Trump Taking More Questions Than Any President Ever


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Every day in every event where he appears in public. Doing interviews, planned and spontaneous. Stopping to answer shouted questions from reporters.

Another campaign promise kept.

As much as President Donald Trump has ridiculed media as "the enemy of the people," rebuking "fake news," here is some real news from Newsweek showing he is a friend of the media: President Trump "is taking more questions than any president in history."

Newsweek's claim attributes the media blitz to the lack of daily press briefings by press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and cites ABC News' report President Trump "has taken nearly 300 questions from reporters in the past 11-day span alone."

"He has no fear of talking to the media," an anonymous senior administration official told ABC News. "He relishes it and he has instructed his staff he wants to do it more."

The interviews are about stumping for the White House and Republican control of Congress in the November midterms and the president wants to do even more, according to the report.

More @ Report: Trump Taking More Questions Than Any President Ever

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