Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Trump is just poisoning the well in any way he can so after he loses the debate he can claim he was unfairly treated.
Despite that massive ego of his, he knows he is going to get his ass handed to him by Hillary in this Monday's debate.

And when that happens, he will cry that it was rigged against him and that he isn't going to participate in anymore debates, because he knows she will kick the living shit out of him and make him look like the fool that he is again and again.
Another vacuous VOR post. Why are you wasting bandwidth?
This coming from someone who is a waste of life. LOL. Pathetic loser.
Another vacuous VOR post. You only here for petty personal insults. I've never read any content from you. Waste of time, welcome to my filter.
"Donald Trump says NBC's Lester Holt should not correct his or Hillary Clinton's facts while moderating the first presidential debate.
"I think he has to be a moderator," Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday.
"I mean, if you're debating somebody and if she makes a mistake or I make a mistake ... we'll take each other on," he added. "But I certainly don't think you want Candy Crowley again."
Crowley interjected during an October 2012 debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, after Romney said it took Obama two weeks to refer to the Benghazi, Libya, attacks as terrorism.
"He did call it an act of terror," Crowley told Romney, though she added that he was "correct" that it took that long for the White House to acknowledge the attack was not related to an anti-Islamic video.
Trump on Thursday ripped Crowley's handling of the incident, urging Holt not to follow suit.
"She turned out to be wrong," he said. "I really don't think you want that. That was a very pivotal moment in that debate. And it really threw the debate off and it was unfair. No, I think you have to have somebody that's just - let them argue it out.""
Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Now that is a classic. It doesn't surprise me one bit. A proven pathological liar, doesn't want to be fact checked during a debate. Trump won the "Liar of the Year" award primarily for his huge amount of falsehoods in the GOP debates.
2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements
Donald Trump's file
And doesn't Hillary Clinton also have an honesty problem?
I for one, would love to have both candidate, fact check throughout all three debates.
It's fair to the candidates and even more important, it would be great for the American voters. It would also a nice break from all the negative and typically false advertisements that dumb down voters.

Lestor Holt doesn't know the facts. If he starts telling the participants what is fact and what isn't, then he becomes a participant. We know that's what you douche bags want - two against one, but that isn't how you run a fair debate.
Looks like Trump is getting ready to tell some Whoppers

Of course it is a moderators job not to accept a response with an obvious mistruth to it and to demand an accurate answer
Well that will be the end of a debate--Trump and the moderator will be going back and forth all night.
In other words, you want Holt to take Hillary's side of the debate. That's all his so-called "fact checking" would amount to.
Looks like Trump is getting ready to tell some Whoppers

Of course it is a moderators job not to accept a response with an obvious mistruth to it and to demand an accurate answer
No it isn't, douche bag. Please explain why a debate even needs a so-called "moderator." Why can't the candidates ask each other questions?
Trump is just poisoning the well in any way he can so after he loses the debate he can claim he was unfairly treated.
Despite that massive ego of his, he knows he is going to get his ass handed to him by Hillary in this Monday's debate.

And when that happens, he will cry that it was rigged against him and that he isn't going to participate in anymore debates, because he knows she will kick the living shit out of him and make him look like the fool that he is again and again.
Another vacuous VOR post. Why are you wasting bandwidth?
This coming from someone who is a waste of life. LOL. Pathetic loser.
Another vacuous VOR post. You only here for petty personal insults. I've never read any content from you. Waste of time, welcome to my filter.
That is your second straight personal attack, meaning you have nothing of worth to say.
bripat is a pseudo-anarchist, so always get to his point by turning his remark on its head.
Looks like Trump is getting ready to tell some Whoppers

Of course it is a moderators job not to accept a response with an obvious mistruth to it and to demand an accurate answer
No it isn't, douche bag.
"Donald Trump says NBC's Lester Holt should not correct his or Hillary Clinton's facts while moderating the first presidential debate.
"I think he has to be a moderator," Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday.
"I mean, if you're debating somebody and if she makes a mistake or I make a mistake ... we'll take each other on," he added. "But I certainly don't think you want Candy Crowley again."
Crowley interjected during an October 2012 debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, after Romney said it took Obama two weeks to refer to the Benghazi, Libya, attacks as terrorism.
"He did call it an act of terror," Crowley told Romney, though she added that he was "correct" that it took that long for the White House to acknowledge the attack was not related to an anti-Islamic video.
Trump on Thursday ripped Crowley's handling of the incident, urging Holt not to follow suit.
"She turned out to be wrong," he said. "I really don't think you want that. That was a very pivotal moment in that debate. And it really threw the debate off and it was unfair. No, I think you have to have somebody that's just - let them argue it out.""
Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Now that is a classic. It doesn't surprise me one bit. A proven pathological liar, doesn't want to be fact checked during a debate. Trump won the "Liar of the Year" award primarily for his huge amount of falsehoods in the GOP debates.
2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements
Donald Trump's file
And doesn't Hillary Clinton also have an honesty problem?
I for one, would love to have both candidate, fact check throughout all three debates.
It's fair to the candidates and even more important, it would be great for the American voters. It would also a nice break from all the negative and typically false advertisements that dumb down voters.

...So says a Candy Crowley fan: Heads I win, tails you lose. Moderators are not participants, and should not interject their personal opinions or beliefs. Unless your are a left wing fascist who wants to control discussion and muzzle the opposition.

if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.

The moderator doesn't know shit, especially they don't know when lies are told. They haven't noticed Hillary telling lies for years. What you want is for the moderator to take sides. No one is fooled.
I find it odd that a candidate would make such a statement going into the debate. Any moderator will be taken aback on being told how to do their job and it makes the candidate appear weak and insecure.
Trump is just poisoning the well in any way he can so after he loses the debate he can claim he was unfairly treated.
Despite that massive ego of his, he knows he is going to get his ass handed to him by Hillary in this Monday's debate.

And when that happens, he will cry that it was rigged against him and that he isn't going to participate in anymore debates, because he knows she will kick the living shit out of him and make him look like the fool that he is again and again.
Another vacuous VOR post. Why are you wasting bandwidth?
This coming from someone who is a waste of life. LOL. Pathetic loser.
Another vacuous VOR post. You only here for petty personal insults. I've never read any content from you. Waste of time, welcome to my filter.
Then stop reading and replying to them, asshole. LOL.
Looks like Trump is getting ready to tell some Whoppers

Of course it is a moderators job not to accept a response with an obvious mistruth to it and to demand an accurate answer
No it isn't, douche bag. Please explain why a debate even needs a so-called "moderator." Why can't the candidates ask each other questions?

Because you end up with Jerry Springer
I find it odd that a candidate would make such a statement going into the debate. Any moderator will be taken aback on being told how to do their job and it makes the candidate appear weak and insecure.

Sounds like a declaration that he is planning to lie

If I lie, you are not allowed to call me on it
Looks like Trump is getting ready to tell some Whoppers

Of course it is a moderators job not to accept a response with an obvious mistruth to it and to demand an accurate answer
Well that will be the end of a debate--Trump and the moderator will be going back and forth all night.
In other words, you want Holt to take Hillary's side of the debate. That's all his so-called "fact checking" would amount to.

Telling the truth is Hillary's side?
Lester Holt's people have sent a msg to Trump's people that if Trump lies Holt will call him out on prime time debate tv.
I find it odd that a candidate would make such a statement going into the debate. Any moderator will be taken aback on being told how to do their job and it makes the candidate appear weak and insecure.

Horseshit. the douche bags "moderators" in the previous presidential debates showed that it's necessary because they can't be trusted to be impartial.
Looks like Trump is getting ready to tell some Whoppers

Of course it is a moderators job not to accept a response with an obvious mistruth to it and to demand an accurate answer
Well that will be the end of a debate--Trump and the moderator will be going back and forth all night.
In other words, you want Holt to take Hillary's side of the debate. That's all his so-called "fact checking" would amount to.

Telling the truth is Hillary's side?

ROFL! They wont' be telling the truth, douche bag.
Looks like Trump is getting ready to tell some Whoppers

Of course it is a moderators job not to accept a response with an obvious mistruth to it and to demand an accurate answer
No it isn't, douche bag. Please explain why a debate even needs a so-called "moderator." Why can't the candidates ask each other questions?
For a structured debate a moderator is a good idea in general. They can keep time and things like that. The candidates should be the ones asking the questions of each other though IMHO. Really, what they do now is not actually a 'debate' because the questions are asked by a third party and they are not the same. It is more of a chance for the candidates themselves to outline their policies and why they are different than the other candidate. A glorified commercial.

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