Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates


For moderator!
"Donald Trump says NBC's Lester Holt should not correct his or Hillary Clinton's facts while moderating the first presidential debate.
"I think he has to be a moderator," Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday.
"I mean, if you're debating somebody and if she makes a mistake or I make a mistake ... we'll take each other on," he added. "But I certainly don't think you want Candy Crowley again."
Crowley interjected during an October 2012 debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, after Romney said it took Obama two weeks to refer to the Benghazi, Libya, attacks as terrorism.
"He did call it an act of terror," Crowley told Romney, though she added that he was "correct" that it took that long for the White House to acknowledge the attack was not related to an anti-Islamic video.
Trump on Thursday ripped Crowley's handling of the incident, urging Holt not to follow suit.
"She turned out to be wrong," he said. "I really don't think you want that. That was a very pivotal moment in that debate. And it really threw the debate off and it was unfair. No, I think you have to have somebody that's just - let them argue it out.""
Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Now that is a classic. It doesn't surprise me one bit. A proven pathological liar, doesn't want to be fact checked during a debate. Trump won the "Liar of the Year" award primarily for his huge amount of falsehoods in the GOP debates.
2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements
Donald Trump's file
And doesn't Hillary Clinton also have an honesty problem?
I for one, would love to have both candidate, fact check throughout all three debates.
It's fair to the candidates and even more important, it would be great for the American voters. It would also a nice break from all the negative and typically false advertisements that dumb down voters.

...So says a Candy Crowley fan: Heads I win, tails you lose. Moderators are not participants, and should not interject their personal opinions or beliefs. Unless your are a left wing fascist who wants to control discussion and muzzle the opposition.

if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
Patrick Moynihan said it best........You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts

Moderators need to stay on top of the debate and not allow obvious distortions to go unchallenged

The other participant isn't capable of calling out the lie?

They are trying to be POTUS, they shouldn't need the moderator to fact check.

Who is to say the moderator is the walking encyclopedia on every subject?

only if a candidate gets to respond... sometimes the moderator decides to move on & a candidate isn't allowed to speak over the other.
if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.

Followup questions are appropriate for clarification, but moderators should not contradict a candidate with their own opinions or beliefs, which may themselves be factually inaccurate. Did you see the recent episode of Jeopardy! where the guest MSM talking heads couldn't answer simple questions about politics and government? Candy Crowley isn't the only self-assured idiot "journalist" out there.

The moderator asks a question and listens to the response

Unacceptable responses get a follow-up question. Responses that avoid the question or contain distortions or outright lies deserve a follow-up
And a follow up is not a 'fact check.' The moderators should not be fact checking on the spot - that is not what fact checking is. Fact checking is getting sources and providing proof that what was said was correct or incorrect and is literally impossible to do on the spot.

The debaters should call each other out on any lies. Prove the liar wrong.

The candidates do not debate each other

They are asked questions by a moderator and respond to the moderator...not the other candidate

With the frequency of Trumps lies and half truths it will be difficult for anyone to keep up
Candidates respond to each other all the time as they should. It is Hillary's responsibility to call Trump out for anything he says and she is going to be doing that throughout the entire debate.

That is the job of the moderator. To accept or reject a response

We don't want the debate to digress into a....You lie....NO YOU LIE shouting match
That plays right into Trumps wheelhouse
No it is not. That is not what a moderator does at all. They are a mediator and their SOLE purpose is to ask questions and enforce the rules of the debate. There will be a wider discussion about every little detail that the candidates state after the debates when there are sources available to prove what was bullshit what was not.

Yes it is the moderators job

THEY ask the question and consider the response before moving to the next topic
Lies and distortion is not an appropriate response and should be challenged on the spot
Then you do not know what the word moderator means.
"Donald Trump says NBC's Lester Holt should not correct his or Hillary Clinton's facts while moderating the first presidential debate.
"I think he has to be a moderator," Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday.
"I mean, if you're debating somebody and if she makes a mistake or I make a mistake ... we'll take each other on," he added. "But I certainly don't think you want Candy Crowley again."
Crowley interjected during an October 2012 debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, after Romney said it took Obama two weeks to refer to the Benghazi, Libya, attacks as terrorism.
"He did call it an act of terror," Crowley told Romney, though she added that he was "correct" that it took that long for the White House to acknowledge the attack was not related to an anti-Islamic video.
Trump on Thursday ripped Crowley's handling of the incident, urging Holt not to follow suit.
"She turned out to be wrong," he said. "I really don't think you want that. That was a very pivotal moment in that debate. And it really threw the debate off and it was unfair. No, I think you have to have somebody that's just - let them argue it out.""
Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Now that is a classic. It doesn't surprise me one bit. A proven pathological liar, doesn't want to be fact checked during a debate. Trump won the "Liar of the Year" award primarily for his huge amount of falsehoods in the GOP debates.
2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements
Donald Trump's file
And doesn't Hillary Clinton also have an honesty problem?
I for one, would love to have both candidate, fact check throughout all three debates.
It's fair to the candidates and even more important, it would be great for the American voters. It would also a nice break from all the negative and typically false advertisements that dumb down voters.

...So says a Candy Crowley fan: Heads I win, tails you lose. Moderators are not participants, and should not interject their personal opinions or beliefs. Unless your are a left wing fascist who wants to control discussion and muzzle the opposition.

if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.
Man oh man. You left wingers really don't understand that it is absolutely NOT the moderators right to be a fact checker.

They are not participants.
Fact checking is absolutely not part of a moderator's duties. And Trump's quite right that he will not put up with a Candy Crowley moment. Romney should have gone for her throat for injecting herself into the debate in collusion with Obama and she was partisan.

Moderator Duties for a Debate
Moderators aren't supposed to stop everything and fact check on the spot. Bad enough that the liberal media will let Hillary slide, as they have been, and pick on Trump anyway.

In the past, a moderator totally goofed (on purpose) to support Obama. No, they shouldn't take on that role because they are usually just relying on their own bias opinion anyway.
"Donald Trump says NBC's Lester Holt should not correct his or Hillary Clinton's facts while moderating the first presidential debate.
"I think he has to be a moderator," Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday.
"I mean, if you're debating somebody and if she makes a mistake or I make a mistake ... we'll take each other on," he added. "But I certainly don't think you want Candy Crowley again."
Crowley interjected during an October 2012 debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, after Romney said it took Obama two weeks to refer to the Benghazi, Libya, attacks as terrorism.
"He did call it an act of terror," Crowley told Romney, though she added that he was "correct" that it took that long for the White House to acknowledge the attack was not related to an anti-Islamic video.
Trump on Thursday ripped Crowley's handling of the incident, urging Holt not to follow suit.
"She turned out to be wrong," he said. "I really don't think you want that. That was a very pivotal moment in that debate. And it really threw the debate off and it was unfair. No, I think you have to have somebody that's just - let them argue it out.""
Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Now that is a classic. It doesn't surprise me one bit. A proven pathological liar, doesn't want to be fact checked during a debate. Trump won the "Liar of the Year" award primarily for his huge amount of falsehoods in the GOP debates.
2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements
Donald Trump's file
And doesn't Hillary Clinton also have an honesty problem?
I for one, would love to have both candidate, fact check throughout all three debates.
It's fair to the candidates and even more important, it would be great for the American voters. It would also a nice break from all the negative and typically false advertisements that dumb down voters.

...So says a Candy Crowley fan: Heads I win, tails you lose. Moderators are not participants, and should not interject their personal opinions or beliefs. Unless your are a left wing fascist who wants to control discussion and muzzle the opposition.

if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
Trump said he believe obama was born in the US so a so called moderator trying to make it an issue at this point isn't moderating, they are engaging in a political hit job, like Crowley did.
"Donald Trump says NBC's Lester Holt should not correct his or Hillary Clinton's facts while moderating the first presidential debate.
"I think he has to be a moderator," Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday.
"I mean, if you're debating somebody and if she makes a mistake or I make a mistake ... we'll take each other on," he added. "But I certainly don't think you want Candy Crowley again."
Crowley interjected during an October 2012 debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, after Romney said it took Obama two weeks to refer to the Benghazi, Libya, attacks as terrorism.
"He did call it an act of terror," Crowley told Romney, though she added that he was "correct" that it took that long for the White House to acknowledge the attack was not related to an anti-Islamic video.
Trump on Thursday ripped Crowley's handling of the incident, urging Holt not to follow suit.
"She turned out to be wrong," he said. "I really don't think you want that. That was a very pivotal moment in that debate. And it really threw the debate off and it was unfair. No, I think you have to have somebody that's just - let them argue it out.""
Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Now that is a classic. It doesn't surprise me one bit. A proven pathological liar, doesn't want to be fact checked during a debate. Trump won the "Liar of the Year" award primarily for his huge amount of falsehoods in the GOP debates.
2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements
Donald Trump's file
And doesn't Hillary Clinton also have an honesty problem?
I for one, would love to have both candidate, fact check throughout all three debates.
It's fair to the candidates and even more important, it would be great for the American voters. It would also a nice break from all the negative and typically false advertisements that dumb down voters.

...So says a Candy Crowley fan: Heads I win, tails you lose. Moderators are not participants, and should not interject their personal opinions or beliefs. Unless your are a left wing fascist who wants to control discussion and muzzle the opposition.

if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
Trump said he believe obama was born in the US so a so called moderator trying to make it an issue at this point isn't moderating, they are engaging in a political hit job, like Crowley did.
A moderator has the right to ask Trump to answer "why" to his change after five years as Chief Birther. The moderator has every right to point that out. The moderator has every right to check HRC if she says the FBI said she did not lie.
Trump is just poisoning the well in any way he can so after he loses the debate he can claim he was unfairly treated.
Despite that massive ego of his, he knows he is going to get his ass handed to him by Hillary in this Monday's debate.

And when that happens, he will cry that it was rigged against him and that he isn't going to participate in anymore debates, because he knows she will kick the living shit out of him and make him look like the fool that he is again and again.
Trump is just poisoning the well in any way he can so after he loses the debate he can claim he was unfairly treated.
Despite that massive ego of his, he knows he is going to get his ass handed to him by Hillary in this Monday's debate.

And when that happens, he will cry that it was rigged against him and that he isn't going to participate in anymore debates, because he knows she will kick the living shit out of him and make him look like the fool that he is again and again.
Another vacuous VOR post. Why are you wasting bandwidth?
Trump is just poisoning the well in any way he can so after he loses the debate he can claim he was unfairly treated.
Despite that massive ego of his, he knows he is going to get his ass handed to him by Hillary in this Monday's debate.

And when that happens, he will cry that it was rigged against him and that he isn't going to participate in anymore debates, because he knows she will kick the living shit out of him and make him look like the fool that he is again and again.
Another vacuous VOR post. Why are you wasting bandwidth?
This coming from someone who is a waste of life. LOL. Pathetic loser.
Patrick Moynihan said it best........You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts

Moderators need to stay on top of the debate and not allow obvious distortions to go unchallenged

The other participant isn't capable of calling out the lie?

They are trying to be POTUS, they shouldn't need the moderator to fact check.

Who is to say the moderator is the walking encyclopedia on every subject?

only if a candidate gets to respond... sometimes the moderator decides to move on & a candidate isn't allowed to speak over the other.
The problem for Hillary is Trump spins so many yarns, half-truths and falsehoods that she would be spending all of her allocated time saying....I never said that, that is not true, that is totally ridiculous, are you fucking crazy?

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