Trump taking office spells end to world order of 20th century German FM Steinmeir


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The world order of the 20th century “is over for good”.

The world order of the 20th century “is over for good” now that Donald Trump has taken office, while times of uncertainty and turbulence lie ahead, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said in an op-ed for Bild magazine.

“As always when power changes hands, there are uncertainties, doubts and questions about the course the new leadership will take,” Steinmeier wrote in an opinion piece for Bild’s Sunday edition.

“But in these times of a new global disorder it is about more, and there is a lot at stake today – with the election of Donald Trump the old world of the 20th century is over for good,” Steinmeier stated. The op-ed comes shortly after Trump was sworn in as 45th US president.

Trump taking office spells end to world order of 20th century – German FM Steinmeier


The elites are getting so pissed they can run their plan, it is all falling apart. We the people the helped take those bricks out of the wall.
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Germany is afraid that the people of Germany might elect a leader that cares more about Germans than muslims.
The world order of the 20th century “is over for good”.

The world order of the 20th century “is over for good” now that Donald Trump has taken office, while times of uncertainty and turbulence lie ahead, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said in an op-ed for Bild magazine.

“As always when power changes hands, there are uncertainties, doubts and questions about the course the new leadership will take,” Steinmeier wrote in an opinion piece for Bild’s Sunday edition.

“But in these times of a new global disorder it is about more, and there is a lot at stake today – with the election of Donald Trump the old world of the 20th century is over for good,” Steinmeier stated. The op-ed comes shortly after Trump was sworn in as 45th US president.

Trump taking office spells end to world order of 20th century – German FM Steinmeier

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The elites are getting so pissed they can run their plan, it is all falling apart. We the people the helped take those bricks out of the wall.

That's like. . . . . . . a laugh and a half.

Kissinger lauds Trump's pick for secretary of State
Kissinger lauds Trump's pick for secretary of State

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger applauded President-elect Donald Trump's pick for the nation's next top diplomat.


The former secretary of State, who served under both Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, added he “sympathized” with Trump’s selection of Tillerson, whose connections to Moscow are sure to raise tough questions during his confirmation hearings in the Senate.

Remember, Trump is a Rockefeller Republican, he used Roy Cohn's tactics, the same as Nixon did.

Is Trump the Back Door Man for Henry A. Kissinger & Co?
Is Trump the Back Door Man for Henry A. Kissinger & Co?

Back Door for Kissinger Geopolitics

What emerges is not pretty and, sadly, more than confirms my earlier piece on the Trump Deception.

However, all this misses in my view one essential component, namely the shadowy role of former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, who is emerging as the unofficial and key foreign policy adviser of the Trump Administration. If we follow Kissinger’s tracks in recent months we find a highly interesting series of meetings.

On December 26, 2016 the German daily Bild Zeitung published what it said was a copy of an analysis by members of the Trump Transition Team which revealed that as President Trump will seek “constructive cooperation” with the Kremlin, a dramatic contrast to Obama confrontation and sanctions policies. The newspaper went on to discuss the role of 93-year-old former Secretary of State, Henry A. Kissinger as Trump’s leading, if unofficial, foreign policy adviser. The report stated that Kissinger is drafting a plan to bring Putin’s Russia and Trump’s Washington to more “harmonious” relations that includes US official recognition of Crimea as part of Russia and lifting of US economic sanctions that Obama imposed in retribution for the Crimea annexation in 2014, among other steps.

The kicker in this otherwise sensible-sounding US policy change is Kissinger’s sly geopolitical aim in “gettin’ Putin back in the (NATO) tent,” as late Texan President Lyndon Baines Johnson might have elegantly put it.

What is the aim of Kissinger? Not any “multi-polar world” that respects national sovereignty as he claims, of that you can be certain. Kissinger’s aim is to subtly erode the growing bilateral axis between China and Russia that threatens US global hegemony. . .
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We alternate with each administration. One term, Brzezinski's world view is in charge, the next, Kissinger's. It doesn't matter who's political view is in charge though, the ultimate goal is the same. . . .

Though, to be fair, Brzezinski absolutely abhors Russia, we all know that. :badgrin:

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