Trump Talks of Bringing Back Rob Porter, Aide Accused of Spousal Abuse


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Some of you may remember Rob Porter, the former White House staff secretary who stepped down after allegations that he had abused his two former wives came to light. Well, it seems the idiot trump is eager to have Porter rejoin his corrupt and chaotic administration.

And why not, the folks who voted for the idiot trump don’t care. They have nothing but contempt for women themselves, so they too want to see Porter’s return. They savor the thought that it would irk all those who respect women. In fact, the idiot trump could murder Melania on Pay-per-view, and they would still love him, and defend his right to kill her.

As far as the rational people in the United States and around the world, nothing the idiot trump does can surprise them any more. None of them can think anything less of the idiot trump. Rational people know him for exactly what he is, and those who voted for him.

Perhaps if the woman was found dead in the back of his submerged car in Lake Chappaquiddick then the dems would embrace him.

Birds of a feather indeed.
This is just sad. :(

Donald can't find an attorney because who needs chaos, he won't do what they tell him to do, he lies to them and he doesn't pay his bills.

All the Trump whisperers are gone and now he wants to bring back the wife beater.

Please God - let this reality show nightmare end.


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