is racist.:rolleyes:
How do you know white people eat that, you, you, you, you racist you. LOL
I've dated a lot of white girls. Either their parents were trying to drive me away or thats normal for yall to eat. :rolleyes:
Oh admit it, you sat right there and ate it trying to win them over didn't you ?? And then you liked it so there's that. Ruined for life. LOL
If people aren't tested how are we suppose to know if they've been exposed & can infect others? Hmmmm?
we don't have 340 million tests and would be impractical to perform on every citizen..
The exposure already happened during the panic.
Save the tests for those who have symptoms.
The whole point of the tests are to track the virus and how its transmitted. Personally I dont think they really know the viability of each transmission method and thats specifically because we dont have enough testing.
How does what taste? You mean this fried chicken I am eating? Taste great as usual. :rolleyes:
That's racist.
Saying fried chicken is racist is like saying unseasoned macaroni and cheese topped with potato chips is racist.:rolleyes:
How do you know white people eat that, you, you, you, you racist you. LOL
I've dated a lot of white girls. Either their parents were trying to drive me away or thats normal for yall to eat. :rolleyes:
Oh admit it, you sat right there and ate it trying to win them over didn't you ?? And then you liked it so there's that. Ruined for life. LOL
I did once trying to be polite but after that I just said I wasnt hungry. How do you guys eat that stuff?! :rolleyes:
President Trump's Corona test results are negative and that is fantastic news news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :113:

President Trump's Corona test results are negative and that is fantastic news news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :113:

Its fantastic that it put a scare into his ass. I wonder how he is going to continue to claim its a Dem hoax or is he counting on all you zombies forgetting that?


what a sour little troll you are!
President Trump's Corona test results are negative and that is fantastic news news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :113:

Its fantastic that it put a scare into his ass. I wonder how he is going to continue to claim its a Dem hoax or is he counting on all you zombies forgetting that?


what a sour little troll you are!
At least I'm not a Drumpftard zombie. So how do you deal with the fact that he got tested for a hoax? :laugh:
That's racist.
Saying fried chicken is racist is like saying unseasoned macaroni and cheese topped with potato chips is racist.:rolleyes:
How do you know white people eat that, you, you, you, you racist you. LOL
I've dated a lot of white girls. Either their parents were trying to drive me away or thats normal for yall to eat. :rolleyes:
Oh admit it, you sat right there and ate it trying to win them over didn't you ?? And then you liked it so there's that. Ruined for life. LOL
I did once trying to be polite but after that I just said I wasnt hungry. How do you guys eat that stuff?! :rolleyes:

Is that you ??? LOL
Coronavirus updates: Trump emergency, NY death, Harris Teeter, Apple

"President Donald Trump has been tested for the coronavirus and is awaiting results, he said Saturday at a press briefing, a day after he declared the coronavirus pandemic to be a national emergency --- The president has had multiple direct and indirect contact with people who have tested positive for the pandemic virus"

I am pretty confident the president didn't contract the virus (NOR WOULD WE BE TOLD IF HE DID) but the fact he got tested pretty much puts to rest the weeks and weeks of trying to downplay the seriousness or the potential risks of those to the exposure of contracting this virus -- after repeatedly saying he doesn't need to be tested, today we find out he has been tested...Which makes sense, seeing as though at least 3 people who met with Trump at Mara-Lago tested positive -- including the prime minister of Brazil, who initially tried to lie and claim he tested negative and that it was all "Fake News"

...but the bottom line, no matter how you spin it is can't call something a hoax or the coverage of it as being a hoax if the main guy claiming it is himself getting tested for it....does that mean that it is something that will kill millions, no -- but to demonize people for having concern about it solves what? Did demonizing people for having concerns about it stop Trump from having to get tested himself? Nope...
Drumpfs bitch ass was more worried about numbers than people actually catching the virus. You better believe he has already been tested. This is just for show now that the Brazilian guys have tested positive for it.
I think all you worthless leftist traitors are just for show. How does that taste?
How does what taste? You mean this fried chicken I am eating? Taste great as usual. :rolleyes:

I bet there is a watermelon nearby.
Coronavirus updates: Trump emergency, NY death, Harris Teeter, Apple

"President Donald Trump has been tested for the coronavirus and is awaiting results, he said Saturday at a press briefing, a day after he declared the coronavirus pandemic to be a national emergency --- The president has had multiple direct and indirect contact with people who have tested positive for the pandemic virus"

I am pretty confident the president didn't contract the virus (NOR WOULD WE BE TOLD IF HE DID) but the fact he got tested pretty much puts to rest the weeks and weeks of trying to downplay the seriousness or the potential risks of those to the exposure of contracting this virus -- after repeatedly saying he doesn't need to be tested, today we find out he has been tested...Which makes sense, seeing as though at least 3 people who met with Trump at Mara-Lago tested positive -- including the prime minister of Brazil, who initially tried to lie and claim he tested negative and that it was all "Fake News"

...but the bottom line, no matter how you spin it is can't call something a hoax or the coverage of it as being a hoax if the main guy claiming it is himself getting tested for it....does that mean that it is something that will kill millions, no -- but to demonize people for having concern about it solves what? Did demonizing people for having concerns about it stop Trump from having to get tested himself? Nope...
Drumpfs bitch ass was more worried about numbers than people actually catching the virus. You better believe he has already been tested. This is just for show now that the Brazilian guys have tested positive for it.
I think all you worthless leftist traitors are just for show. How does that taste?
How does what taste? You mean this fried chicken I am eating? Taste great as usual. :rolleyes:

I bet there is a watermelon nearby.
Dont I wish. However, just figured out why Black guys are more sexually potent than you white guys. Turns out watermelon is a natural sex enchancer
Coronavirus updates: Trump emergency, NY death, Harris Teeter, Apple

"President Donald Trump has been tested for the coronavirus and is awaiting results, he said Saturday at a press briefing, a day after he declared the coronavirus pandemic to be a national emergency --- The president has had multiple direct and indirect contact with people who have tested positive for the pandemic virus"

I am pretty confident the president didn't contract the virus (NOR WOULD WE BE TOLD IF HE DID) but the fact he got tested pretty much puts to rest the weeks and weeks of trying to downplay the seriousness or the potential risks of those to the exposure of contracting this virus -- after repeatedly saying he doesn't need to be tested, today we find out he has been tested...Which makes sense, seeing as though at least 3 people who met with Trump at Mara-Lago tested positive -- including the prime minister of Brazil, who initially tried to lie and claim he tested negative and that it was all "Fake News"

...but the bottom line, no matter how you spin it is can't call something a hoax or the coverage of it as being a hoax if the main guy claiming it is himself getting tested for it....does that mean that it is something that will kill millions, no -- but to demonize people for having concern about it solves what? Did demonizing people for having concerns about it stop Trump from having to get tested himself? Nope...
Drumpfs bitch ass was more worried about numbers than people actually catching the virus. You better believe he has already been tested. This is just for show now that the Brazilian guys have tested positive for it.
I think all you worthless leftist traitors are just for show. How does that taste?
How does what taste? You mean this fried chicken I am eating? Taste great as usual. :rolleyes:

I bet there is a watermelon nearby.
Dont I wish. However, just figured out why Black guys are more sexually potent than you white guys. Turns out watermelon is a natural sex enchancer

Is that why watermelon is favorite prison food?
Drumpfs bitch ass was more worried about numbers than people actually catching the virus. You better believe he has already been tested. This is just for show now that the Brazilian guys have tested positive for it.
I think all you worthless leftist traitors are just for show. How does that taste?
How does what taste? You mean this fried chicken I am eating? Taste great as usual. :rolleyes:

I bet there is a watermelon nearby.
Dont I wish. However, just figured out why Black guys are more sexually potent than you white guys. Turns out watermelon is a natural sex enchancer

Is that why watermelon is favorite prison food?
Never been to prison so I couldnt tell you. All I know is I love it and I guess thats why white women love us.

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