Trump Tells Voters In Michigan That 200 Auto Plants Have Been Built Since Being President

If trump misspoke about the auto plants then it should be corrected

but he is the only candidate for president who truly cares anything about increasing factory jobs for Americans

and that matters more in the long run
All of the "misspoke" smelly has done it would take years for corrections.
Hopefully you will have four more years to work on that

the Important point is that trump cares about returning factory jobs to America and the media and career washington swamp rats do not
How many has he returned?
Not as many as we are hoping for

but the fight continues

trump is getting a low of opposition in washington from the pro china quislings

Again how many?
.but like I said, you might as well lie since you know no one will really challenge you anyway...

Like Obiden saying he wants to put 720 million women back into the work force.

Let him pull that off, and I'll vote a straight democratic ticket for the rest of my life......
For every woman put into the workforce, Wall Street attorneys will find a way to lay off a man.

That's hardly the point.

Biden says he wants to put 720 million into the American work force.

720 million is roughly double the population of the United States...
.but like I said, you might as well lie since you know no one will really challenge you anyway...

Like Obiden saying he wants to put 720 million women back into the work force.

Let him pull that off, and I'll vote a straight democratic ticket for the rest of my life......
For every woman put into the workforce, Wall Street attorneys will find a way to lay off a man.

That's hardly the point.

Biden says he wants to put 720 million into the American work force.

720 million is roughly double the population of the United States...
Mrs. Biden wants to be first Lady and doesn't give a crap that she's destroying whatever is left of Mr. Biden's brain.
.but like I said, you might as well lie since you know no one will really challenge you anyway...

Like Obiden saying he wants to put 720 million women back into the work force.

Let him pull that off, and I'll vote a straight democratic ticket for the rest of my life......
For every woman put into the workforce, Wall Street attorneys will find a way to lay off a man.

That's hardly the point.

Biden says he wants to put 720 million into the American work force.

720 million is roughly double the population of the United States...
On the other hand, Biden is admitting we have way too many Trespassers in the US.
Who are the Negro terrorists you are speaking of.


When did BLM become a terrorist organization? Does the FBI list them as such?

What happened to that caravan horde that Trump claimed was coming across the border, amazing how that just evaporated into thin air.

That's because it was stopped...

Oh that's what happened, how was it stopped? Did we drop a Fat boy on them.

Well when you believe the police are there to Serve, protect and break a Nword's neck I guess so, but when you want better policing between the police and the communities they are suppose to SERVE it might not be a shitty idea.

You're not exactly the sharpest crayon in the box.

So that is the best answer you have.

See, I absolutely reject the notion that police are bad. Sure, there are some bad ones, but you're going to get "bad ones" in any profession.

True, but in most professions you work to weed out the bad ones, as long as, they are brutalizing people of color folks like you continue to turn a blind eye. Also if the good ones look the other way while the bad ones operate are they really good.

And who broke a negro's neck?

Study some history, you act like you are a smart guy.

Who has done that? Please show me a post where someone has defended this POS for shooting a child in the head. That is nothing more than right wing propaganda.

What's that idiotic BLM slogan? Oh, right: "SILENCE IS VIOLENCE".

There's been little, if any, outcry from the left and/or negro community about this particular case.

Let's see the guy was arrested, will be convicted and I pray he will get the needle. With that said what outcry needs to happen?

But my point is solid. People try to sue gun manufacturers for deaths caused by guns. Would you suggest it's never happened?

Who is suing gun manufacturers for this POS murdering this child.

Yea because when you want to go back to the Good Ole Days of the 40s and 50s of course you don't anyone who wants to move the country forward not backwards.

You're likely an ignorant child, so you may not be aware of the trouble a democrat got us into in 1962. That's fine. You're clearly not smart enough to understand all of the ramifications of it, anyway.

So bring me up to speed Old Man.

I was in federal law enforcement for eight years. My Dad was a New York State Trooper and my Grandfather was NYPD. I have friends who are retired cops who have sons and daughters who are cops. They are all decent, upstanding people who want only to do the best for the communities they've willingly decided to serve.

So how many dirty cops did you turn in over that 8yr period?

How many dirty cops did your Daddy and Granddaddy turn in during their years of LE?

How many dirty cops did your retired friends turn in over the years?

How many crooked cops have their sons and daughters turn in now that they are cops?

Their worth to our country is infinitely more valuable than vermin monkeys rioting in the streets and burning cities to the ground...

Vermin monkeys, so I take it you are speaking of black folks since monkeys, apes, etc. is what we have been referred to by racist for years.

It says alot about a man who claims he, his father, his grandfather, his friends, his friends sons and daughters are all in LE and refer to folks of color as vermin monkeys.

It is racist, ass clowns like you that are the problem and not the solution.
.but like I said, you might as well lie since you know no one will really challenge you anyway...

Like Obiden saying he wants to put 720 million women back into the work force.

Let him pull that off, and I'll vote a straight democratic ticket for the rest of my life......
For every woman put into the workforce, Wall Street attorneys will find a way to lay off a man.

That's hardly the point.

Biden says he wants to put 720 million into the American work force.

720 million is roughly double the population of the United States...

I would rather hear a man make a gaffe like that, than someone who knows there is a serious pandemic in our country and hides it from the American people.
Vermin monkeys, so I take it you are speaking of black folks since monkeys, apes, etc. is what we have been referred to by racist for years.

No, "black folks" are decent people. I'm honored to be friends with many, in fact.

The "monkeys" are the BLM negroes who've decided the way to effect change is to riot, burn down cities and, well, act like zoo animals...

It says alot about a man who claims he, his father, his grandfather, his friends, his friends sons and daughters are all in LE and refer to folks of color as vermin monkeys.

Skin color is not the issue here. If it was a group of whites shouting "WHITE LIVES MATTER" I would express similar opinions of them. But the current pack of rabid animals just happens to be black...

It is racist, ass clowns like you that are the problem and not the solution.

Any racism I harbor is the result of what this country has been put through by these monkey fucks rioting in the streets. It's the result of being called a racist since I would protect what's mine, instead of letting someone destroy it simply because I'm insured. Fuck that, fuck the and fuck you.

People wanted to call me a racist when I wasn't? Fine. But don't bitch if I've started leaning that way...
Vermin monkeys, so I take it you are speaking of black folks since monkeys, apes, etc. is what we have been referred to by racist for years.

No, "black folks" are decent people. I'm honored to be friends with many, in fact.


You go to far with the comedy.

The "monkeys" are the BLM negroes who've decided the way to effect change is to riot, burn down cities and, well, act like zoo animals...

About 93% of racial justice protests in the US since the death of George Floyd have been peaceful and nondestructive, according to a new report.

So 93% of these black folks are monkeys, but you are right alot of your friends are monkeys.

It says alot about a man who claims he, his father, his grandfather, his friends, his friends sons and daughters are all in LE and refer to folks of color as vermin monkeys.

Skin color is not the issue here. If it was a group of whites shouting "WHITE LIVES MATTER" I would express similar opinions of them. But the current pack of rabid animals just happens to be black...


  • A substantial majority of the protesters were white, in the cities where the data was gathered, with the highest percentage in Minneapolis (85%), followed by Los Angeles (78%), and Atlanta and New York (both at 76%). A total of 18% of the protesters were African American in Atlanta, 11% in Minneapolis, 13% in New York and 3% in Los Angeles. Those numbers remained steady during the nighttime hours. Hispanic and Asian American participation was less than 10% in all four cities.

It is racist, ass clowns like you that are the problem and not the solution.

Any racism I harbor is the result of what this country has been put through by these monkey fucks rioting in the streets. It's the result of being called a racist since I would protect what's mine, instead of letting someone destroy it simply because I'm insured. Fuck that, fuck the and fuck you.

People wanted to call me a racist when I wasn't? Fine. But don't bitch if I've started leaning that way...

How many whites did you hate in the 50s and 60s since you claim your old ass was alive at that time?

How many homes or businesses have you lost during a protest?

Suck me, you will get more.

Ah so you just became a racist the other day.

You can't make this stuff up folks.
I would rather hear a man make a gaffe like that, than someone who knows there is a serious pandemic in our country and hides it from the American people.

Not me.

Biden's slipping. He lacks the mental fortitude for the job...

What is mental fortitude?

What is going to happen in America if Biden is president as compared to what is happening with Trump.
I would rather hear a man make a gaffe like that, than someone who knows there is a serious pandemic in our country and hides it from the American people.

Not me.

Biden's slipping. He lacks the mental fortitude for the job...

What is mental fortitude?

What is going to happen in America if Biden is president as compared to what is happening with Trump.

He'd be a wild card. We can't definitely say what would happen, but it's a fair bet that it wouldn't be good. The way he misspeaks could be dangerous in a delicate negotiation.

We just can't take that chance...
I would rather hear a man make a gaffe like that, than someone who knows there is a serious pandemic in our country and hides it from the American people.

Not me.

Biden's slipping. He lacks the mental fortitude for the job...

What is mental fortitude?

What is going to happen in America if Biden is president as compared to what is happening with Trump.

He'd be a wild card. We can't definitely say what would happen, but it's a fair bet that it wouldn't be good. The way he misspeaks could be dangerous in a delicate negotiation.

We just can't take that chance...

Trump misspeaks often, so why is it ok when he does it? I would rather have a president that misspeaks as compared to a president who constantly lies.
So Reagan started it all.
In a small way yes.

when nixon established diplomatic relations with china many western leaders viewed russia as the bigger threat

and many leaders in both parties hoped that if china grew economically it would morph into a democracy

but that didnt happen and instead of china as a lovable cuddly panda it is becoming a deadly dragon

so both sides share the blame
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So Reagan started it all.
In a small way yes.

when nixon established diplomatic relations with china many western leaders viewed russia as the bigger threat

and many leaders in both parties hoped that if china grew economically it would morph into a democracy

but that didnt happen and instead china of a lovable cuddly panda china is becoming a deadly dragon

so both sides share the blame

It's a breakthrough, this is the first time you and I have agreed on anything.
.but like I said, you might as well lie since you know no one will really challenge you anyway...

Like Obiden saying he wants to put 720 million women back into the work force.

Let him pull that off, and I'll vote a straight democratic ticket for the rest of my life......
For every woman put into the workforce, Wall Street attorneys will find a way to lay off a man.

That's hardly the point.

Biden says he wants to put 720 million into the American work force.

720 million is roughly double the population of the United States...

I would rather hear a man make a gaffe like that, than someone who knows there is a serious pandemic in our country and hides it from the American people.
You mean the 17 MDs in Congress who knew about it but said nothing?
I would rather hear a man make a gaffe like that, than someone who knows there is a serious pandemic in our country and hides it from the American people.

Not me.

Biden's slipping. He lacks the mental fortitude for the job...

What is mental fortitude?

What is going to happen in America if Biden is president as compared to what is happening with Trump.

He'd be a wild card. We can't definitely say what would happen, but it's a fair bet that it wouldn't be good. The way he misspeaks could be dangerous in a delicate negotiation.

We just can't take that chance...

Trump misspeaks often, so why is it ok when he does it? I would rather have a president that misspeaks as compared to a president who constantly lies.
Biden doesn’t lie; he simply doesn’t remember anything.

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