Trump: "the carnage stops now", "folks, I inherited a mess".....??????


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
As the gloomy 100th day mark approaches, and Trump claimed to have inherited not only a mess, but vowed to stop the carnage.....exactly what has he done, other than put us all on the brink of WWIII?
Then President Obama, who truly inherited a mess, went right away to pass bills to help the banks, states, homeowners, auto industry, etc...yet Trump, who claimed to inherited a mess, has done what?

The wall, tax payers will pay for. The backlash on China and all them rednecks jobs, now a thing of the past, other than terrorizing nigga's and hispanics, something I'm sure you racist love......what the fuck has this guy done for you and your bottom line?

I'll be waiting......
I tend to think that NK is a paper tiger whose soldiers and officials would not launch nukes if ordered. Soldiers are resourceful people. Colin Powell tells the story about how, when he was a junior officer at Fort Campbell (I think it was), they had a barracks that would be perpetually warmer than the others during the dead of winter. They posted signs over thermostat stating that it shouldn't be moved. They nailed ammo boxes over it. They even locked it away. No matter what happened, the barracks was as warm as the equator as he said. What the soldiers had done was found the wires going to the thermostat and somehow shorted them out so the heater would come on regardless of that the device on the wall said. What he was illustrating is that officers have been trying for years to outsmart the enlisted men and only now does he realize it can't be done. I trust that there are many with level-heads inside and outside the launch sequence in North Korea. I wouldn't want to find out that I was wrong the hard way but the same ingenuity that allows a private in Kentucky to short out an air conditioner/heater...would allow a NK soldier to build a $5.00 radio capable of picking up Seoul, VOA, the news, and the assured destruction that would come from a launch of any nuke ordinance.
And that same frightened grunt would surely know that not only he, but his entire family would be certain to meet a grisly fate, if he dared to interrupt the chain of command.
"Orders are orders" The recent history of WW2 hardly inspires confidence that the average soldier would do anything other than follow orders and launch the missiles with nuke heads.

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