Trump tells Lester Holt: Don’t fact-check debates

Lester Holt's people have sent a msg to Trump's people that if Trump lies Holt will call him out on prime time debate tv.
Lester Holt's people have sent a msg to Trump's people that if Trump lies Holt will call him out on prime time debate tv.

Holt is going to be a very busy, busy man

If he tries anything Trump will put him in his place.
if holt does that, it will make the debate about him vs the two candidates and what they are hoping for. Trump I expect will turn that against their strategy though. again, I can't wait.
...So says a Candy Crowley fan: Heads I win, tails you lose. Moderators are not participants, and should not interject their personal opinions or beliefs. Unless your are a left wing fascist who wants to control discussion and muzzle the opposition.

if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.

i said if something quite blatant is being said that is known to be factually incorrect, then the moderator should follow up with additional questions or statements that give the candidate an opportunity to CLARIFY or be corrected. much like what martha radditz did to romney.

You're understanding of what is "factually incorrect" is 95% wrong. The same goes for most of the media douche bags.
Lester Holt's people have sent a msg to Trump's people that if Trump lies Holt will call him out on prime time debate tv.
Lester Holt's people have sent a msg to Trump's people that if Trump lies Holt will call him out on prime time debate tv.

Holt is going to be a very busy, busy man

If he tries anything Trump will put him in his place.
if holt does that, it will make the debate about him vs the two candidates and what they are hoping for. Trump I expect will turn that against their strategy though. again, I can't wait.

If Holt wants to make himself the issue, he is probably going to regret it.
if a moderator know that an obvious lie has been said, then he or she should call the candidate out on it. period. if they can't do that, then they should at the very least ask follow up questions 9which they do already) & have the candidate 'expand' on the lie, so they can dig an even deeper hole.
Crowley shot off her fat mouth and was wrong. It wasn't her job and unfortunately Romney rolled over for her. It could have cost him the election. A moderator should moderate the debate, not try to influence the outcome.

wow- how you love to read into things that simply aren't there. I do not want opinions interjected... I said if an O-B-V-I-O-U-S lie were told... something that is commonly known... like trump saying he isn't a birther is an obvious lie. so follow up questions or a request for elaboration should be raised or that moderator isn't worth a damn.
A follow up question is not fact checking. A followup question is part of the moderators job.

i said if something quite blatant is being said that is known to be factually incorrect, then the moderator should follow up with additional questions or statements that give the candidate an opportunity to CLARIFY or be corrected. much like what martha radditz did to romney.

You're understanding of what is "factually incorrect" is 95% wrong. The same goes for most of the media douche bags.
it's what they make their living on. being factually incorrect that is.
Lester Holt's people have sent a msg to Trump's people that if Trump lies Holt will call him out on prime time debate tv.
Lester Holt's people have sent a msg to Trump's people that if Trump lies Holt will call him out on prime time debate tv.

Holt is going to be a very busy, busy man

If he tries anything Trump will put him in his place.
if holt does that, it will make the debate about him vs the two candidates and what they are hoping for. Trump I expect will turn that against their strategy though. again, I can't wait.

If Holt wants to make himself the issue, he is probably going to regret it.
i'm expecting donald to have material for ole lester, that will force lester's hands.
Looks like Trump is getting ready to tell some Whoppers

Of course it is a moderators job not to accept a response with an obvious mistruth to it and to demand an accurate answer
No it isn't, douche bag. Please explain why a debate even needs a so-called "moderator." Why can't the candidates ask each other questions?

that's called a ''conversation' & is not a debate.

So the Lincoln-Douglas debates weren't actual debates?
Holt is fully capable of making Donald look shabby and failed.
dude I can't wait, donald's been doing what he does to people on TV as long as Holt has been on. If you think for a minute that Trump won't tear ole lester a new one, you haven't followed trump at all. BTW, did I tell you, I can't wait yet? I thought so.
Trump is demanding another Matt Lauer interview where all of his bizarre claims go unchallenged
Trump is demanding another Matt Lauer interview where all of his bizarre claims go unchallenged
dude, again, you can't read. It's ok, we all knew that.

well it's obvious you didn't read the OP, cause trump never said that. he said let fact checking be done by the candidates. he didn't say no fact checking. let the person in the debate, debate. Do you even know what debate even is? oh right, nope.
Trump is demanding another Matt Lauer interview where all of his bizarre claims go unchallenged
dude, again, you can't read. It's ok, we all knew that.

well it's obvious you didn't read the OP, cause trump never said that. he said let fact checking be done by the candidates. he didn't say no fact checking. let the person in the debate, debate. Do you even know what debate even is? oh right, nope.

You obviously live in a cave

Trump received exactly that kind of interview from Matt Lauer who allowed all of Trumps unfounded and outright wrong statements to go unchallenged

That is what he demands of Les Holt
Don't buy it for one minute. Comrade Hitlery would do anything for her lover Putin. She even sold him our uranium mines and pocketed the money. I'm just glad he didn't ask Comrade Hitlery for Lake Erie...
Don't buy it for one minute. Comrade Hitlery would do anything for her lover Putin. She even sold him our uranium mines and pocketed the money. I'm just glad he didn't ask Comrade Hitlery for Lake Erie...
You fascists all hang together: Putin, Trump, and you. Why is a good Catholic girl like you hanging out with atheist bastards?

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