Trump the cause of layoffs: Steel tariffs cost automakers $1B

Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

Ya, it's Trump's fault no one wants to buy a piece of shit like the Chevy Volt.
It’s amazing how you people just pretend this isn’t a big deal.
How dare you doubt the economic genius of our really smart president who never acts for purely political gain! How DARE YOU SIR! (-::

Good question. Before Trump was elected a majority of "experts" predicted an economic collapse should he succeed in winning office.

All these "experts" were wrong.

And what has happened since? Job growth, low unemployment, rising wages. Just like Trump said would happen.

Which "expert" do you agree with?

Off topic post. Unworthy of response.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

Ya, it's Trump's fault no one wants to buy a piece of shit like the Chevy Volt.
It’s amazing how you people just pretend this isn’t a big deal.
How dare you doubt the economic genius of our really smart president who never acts for purely political gain! How DARE YOU SIR! (-::

Good question. Before Trump was elected a majority of "experts" predicted an economic collapse should he succeed in winning office.

All these "experts" were wrong.

And what has happened since? Job growth, low unemployment, rising wages. Just like Trump said would happen.

Which "expert" do you agree with?

Off topic post. Unworthy of response.

I suppose you are right. You started an off post topic I shouldn't have responded to.

Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

Ya, it's Trump's fault no one wants to buy a piece of shit like the Chevy Volt.
It’s amazing how you people just pretend this isn’t a big deal.
How dare you doubt the economic genius of our really smart president who never acts for purely political gain! How DARE YOU SIR! (-::

Good question. Before Trump was elected a majority of "experts" predicted an economic collapse should he succeed in winning office.

All these "experts" were wrong.

And what has happened since? Job growth, low unemployment, rising wages. Just like Trump said would happen.

Which "expert" do you agree with?

It's about tariff's, Mark. Do try to follow.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

Ya, it's Trump's fault no one wants to buy a piece of shit like the Chevy Volt.
It’s amazing how you people just pretend this isn’t a big deal.
How dare you doubt the economic genius of our really smart president who never acts for purely political gain! How DARE YOU SIR! (-::

Good question. Before Trump was elected a majority of "experts" predicted an economic collapse should he succeed in winning office.

All these "experts" were wrong.

And what has happened since? Job growth, low unemployment, rising wages. Just like Trump said would happen.

Which "expert" do you agree with?

It's about tariff's, Mark. Do try to follow.

Your post was about Trumps economic genius. It was YOU who brought up the subject, not me.

His economic genius on tariffs. If you can't follow a thread, it's not my fault.

I think his trade policy toward Jina is the only thing the US can rationally do. Unfortunately he's mixed in political grievances with our allies, and the steel "tariff" is one result. GM was going to have to cut loose it's sedans eventually, at least until US consumers want them again. (I thought the Cadillac was a nice car, though I wouldn't buy one because the wife likes SUV's and my next, and last, "car" will be a truck)

But GM isn't going to put the laid off US workers back on the job making trucks because sales have been dropping for several months as the costs go up.
His economic genius on tariffs. If you can't follow a thread, it's not my fault.

I think his trade policy toward Jina is the only thing the US can rationally do. Unfortunately he's mixed in political grievances with our allies, and the steel "tariff" is one result. GM was going to have to cut loose it's sedans eventually, at least until US consumers want them again. (I thought the Cadillac was a nice car, though I wouldn't buy one because the wife likes SUV's and my next, and last, "car" will be a truck)

But GM isn't going to put the laid off US workers back on the job making trucks because sales have been dropping for several months as the costs go up.

I submit that his economic genius on tariffs is up to par with any of the economic geniuses out there. As my post pointed out.

Well his genius isn't helping US automakers and workers.

Ford dropped manufacturing auto's last year. They did so because people don't buy them anymore. GM just did the same thing. Think logically. If tariffs cause GM to stop making cars, wouldn't those same tariffs also cause them to stop building trucks?

"Steel Dynamics announced that it will build a brand new 3 million ton steel mill in the Southwest that will create 600 good-paying U.S. JOBS. Steel JOBS are coming back to America, just like I predicted. Congratulations to Steel Dynamics!" - President Trump just now

Big whoop! 600 jobs in steel versus 15,000 jobs in automobile production announced just yesterday, plus numerous small steel dependent manufacturers like 200 jobs near Buffalo when a small manufacturer closed (it was on their evening news), plus other small manufacturing jobs across the land. When Trump first introduced this tariff, it was said that the US would lose 3 jobs in manufacturing for every job created in the steel industry. Looks like that estimate was WAY too low.
GM's decision to stop building cars that nobody wants was not related to tariffs or any Trump policy. Not even tangentially related.

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is really getting the better of you.
You forgot the last two words of the title "Except steel."

I'm assuming that you never had a good job of yours outsourced?

In my home area good jobs are scarce, so I appreciate when the government helps keep good jobs here instead of the Obama admin policy of "those manufacturing jobs are not coming back..."

My job will never be outsourced because I have job skills. When you're a high-school dropout and your job skills are equal to those of some retard in Ecuador you have a problem.

I take personal responsibility for my life and my career choices so I'm not worried about the outsourcing of low skilled jobs.

If you would have taken personal responsibility for your education and career path then maybe you would not be worried about some illiterate retard in the jungle looking to take your job for $0.50/hour.

You republicans are always looking for the government to bail you out because you were too lazy to get good grades and good job skills.
Sit back and watch the Trumpanzees make excuses for the big orange idiot.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?

Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.


You know a Trumpanzee is gasping for air when they part ways with Fox Noise:

"""""President Trump’s steel tariffs alone add an average of $250 to the cost of making a car. Other tariffs affect more than 100 car parts ranging from tires to car batteries, further increasing costs and consumer prices. The billion dollars tariffs will cost GM annually is enough to pay the salaries of 24,000 assembly workers. The layoffs affect about 14,700 workers.""""

Lessons from the GM layoffs: End the tariffs and the subsidies- Fox Business

Real lesson. Don't let Obama and the fucking government take over your company. It will not end well.
GM failed under Bush, as everything failed under Bush and the republicans.

SO you would let GM go out of business and let 180k job lost? Let the iconic auto maker go bankrupt? GM will pay back the loan.

Just wondering Trump had to bailout the farmers with ~$12 Billion because of his stupid tariffs.

DO YOU THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE FARMERS $12B of taxpayer $ because of Trump's stupid trade war?

I bet you never complained about the $12B Trump gave the farmers? Why is my tax money going to subsidize farmers because of Trump's stupid trade war????????????????????

Why did Trump add $12B to his massive deficits on this?

I know you won't answer this question because the facts are too much for the GOP to handle. Facts are kryptonite to a republican.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?

Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.


You know a Trumpanzee is gasping for air when they part ways with Fox Noise:

"""""President Trump’s steel tariffs alone add an average of $250 to the cost of making a car. Other tariffs affect more than 100 car parts ranging from tires to car batteries, further increasing costs and consumer prices. The billion dollars tariffs will cost GM annually is enough to pay the salaries of 24,000 assembly workers. The layoffs affect about 14,700 workers.""""

Lessons from the GM layoffs: End the tariffs and the subsidies- Fox Business

Real lesson. Don't let Obama and the fucking government take over your company. It will not end well.
GM failed under Bush, as everything failed under Bush and the republicans.

SO you would let GM go out of business and let 180k job lost? Let the iconic auto maker go bankrupt? GM will pay back the loan.

Just wondering Trump had to bailout the farmers with ~$12 Billion because of his stupid tariffs.

DO YOU THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE FARMERS $12B of taxpayer $ because of Trump's stupid trade war?

I bet you never complained about the $12B Trump gave the farmers? Why is my tax money going to subsidize farmers because of Trump's stupid trade war????????????????????

Why did Trump add $12B to his massive deficits on this?

I know you won't answer this question because the facts are too much for the GOP to handle. Facts are kryptonite to a republican.

Do you have family or know anyone who actually works for GM, or has worked for them in the last 20 years. If the answer is no, STFU. The union and incompetent GM management is why GM went belly up and instead of bailing them out they should have been buried.

As for the rest of your propaganda, just FOAD.

Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?

Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.


You know a Trumpanzee is gasping for air when they part ways with Fox Noise:

"""""President Trump’s steel tariffs alone add an average of $250 to the cost of making a car. Other tariffs affect more than 100 car parts ranging from tires to car batteries, further increasing costs and consumer prices. The billion dollars tariffs will cost GM annually is enough to pay the salaries of 24,000 assembly workers. The layoffs affect about 14,700 workers.""""

Lessons from the GM layoffs: End the tariffs and the subsidies- Fox Business

Real lesson. Don't let Obama and the fucking government take over your company. It will not end well.
GM failed under Bush, as everything failed under Bush and the republicans.

SO you would let GM go out of business and let 180k job lost? Let the iconic auto maker go bankrupt? GM will pay back the loan.

Just wondering Trump had to bailout the farmers with ~$12 Billion because of his stupid tariffs.

DO YOU THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE FARMERS $12B of taxpayer $ because of Trump's stupid trade war?

I bet you never complained about the $12B Trump gave the farmers? Why is my tax money going to subsidize farmers because of Trump's stupid trade war????????????????????

Why did Trump add $12B to his massive deficits on this?

I know you won't answer this question because the facts are too much for the GOP to handle. Facts are kryptonite to a republican.
So! Are tariffs good or bad?
Does anyone else here get tired of lying little bitches?

BMW is coming to America to build another plant in North Carolina.

Apple is coming back to America to build the IPHONE here.

GM is arguably the shittiest and sneakiest company in America.

In my state Sherrod Brown and Tim Ryan came out against The NAFTA RENEGOTIATION part of which gave incentives to US companies to stay here,. Ryan and Sherrod Brown also came out publicly against legislation that is coming to Congress which offered more incentives to US manufacturing to keep their companies here plus some punitive measures against companies that moved their jobs out of the country.

Why in THE FUCK would BROWN and RYAN be against keeping US Manufacturers in THE US?


GM built plants in Mexico and China during The Obama administration because of The Obama Administration's Hostile Approach against US Manufacturing.

GM waited until after The Midterms to see if The Democrats took The House back so puppet traitors and sell outs like Tim Ryan would oppose and block legislation which was designed to keep US companies in The US.

As soon as the midterms were over, GM made their announcement to shut down 5 plants and flee to their newly built plants in China and Mexico and sacks of shit like Tim Ryan and Sherrod Brown acted surprised about it.
They weren't surprised by the large donations GM gave them though.. They love that shit!

Ryan and Sherrod Brown stabbed the people of The Mahoning Valley in the back and gladly took GM's money while doing it. GM, Ryan and Sherrod Brown gave a collective FUCK YOU to The People of Ohio and for good measure flipped off President Trump on their way out, trying to blame him for their mess, while stuffing blood money in their pockets.

Shame on GM. Shame on Brown, Shame on Ryan, and Shame on Obama. All those Tax Payer Dollars Obama gave GM to bail out a mismanaged auto manufacturer were flushed down the toilet as they flee the country to their SLAVE LABOR camps in China and Mexico and throw thousands of people out of work right before Christmas.


Fuck you Sherrod Brown. You are dead to me!

Fuck you Tim Ryan... You are a traitor.

Fuck you OP.... You are a liar.
Last edited:
"Steel Dynamics announced that it will build a brand new 3 million ton steel mill in the Southwest that will create 600 good-paying U.S. JOBS. Steel JOBS are coming back to America, just like I predicted. Congratulations to Steel Dynamics!" - President Trump just now

Big whoop! 600 jobs in steel versus 15,000 jobs in automobile production announced just yesterday, plus numerous small steel dependent manufacturers like 200 jobs near Buffalo when a small manufacturer closed (it was on their evening news), plus other small manufacturing jobs across the land. When Trump first introduced this tariff, it was said that the US would lose 3 jobs in manufacturing for every job created in the steel industry. Looks like that estimate was WAY too low.
GM's decision to stop building cars that nobody wants was not related to tariffs or any Trump policy. Not even tangentially related.

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is really getting the better of you.
IF you think about it, it was The Obama Administration who told GM what to build. They also told GM to get rid of Pontiac which actually had a few good sellers. When Obama was done with GM, they were a much less diverse and more dull cookie cutter auto manufacturer. It resembled a Government Run Corporation like you would see in a Socialist Shithole.

They should have did what Ford did and that was give the Middle Finger to Obama Bin Lying.
Sew ewe liked the big trade deficits?

Fuck ewe, the economy is the "best in history" according to your orange goon.
Gary Cohn, ex-Goldman Sachs chief, quit his job as soon as your goon announced the trade wars.
Or have you forgotten that already?
He quit because he knew Trump's tariffs were going to be a disaster, you silly twit.

Funny, GM said tariffs had nothing to do with their decision. They want to take the company back to bankruptcy by concentrating on electric and self driving cars.


You know a Trumpanzee is gasping for air when they part ways with Fox Noise:

"""""President Trump’s steel tariffs alone add an average of $250 to the cost of making a car. Other tariffs affect more than 100 car parts ranging from tires to car batteries, further increasing costs and consumer prices. The billion dollars tariffs will cost GM annually is enough to pay the salaries of 24,000 assembly workers. The layoffs affect about 14,700 workers.""""

Lessons from the GM layoffs: End the tariffs and the subsidies- Fox Business

Real lesson. Don't let Obama and the fucking government take over your company. It will not end well.
GM failed under Bush, as everything failed under Bush and the republicans.

SO you would let GM go out of business and let 180k job lost? Let the iconic auto maker go bankrupt? GM will pay back the loan.

Just wondering Trump had to bailout the farmers with ~$12 Billion because of his stupid tariffs.

DO YOU THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE FARMERS $12B of taxpayer $ because of Trump's stupid trade war?

I bet you never complained about the $12B Trump gave the farmers? Why is my tax money going to subsidize farmers because of Trump's stupid trade war????????????????????

Why did Trump add $12B to his massive deficits on this?

I know you won't answer this question because the facts are too much for the GOP to handle. Facts are kryptonite to a republican.

You are confused Moon Bat.

GM failed because they didn't produce cars that people wanted to buy at the price the filthy greedy UAW was adding to it.

Poor management, expensive labor cost, poor quality and lack of innovation. Bush didn't have a damn thing to do with it. Go peddle your stupid Moon Bat hate Bush bullshit elsewhere.

The government should have just let them go bankrupt and reorganize and get more efficient on their own. Instead that asshole Obama had a debt to pay to the filthy UAW so he bailed out the fucking company protecting the filthy UAW pensions at the cost to the bond holders, which is what millions of other Americans that had their 401Ks and pensions invested in GM bonds.

Obama wasted the taxpayer's money and the stupid government is still giving the assholes at GM subsidies. Obama subsided inefficiency and that was a stupid thing to do.

Honda, Toyota etc can make profits here in the US producing quality cars that people want to buy at non union plants. Ford fixed their problems themselves without a government bailout.

This crony capitalism by Obama to give free shit to his filthy UAW buddies was a complete failure just like everything else Obama did.

I thought you stupid Moon Bats hated corporations but you confused assholes loved the ones (including banks) that Obama subsidized, didn't you? No wonder Wall Street backed him in 2008 and 2012 and gave tons of money to Crooked Hillary in 2016.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

Reduced profits are bad?
Don't tell the Dems.
Hey, before you righties start throwing your crap on this thread, this report comes from Fox:

Ford CEO: Trump metals tariffs cost company $1B

GM has made the same claim.

Tried to tell you that Trump didn't know what the fuck he was doing when he started the tariff wars, but you wouldn't listen.
Marketwatch called it early:
GM and Ford would suffer a $1 billion profit hit if steel tariffs are enacted, says Goldman

Ford CEO Jim Hackett urged the Trump administration to resolve its trade disputes with China and Europe, noting that import tariffs have cost the Detroit-based company $1 billion profits.

“The metals tariffs took about $1 billion in profit from us – and the irony is we source most of that in the U.S. today anyways,” Hackett said in an interview with Bloomberg. “If it goes on longer, there will be more damage.”

If they claim they get most of their steel from USA anyway, then how does tariffs have any affect on the cost. Anyway I thought liberals didn’t like it if big companies made money anyway.

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