Trump Takes CoronaVirus Test -- Awaiting Results

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No Hillary, SARS did NOT happened at the beginning of Barry's administration, when you were Secretary of State, but in 2002, whole seven years earlier.

Drumpf should have handled this virus like the Great Obama handled Ebola. Obama is the epitome of leadership. Drumpf is a fucking idiot.

But Barry didn't handle Ebola. It was handled where outbreak was, in Africa.

Funny you didn't mentioned H1N1, that caused 12,400 American lives. Yeah, and it happened during Barry's terms. But why would you, he gave you welfare queens some free shit.

Actually the Great Obama did handle Ebola. Take note Drumpftard.

"Here’s the bottom line. Patients can beat this disease. And we can beat this disease. But we have to stay vigilant. We have to work together at every level — federal, state and local. And we have to keep leading the global response, because the best way to stop this disease, the best way to keep Americans safe, is to stop it at its source — in West Africa."

– President Obama, October 25, 2014

You Drumpftards are seriously brainwashed so for what its worth.

FACT CHECK: Trump's Accusations About The Obama Administration And Swine Flu


Yeah, but did this focus on West Africa cause a lack of focus back here in which resulted in how many American deaths to occur from the virus here ?? Trump is focused on American's lives here, and he is also letting the very capable world outside our borders keep us updated on the virus in their parts of the world, and what their progress is on it, and what their continued response is on it. Are you saying that Africa wasn't capable of handling an outbreak of a very serious kind, and therefore it caused a very serious situation in the world, and therefore it was highly dependent on the U.S. to take care of this outbreak and business for them ? Well imagine that.
So Trump is okay, but what about Obama?

Trump said it was Obama admin's fault for putting in rules that don't fit today's reality and that's why not enough COVID-19 test kits.

I don't think Trump did OK. He should've ban travel from China back in November, as soon outbreak started, and Chinese lied about it. Still he handled it pretty good, considering how quickly it became pandemic.
He didnt even admit it was a national emergency until this week. Before that he was calling it a hoax. In what world did that idiot do pretty good?
Wasn't calling it a hoax, it was only the way the Democrats were using it for political attacks and gains that made their response to it the hoax.
"Trump tests negative for coronavirus - White House doctor".

It must be correct because his negative coronavirus test coincides with his negative IQ result.

But, everything around Trump is as vague as his utterances and tweets. Note the inconsistency between "test" and "checked". "He was checked on Friday, the White House physician said."

So the question still stands whether Dopey Donald Trump was 'tested'.

Trump tests negative for virus - White House

Trump tests negative for coronavirus - White House doctor
8 hours ago
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Related TopicsCoronavirus pandemic
Image copyrightEPA
Image caption
Fabio Wajngarten (2nd left partially obscured) was pictured standing behind President Trump in the meeting with President Jair Bolsonaro
US President Donald Trump has tested negative for the coronavirus, the White House physician has said.
"This evening I received confirmation that the test is negative," Sean Conley said in a statement on Saturday.
Mr Trump underwent a test days after hosting a meeting at his Florida resort with a Brazilian delegation, some of whom have tested positive.
Fabio Wajngarten, an aide to the Brazilian president, was among those later confirmed to have the disease.
"One week after having dinner with the Brazilian delegation in Mar-a-Lago, the president remains symptom-free," Mr Conley said.
US to extend travel ban to UK and Ireland
Can the US catch up on coronavirus testing?
Mr Trump, aged 73, did not self-isolate after that meeting, saying he had no symptoms.
But after a barrage of further questions during a new conference at the White House, he said he would get tested.
He was checked on Friday, the White House physician said.
All your writing good grief, and nothing you wrote is of any value. You know Trump is highly intelligent, and that's the rub, but you go on making an idiot of yourself now.
Ebola was isolated in Africa, dummy.

Let's talk about how great failure Barry handled H1N1, shall we?
Yeah dummy because the Great Obama sent our best there to stop it.

We dont have to talk about your Drumpftard claims. We already know they are all lies.

When did Ebola outbreak started? March 2014
When did he started screening at US airports? October 2014.
The first case in the U.S. occurred in September.

Now, let's talk about his handling of H1N1 outbreak from which 12,400 Americans died.
Oh? What could have been done better?

What could? Perhaps, taking the same advise leftists are giving to Trump today. Listening to scientists, and people whose job is to prevent, or limit outbreak. Barry waited 6 months with 2000 dead before he declared emergency. Now left is complaining about not being fast enough after just 60 dead. Hypocrites.
Bullshit, a public health emergency was declared in April, 2009, 11 days after the first case was detected.
Public health emergency for who ? The United States or for other countries when heard about it in the world ?? Shouldn't we as soon as we here about a deadly outbreak in the world, declare a level one public health emergency for our nation (first), otherwise as a preventive, and then offer our assistance to the world from a defensive standpoint beyond that ??
So Trump is okay, but what about Obama?

Trump said it was Obama admin's fault for putting in rules that don't fit today's reality and that's why not enough COVID-19 test kits.
So how come nobody can cough up this mysterious rule Obama supposedly put in place?

Jeez, you trust CNN :bsflag:?

Dumbfuck, that document is not about denying states from making their own LDT's. It's about holding future discussions about if there should be greater oversight of LDT's.

Clearly the FDA is questioning others could produce an LDT that meets their standards. They want it to be entirely under their control.

"Patients and health care providers need accurate, reliable, and clinically valid tests to make good health care decisions. Inaccurate or false test results, or accurate measurements with an invalid claim regarding the test results’ relationship to a disease, can lead to substantial patient harm. LDTs play an increasingly important role in the provision of high-quality health care and many laboratories perform good validation of their LDTs and provide high-quality, professional management of their operations.However, currently, patients and providers cannot uniformly rely on all tests offered for clinical use as some are not subject to active premarket oversight to ensure they provide accurate measurements and valid claims. Furthermore, CMS’ evaluation of clinical utility,as part of a coverage determination, would typically follow from FDA review of analytical and clinical validity.While excessive oversight can discourage innovation, inadequate and inconsistent oversightin which different test developers are treated differentlycan also discourage innovation by making it difficult for high-quality test developers to compete with poorerperforming counterparts.Limited investment and health care funding may be expended on faulty tests rather than focused on tests that lead to improved care. When patients and providers discover that results they relied upon to make treatment and/or diagnostic decisions were inaccurate, their confidence in laboratory testing may be compromised. In arecent example, ovarian cancer screening tests offered to asymptomatic patients were shown not to workonly after patients unnecessarily underwent major surgeries with significant recovery and side effects."

This is how Obama's admin operated. They wanted as much power and control as they could get. Others entities in the bureaucracy could not bypass their regulations. This is what Trump meant when he promised to drain the swamp. We have over regulation like the Paris Climate Treaty agreement that Trump left.

Don't be a sniveling, ground licking, dirt sniffing, low down air head like your words betray you as. What intelligent people should get from this is the FDA needs to relax their standards so other professional agencies can do their jobs and get kits out to the states and public. We do not need another bureaucratic bottleneck in times of crisis. People who want free testing should be able to get it without over regulation. There were huge lines of people in their cars to get the kits when made available. You do not even mention the effects on people who may have the symptoms and are concerned they have COVID-19. Instead, your words expose where your priorities are like the typical Obama followers.

Instead, we should help the medical professionals to do their jobs and keep flattening the curve. The nitty gritty is outlined here -- These are things that a putz like you do not know about nor consider. This is whay we need another four years of POTUS Trump in order for MAGA to grow and flourish and have a democracy and more streamlined and responsive government. We do not want the socialist, communistic, and fascist ways of the Obama admin throughout our government and society.
So Trump is okay, but what about Obama?

Trump said it was Obama admin's fault for putting in rules that don't fit today's reality and that's why not enough COVID-19 test kits.

I don't think Trump did OK. He should've ban travel from China back in November, as soon outbreak started, and Chinese lied about it. Still he handled it pretty good, considering how quickly it became pandemic.
Let's see your evidence Trump knew about it in November...

Outbreak started in November, didn't it?
That's not what I asked you, now is it?

If outbreak in China started in November, or December, that's when he knew about it. I'm sure he knew about it sooner than you or I did. What's your point?
No, no one outside of China knew it started in November because China kept it a secret until Decrmber. The point is -- you're posting shit.
"Trump tests negative for coronavirus - White House doctor".

It must be correct because his negative coronavirus test coincides with his negative IQ result.

But, everything around Trump is as vague as his utterances and tweets. Note the inconsistency between "test" and "checked". "He was checked on Friday, the White House physician said."

So the question still stands whether Dopey Donald Trump was 'tested'.

Trump tests negative for virus - White House

Trump tests negative for coronavirus - White House doctor
8 hours ago
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Related TopicsCoronavirus pandemic
Image copyrightEPA
Image caption
Fabio Wajngarten (2nd left partially obscured) was pictured standing behind President Trump in the meeting with President Jair Bolsonaro
US President Donald Trump has tested negative for the coronavirus, the White House physician has said.
"This evening I received confirmation that the test is negative," Sean Conley said in a statement on Saturday.
Mr Trump underwent a test days after hosting a meeting at his Florida resort with a Brazilian delegation, some of whom have tested positive.
Fabio Wajngarten, an aide to the Brazilian president, was among those later confirmed to have the disease.
"One week after having dinner with the Brazilian delegation in Mar-a-Lago, the president remains symptom-free," Mr Conley said.
US to extend travel ban to UK and Ireland
Can the US catch up on coronavirus testing?
Mr Trump, aged 73, did not self-isolate after that meeting, saying he had no symptoms.
But after a barrage of further questions during a new conference at the White House, he said he would get tested.
He was checked on Friday, the White House physician said.
Let's not forget, Impeached Trump is known for authoring his own medical report.
So Trump is okay, but what about Obama?

Trump said it was Obama admin's fault for putting in rules that don't fit today's reality and that's why not enough COVID-19 test kits.
So how come nobody can cough up this mysterious rule Obama supposedly put in place?

Jeez, you trust CNN :bsflag:?

Dumbfuck, that document is not about denying states from making their own LDT's. It's about holding future discussions about if there should be greater oversight of LDT's.

Clearly the FDA is questioning others could produce an LDT that meets their standards. They want it to be entirely under their control.

"Patients and health care providers need accurate, reliable, and clinically valid tests to make good health care decisions. Inaccurate or false test results, or accurate measurements with an invalid claim regarding the test results’ relationship to a disease, can lead to substantial patient harm. LDTs play an increasingly important role in the provision of high-quality health care and many laboratories perform good validation of their LDTs and provide high-quality, professional management of their operations.However, currently, patients and providers cannot uniformly rely on all tests offered for clinical use as some are not subject to active premarket oversight to ensure they provide accurate measurements and valid claims. Furthermore, CMS’ evaluation of clinical utility,as part of a coverage determination, would typically follow from FDA review of analytical and clinical validity.While excessive oversight can discourage innovation, inadequate and inconsistent oversightin which different test developers are treated differentlycan also discourage innovation by making it difficult for high-quality test developers to compete with poorerperforming counterparts.Limited investment and health care funding may be expended on faulty tests rather than focused on tests that lead to improved care. When patients and providers discover that results they relied upon to make treatment and/or diagnostic decisions were inaccurate, their confidence in laboratory testing may be compromised. In arecent example, ovarian cancer screening tests offered to asymptomatic patients were shown not to workonly after patients unnecessarily underwent major surgeries with significant recovery and side effects."

This is how Obama's admin operated. They wanted as much power and control as they could get. Others entities in the bureaucracy could not bypass their regulations. This is what Trump meant when he promised to drain the swamp. We have over regulation like the Paris Climate Treaty agreement that Trump left.

Don't be a sniveling, ground licking, dirt sniffing, low down air head like your words betray you as. What intelligent people should get from this is the FDA needs to relax their standards so other professional agencies can do their jobs and get kits out to the states and public. We do not need another bureaucratic bottleneck in times of crisis. People who want free testing should be able to get it without over regulation. There were huge lines of people in their cars to get the kits when made available. You do not even mention the effects on people who may have the symptoms and are concerned they have COVID-19. Instead, your words expose where your priorities are like the typical Obama followers.

Instead, we should help the medical professionals to do their jobs and keep flattening the curve. The nitty gritty is outlined here -- These are things that a putz like you do not know about nor consider. This is whay we need another four years of POTUS Trump in order for MAGA to grow and flourish and have a democracy and more streamlined and responsive government. We do not want the socialist, communistic, and fascist ways of the Obama admin throughout our government and society.
Nothing in there establishes a mandate that states can't produce their own LDT's. You're making that up.
So Trump is okay, but what about Obama?

Trump said it was Obama admin's fault for putting in rules that don't fit today's reality and that's why not enough COVID-19 test kits.
So how come nobody can cough up this mysterious rule Obama supposedly put in place?

Jeez, you trust CNN :bsflag:?

Dumbfuck, that document is not about denying states from making their own LDT's. It's about holding future discussions about if there should be greater oversight of LDT's.

Clearly the FDA is questioning others could produce an LDT that meets their standards. They want it to be entirely under their control.

"Patients and health care providers need accurate, reliable, and clinically valid tests to make good health care decisions. Inaccurate or false test results, or accurate measurements with an invalid claim regarding the test results’ relationship to a disease, can lead to substantial patient harm. LDTs play an increasingly important role in the provision of high-quality health care and many laboratories perform good validation of their LDTs and provide high-quality, professional management of their operations.However, currently, patients and providers cannot uniformly rely on all tests offered for clinical use as some are not subject to active premarket oversight to ensure they provide accurate measurements and valid claims. Furthermore, CMS’ evaluation of clinical utility,as part of a coverage determination, would typically follow from FDA review of analytical and clinical validity.While excessive oversight can discourage innovation, inadequate and inconsistent oversightin which different test developers are treated differentlycan also discourage innovation by making it difficult for high-quality test developers to compete with poorerperforming counterparts.Limited investment and health care funding may be expended on faulty tests rather than focused on tests that lead to improved care. When patients and providers discover that results they relied upon to make treatment and/or diagnostic decisions were inaccurate, their confidence in laboratory testing may be compromised. In arecent example, ovarian cancer screening tests offered to asymptomatic patients were shown not to workonly after patients unnecessarily underwent major surgeries with significant recovery and side effects."

This is how Obama's admin operated. They wanted as much power and control as they could get. Others entities in the bureaucracy could not bypass their regulations. This is what Trump meant when he promised to drain the swamp. We have over regulation like the Paris Climate Treaty agreement that Trump left.

Don't be a sniveling, ground licking, dirt sniffing, low down air head like your words betray you as. What intelligent people should get from this is the FDA needs to relax their standards so other professional agencies can do their jobs and get kits out to the states and public. We do not need another bureaucratic bottleneck in times of crisis. People who want free testing should be able to get it without over regulation. There were huge lines of people in their cars to get the kits when made available. You do not even mention the effects on people who may have the symptoms and are concerned they have COVID-19. Instead, your words expose where your priorities are like the typical Obama followers.

Instead, we should help the medical professionals to do their jobs and keep flattening the curve. The nitty gritty is outlined here -- These are things that a putz like you do not know about nor consider. This is whay we need another four years of POTUS Trump in order for MAGA to grow and flourish and have a democracy and more streamlined and responsive government. We do not want the socialist, communistic, and fascist ways of the Obama admin throughout our government and society.
Nothing in there establishes a mandate that states can't produce their own LDT's. You're making that up.

That's written by the FDA under Obama. Like I said stop being a sniveling, ground licking, obsequious, fawning, feces sniffing, low down air head that the Obama admin wanted from people like you. Is the FDA going to control how the vaccine has to be tested for another year once it is created? All the while we remain under quarantine?

People are monitoring what could happen when people are cooped up like the way they are now like the state prison inmates. People can do it for two to three weeks, but then will say the hell with it. Businesses will have to come back at some point and start operating again. During the interim, we need the testing and to identify the problem areas qucikly. Like I said you do not know enough to discuss all the ramifications. You are a putz. Just admit it and then maybe you can learn something and give up a life of obedience to the socialist and communist mantra. It starts with owning Obama's FDA :aug08_031:. Stop being a putz.
So how come nobody can cough up this mysterious rule Obama supposedly put in place?

Jeez, you trust CNN :bsflag:?

Dumbfuck, that document is not about denying states from making their own LDT's. It's about holding future discussions about if there should be greater oversight of LDT's.

Clearly the FDA is questioning others could produce an LDT that meets their standards. They want it to be entirely under their control.

"Patients and health care providers need accurate, reliable, and clinically valid tests to make good health care decisions. Inaccurate or false test results, or accurate measurements with an invalid claim regarding the test results’ relationship to a disease, can lead to substantial patient harm. LDTs play an increasingly important role in the provision of high-quality health care and many laboratories perform good validation of their LDTs and provide high-quality, professional management of their operations.However, currently, patients and providers cannot uniformly rely on all tests offered for clinical use as some are not subject to active premarket oversight to ensure they provide accurate measurements and valid claims. Furthermore, CMS’ evaluation of clinical utility,as part of a coverage determination, would typically follow from FDA review of analytical and clinical validity.While excessive oversight can discourage innovation, inadequate and inconsistent oversightin which different test developers are treated differentlycan also discourage innovation by making it difficult for high-quality test developers to compete with poorerperforming counterparts.Limited investment and health care funding may be expended on faulty tests rather than focused on tests that lead to improved care. When patients and providers discover that results they relied upon to make treatment and/or diagnostic decisions were inaccurate, their confidence in laboratory testing may be compromised. In arecent example, ovarian cancer screening tests offered to asymptomatic patients were shown not to workonly after patients unnecessarily underwent major surgeries with significant recovery and side effects."

This is how Obama's admin operated. They wanted as much power and control as they could get. Others entities in the bureaucracy could not bypass their regulations. This is what Trump meant when he promised to drain the swamp. We have over regulation like the Paris Climate Treaty agreement that Trump left.

Don't be a sniveling, ground licking, dirt sniffing, low down air head like your words betray you as. What intelligent people should get from this is the FDA needs to relax their standards so other professional agencies can do their jobs and get kits out to the states and public. We do not need another bureaucratic bottleneck in times of crisis. People who want free testing should be able to get it without over regulation. There were huge lines of people in their cars to get the kits when made available. You do not even mention the effects on people who may have the symptoms and are concerned they have COVID-19. Instead, your words expose where your priorities are like the typical Obama followers.

Instead, we should help the medical professionals to do their jobs and keep flattening the curve. The nitty gritty is outlined here -- These are things that a putz like you do not know about nor consider. This is whay we need another four years of POTUS Trump in order for MAGA to grow and flourish and have a democracy and more streamlined and responsive government. We do not want the socialist, communistic, and fascist ways of the Obama admin throughout our government and society.
Nothing in there establishes a mandate that states can't produce their own LDT's. You're making that up.

That's written by the FDA under Obama. Like I said stop being a sniveling, ground licking, obsequious, fawning, feces sniffing, low down air head that the Obama admin wanted from people like you. Is the FDA going to control how the vaccine has to be tested for another year once it is created? All the while we remain under quarantine?

People are monitoring what could happen when people are cooped up like the way they are now like the state prison inmates. People can do it for two to three weeks, but then will say the hell with it. Businesses will have to come back at some point and start operating again. During the interim, we need the testing and to identify the problem areas qucikly. Like I said you do not know enough to discuss all the ramifications. You are a putz. Just admit it and then maybe you can learn something and give up a life of obedience to the socialist and communist mantra. It starts with owning Obama's FDA :aug08_031:. Stop being a putz.
And it doesn't state what Impeached Trump claims. Quote where it establishes a ban on state level LDT's....

Dumbfuck, that document is not about denying states from making their own LDT's. It's about holding future discussions about if there should be greater oversight of LDT's.

Clearly the FDA is questioning others could produce an LDT that meets their standards. They want it to be entirely under their control.

"Patients and health care providers need accurate, reliable, and clinically valid tests to make good health care decisions. Inaccurate or false test results, or accurate measurements with an invalid claim regarding the test results’ relationship to a disease, can lead to substantial patient harm. LDTs play an increasingly important role in the provision of high-quality health care and many laboratories perform good validation of their LDTs and provide high-quality, professional management of their operations.However, currently, patients and providers cannot uniformly rely on all tests offered for clinical use as some are not subject to active premarket oversight to ensure they provide accurate measurements and valid claims. Furthermore, CMS’ evaluation of clinical utility,as part of a coverage determination, would typically follow from FDA review of analytical and clinical validity.While excessive oversight can discourage innovation, inadequate and inconsistent oversightin which different test developers are treated differentlycan also discourage innovation by making it difficult for high-quality test developers to compete with poorerperforming counterparts.Limited investment and health care funding may be expended on faulty tests rather than focused on tests that lead to improved care. When patients and providers discover that results they relied upon to make treatment and/or diagnostic decisions were inaccurate, their confidence in laboratory testing may be compromised. In arecent example, ovarian cancer screening tests offered to asymptomatic patients were shown not to workonly after patients unnecessarily underwent major surgeries with significant recovery and side effects."

This is how Obama's admin operated. They wanted as much power and control as they could get. Others entities in the bureaucracy could not bypass their regulations. This is what Trump meant when he promised to drain the swamp. We have over regulation like the Paris Climate Treaty agreement that Trump left.

Don't be a sniveling, ground licking, dirt sniffing, low down air head like your words betray you as. What intelligent people should get from this is the FDA needs to relax their standards so other professional agencies can do their jobs and get kits out to the states and public. We do not need another bureaucratic bottleneck in times of crisis. People who want free testing should be able to get it without over regulation. There were huge lines of people in their cars to get the kits when made available. You do not even mention the effects on people who may have the symptoms and are concerned they have COVID-19. Instead, your words expose where your priorities are like the typical Obama followers.

Instead, we should help the medical professionals to do their jobs and keep flattening the curve. The nitty gritty is outlined here -- These are things that a putz like you do not know about nor consider. This is whay we need another four years of POTUS Trump in order for MAGA to grow and flourish and have a democracy and more streamlined and responsive government. We do not want the socialist, communistic, and fascist ways of the Obama admin throughout our government and society.
Nothing in there establishes a mandate that states can't produce their own LDT's. You're making that up.

That's written by the FDA under Obama. Like I said stop being a sniveling, ground licking, obsequious, fawning, feces sniffing, low down air head that the Obama admin wanted from people like you. Is the FDA going to control how the vaccine has to be tested for another year once it is created? All the while we remain under quarantine?

People are monitoring what could happen when people are cooped up like the way they are now like the state prison inmates. People can do it for two to three weeks, but then will say the hell with it. Businesses will have to come back at some point and start operating again. During the interim, we need the testing and to identify the problem areas qucikly. Like I said you do not know enough to discuss all the ramifications. You are a putz. Just admit it and then maybe you can learn something and give up a life of obedience to the socialist and communist mantra. It starts with owning Obama's FDA :aug08_031:. Stop being a putz.
And it doesn't state what Impeached Trump claims. Quote where it establishes a ban on state level LDT's....

That's just a straw man. You focus on the trivial in a crisis situation. Hopefully, what happens now are the states are able to get, distribute, and use their LDT's w/o FDA interference. Last week, they had nothing even though the Feds sent them out. Most of the news were state complaints. I just checked and Florida has received some of them.

Florida ordered enough COVID-19 test kits for 625k people

On the left is MSM on Trump and cornonavirus last week. On the right is this week and next.
I dont hate whites. i just dont trust the ones I havent had sex with or they are not part of my family or friends. I am still moving to Africa. However, thats on my time table and not the least bit influenced by your desires.

It's nobody's desire but yours. You said you're moving, without anyone's influence. That was over two years ago. The way I see it, you're never gonna leave, you like being "oppressed" here.

"The way I see it"

I dont care how you see it. Point being when I decide to move its on my timetable. Just for that I'm going to stay a little longer to piss off other white boys like you.

LOL, you're funny.

You're not going to Africa. Ever. There are no affirmative action for you, no welfare, no freebies.
Too late. Already been to Africa. See I'm smart. I plan what I am going to do so I can move swiftly when the time comes. I'm going to stay here and fuck with silly white boys like you until I make my move.
You best move swiftly when them Lions get on your backside. LOL. Hard to plan for that one, so be ready when the time comes now.

He's waiting for reparations money, to he could retire there. Democrats promised it to him.
So Trump is okay, but what about Obama?

Trump said it was Obama admin's fault for putting in rules that don't fit today's reality and that's why not enough COVID-19 test kits.

I don't think Trump did OK. He should've ban travel from China back in November, as soon outbreak started, and Chinese lied about it. Still he handled it pretty good, considering how quickly it became pandemic.
He didnt even admit it was a national emergency until this week. Before that he was calling it a hoax. In what world did that idiot do pretty good?

I dunno...

How about you quote his words as he said it, or link to a video?

Bump for Asclepias. Where is that quote?
Watch this...

No Hillary, SARS did NOT happened at the beginning of Barry's administration, when you were Secretary of State, but in 2002, whole seven years earlier.

Drumpf should have handled this virus like the Great Obama handled Ebola. Obama is the epitome of leadership. Drumpf is a fucking idiot.

But Barry didn't handle Ebola. It was handled where outbreak was, in Africa.

Funny you didn't mentioned H1N1, that caused 12,400 American lives. Yeah, and it happened during Barry's terms. But why would you, he gave you welfare queens some free shit.

Actually the Great Obama did handle Ebola. Take note Drumpftard.

"Here’s the bottom line. Patients can beat this disease. And we can beat this disease. But we have to stay vigilant. We have to work together at every level — federal, state and local. And we have to keep leading the global response, because the best way to stop this disease, the best way to keep Americans safe, is to stop it at its source — in West Africa."

– President Obama, October 25, 2014

You Drumpftards are seriously brainwashed so for what its worth.

FACT CHECK: Trump's Accusations About The Obama Administration And Swine Flu


Yeah, but did this focus on West Africa cause a lack of focus back here in which resulted in how many American deaths to occur from the virus here ?? Trump is focused on American's lives here, and he is also letting the very capable world outside our borders keep us updated on the virus in their parts of the world, and what their progress is on it, and what their continued response is on it. Are you saying that Africa wasn't capable of handling an outbreak of a very serious kind, and therefore it caused a very serious situation in the world, and therefore it was highly dependent on the U.S. to take care of this outbreak and business for them ? Well imagine that.

No it didnt. Please show us how many people here in the US died of Ebola that contracted Ebola here. I'll wait.
So Trump is okay, but what about Obama?

Trump said it was Obama admin's fault for putting in rules that don't fit today's reality and that's why not enough COVID-19 test kits.

I don't think Trump did OK. He should've ban travel from China back in November, as soon outbreak started, and Chinese lied about it. Still he handled it pretty good, considering how quickly it became pandemic.
He didnt even admit it was a national emergency until this week. Before that he was calling it a hoax. In what world did that idiot do pretty good?

I dunno...

How about you quote his words as he said it, or link to a video?

Bump for Asclepias. Where is that quote?
Look in the thread or google it.
I don't think Trump did OK. He should've ban travel from China back in November, as soon outbreak started, and Chinese lied about it. Still he handled it pretty good, considering how quickly it became pandemic.
Let's see your evidence Trump knew about it in November...

Outbreak started in November, didn't it?
That's not what I asked you, now is it?

If outbreak in China started in November, or December, that's when he knew about it. I'm sure he knew about it sooner than you or I did. What's your point?
No, no one outside of China knew it started in November because China kept it a secret until Decrmber. The point is -- you're posting shit.

Sure, Chinese kept it secret until they couldn't keep it secret anymore. Now we know it started in November, technically, and we learned about it later. My point is that he should've ban travel from China as soon he learned about it, and not to wait for few months.
Last edited:
So Trump is okay, but what about Obama?

Trump said it was Obama admin's fault for putting in rules that don't fit today's reality and that's why not enough COVID-19 test kits.

I don't think Trump did OK. He should've ban travel from China back in November, as soon outbreak started, and Chinese lied about it. Still he handled it pretty good, considering how quickly it became pandemic.
He didnt even admit it was a national emergency until this week. Before that he was calling it a hoax. In what world did that idiot do pretty good?

I dunno...

How about you quote his words as he said it, or link to a video?

Bump for Asclepias. Where is that quote?
Look in the thread or google it.

So you can't back your claim. Again.

Typical leftist shill. And welfare queen.
I don't think Trump did OK. He should've ban travel from China back in November, as soon outbreak started, and Chinese lied about it. Still he handled it pretty good, considering how quickly it became pandemic.
He didnt even admit it was a national emergency until this week. Before that he was calling it a hoax. In what world did that idiot do pretty good?

I dunno...

How about you quote his words as he said it, or link to a video?

Bump for Asclepias. Where is that quote?
Look in the thread or google it.

So you can't back your claim. Again.

Typical leftist shill. And welfare queen.
I already backed it. Your failure to read the links I posted is totally on you. Dont be like Drumpf. Accept responsibility for your failures.

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